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World War I

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Angel I edited that before so that it wouldn't start a conflict.I didn't want any1 to read it.

"After this war we can make a student exchange between the Holy Empire and the USSA, what do you say?"




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Angel I edited that before so that it wouldn't start a conflict.I didn't want any1 to read it.

"After this war we can make a student exchange between the Holy Empire and the USSA, what do you say?"


actually I personally think they might be attacking you because you started the most wars and also had the most land.
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[17:57] <&AwayMia> Trail is awesome.
[02:55] <FinsterBaby[IRON]> REGARDLESS, YOUR ****ING DEMAND IS ****IGN BULL**** (IRON peace talks at its finest :) lol )

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The Spartan Empire attacks territories 2, 5, and 11 of the Nation of Wei.
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For the sake of the mods, I will be posting my attacks in here instead of my thread.

The BEPU Empire attacks the territories numbered 15, 18, and 28 of the Holy Empire of Pakistan.

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My armies move to resume the seiges on Paris and Syracuse and we will now beseige Naples!

tl:dr I attack d3mons 5,9, and 7

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The Progressive Order of Sol launches an offensive in support of its allies against territores 17 and 27 of the Holy Empire of Pakistan, and opens up a new front against territory 9 of the d3mon Horde.

Edited by Deimos27, 21 April 2012 - 03:14 AM.

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We'll attack RoT's #11 and D3mon's #5 and #9.

(Apologies for the lack of RP in this post)

Edited by Friff, 21 April 2012 - 09:14 PM.

:omfgzry3: 76561198017154467.png :omfgzry3:
*This space is for rent*

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The Holy Empire of Pakistan attacks 6 and 7 of SAC and 12 of BPEU Empire.

Territory 6:(28)/(28 + 11 + 14 + 13 + 11 + 15 + 12 + 12 + 14) %= 22 capped at 25% RNG# = 54 Attack Failed.
Territory 7:(28)/(28 + 11 + 14 + 13 + 11 + 15 + 12 + 12 + 14) %= 22 capped at 25% RNG# = 28 Attack Failed.
Territory 12: (28)/(28 + 12 + 11 + 13 + 14 + 11 + 15 + 14) %= 24 Capped at 25% RNG# = 13 Attack successful.

After days of intense discussion in the war room, the UNSC decides to concentrate it's attack on the territories # 17, 27 and 28 under the control of Rayfay!

Territory 17: (11 + 13)/(11 + 13 + 28 + 9 + 11 + 15) %= 28 RNG# = 41 Attack Failed.
Territory 27: (11 + 13)/(11 + 13 + 28 + 9 + 11 + 15) %= 28 RNG# = 61 Attack Failed.
Territory 28: (11 + 12)/(11 + 12 + 28 + 9 + 11 + 15) %= 27 RNG# = 69 Attack Failed.

The Republic of Pingoo sends her penguin whales
to territories 6, 7 and 8 of The Holy Empire of Pakistan.

Territory 7: (12)/ (12 + 28 + 9 + 11 + 15) %= 16 Capped at 25% RNG# = 62 Attack Failed. (Need to win this territory to attack the two others)
Territory 7 Reattack: (12)/ (12 + 28 + 9 + 11 + 15) %= 16 Capped at 25% RNG# = 7 Attack Successful.
Territory 8: (12)/ (12 + 28 + 9 + 11 + 15) %= 16 Capped at 25% RNG# = 3 Attack successful.

1,2,3 of the Empire of Pakistan.

Territory 1: (15)/(15 + 28 + 9 + 11 + 15) %= 19 Capped at 25% RNG# = 11 Attack successful.
Territory 2: (15)/(15 + 28 + 9 + 11 + 15) %= 19 Capped at 25% RNG# = 76 Attack Failed.
Territory 3: (15)/(15 + 28 + 9 + 11 + 15) %= 19 Capped at 25% RNG# = 10 Attack Successful.

I change my attacks to territories 2 and 3 of Emmanuel and territory 9 of D3mon.

Territory 2: (14 + 12)/(14 + 12 + 15 + 28 + 9 + 11) %= 29 RNG# = 26 Attack Successful.
Territory 3: (14)/(14 + 15 + 28 + 9 + 11) %= 18 RNG# = Capped at 25% RNG# = 50 Attack Failed.
Territory 9: (14 + 14 + 13 + 11)/(14 + 14 + 13 + 11 + 9 + 11 + 28 + 15) %= 45 RNG# = 60 Attack Failed.

I attack Angel's #1 and #5 and Friff's #1.

Territory 1: (11)/(11 + 14 + 11 + 14 + 15 + 11 + 13 + 12 + 12 + 11) %= 9 Capped at 25% RNG# = 92Attack Failed
Territory 5: (11 + 9)/(11 + 9 + 14 + 11 + 14 + 15 + 11 + 13 + 12 + 12 + 11) %= 15 Capped at 25% RNG# = 44 Attack Failed.
Territory 1: (11)/(11 + 11 + 14 + 11 + 14 + 15 + 11) %= 13 Capped at 25% RNG# = 96Attack Failed.

