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Xbox One vs PS4

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Rand0m her0

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Yea no, being told where you need to go is east when infact it's west? Not good. Random and arbitrary difficulty spikes(Oh hey look random highway bandit, sneak sneak sneak *backstab*  bandits health bar moves two pixels and you get one shotted... Plus the entirely identical enemies of stupid difficulty changes, Orc A  looks exactly like Orc B but oOrc B has 4 times the health for no good reason ) with nothing approaching an advancement curve?  Not good. That dumb fuck hyperlink wiki convo system where everyone spouts the same thing at you? Not good. That clusterfuck of a journal? Soooo not good. 


None of that is difficulty, it's poor game design and terrible and arbitrary level checks.  


The lack of directions in morrowind doesn't seem bad now because you know where shit is and the rose covered glasses do their thing. I lost actual hours I could have been having fun following shitty directions. Remember that lady who wants you to hunt down mudcrabs? THAT was fun wasn't it. Yea the quest marker isn't all that realistic but so is the lack of anatomical correctness for the horses and I can happily deal with both of those breaks in reality in lieu of the other options. 


And TES being TES, there are mods available to fix that for you. Yes that includes a mod to make horses anatomically correct and If you're stupid enough to fact check me on that, brain beach is beneath the sink over thataway. >_>



Also the books and journals? Skyrim has something in the neighbourhood of a thousand of them giving you everything from lore, to stuff detailing previous games, to stuff about major characters, to pure fluff about minor ones (The letter you can pickpocket off Jon Battle-Born is a favorite of mine)

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But some data-mining camera that can detect your pulse and monitor everything you do, hooked to the NSA? They may have rebranded it Xbox One-Eighty now but that doesn't mean they'll slide it in with 'UI updates' down the line.

Its safe to assume that anything you do online in the U.S. is being recorded by the NSA. Unless you connect to an encrypted VPN (preferably one overseas), then everything you do is being monitored and logged. I've always known this king of stuff was happening, but even after the news break I don't think people truly understand that everything you do over a phone or online is being recorded in some way.


Just take a look at the Government Facility capable of storing 5 Zettabytes. What do you think that will be used to house?



It's safe to assume that anything you do anywhere is being recorded by the NSA (or some other agency/org).


XB1 became slightly more attractive again, but I don't see them sticking to that promise.

Kicking this much ass makes me warm and fuzzy.
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Yea no, being told where you need to go is east when infact it's west? Not good. Random and arbitrary difficulty spikes(Oh hey look random highway bandit, sneak sneak sneak *backstab*  bandits health bar moves two pixels and you get one shotted... Plus the entirely identical enemies of stupid difficulty changes, Orc A  looks exactly like Orc B but oOrc B has 4 times the health for no good reason ) with nothing approaching an advancement curve?  Not good. That dumb fuck hyperlink wiki convo system where everyone spouts the same thing at you? Not good. That clusterfuck of a journal? Soooo not good. 


None of that is difficulty, it's poor game design and terrible and arbitrary level checks.  


The lack of directions in morrowind doesn't seem bad now because you know where shit is and the rose covered glasses do their thing. I lost actual hours I could have been having fun following shitty directions. Remember that lady who wants you to hunt down mudcrabs? THAT was fun wasn't it. Yea the quest marker isn't all that realistic but so is the lack of anatomical correctness for the horses and I can happily deal with both of those breaks in reality in lieu of the other options.

I remember there was one quest I was doing for a lady, I think it was somewhere outside of Caldera. She wanted me to find a cave/mine using the ever so vague direction of go north east or something like that. I never found it but did spend a couple hours wandering around killing countless creatures which attacked me.


