Wolfpacks, on 06 Sept 2016 - 21:09, said:
What's your feeling on Guardians of the galaxy joining in Phase 4(or what ever number it isn't), people moaned about the amazing Spiderman but I thought they was both good stand alone films, much better then the first 3, my big question is will they be incorporating Xmen in to the new marvel phases
X-Men is still owned by Fox, however, after their not-so-good movie theatre reviews from the recent xmen and even Fantastic four, we may (hopefully) get both of those titles underneath the MCU. Wolverine is kind of a big deal when it comes to not only the X-Men, but the Avengers as well. Fox has some amazing villains under contract because of Fantastic four (and Infinity Wars is suppose to have a decent amount of villains, not just Thanos.) It would be nice to have those switch towards the MCU, but doubtful it'll happen in time to include them into Infinity wars.
As for the Guardians of the Galaxy jumping into Phase 4, it will be interesting to see if the directors can pull off so many big names on one screen. Civil War did a great job, but they did not include Thor and Hulk. Two big names that might've upset the balance. Drax the Destroyer (Dave Bautista) and Star-Lord are two huge characters on that side of the comic book spectrum. Beyond that, I believe we'll be seeing Nova come into play in the next few movies. Once Thanos gets into play, if the directors are serious about keeping his comic book strength, they're going to have to fit every big name they can on the screen. Again, I'm really excited to see Thanos on the screen, because he definitely is a character that the larger world deserves to know (not just comic readers and the few others who know of Thanos).
What are your guys opinions on how the directors are moving towards a different line of powers? They mentioned Ego coming into play. Beyond that Doctor Strange is the first movie that will show actual magic with no scientific backing, excluding Asgardians (MCU-wise) coming into play. That's definitely a game-changer. Marvel is definitely taking their time which I love. Rushing a storyline gets you the mess that is DC movies right now. I love DC comics, even their animation and video games beat marvel, but Marvel definitely takes it movie wise.