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The Walking Dead

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Seriously?  No topic has been made yet?   I would of guessed that this would be one of the first shows someone made a forum topic about.  I assume there has to be a good many fans on here for it.


Anyway, the new season just started this past Sunday and it was awesome.  I think it was an awesome start to the new season and hope the action/excitement continues.  My worry is that it was such an eventful first episode that things will die back now and become very boring and slow....back like it was a few seasons ago when they were in the jail and nothing was really happening.


Week 1 spoilers/thoughts below




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Screw spoilers... keep up or GTFO. I didn't realize the second half of this season was starting this week. My DVR is more on top of things than I am, but I loved the opening scene. Daryl is such a bad ass.


Rick can't keep a woman alive long enough to find out if she likes Italian food, and both her kids were doomed from the start. I'll steal a line from Black Sails and say that Carl is either impossible to kill, or long over due. The kid has been shot twice, and escaped certain death, more times than he has changed his underwear. I really don't like his character... he insists on keeping a bad 70's haircut, and has the personality of a parking meter... but I'll keep waiting for his spectacular death scene.


Overall, a solid opener. I'm glad to see they are all together again. Still think Rick and Michonne will have the token inter-racial relationship... they already have the token gay relationship going... TV these days is so predictable.

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Screw spoilers... keep up or GTFO. I didn't realize the second half of this season was starting this week. My DVR is more on top of things than I am, but I loved the opening scene. Daryl is such a bad ass.


Rick can't keep a woman alive long enough to find out if she likes Italian food, and both her kids were doomed from the start. I'll steal a line from Black Sails and say that Carl is either impossible to kill, or long over due. The kid has been shot twice, and escaped certain death, more times than he has changed his underwear. I really don't like his character... he insists on keeping a bad 70's haircut, and has the personality of a parking meter... but I'll keep waiting for his spectacular death scene.


Overall, a solid opener. I'm glad to see they are all together again. Still think Rick and Michonne will have the token inter-racial relationship... they already have the token gay relationship going... TV these days is so predictable.



I hate Carl, I just want to see him die off.  But I don't forsee that for awhile now since he just was shot and looks to be alive (how that is possible after being shot in the face with a doctor who isn't a doctor is beyond me, i guess the being a TV show explains it).  But totally agree, I hate his character and he beyond bores me.  Plus the fact he didn't just kill the one guy after he pulled a gun on him makes me hate him more...i mean the guy just tried to kill you, he's going to again. I just like Rick calling him Coral instead.  


I listened to a radio station this morning where they were ripping on the last episode and saying how bad it was.  Supposedly there was a reddit topic made about why the first episode sucked too, yet I enjoyed it a lot.  

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One of my fav shows too but I havent seen the new season yet so I will probably stay away from this thread. But i read somewhere that Glen is gonna die this season..thats gonna suck, he was just starting to turn cool.

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I catched up! :)


Glenn was dead in E03, I couldn't believe he survived that. :o


mandarijn juice

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That was the worst episode I have ever seen. Here's a game to play... watch that episode, (Feb 21), through again and count how many stupid choices were made. The one that finds the most wins. One week after I talked about the inter-racial relationship coming... it happens... I think The Walking Dead is jumping the shark. Daryl can't even save it.

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That was the worst episode I have ever seen. Here's a game to play... watch that episode, (Feb 21), through again and count how many stupid choices were made. The one that finds the most wins. One week after I talked about the inter-racial relationship coming... it happens... I think The Walking Dead is jumping the shark. Daryl can't even save it.



THANK YOU!  If people thought the first episode of the season was bad (which i believe it was great), last Sunday's episode was horrendous.  Seriously, wtf.  Dumbest fucking episode period.


I knew it was going to be stupid when they found the truck and Rick says, "we'll take a different route back to Alexandria and see who we find."  Like seriously, you just found a truckload of supplies, probably the largest supply found at once, and you risk it to go a different way then the road you just took where you knew you didn't run into any problems?  Why not take the damn truck back the route you came, get it safely back to Alexandria, and then either go back out, or wait and go back out the next day.