Another thing to mention is some quests that overlap, which I think wasn't supposed to happen. You remember the main quest mission Path of the Incarnate? The one where
you must travel to the 3 Houses and have them support you? Well one guy you have to duel in an arena and the other people you basically have to kill them as well. After I beat the main quest I was wondering around and talked to the Grandmaster of the Imperial Legion. He started yelling at me saying he must duel me because of me trying to become the incarnate or nerevarine, nevermind the fact I had already done that a long time ago and this guy wasn't tied to the guest. So I fight him and kill him and go about my way. I eventually join the Imperial Faction and get to the last quest where I must fight the grandmaster if I want to take his place. But since I already had killed him, I could never finish the Imperial Legion.


I looked online and their is a glitch with the GOTY Edition where that will sometimes happen if you are tied to the Redoran House. But nothing about if you've only completed the main quest and never joined a House.


Another thing that would bother me, is you'd find something in a cave, go into town to sell it, and have the merchant confiscate it from you saying you stole it from them.

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Rand0m her0

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Yea no, being told where you need to go is east when infact it's west? Not good. Random and arbitrary difficulty spikes(Oh hey look random highway bandit, sneak sneak sneak *backstab*  bandits health bar moves two pixels and you get one shotted... Plus the entirely identical enemies of stupid difficulty changes, Orc A  looks exactly like Orc B but oOrc B has 4 times the health for no good reason ) with nothing approaching an advancement curve?  Not good. That dumb fuck hyperlink wiki convo system where everyone spouts the same thing at you? Not good. That clusterfuck of a journal? Soooo not good. 


None of that is difficulty, it's poor game design and terrible and arbitrary level checks.  


The lack of directions in morrowind doesn't seem bad now because you know where shit is and the rose covered glasses do their thing. I lost actual hours I could have been having fun following shitty directions. Remember that lady who wants you to hunt down mudcrabs? THAT was fun wasn't it. Yea the quest marker isn't all that realistic but so is the lack of anatomical correctness for the horses and I can happily deal with both of those breaks in reality in lieu of the other options.

I remember there was one quest I was doing for a lady, I think it was somewhere outside of Caldera. She wanted me to find a cave/mine using the ever so vague direction of go north east or something like that. I never found it but did spend a couple hours wandering around killing countless creatures which attacked me.


Another thing to mention is some quests that overlap, which I think wasn't supposed to happen. You remember the main quest mission Path of the Incarnate? The one where
you must travel to the 3 Houses and have them support you? Well one guy you have to duel in an arena and the other people you basically have to kill them as well. After I beat the main quest I was wondering around and talked to the Grandmaster of the Imperial Legion. He started yelling at me saying he must duel me because of me trying to become the incarnate or nerevarine, nevermind the fact I had already done that a long time ago and this guy wasn't tied to the guest. So I fight him and kill him and go about my way. I eventually join the Imperial Faction and get to the last quest where I must fight the grandmaster if I want to take his place. But since I already had killed him, I could never finish the Imperial Legion.


I looked online and their is a glitch with the GOTY Edition where that will sometimes happen if you are tied to the Redoran House. But nothing about if you've only completed the main quest and never joined a House.


Another thing that would bother me, is you'd find something in a cave, go into town to sell it, and have the merchant confiscate it from you saying you stole it from them.




Best example of hilarious quest shens is if you do the main quest after being the Patriarch of the temple. Declare yourself the Nerevarine and you start getting attacked by the temple because of heresy, despite being the boss of the place and never being expelled. So apparently you, as the ultimate power in the temple get called a heretic despite being the one who gets to define that, get attacked by the temple guards who are there to serve the temple (and by extension yourself as the head of the place...) and are never removed from that post. Yea.....


Oh, then you then need vivec's blessing, so you need to sneak (or kill) your way into your temple where you get the cooperation of your predecessor because being the Archcanon doesn't have a key to the Palace of Vivec (even though the old one did), who despite being retired  is located in the Archcanon's office (which is to say your office) which you need to break into because you also don't have a key to it, whereupon your predecessor gives you the key to your own office....

