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Lord MK

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The Great Leap Forward did turn China into an industrial powerhouse.

China is an industrial powerhouse because they are a Communist country that has a billion slaves and are permitted to participate within our free market. China steals our property, research, and manufacturing... and sells it back to us. This will end. Trump will destroy China before he is finished as President. He has already started taking them apart.

How has he started taking them apart?
I don't think that America will ever be ready for a second Cold War.
Don't get me wrong, i hate China as much as i hate DC.
But Trump alone can't do much, Europe should jump in too.
And America needs to recognize that it's a superpower and counter the bogus aid flowing into Africa, especially along the suez canal coast.
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How has he started taking them apart?

Tariffs is how he started. They will attempt to manipulate their currency to make up for the loss. Trump is way ahead of them on this. China uses North Korea as a gigantic money laundering operation, and as soon as Trump blows the lid off of that, China will be thrown out of operating within the WTO. China loses using the US dollar as the world reserve currency, and then they are once again a third world country. This can happen anytime Trump wants to pull the trigger. No previous President has had the spine to do it. Trump will do it.

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to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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Lord MK

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Will the Republican support it?
Will the Democrats?
I know that the president is powerful in your country, but there's still some places where he needs support.

How's Trump going to blow the lid off North Korea?
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Will the Republican support it?
Will the Democrats?
I know that the president is powerful in your country, but there's still some places where he needs support.

How's Trump going to blow the lid off North Korea?

Those that are making money off China are not too happy with the tariffs, but most everyone knows and understands that China are bad actors on trade, and something has to be done about it. It's really one of the very few issues Republicans and Democrats share common ground. Trump tends to hit very hard, and with deliberate force... makes some of us nervous, but his results have been nothing short of amazing. He has recently crushed NAFTA and created new agreements with Canada and Mexico, so it's not realistic to believe the fake news that he doesn't know what he's doing.


The tariffs are a warning shot to China, to change their ways or things will go very bad for them. You may have noticed that Trump and Little Kimmy are pretty good friends now, and China is really nervous about that. Everyone knows that China is using North Korea to do their dirty work... it's no secret. All the evidence is in North Korea and no one can get in there. If Kim decides to work with Trump against China, they are toast... and even the threat of that happening can turn the screws enough to get the job done.


The fake news media has been trying to make people believe Trump is a really bad President. I can't keep up with it all. One week he's a traitor, then he's a Nazi, then he's mentally ill or incompetent... and time and time again, over and over, he does something no one else has ever done. This week he got the Pastor held in Turkey released... I think that's his 17th American Citizen held by a foreign power that he has personally obtained their release without paying ransom for it. He knows how to use his power to get things done. I haven't seen it since Reagan, but Trump is better at it than Reagan was. He's brilliant, and the best, hardest working President, I have ever seen... and I remember seeing JFK's funeral on the black and white TV, so I've seen many.

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Lord MK

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Why's the American media against the president?
There must be a reason for it.
I find that part of the narrative interesting and funny.
Like, literally the only thing i get from any American media is Trump is the next Hitler. And this is across the board. You would expect one media house to be pro-Trump.
What's wrong with your media?

And is it true what they(media) say, that more than 50% of Americans have lost faith in him. Cause, i don't know what to trust anymore.
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Why's the American media against the president?

Good morning. I just woke up and grabbed my first cup of Starbucks French Roast. I normally would not attempt to write this soon, but I feel that your questions are so on point, and important, that I can't ignore them. It's very hard for me to answer such questions because I'm not a Progressive, therefore I don't think like one, and I never get straight answers from them myself... just evasive hate, so I am left with figuring it out for myself.


Progressives have taken control of the Democrat party. Progressives believe that the Federal Government has a responsibility to govern every aspect of the life of an American Citizen. From cradle to grave, we should be granted by government decree, and funded by extreme taxation, a guaranteed life. This idea is totally against the US Constitution, which was crafted to protect individual rights and create strong local governments to protect US Citizens from big government.


For about the past hundred years, using baby steps, many of their objectives have taken root in our society. Now it's getting harder to expand their objectives, because the US Constitution gets in their way. They have spent decades attempting to pack the judiciary with judges that make rulings that will cast doubt and confusion on our Constitution... to gain the support of the people to abolish it. In order to expand their plan, they have taken control of a few very important portions of our lives... they are entertainment, education, and the media. Media coverage of President Trump is about 92% negative, and that's because about 92% of media are Progressives. It's not Trump they hate... he's just the current leader, and the one heading up the dismantling of all their hard work. They really hate people like me... the ones who voted for him over their Progressive candidate.


I'll take a break before going after your other questions... I'm actually happy you have asked.

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Lord MK

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So are you insinuating that the Clintons want to tear up your constitution?
If not her, then who's the Progressive candidate?
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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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Lord MK, there is a pro-Trump media corporation (or rather amusement corporation, but lets not go there :D), it just so happens its basically 1,5 (Fox and Sinclair) vs alot of anti-Trump ones. They just don't seem to understand that all "the right" gets shifted into the biggest MSA out there while riling against it, which is just as ironic as it sounds. This against "the left" being shouted down as being one big conspiracy to bring down the US while actually being so diverse they don't even come together for a meaningfull protest.




