Thanks for the perspective Blade, it’s much appreciated.
Yeah, I read somwhere that the “good” news is that Covid-19 is fairly compatible with the human body. But what does that mean?
Well, keep in mind two things: Virii CANNOT survive in the open evironment for too long, they need a host simply to exist. Also their reproduction is parasitic, which in optimal circumstances, means they don’t strain their hosts too much and thus remain infectuous for a long time, going around and around in a population.
The flu is a perfect example. The number of carriers rise and drop with the seasons, but there is always a number of people carrying it, because the symptoms are generally mild enough (cough, runny nose, etc) to not prohibit the infected person from spreading it far and wide. In short, mild symptoms, high penetration.
Now, if a virus is incompatible with the human body, that either means it cannot infect human cells, or causes nasty symptoms and a high death ratio (MERS, Ebola, etc). In these severe cases, the virus is unlikely to spread very far, as the hosts come down quickly, and get little chance to infect others. Severe symptoms and low penetration.
As Covid-19 is the former case, it has been theorized that containment is futile, and By the end of the year 50-70% of the world population will have caught it (with most people never realizing it) and it will become part of the usual flu roster that Blade has mentioned