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Yea no, being told where you need to go is east when infact it's west? Not good. Random and arbitrary difficulty spikes(Oh hey look random highway bandit, sneak sneak sneak *backstab*  bandits health bar moves two pixels and you get one shotted... Plus the entirely identical enemies of stupid difficulty changes, Orc A  looks exactly like Orc B but oOrc B has 4 times the health for no good reason ) with nothing approaching an advancement curve?  Not good. That dumb fuck hyperlink wiki convo system where everyone spouts the same thing at you? Not good. That clusterfuck of a journal? Soooo not good. 


None of that is difficulty, it's poor game design and terrible and arbitrary level checks.  


The lack of directions in morrowind doesn't seem bad now because you know where shit is and the rose covered glasses do their thing. I lost actual hours I could have been having fun following shitty directions. Remember that lady who wants you to hunt down mudcrabs? THAT was fun wasn't it. Yea the quest marker isn't all that realistic but so is the lack of anatomical correctness for the horses and I can happily deal with both of those breaks in reality in lieu of the other options.

I remember there was one quest I was doing for a lady, I think it was somewhere outside of Caldera. She wanted me to find a cave/mine using the ever so vague direction of go north east or something like that. I never found it but did spend a couple hours wandering around killing countless creatures which attacked me.


Another thing to mention is some quests that overlap, which I think wasn't supposed to happen. You remember the main quest mission Path of the Incarnate? The one where
you must travel to the 3 Houses and have them support you? Well one guy you have to duel in an arena and the other people you basically have to kill them as well. After I beat the main quest I was wondering around and talked to the Grandmaster of the Imperial Legion. He started yelling at me saying he must duel me because of me trying to become the incarnate or nerevarine, nevermind the fact I had already done that a long time ago and this guy wasn't tied to the guest. So I fight him and kill him and go about my way. I eventually join the Imperial Faction and get to the last quest where I must fight the grandmaster if I want to take his place. But since I already had killed him, I could never finish the Imperial Legion.


I looked online and their is a glitch with the GOTY Edition where that will sometimes happen if you are tied to the Redoran House. But nothing about if you've only completed the main quest and never joined a House.


Another thing that would bother me, is you'd find something in a cave, go into town to sell it, and have the merchant confiscate it from you saying you stole it from them.




Best example of hilarious quest shens is if you do the main quest after being the Patriarch of the temple. Declare yourself the Nerevarine and you start getting attacked by the temple because of heresy, despite being the boss of the place and never being expelled. So apparently you, as the ultimate power in the temple get called a heretic despite being the one who gets to define that, get attacked by the temple guards who are there to serve the temple (and by extension yourself as the head of the place...) and are never removed from that post. Yea.....


Oh, then you then need vivec's blessing, so you need to sneak (or kill) your way into your temple where you get the cooperation of your predecessor because being the Archcanon doesn't have a key to the Palace of Vivec (even though the old one did), who despite being retired  is located in the Archcanon's office (which is to say your office) which you need to break into because you also don't have a key to it, whereupon your predecessor gives you the key to your own office....


I had forgotten how buggy some of the quests could be. At least sometimes the stuff that would happen would be downright hilarious. One time I was watching my friend play and he wanted to kill a guard. So he snuck up behind the guard, rased his Battleaxe and the moment before he was about to strike, the guard spins around, staring at him, and says, "I think you're up to something devious". It was also comical when a bunch of NPCs standing next to eachother would say the same exact sentence all at once, making it sound really weird.

The idea of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the enemy die for his.


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I never played Morrowind, but I had a lot of hours in Oblivion, but there was a specific quest that I did at least 4 times and it never went off normally.  The quest was one of the initiation to the Mage's Guild.  You have to go around to all the different cities and do a quest to get a recommendation.  In the city of Anvil, the quest was to help stop a bandit waylaying traveling merchants.  In the quest you pose as a merchant and go to an inn and then walk down the road until you get attacked by the bandit.  This is the part that always got messed up.


The first time I tried the quest, an Oblivion gate opened nearby, so I was never attacked by the bandit because they had been killed by the Daedra.