I attack Angel's 13,14 and 5

Territory 13: (9)/(9 + 14 + 11 + 11 + 14 + 13 + 15 + 11 + 12 + 12) %= 7 Capped at 25% RNG# = 83Attack Failed.
Territory 14: (9)/(9 + 14 + 11 + 11 + 14 + 13 + 15 + 11 + 12 + 12) %= 7 Capped at 25% RNG# = 15 Attack Successful.

The Spartan Empire attacks territories 2, 5, and 11 of the Nation of Wei.

Territory 5: (12)/(12 + 15 + 28 + 9 + 11) %= 16 Capped at 25% RNG# = 6 Attack Successful.
Territory 11: (12)/(12 + 15 + 28 + 9 + 11) %= 16 Capped at 25% RNG# = 75 Attack Failed.

The BEPU Empire attacks the territories numbered 15, 18, and 28 of the Holy Empire of Pakistan.

Territory 15: (12)/(12 + 15 + 28 + 9 + 11) %= 16 Capped at 25% RNG# = 79 Attack Failed.
Territory 18: (12)/(12 + 15 + 28 + 9 + 11) %= 16 Capped at 25% RNG# = 80 Attack Failed.

tl:dr I attack d3mons 5,9, and 7

Territory 5: (14 + 11)/(14 + 11 + 9 + 11 + 29 + 15) %= 28 RNG# = 5 Attack Successful.
Territory 7: (14)/(14 + 9 + 11 + 29 + 15) %= 28 RNG# = 18 RNG# =35 Attack Failed.

The Progressive Order of Sol launches an offensive in support of its allies against territores 17 and 27 of the Holy Empire of Pakistan, and opens up a new front against territory 9 of the d3mon Horde.

All are support attacks.

We'll attack RoT's #11 and D3mon's #5 and #9.

Territory 11: (11)/(11 + 11 + 9 + 28 + 15) %= 15 Capped at 25% RNG# = 95 Attack Failed.

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Edited by Angel Cruz dela Sant, 21 April 2012 - 11:27 PM.

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View PostAenir, on 20 April 2012 - 10:49 PM, said:
The BEPU Empire attacks the territories numbered 15, 18, and 28 of the Holy Empire of Pakistan.

Territory 15: (12)/(12 + 15 + 28 + 9 + 11) %= 16 Capped at 25% RNG# = 79 Attack Failed.
Territory 18: (12)/(12 + 15 + 28 + 9 + 11) %= 16 Capped at 25% RNG# = 80 Attack Failed.

Why wasn't my attack on 28 calculated?

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The Holy Empire of Pakistan attacks 13,5 and 11(or any other 3) of The Angelic Empire.



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Why wasn't my attack on 28 calculated?

Because it counts as a support against that territory since someone else was attacking it first.

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The South American Commonwealth will focus all his 3 attacks onto the "1" territory of the Holy Empie of Pakistan.

(Short of time atm, no dramatic writing of current events :< )

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"If you know the enemy and know yourself,
you need not fear the result of a hundred battles"

Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Former Councilor - Bored Artist - Ze Big Brother of Angel

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Our penguin army continues to attack territories 5, 6 and 9 of The Holy Empire of Pakistan
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Mafia fail statistics: 13 Wins (11T/1M/1O), 7 Loses (6T/1O), 4 Draws/Abandoned
Code Geass Mafia is currently looking for players. Come play with us!

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Blade 619

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2,4,17 of the Empire of Pakistan.



* * * * *

Blade 619 you have been baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!



  I will remember this, Blade, and I will be forever grateful... oh hell words fail me!  ( @ )( @ )



* * * * *

Revenge is best served cold, tasting of vanilla yoghurt with vanilla and chocolate balls.




Leave it to Blade to step in and say the most completely true post in this thread. You make my day Sir.  

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I attack territories 1, 3 and 11 of Wei

^ correcting my mistake

Edited by Fernando Garcia, 24 April 2012 - 01:23 AM.


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The Spartan Empire attacks territories 6, 7, and 11 of the Nation of Wei.
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I attack Angel's #1 and #5 and Friff's #1.

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Wars Fought

NpO x16
VE x4

Sparta x4
CCC x3
UPN x3
TLR x3

LSF x1

Posted Image10 Nukes Eaten Posted Image

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Xx Karl xX

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I attack the territories # 12, 13 and 15 of the Nation of Wei

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Total Wars Fought:

Rogues: 2, VE: 5, Sparta: 4

Equilibrium War Stats:
Against VE nation #1: Soldiers Lost: 13,283 -- Infra Lost: 311.19 -- Land Lost: 6,072.29 -- NUKES EATEN: 5
Against VE nation #2: Soldiers Lost: 7,530-- Infra Lost: 251.73-- Land Lost: 8,930.64-- NUKES EATEN: 6
Against VE nation #3: Nothin, cuz he's a pansy
Against VE nation #4: Soldiers Lost: 2,706 -- Infra Lost: 65.06 -- Land Lost: 2,281.09 -- NUKES EATEN: 2

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    Tiny Master of Evil

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I go to attack the territories 9, 7, and 5 of d3mon

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Nuked 5 times, hoping for more!

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[OOC] Deimos has left right remove him from map plz and thank you and who's the purple country neighboring me. [OOC]



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