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The Random Vending Machine

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    Tempered IRON

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Ok, lunch time.

everyone needs to get ready for night time at lunch time so you can prepare for breakfast. The shield agents run on food

So what’s for lunch?

Tacos. Wal-mart truck meat tacos.

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    Theo's Defeat

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  • Souls Baptized:1539600
  • Squadron:Foreign Diplomat
  • Discord ID:brewersalliance

A pube from my co worker Joseph's ballsack



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Posted Image

Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

Nukes Delivered for IRON-31

Nukes Taken for IRON-44

You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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    Tempered IRON

  • NM⎪Inactive
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  • CN Nation ID:615789
  • Souls Baptized:0
  • Squadron:Foxtrot
  • Discord ID:lynnesanity#2762

Your own ballsack severed on a platter.



Posted Image

Ok, lunch time.

everyone needs to get ready for night time at lunch time so you can prepare for breakfast. The shield agents run on food

So what’s for lunch?

Tacos. Wal-mart truck meat tacos.

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    Theo's Defeat

  • Foreign Diplomat
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  • CN Nation ID:602775
  • Souls Baptized:1539600
  • Squadron:Foreign Diplomat
  • Discord ID:brewersalliance

my firstborn child



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Posted Image

Posted Image

Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

Nukes Delivered for IRON-31

Nukes Taken for IRON-44

You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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    Tempered IRON

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  • Squadron:Foxtrot
  • Discord ID:lynnesanity#2762

I like that idea.


The slaughter of your first born child.



Posted Image

Ok, lunch time.

everyone needs to get ready for night time at lunch time so you can prepare for breakfast. The shield agents run on food

So what’s for lunch?

Tacos. Wal-mart truck meat tacos.

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    Cast IRON

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  • Discord ID:Kverst

Sprayable butter



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    Tempered IRON

  • NM⎪Inactive
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  • Squadron:Foxtrot
  • Discord ID:lynnesanity#2762

A new CN wide war.



Posted Image

Ok, lunch time.

everyone needs to get ready for night time at lunch time so you can prepare for breakfast. The shield agents run on food

So what’s for lunch?

Tacos. Wal-mart truck meat tacos.

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    Theo's Defeat

  • Foreign Diplomat
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  • Souls Baptized:1539600
  • Squadron:Foreign Diplomat
  • Discord ID:brewersalliance

a dog's red rocket



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Posted Image

Posted Image

Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

Nukes Delivered for IRON-31

Nukes Taken for IRON-44

You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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    Tempered IRON

  • NM⎪Inactive
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  • Resources:
  • CN Nation ID:615789
  • Souls Baptized:0
  • Squadron:Foxtrot
  • Discord ID:lynnesanity#2762

A dead GRR Martin



Posted Image

Ok, lunch time.

everyone needs to get ready for night time at lunch time so you can prepare for breakfast. The shield agents run on food

So what’s for lunch?

Tacos. Wal-mart truck meat tacos.

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    Tempered IRON

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  • CN Nation ID:603712
  • Souls Baptized:😵
  • Squadron:Foxtrot
  • Discord ID:Ferastically

A sticky note that reads


"Fuck you, Marcus. I'm keeping the house, the car, everything. I don't want to see you for the next 4 years."


The note is slightly burnt from the top left corner. On the back there seems to be a date: 21. July 197X. You can't really make out the last digit.



A new signature is currently under construction.

The previous signature caused multiple visual errors to users with different screen resolutions.

We humbly apologize.

Fermandia Inc.

© 2021


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    Theo's Defeat

  • Foreign Diplomat
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  • Souls Baptized:1539600
  • Squadron:Foreign Diplomat
  • Discord ID:brewersalliance

a fart 



Posted Image
Posted Image

Posted Image

Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

Nukes Delivered for IRON-31

Nukes Taken for IRON-44

You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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    Tempered IRON

  • NM⎪Inactive
  • 2,213 posts
  • Resources:
  • CN Nation ID:603712
  • Souls Baptized:😵
  • Squadron:Foxtrot
  • Discord ID:Ferastically

A polka dot cookie jar that seems to cointain a milk-type substance in it. Smells... familiar.



A new signature is currently under construction.

The previous signature caused multiple visual errors to users with different screen resolutions.

We humbly apologize.

Fermandia Inc.

© 2021


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    Theo's Defeat

  • Foreign Diplomat
  • 17,811 posts
  • Resources:
  • CN Nation ID:602775
  • Souls Baptized:1539600
  • Squadron:Foreign Diplomat
  • Discord ID:brewersalliance

the alien milk luke drinks in the last jedi



Posted Image
Posted Image

Posted Image

Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

Nukes Delivered for IRON-31

Nukes Taken for IRON-44

You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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    Tempered IRON

  • NM⎪Inactive
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  • CN Nation ID:603712
  • Souls Baptized:😵
  • Squadron:Foxtrot
  • Discord ID:Ferastically

A map displaying an area around Twin Lakes, Colorado. There is a big green X on one of the trails. The map is melting in your hands. You're not able to recover any more information until the map completely disappears from your palms.



A new signature is currently under construction.

The previous signature caused multiple visual errors to users with different screen resolutions.

We humbly apologize.

Fermandia Inc.

© 2021


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    Theo's Defeat

  • Foreign Diplomat
  • 17,811 posts
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  • CN Nation ID:602775
  • Souls Baptized:1539600
  • Squadron:Foreign Diplomat
  • Discord ID:brewersalliance




Posted Image
Posted Image

Posted Image

Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

Nukes Delivered for IRON-31

Nukes Taken for IRON-44

You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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    Cast IRON

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  • CN Nation ID:607299
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  • Squadron:Kilo

A dead racoon



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    Theo's Defeat

  • Foreign Diplomat
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  • CN Nation ID:602775
  • Souls Baptized:1539600
  • Squadron:Foreign Diplomat
  • Discord ID:brewersalliance

My shit



Posted Image
Posted Image

Posted Image

Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

Nukes Delivered for IRON-31

Nukes Taken for IRON-44

You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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    Cast IRON

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  • Souls Baptized:555501
  • Squadron:Kilo

20,000 pounds of spoiled shrimp



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    Theo's Defeat

  • Foreign Diplomat
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  • CN Nation ID:602775
  • Souls Baptized:1539600
  • Squadron:Foreign Diplomat
  • Discord ID:brewersalliance




Posted Image
Posted Image

Posted Image

Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

Nukes Delivered for IRON-31

Nukes Taken for IRON-44

You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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    Cast IRON

  • BR|Member
  • 712 posts
  • Resources:
  • CN Nation ID:607299
  • Souls Baptized:555501
  • Squadron:Kilo

A lifetime supply of extra small condoms



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