The second time I tried the quest a random guard came along and killed the bandit for me.

The third time, a person from a completely different different quest I had completed earlier came back and attacked me right at the moment when I was doing this quest.

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I remember that quest, it is kinda wonky even with the unofficial patch and so.

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looks like microsoft is totally back tracking






The tug-of-war between Microsoft and Sony
just got more interesting. Multiple sources inform me Microsoft will
announce what amounts to a complete reversal on its DRM policies for
Xbox One today.

What does this mean?

  • No more always online requirement
  • The console no longer has to check in every 24 hours
  • All game discs will work on Xbox One as they do on Xbox 360
  • An Internet connection is only required when initially setting up the console
  • All downloaded games will function the same when online or offline
  • No additional restrictions on trading games or loaning discs
  • Region locks have been dropped

I have quite a few downloaded games on Xbox 360 and some of them I can't play offline already, so I really doubt that one about "All downloaded games will function the same when online or offline" probably won't be exactly true.

I enjoyed Skyrim just fine on Xbox 360 and I'm pretty sure I would've been plenty happy with the graphics of ESO on X1, but Microsoft really is pushing it with all those extra requirements, costs, etc.. as soon as X1 came out I was like "I'M GETTING THAT SHIT, HELL YEAH!".. I was like screw PS4, who cares? Now I'm really thinking of maybe switching to PS4.. I haven't had a Playstation in like 10 years.. but they might finally win me back.

I would go with PC gaming it is the best obviously but man, I grew up playing the original Mario Brothers, whatever PS4 can produce will be more than enough to satisfy my graphical needs.. and that being so, it's just so much easier to buy a PS4, plug that sucker in and go!




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I enjoyed Skyrim just fine on Xbox 360 and I'm pretty sure I would've been plenty happy with the graphics of ESO on X1, but Microsoft really is pushing it with all those extra requirements, costs, etc.. as soon as X1 came out I was like "I'M GETTING THAT SHIT, HELL YEAH!".. I was like screw PS4, who cares? Now I'm really thinking of maybe switching to PS4.. I haven't had a Playstation in like 10 years.. but they might finally win me back.

I would go with PC gaming it is the best obviously but man, I grew up playing the original Mario Brothers, whatever PS4 can produce will be more than enough to satisfy my graphical needs.. and that being so, it's just so much easier to buy a PS4, plug that sucker in and go!

I have quite a few downloaded games on Xbox 360 and some of thally doubt that one about "All downloaded games will function the same when online or offline" probably won't be exactly true.em I can't play offline already, so I re



PC gaming is always going to be better, I how ever do own a ps3 and will buy a ps4.

It does seem how ever that both companies want to go in a way that doesn't allow pirating and put up a lot of restrictions, I think the only reason Sony hasn't made the first move is is because they know there would be a lot of negative impact regarding that. Maybe the consoles after the ps4.

I do stick to the fact that they can never beat a gaming pc
I'm running a gtx 770  + i5   

and 8gb

When compared to my ps3 graphics the difference is quite significant and I have like a load of games on my pc

Also a demonstration of PC VS PS4: PS4-vs-PC-640x353.jpg

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I got a PS4 at launch and im really happy with it. though their aren't allot of game for it a of now. I haven't had a chance to play the XB1.

Lorikz Kain

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For anyone looking towards the Xbox1 for a multimedia center I can tell you that after having mine for about a month it just recently started causing problems with the TV interface. For whatever reason a couple days ago it decided that it would cause the TV picture to freeze for a second or two about every 30 seconds. Like all things Microsoft I would recommend you wait 6 months to a year before purchase. I don't know why this would be an issue as I was under the impression the xbox really just acted as a pass through for the cable but that's Moneysoft for you, breaking things you thought otherwise unbreakable.


Granted the limited gaming I have done on it (Ryse/BF4/Titanfall) have all run solid so gaming wise I have no complaints which is why I have it anyways. 


