Alas! only thing my role claims for EM is he didn't commit thee murder N1. T'is possible he is still scum, but other scum attempted thee kill last night. EM had no idea he was Jailed, telling me a bit about his role. He isn't investigative role, and he didn't commit thee kill. Therefore, he could still have powers in thee game, but his role isn't investigative, and doesn't receive Night results.
Considering this may be multiple scum game EM isn't exactly cleared(but is less likely to be scum). My role isn't really investigative. I know no details on EM's role. Thar is a small but unlikely possibility, that both scum targeted Ovid. Since I am a Jailor, my role blocks and keeps that person alive(A double Edged cutlass my role, and its main use is to attempt to block scum instead of protecting a townie). However, since both kills were not thar, could mean that Ovid is scum killer, I blocked him, and thee other scum attempted to off Ovid, and I prevented that kill also. I don't see why both scum be target Ovid, let alone one. So I have to think thar is a doc somewhere. If thar is a doc, might of gotten lucky also and saved somebody. Now, thee fact that I'm alive today is puzzling.
I be think Scum be try to kill me since they know I'm a power role. Witch, I was hoping if thar wasn't a doc, at least a watcher be of watched and seen who visited me and be of found Scum if I died. If thar is a watcher, and so happened to watch me, and I had more then one person visit me, this could tell thee story of what happened last night and we could possibly find Scum this way also. This also has more risk to it. As one of thee people visiting me, be of been thee doc and I'd rather not lose thee doc, especially if thee doc saved me. However, thee most likely scenario is I blocked one scum, and scum ether attacked Ovid or doc protected another person.
I'll be holding my vote till Ovid has a chance to defend himself and put his input in now.