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The Walking Dead

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Sister Midnight

Sister Midnight

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Well Daryl doesn't make sense to me in regards to the last 2 episodes, nor story line.  Why they wouldn't of just shot him in the head instead of the shoulder if they really wanted to dead...i don't see them doing that to have his head bashed in the next episode.  The second to last episode they left it where the cliffhanger was he could be dead (didn't know where he was shot), I don't think they'd make two cliffhangers of him possibly be dying.  The only real reason he's on my list is the fact he's in or is the director of a new show on AMC and I can see him needing the time to focus on that, not Walking Dead.  Plus him not being in the comics really means he plays no real significant role in terms of it, and can be killed off any time with no change in the comics.   I don't think it will be him, but that alone is enough to warrant the possibility.  I do however expect him to be killed off sooner then later.  
But I do think you really have to worry about Glenn.  He dies by Negan in comics (they have followed the comics a lot, more recently, Carl being shot in the eye), and I believe they will stick it on the show.  He just has too many things going against him...dies in comics, Negan knows he is involved with Maggie, big character that has been one of the early characters,  and he is shown only once when Negan is playing eenie minie moe.  I will be shocked if it's not him
...So just looked at video again and wrote down names as they were shown, Glenn was not the only one seen just once.  Eugene,Glenn, and Abraham's original girl (bad with his girls names) were only shown once...so that may narrow it down a bit more.  Abraham's original girl wont be killed, so it leaves Eugene and Glenn.  Now, I like deathmerchant's close eye and seeing the shadow go across rick's face, which would mean if it happened right after that, it would be on his left side, which means I would lean towards Eugene.  But, that being said, he stops saying the Rhyme and they're still showing faces, which means who knows if the shot of Rick and the shadow was the last one before he chose.  What I did pick up on however is there is a RV behind Negan you can see when he's in the center of the group (facing Rick).  When he picks the person and swings, you can't see the RV.  That means, it likely has to be someone on the very ends of either side, that being Glenn on one side, Eugene on the other.  Otherwise, you'd be able to see a part of the RV when it goes to first person view with any of the other characters. 
The voice video I mentioned looks like the sounds could be added...I don't hear the same thing on the original video, so think it's fake.  
I'll see if I can find any other clues

Rosita is Abraham's ex.

Dang! You and Lysistrata are both incredible detectives!

You make good points, except doesn't Negan get off on having his women's husbands under his control? On the other hand Glenn just made his first kill ever, surrounded by pics of Negan's victims. That could be very damning in terms of karma. We also saw him in the shower with Maggie, having a very good time. You don't have a good time and live for long after on TWD. Even worse, the actor who plays him has his contract ending this season. Still, NOOOOO! Not Glenn!

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I have to say this is fun analyzing and breaking it all down. Never did this with a show before, as most shows I've watched rarely offer so many clues in regards to cliffhangers.

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I canceled my cable a few years ago, but I still purchase this show on Amazon video. I buy the whole season up front. Each episode is available 12-14 hours after airing on AMC.

i also go back and watch the first few seasons now and then on Netflix.


I think Glenn, Abraham or Eugene got the bat.


Glenn for obvious reasons.

The only thing that makes me unsure about Abraham is the fact that Robert Kirkman said in an interview awhile back that his biggest regret about the comic books was killing Abraham off (He took the crossbow bolt through the head by Dwight that Denise got in the t.v. show).


Eugene had the big moment of "being a survivor now" (spells possible doom) as well as the sort of farewells to Rick and Abraham. That could all be deliberately done to mislead, which the show always does.

I think it has to be a big character, which should leave out Eugene.

A lot of people online say it has to be Glenn or Abraham, or possibly Maggie as a wildcard, with anyone else being a let down.


i like the Glenn character as well as the actor, and think there is a lot he could do yet on the show. I still thing he is the one though.

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