For the record, let's go through what happened last night. We know for a fact that nothing visible changed. That means that either:
a. No one was targeted to be killed.
b. The one that was targeted to be killed was protected by the Doctor
c. The Doctor protected the wrong person, but the lightning rod attracted everything to him, getting killed, healed, and neighbored in the process.
I personally go with c, as it is what happened. How do I know that? Because I am the Doctor, as my predecessors have clearly stated. The a scenario is highly unlikely, and it would go in direct contradiction with what EM and myself has stated, not to mention common sense. And b is probably the most likely scenario if I were unaware of what happened last night.
As such, my take on events thus far is:
EM is telling the truth. You, Yates, were targeted for protection, but the lightning rod attracted the killings and the healings.
Me, as the good Doctor, decided to heal and *ahem* reanimate the poor man whose luck attracted both good and evil last night, and is now living comfortably next to me to recuperate.
Now, since my predecessors admitted openly to be the Doctor, I am, of course, a prime target of elimination. Which means that, whether I am lynched through a popular vote or through mauling, my time is short. And who is more eager to cut my time short here than Yates?
For giggles...
@Blaskowicz - what's your character name? And can you give us flavor for how you are a scum neighborizer?
I'm looking for a short work of fiction to read before bed.
I'm glad you're admitting that I am, in fact, a neighborizer
Just get the other half right, and maybe I'll do it!