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Misfit Game Thread,

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Electric Mango

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It was nothing personal by me either. I believe that a day 1 lynch helps the town and you had the best chances of being lynched.
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I was celebrating because finally some people see it my way.


Let's make it official.


Vote: No-Lynch

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Your way is... not a good way. Though with that said at least we have some discussion going. (something that would definitely not happen if the speed no-lynch went through)


I'm going to vote: Electric Mango since apparently Teufel has three votes already and who knows how much you guys like to bandwagon lol

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Commander Shepard


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Electric Mango (1) (zenonia) (L-6)

Angel Cruz dela Sant (1) (Teufel Hunden) (L-6)

Teufel Hunden (Lyner, Imran) (L-5)





Ovidsidios (5) (Commander Shepard, Electric Mango, KazioCore, Angel, K33PS) (L-2)



(3) No lynch : Kevin, Ovid and Blaskowicz


Not Voting Yet: killgor


Ovid is the current to be lynch leader. He is at L-2. Was at L-1 till killgor unvoted.


Remember, 7 to lynch

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What can we infer from a lynched townie on day one?  Not much as last game proved.


What can we infer from a bunch of night actions?

A Cop can find scum or clear someone.

A Tracker or Watcher can see the scum kill.

As townies, we can look for hints because somebody might know something.

Right now, nobody knows nothin'.


The thing about RVS is that hints pop up now. If you had your way (everybody let's all vote nolynch), we'd be playing by night start, which is an inherent advantage to the scum. (A day cycle is an advantage to town, generally speaking.) 


I am not advocating a random lynch, which is what transpired last game. A hurried lynch is just as bad as a nolynch (slightly worse, probably). We should use our time to deliberate.


Won't the tracker/watcher also pick up other night actions that aren't kills? And it is very likely that scum pulls off their kill at night, so nights are worse for town, unless the setup is massively imbalanced.



I hear reasonable conclusions is grounds for lynching. Speak with care.



Yeah, reasonable conclusions sure, but RVS is definitely not the time to be lynching. It's the random voting stage, not the random lynching stage.

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I think it may be because you immediately said "No Lynch!" as soon as the game started (Honestly I've never played a game where someone was able to feasibly argue a 1st day lynch; and still games have been won in favor of the townsfolk). People could easily interpret this as scum trying to make the town put itself at a disadvantage. Once a few people vote for you, others feel justified in doing it.



It was nothing personal by me either. I believe that a day 1 lynch helps the town and you had the best chances of being lynched. (for reasons most likely stated above)


Yes! Precisely my point, and now as we're on the same page, my retorts were from sheer bafflement. It's one thing if after the 3rd (or 2nd day even) to begin to feel the bitter sting of "fairness" as people decide their own paths. As much as I know how childish this may sound, in truth I felt the entirety of this (incredibly unprecedented) first day was just a tad "unfair". Yeah I might have been the first, but is that really any reason? If I survived till the sixth day, and on that day you vote to lynch me, would you say, "in spite of all the evidence, it was because he posted first"? You might propose that things would be different as the presence of evidence behooves us to act, not the other way around. Because that would be reasonable. If anything I've said is invalid, then please point it out to me, but if later in the game you apply those machinations of inference that have delivered many a game in favor of townsfolk, to deny me that prudence based poor timing seems entirely "unfair".


And this I can say honestly, at least in my vote for no lynch, I did so on the principle of fair reasoning. To give each one their due...




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Actually, I think the last game proves my point.


A bunch of townies lynch another townie on Day 1.  

What information is to be gained?

lol that game was lulzy

scum didn't know who their partners are

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Unvote: Ovidsidios

It's not anymore RVS when people are already voting with reasons


Well you see this is the marvel of those who try and vote on the first day. They reveal their pure irrational capacity by grasping at straws. Was I the only one to vote for no lynching for the credible reason that I will not condemn a potential innocent on baseless intuition? No. But was I the first to do it? Must be guilty, then.
I can already tell that you both will not only be the most vocal of players, but the ones least able to be reasoned with. Only such players, with such bravado, have something to hide. With such wild abandon in your voting, I am (sincerely) wondering why you're being so quick to lynch people?

lol k
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You can however be quite wrong.

you really should stop it


What's wrong with his statement?





You're quick to bandwagon and to unvote

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Electric Mango

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Well if Ovidsidious is scum then killgor and Kaziocore both look a lot more suspicious to me.

Also I would love love love to mod the next game. My rule is that Day 1 everyone must vote no lynch for the day to end. Everyone would wake up Day 2 and and know exactly as much as they did at the start of Day 1. Then they would finally see the light, set aside their old ways and worship me as their Mafia god.
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    Tiny Master of Evil

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OMG, look at how much conversation is happening! Every word anyone posts here is evidence. Every word here reveals more of the story, and a quick no-lynch vote gives us less info because of this. 

But because I want lulz.



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Nuked 5 times, hoping for more!

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It's time



Vote: No-Lynch

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Well if Ovidsidious is scum then killgor and Kaziocore both look a lot more suspicious to me.

Also I would love love love to mod the next game. My rule is that Day 1 everyone must vote no lynch for the day to end. Everyone would wake up Day 2 and and know exactly as much as they did at the start of Day 1. Then they would finally see the light, set aside their old ways and worship me as their Mafia god.


you have my like. and i'll even give you a +1 (should tell you though i don't have a fb and don't know my gmail pw, but yeah...)

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Also I would love love love to mod the next game. My rule is that Day 1 everyone must vote no lynch for the day to end. Everyone would wake up Day 2 and and know exactly as much as they did at the start of Day 1. Then they would finally see the light, set aside their old ways and worship me as their Mafia god.


You already are my Mafia God.

Some thoughts:

  • Anything's fair if you declare it ahead of time.
  • Anyone with a night action would know more than they did on Day 1.

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I see we have still have not came to a stable conclusion whether to lynch or not to lynch and the heated debate about why day 1 lynch is unfair is still going on...and with that said I'll just sit here and remind while I would like to play my offer from earlier still stands of offering myself up for this never ending day to be over and I think it would be cool to be a ghost...just saying. I mean ghost are cool. You should all just ask WWJD (What would Jesus do).

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Commander Shepard

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I made a boring post and cancelled it by accident, tldr; voting != lynching.

K33PS, you're more useful to the town being alive.

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true but I have a feeling unless a shift in votes is made or we all just say no lynch I think we will be stuck in day one like the movie ground hogs day forced to repeat day one.

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We could always pressure someone a bit inactive to get intel, they will eventually give off intel. 

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VOTE:  Blaskowicz

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i want to vote for someone but i can't say i have a plan yet. anyone care to start some sort of a more serious bandwaggon already? :P

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