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The Coronavirus

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This is rich... now we're gonna have thousands of bums on permanent disability for another fake syndrome... "Covid Brain".

Neurotherapy used to treat COVID brain (msn.com)


I say we just crank up those shuttered mental institutions and see how much "Covid Brain" we have then.

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fina crisis

What the hell is a "fina crisis"?

"find a crisis"


my keyboards, it hates me.


This is rich... now we're gonna have thousands of bums on permanent disability for another fake syndrome... "Covid Brain".

Neurotherapy used to treat COVID brain (msn.com)


I say we just crank up those shuttered mental institutions and see how much "Covid Brain" we have then.

Well if you don't have an actual working healthcare system for your population, you might end up struggling to *checks quote*, help thousands with a diagnosed ailment.

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You know it's dead when SNL makes fun of it.

COVID Dinner Discussion - SNL - YouTube

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Any and all thought that any ongoing fear of Covid is nothing more than political theatre, just blew up in the face of anyone still wearing a stupid mask. All 48 Republican Senators voted to end the National State of Emergency. All 47 Democrats that bothered to show up for work, voted against ending it. So, the Senate voted to end it, but the crypt keeper in the House, Nancy Pelosi, is sure to crack her whip on her slaves, and make them kill the effort. The "pandemic" is all politics.

BREAKING: US Senate votes to end COVID-19 national state of emergency | The Post Millennial

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Democrats have received their orders from on high. This is a leaked internal memo from Impact Research, a Democrat polling firm, dated February 24, that is telling them to drop their fight on Covid restrictions and declare "victory".


IMPACT-COVID-positioning-strategy-memo.pdf (punchbowl.news)


The highlights:

• Declare the crisis phase of COVID over and push for feeling and acting more normal.

• Recognize that people are “worn out” and feeling real harm from the years-long restrictions and take their side.

• Acknowledge COVID still exists and likely will for a long time.

• Don’t set “COVID zero” as the victory condition.

• Stop talking about restrictions and the unknown future ahead.


It's an interesting read, and it shines a big spotlight on the lies about "following the science" when they really "follow the polling".

Anthony Fauci has not been seen on television since his last tour on the idiot channels, February 17.

Notice I never call him a doctor. I taught all my children as they were growing up to question authority.

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Stop trying to find a crisis to yell about. Be happy you are in a winding down state of affairs (as is evident with former 2 summers).



Notice I never call him a doctor. I taught all my children as they were growing up to question authority.

There is questioning authority, and there is ignoring expert opinion. Credintials can help you with gauging someone's knowledge on matters.

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There is questioning authority, and there is ignoring expert opinion.

Questioning authority can lead to ignoring "expert" opinion.

Fauci actively participated to the cause and has spearheaded the cover up of a pandemic.

They have extorted billions while mandating and lying about how everyone must be vaccinated or everyone will die.

These people are not experts, they are snake oil salesmen. I'm living proof. They should all be in prison.


It's completely obvious what happened here. A bunch of assholes poisoned everyone on the planet and offered to sell them the antidote.

It alarms me just how many incredibly stupid people there are.

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Like you who keeps lapping up that sob story while ignoring the capitalist making billions while prolonging the scare by activly working against it?


yeah, incredible stupid some people are. All that ignorance in following "expert" opinion with no substance except "opinion"...

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All that ignorance in following "expert" opinion with no substance except "opinion"

A whole bunch of opinion. The "experts" opinion didn't pan out, which makes my opinion much stronger.


I didn't alter my life at all during this farce. I never stopped going to restaurants. The stupid Governor closed them. I never wore a mask. I wore a chin blanket when a had to, because of the stupid Governor. I never allowed them to inject their Gene Therapy inside of me, because I knew it could not help me, but it very well could hurt me. I knew there was nothing that could be done to stop Covid. Everyone had to get the virus to gain immunity.


These "experts" prolonged the inevitable, and in the process, destroyed lives and livelihoods. They should be executed.


One of those "experts" that is now apologizing for his previous moronic "opinion"...