Nothing is perfect and nothing will work for anyone, hence an as broad as possible consensus founded on mutual understanding and compromise from each side is something that works best.

I agree in theory, but the problem with the "lowest common denominator", is that it's often...well uselessly low.



Always stated I am a conservative in the true meaning of the word, I'd rather dwidle around slowly then break my neck each time the "top huncho" switches and we go on a wild goose chase to "the other side".



The Great Leap Forward did turn China into an industrial powerhouse.

China is an industrial powerhouse because they are a Communist country that has a billion slaves and are permitted to participate within our free market. China steals our property, research, and manufacturing... and sells it back to us. This will end. Trump will destroy China before he is finished as President. He has already started taking them apart.



By letting them make his entire campaign merchandise, it is BRILLIANT!



How has he started taking them apart?

Tariffs is how he started. They will attempt to manipulate their currency to make up for the loss. Trump is way ahead of them on this. China uses North Korea as a gigantic money laundering operation, and as soon as Trump blows the lid off of that, China will be thrown out of operating within the WTO. China loses using the US dollar as the world reserve currency, and then they are once again a third world country. This can happen anytime Trump wants to pull the trigger. No previous President has had the spine to do it. Trump will do it.



NK is a money laundering operation? Who talked you into that fantasy? How could you even try to launder money with a state that HAS NO MONEY. Let me go get flying lessons from penguins...


And now you like the WTO I guess...

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hat may not be a bad option. The Great Leap Forward did turn China into an industrial powerhouse. 
I don't think that's right. It was china opening up under  Deng that eventually turned it into an economic powerhouse. Under Mao's disastrous Great Leap Forward, they produced sub par products, and ignored vital areas of the economy like agriculture and transportation which eventually led to high death tolls when natural disasters struck China.

no offices held rn

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U had no mp no sdi no military wonder actually :lol:
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Sunnny deol ho sunny deol

The differance between IRON and some rag tag alliance is the fact that we will fight with no reguard to our own nations. Putting the greater good of the whole before ourselves. Victory for all or they will have to fight us to the last point of infa in the last IRON nation. Every so often someone(s) will come around and exemplifie this. Living up to the IRON Values. It gives me great pleaser to baptize three of IRON's up and comers.
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So are you insinuating that the Clintons want to tear up your constitution?
If not her, then who's the Progressive candidate?

Sorry my friend... it's a Monday. I first had to take my work in, then I made some bank on 4 card keno, then we won all 3 games bowling on one of three leagues we participate in, then we went out to lunch to our favorite Italian restaurant for my wife's birthday where we got sufficiently sloshed on their brandy infused sangria. This time next week we'll be at the Pahrump Winery where we have a cottage reserved with a view of Mount Charleston, a jetted tub, a 5 star restaurant called "Symphony", and an entire winery to over indulge ourselves with. I don't know much about Pahrump, but I know they have a ton of whorehouses and sell a lot of fireworks that are probably made in China, but I'm sure they have casinos that will be seeing me. We like to have fun.


Well okay... you asked about the Clintons. Bill and Hillary Clinton are two entirely different Democrats. They are married because it assisted both of their career goals.


Bill Clinton is an old school southern Democrat. They are now extinct. Old school southern Democrats gained power by convincing blacks they are a lesser, and dependent, race that needs their help to survive. At the same time they convinced racist southern whites that they would keep the blacks on their newly created plantations, therefore never allowing them to challenge their superior position. Old school southern Democrats were pure politicians... making promises they never intended to keep, forging deals to insure their election, creating numerous avenues to obtain ridiculous wealth, and flexing their political power to stay above the fray. One exception was Jimmy Carter, which is the sole reason he obtained the grand position of complete failure.


Hillary Clinton on the other hand, is a Progressive. They are the dangerous ones because they have an ideology. They believe they know how to spend your money better than you do. They believe they know how to raise your family better than you do. They believe they know how to educate your children better than you do. They believe they know better about what to eat, where we live, how to travel, how to speak to each other, what we cannot do because they decide it's not proper, how we receive our healthcare, and what wars are worth fighting. They will lie, cheat, and steal... whatever it takes to win. The ends justify the means. Winning to Progressives is undermining the US Constitution, erasing our history, destroying the American way of life, and creating a one world government where they are in power, forever. This is a serious problem to most of us, and the reason they want climate change to be the big issue. You can't fight the big invisible monster that everyone believes is there. Inch by inch, Socialism will destroy us all.


The Clinton's are done. Bill is waiting for the next opportunity to stand where ex-presidents stand, and smile. Hillary is trying to find anyone that will pay her to speak. The one to watch out for is Chelsea. The dynasty gene is inside all of these politicians, and it will take root in her. She will believe that because her father was a President, and her mother lost, that she is the divine chosen one to lead the world into Progressive heaven. She will run for Congress, maybe find a district or a state that romanticize for a bygone era, and will crash and burn like the Kennedy's. Time for another break.

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Strange how things happen. I was just talking about going to Puhrump yesterday, and then I see Dennis Hof died. He's a big brothel owner out there, and he's on the November ballot for a legislative seat. This piece was an eyeopener... "He made headlines with Bill Clinton when several of his brothel employees got their picture taken with the former president at a charity event".


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to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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