Voice commands can be touch and go at times but are nice when they work and motion controls are largely pointless but that doesn't really matter to me as I only ever saw them as fluffy extra shit in addition to the normal controller controls and I have come to like the interface (windows 8 tile type setup) but xbox's interface have honestly always been better than PS so its not really surprising. Although I heard the PS4 interface is much improved comparative to the PS3, haven't tried it myself yet so can't say with any certainty on that.


The auto login feature works well, the camera picks up my face easily and quickly although I don't know how well it works across all skin colors but I have heard it is significantly less racist compared to the 360 kinect.


If you don't pay the 60$ a year for live then many of the features dont work, I would almost go as far as to say its not worth it without live as seemingly 75% of the apps are live dependent.


Overall, can't say I have been dissapointed or happy with it but can say there is no point in having the X1 until more games come out, otherwise it will probably be like mine, a slightly larger cable box siting beneath the TV.

"Sir, we are surrounded!"
"Excellent! That means we can attack in any direction!"

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I'm a really big gamer but with college and a bunch of Xbox 360 games I didn't finish it, I definitely won't be buying any console for at least a year and a half. 

I don't think I'm missing out on much yet to be honest. 

High prices everywhere.

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Lorikz Kain

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I'm a really big gamer but with college and a bunch of Xbox 360 games I didn't finish it, I definitely won't be buying any console for at least a year and a half. 

I don't think I'm missing out on much yet to be honest. 

High prices everywhere.



Ya mine was a gift otherwise I wouldn't have one yet. You really aren't missing out on anything at this point.

"Sir, we are surrounded!"
"Excellent! That means we can attack in any direction!"

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New Consuls will always have some sort of bug when they come out. I own the XB1, and relatively happy with it. Although I only own 2 games for it, they've been good games. I don't much care for installing the games, as when I get a game, I'm used to putting the game in, maybe get an update, and then play, but games are starting to get that way that you'd need to install them to be able to play them, like you'd do for a computer. By say, Julyish this year I think we can look at the pro's and con's better. I do think though, without playing the PS4, they made some major improvements that they desperately needed. I'm sure the games are the same for each consul, so still a matter of preference. The only issues I have with the XB1 are the prices of all the games....lol. I'm a cheep bastard. Lack of selection of games. (Witch should improve over time.) Lack of Turtle beaches that came out for both the new consuls. (Way to drop the ball turtle beaches though I know they are coming out with adapters first witch I'm ok with.) Sometimes lack of info. (When games are suppose to come out, but they are always seem to be delayed when it comes to that. I want them out now!) Slight sever issues but are usually fixed within the hour if that. (Though I heard the PS4 network went entirely down again, I wonder what's the story on that?). The community seems relatively the same. The mics they gave are rather, uhm, poor. At least they decided to give us ones. Shooting themselves in there foot if they didn't. Lack of options that they didn't move from the XB1 from the 360. Ether that or I can't find them. other then that, everything been smooth sailings for the most part. There a still idiots online, but hey, says nowhere you need to be intelligent to put a game disk into the system, and pick of the controller, though wish it was required. Or people to follow the ESRB rating system. (If the game is M for mature, I don't want to see little kids on it, and there should be a report button on it both consuls for that really.)

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Now that some have had the consoles for a few months, what have been the main issues with each console relating to not working and what games coming out are worth it to be upgrading to the new consoles?

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Richard VII

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Haha. 'Fraid I don't have much to add to the discussion since the most advanced system I've got is an SNES. :P

Commander Shepard

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Now that some have had the consoles for a few months, what have been the main issues with each console relating to not working and what games coming out are worth it to be upgrading to the new consoles?


That what I was wondering too and why it is good to wait.

Which console performs better? and the problem with each respective console?

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Now that some have had the consoles for a few months, what have been the main issues with each console relating to not working and what games coming out are worth it to be upgrading to the new consoles?


That what I was wondering too and why it is good to wait.

Which console performs better? and the problem with each respective console?




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