Then, you stop at a gas station for no apparent reason, worry about a vending machine when you just had a truckload of food, and wind up getting it stolen.  To then, run miles to catch up with the guy who stole it, steal it again, to then randomly drive through a field (which could of got you stuck), to then realize the guy who had stole the truck earlier was on top.  The bright thing to do there is to get out of the truck, leave it parked near a pond, and worry about catching this guy for no reason, where instead you could of just shot him or left him in the field and drove off.


Beyond a horrible episode and was only good for making Rick and Daryll look like complete dumbasses.  They kept talking about the law of averages working in their favor, well the law of averages don't account for two morons who multiple times lose something good to then get it back, then to only do something dumb to lose it again.  


And why wouldn't you lock the guy you brought back in like a cell, or put someone on watching him that wasn't dead tired.  Let's bring back a guy that stole your truck, caused it to go into the pond, and who Rick already noticed was clean shaved so he obviously wasn't out on his own like he said.  The guy was sketchy, you either leave him out there, or you kill him, or you bring him back to question him and then kill him.  Don't show him where you're.


That was the worst episode I have ever seen. Here's a game to play... watch that episode, (Feb 21), through again and count how many stupid choices were made. The one that finds the most wins. One week after I talked about the inter-racial relationship coming... it happens... I think The Walking Dead is jumping the shark. Daryl can't even save it.




Figured you'd likely be right about that relationship, I mean Rick hasn't gotten laid in how long, so he only had a few people to select from.  

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I just got caught up and I agree the most recent episode was horrible.


One thing that bothers me is how the show is constantly shoehorning in bad character choices and killing characters off in the dumbest ways possible. I understand that people become weary/confused/hungry/etc... and their judgement in a specific moment may become compromised, but these are often blatantly obvious incidents that could have been easily avoided. These character mistakes would be expected in the beginning of show (Seasons 1-2), but after all they have been through since then, with the vast experience gained, they should know what not to do. These are the survivors, the people who were strong and smart enough to make it this far. Yet they throw it all out the window because the writers want something to happen and the characters magically forget everything they have learned to survive and enter stupid mode. It all comes down to bad writing, if you want something to appear logical or believable, then make the characters actually act how they have been presented to us. Don't throw rationality out just to advance the plot. There are much better ways to make an event plausible or more relatable.


The worst one for me was what happened with Beth during the hospital standoff. I started losing interest in the show because of how dumb these incidents were being portrayed. After that I took a break from the show but I eventually got back into it. As much as I enjoy the show, I can't stand smart characters acting dumb to justify a story. We will see what happens with the Wolves group and if the community decides to move elsewhere or stay put.

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I just got caught up and I agree the most recent episode was horrible.


One thing that bothers me is how the show is constantly shoehorning in bad character choices and killing characters off in the dumbest ways possible. I understand that people become weary/confused/hungry/etc... and their judgement in a specific moment may become compromised, but these are often blatantly obvious incidents that could have been easily avoided. These character mistakes would be expected in the beginning of show (Seasons 1-2), but after all they have been through since then, with the vast experience gained, they should know what not to do. These are the survivors, the people who were strong and smart enough to make it this far. Yet they throw it all out the window because the writers want something to happen and the characters magically forget everything they have learned to survive and enter stupid mode. It all comes down to bad writing, if you want something to appear logical or believable, then make the characters actually act how they have been presented to us. Don't throw rationality out just to advance the plot. There are much better ways to make an event plausible or more relatable.


The worst one for me was what happened with Beth during the hospital standoff. I started losing interest in the show because of how dumb these incidents were being portrayed. After that I took a break from the show but I eventually got back into it. As much as I enjoy the show, I can't stand smart characters acting dumb to justify a story. We will see what happens with the Wolves group and if the community decides to move elsewhere or stay put.