Michael P Senger on Twitter: "Dr. Joseph Fraiman: “Personally, I would like to apologize to the three other scientists sitting with me here on Zoom, the proponents of the Great Barrington Declaration…I’m sorry, because I believe now you guys were correct. And you were correct from the beginning.” https://t.co/a7AbdU5zRw" / Twitter

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Yeah, your opinion.


Heck, you take more stock in my flimsy knowledge of EU matters cause I happen to be in it but the moment a doctor in a white coat approaches you, you just have to start about conspiracies and assorted malarky cause they aren't speaking what you want to be hearing.


And you can keep those quotation marks on that "expert", the fellow is a lawyer. offcourse I would catagorize his statements (both past and present) as vague and personal opinion.

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Covid is dead. No one cares anymore. It's no longer important. Ukraine is the shiny object now.


But we will not forget where it came from, who created it, what was done because of it, and who was doing it.

The fun begins January 2023.

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Well the fanfare and glitter is off it, but the people who's actual job it is to monitor it will continue to do so.


Meanwhile, you be salivating revenge...

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Meanwhile, you be salivating revenge...

I wonder why anyone would be okay with what has happened. So willing to accept the story. It's obvious they all got together to get their story straight, and when it started to come apart, they cover it up, dug in, and said, "that's our story and we're sticking with it".


Sorry. Too many lies and too much damage has been done to just ignore it. Fauci will resign this year.

No way does he want to face the wrath that is coming for him.

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You'd be surprised how many people don't mind the other party dying, and it is abhorrent any way it goes.


Then again, seeing an evolving scientific theory is clearly alien to the loony bin theories nobody needs to adjust, cause they just work. Sounds like all those flat earthers and sticking your fingers in your ears going "la la la".

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Yeah, I agree... things are "evolving". Mask up, and don't forget your boosters.

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The next Tic-Tok challenge... punching people still wearing a mask.

Have you considered that you're just a piece of shit? Imagine battering someone just because they've chosen not to potentially infect someone else. It doesn't even have to be covid related, could just be a cold they don't want to spread.

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Have you considered that you're just a piece of shit? Imagine battering someone just because they've chosen not to potentially infect someone else. It doesn't even have to be covid related, could just be a cold they don't want to spread.

Absolutely I have considered it, long ago, long before your pampered angry cowardly little butt was ever spanked.

I came to the conclusion that I am not, and you never learned how to take a joke.

Watch better shows, yours have made you soft.


Mask up, and don't forget those boosters. 

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The next Tic-Tok challenge... punching people still wearing a mask.

Have you considered that you're just a piece of shit? Imagine battering someone just because they've chosen not to potentially infect someone else. It doesn't even have to be covid related, could just be a cold they don't want to spread.


No, Snowflake hasn't.  He doesn't give a fiddler's f**k about anyone but himself.  

He's all about fwee-dum, as long as he agrees with it.

He'll happily think what ever he's been told to think.   Just like the good little fascist he is.

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He doesn't give a fiddler's f**k about anyone but himself.

That's strange. I have a large family, and my wife and I support a 94 year old Air Force Veteran.

They have never expressed this to me.


My daughter is getting married at Mandalay Bay in May. The cost of that will raise the dead.

Since this is a Covid thread, and I like to stay on topic... a short story about that daughter.


About six months ago one night we stopped at a 7-11 convenience store, and she went in to pick something up.

They were changing out the cash register for a shift change, so the line got really stacked up. Had to be 20 people in there.

We were still in the car, but we had a clear view of what was going on. Someone behind the counter told my daughter to mask up.

Big mistake. She said no. They got loud about it, and she got the entire store to rip off their masks and chant, "DAMN THE MAN!"


It was hysterical. I did a good job with that girl.

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You got to love the irony of the party of law & order to go "fuck the system" cause implied losses of freedom they themselfes implied..


up until they find that they can use the system to fuck over others once again, then it is all up for grabs again >_>

Emperor of the Benelux
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