***drops his cigarette on the floor and rubs it out with his shoe***
Before you mugs decide Kevin would make a decent looking corpse, consider a few more things.
While I was waiting for the count to show his sparkling hide at the shindig, Mr. Yates was quite loose with his yap to me. So while chewing the fat he says to me he's a gum shoe himself, and then indicated he does work from time to time for the coppers. What's more is he says he has an immunity to lead poisoning. More than once, he says, some Bruno has tried to put a few slugs into him and failed. Maybe the man's a loud mouth or maybe he was spinning a yarn. What's itching my noodle is why the palooka would say such a thing. Mr. Yates also does seem to be pretty swift for giving Kevin a Texas funeral. Unexpected from a man on the force.
'Nother thing that's got me a bit curious was something Theo was spitting. Robert had just finished yapping to Kevin about how the man was going about lynching "anti town" all wrong. Then Theo speaks up and says he agrees with the sentiment as nothing else makes sense. Then he adds "as we have a chance to hit mafia, as well". That got may attention. "As well" as what? 'In addition' to what?
"We have a chance to hit the mafia, as well as..."
The Count's killer or killers? (the mafia)
The leprechaun's killer? (some madman/woman)
Some poor sap who says the wrong thing? (anti-town?)
If Robert wants to knock off someone who's acting against the interests of you lot, then the presumption is that the person being knocked of is already considered to be either the leprechaun's killer or the Count's. The "as well" was unnecessary. So why did you say it? Maybe you meant "as well as a 'town' player who is expendable based on how he plays"...
Two more curious chaps are Mr. MutedFaith and Mr. Imran. Neither have weighed in on Kevin. Neither of them have yet to make a serious accusation. Both of them seemed to have clammed up as well (Mr. Faith last talked on page 5, Mr. Ehsan on page 4).
Now to the accused. Mr. Kevin claims he had nothing to do with either the Count's or the mick's untimely departures. I believed him at the time. But now he says he'll make worm food out of anyone who tries anything on him and he's revealed who he really is. Now questions are raised. We know Mr. Kevin is a mortal man. Now that by itself isn't guilt, since there are a significant few of you mugs who are mortal and human. However we know that the so-called Saint has a distinctly anti "monster" history. That would indicate to me that he's in league with Mr. Helsing's gang. But why would he say such a thing? Does Mr. Kevin want to swing? Why would the Count have invited such a man to his joint? Hard to picture those two being chummy.
I've said my piece for now.