Best Star Wars by far is The Empire Strikes Back. Rogue One was phenomenal but I felt Rogue One would not have been nearly as good without modern CGI. Still had an awesome story, but it would have suffered had it been filmed back in the late 70s-early 80s. The end battle itself would have to be changed significantly and its scope dialed down.
Worst Star Wars movie? Anyone who says the Phantom Menace has clearly never seen The Star Wars Holiday Special. That movie earns the spot of being the 3rd worst movie I have ever watched. The only semi cool thing about the Holiday Special, was the music video by Jefferson Starship, and that didnt even have anything to do with Star Wars! The included Boba Fett cartoon was kind of neat but the picture quality wasn't good. To give you an idea how bad the Holiday Special is, is that it only aired on TV once, after a New Hope was released, and then it never saw the light of day again. The only copies that exist are old VHS recordings.
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Star Wars: The Last Jedi Trailer 2
Started By
, Oct 10 2017 02:29 AM
Posted 27 November 2017 - 03:28 AM

The idea of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the enemy die for his.
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Posted 27 November 2017 - 10:52 AM

Best Star Wars? Easily Empire Strikes Back. That's the gold standard any of the rest are held to. I agree with Lys on Rogue One: I was pleasantly surprised with how that movie turned out and the storyline involved. It was very well done, giving more credence that Star Wars succeeds when George Lucas isn't anywhere near it.
Worst? IMO its Attack of the Clones by a whisker over Phantom Menace. Both are terrible movies, but Clones is slightly more terrible.
Worst? IMO its Attack of the Clones by a whisker over Phantom Menace. Both are terrible movies, but Clones is slightly more terrible.
Finster Baby
Acme States
Proud to be the 5th IRON President.
Happily Retired. Here we go again...
IRON Minister of Defence. That means I get to play with the big guns!
Acme States
Proud to be the 5th IRON President.
IRON Minister of Defence. That means I get to play with the big guns!

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