Agreed.  I do agree at times the writers kill people off for the dumbest things, and also save characters when realistically should be dead (*Cough* Glenn).  Yea, I didn't like when they killed Beth off as well, it was such a lead up to her surviving there after being taken, them coming to rescue her, then she dies anyway by a bullet....like the story went in some large circle for what turned out to be no apparent reason.  I watch because I do like it a lot of the time, but some choices made by the writers leave me baffled.  


You hit the nail on the head for me.  You would think hardened people who have survived as long as they have would make smarter choices...yet they have stupid brainfarts all the time.  And a lot of the time you see a lot of the things coming, like someone randomly going outside, or a group goes on a scavenger run, well you know they're going to be pinned down by a bunch of walkers and one or two are likely going to die.  I get the need they probably feel to go out and see something different as well as look for food/resources...but they do it at times the dumbest or most illogical ways.

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I just got caught up and I agree the most recent episode was horrible.


One thing that bothers me is how the show is constantly shoehorning in bad character choices and killing characters off in the dumbest ways possible. I understand that people become weary/confused/hungry/etc... and their judgement in a specific moment may become compromised, but these are often blatantly obvious incidents that could have been easily avoided. These character mistakes would be expected in the beginning of show (Seasons 1-2), but after all they have been through since then, with the vast experience gained, they should know what not to do. These are the survivors, the people who were strong and smart enough to make it this far. Yet they throw it all out the window because the writers want something to happen and the characters magically forget everything they have learned to survive and enter stupid mode. It all comes down to bad writing, if you want something to appear logical or believable, then make the characters actually act how they have been presented to us. Don't throw rationality out just to advance the plot. There are much better ways to make an event plausible or more relatable.


The worst one for me was what happened with Beth during the hospital standoff. I started losing interest in the show because of how dumb these incidents were being portrayed. After that I took a break from the show but I eventually got back into it. As much as I enjoy the show, I can't stand smart characters acting dumb to justify a story. We will see what happens with the Wolves group and if the community decides to move elsewhere or stay put.



Agreed.  I do agree at times the writers kill people off for the dumbest things, and also save characters when realistically should be dead (*Cough* Glenn).  Yea, I didn't like when they killed Beth off as well, it was such a lead up to her surviving there after being taken, them coming to rescue her, then she dies anyway by a bullet....like the story went in some large circle for what turned out to be no apparent reason.  I watch because I do like it a lot of the time, but some choices made by the writers leave me baffled.  


You hit the nail on the head for me.  You would think hardened people who have survived as long as they have would make smarter choices...yet they have stupid brainfarts all the time.  And a lot of the time you see a lot of the things coming, like someone randomly going outside, or a group goes on a scavenger run, well you know they're going to be pinned down by a bunch of walkers and one or two are likely going to die.  I get the need they probably feel to go out and see something different as well as look for food/resources...but they do it at times the dumbest or most illogical ways.


When I first saw that episode with Glen and he was about to die, I was actually completely okay with it. I like his character and wanted him to live, but the writers presented it to us in such a plausible way that made sense. It was one of the few instances where a character would die for a realistic reason. But the zombies magically lose interest and he survives. Which contradicts almost everything the show has shown us, zombies don't lose interest, if they want someone they stay there waiting and trying to get them until the end of time.

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Jezus is here!  :ph34r:


Rick always makes a good 1st impression with the people. :P


Let's see what they'll do with the Negan fight now...


mandarijn juice

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Cold blooded :o , but now they seem in trouble again...


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Good episode last night. Got to see some interesting operations planning and execution. But it would've helped if they had radios so they could've avoided what happened at the conclusion.

The idea of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the enemy die for his.


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I saw it coming though.  Once I saw them out away from the rest, i knew they were going to be found and taken.  Now we'll see what happens.

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Cold blooded again and Maggie :o


It seems some have cracked psychologicly...


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Soooo, is he dead? :o


mandarijn juice

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The actor who shot at him claims he isn't.

The idea of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the enemy die for his.


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The actor who shot at him claims he isn't.

I don't know... I think the show is off the rails. "I'm leaving... don't come after me"... "She left... I'm going after her"... "He went after her... We are going after him"... it's like everyone has suddenly become so stupid.

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