Ignoring the economy guys doing a meta study on 24 studies out of 34 they found "eligible" out of total 18,590 screened, I have following remarks:
They state they can't do an analysis on lockdowns alone, they agree that societal changes and voluntary adjustments equal played a role. For instance they come with the case of strong familial orientated societies, they showed larger mortality then others with less emphasis on family.
They make no case about non-lockdown nations nor do they try to model healthcare impact on nations in a wave without lockdowns.
They average out deaths per year, lockdowns were meant to stop spread and spread out infections, no mentioning of this.
They rightfully note that most if not all lockdowns happended AFTER the majority of the infections already happended, meaning they never got the chance to avert a wave, only lessen its height.
And alot more which undoubtfully falls on deaf mans ears with Lys anyway. Atleast I can be sure that I atleast read the paper itself, doubt Lys went further then the clockbait...
humor is good in life, so?