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Misfit Game Thread,

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Commander Shepard

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You can stick your FOS where the sun doesn't shine then. 

Your "FOS" was wrong 3 major times in a row in the past game, I would even say 4 in a row but luckily the scum helped the town win. 

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Electric Mango

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It's only obvious to me that no lynching will yield us zero information. What kind of information will we have tomorrow if we don't lynch today?
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Actually, I think the last game proves my point.


A bunch of townies lynch another townie on Day 1.  

What information is to be gained?

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Imran Ehsan

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Vote: zenonia


I am in favor of lynching on Day 1 as long as its an inactive. zenonia hasnt posted yet.

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Electric Mango

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Kevin old friend, you're wrong. The voting patterns from that day were useful as well as all the conversation that took place as a result. If we all voted to no lynch Day 2 would be just the same as Day 1.
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Well you see this is the marvel of those who try and vote on the first day. They reveal their pure irrational capacity by grasping at straws. Was I the only one to vote for no lynching for the credible reason that I will not condemn a potential innocent on baseless intuition? No. But was I the first to do it? Must be guilty, then.



I can already tell that you both will not only be the most vocal of players, but the ones least able to be reasoned with. Only such players, with such bravado, have something to hide. With such wild abandon in your voting, I am (sincerely) wondering why you're being so quick to lynch people?


Commander Shepard

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I'm voting to gather intel you know, it's like the same thing I done in every game since I started this Mafia. 

And it's what almost everyone else done too, except maybe kevinh on numerous occasions. 


"I am (sincerely) wondering why you're being so quick to lynch people?"


You're no where near being lynched at the moment.

But I doubt others will be voting you as you're not really a valid lynch target for a Day 1 lynch.

Alternatively I could vote no lynch and do nothing for the next days, seems highly pointless though.

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I'm voting to gather intel you know, it's like the same thing I done in every game since I started this Mafia. 

And it's what almost everyone else done too, except maybe kevinh on numerous occasions. 


"I am (sincerely) wondering why you're being so quick to lynch people?"


You're no where near being lynched at the moment.

But I doubt others will be voting you as you're not really a valid lynch target for a Day 1 lynch.

Alternatively I could vote no lynch and do nothing for the next days, seems highly pointless though.


I know how to count votes, but from what I've gathered, every word has it's own damnable potential. Speak and you're words are bound to lynch you, don't speak and your silence is admission of guilt.


I do love a good witch hunt...




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Lol, everyone is so serious from the very first page.


I say to lynch someone, no lynching now just means we have no info tomorrow and one less towny. If we lynch, we have the strong possibility of lynching a townie, but at least we can have some info.

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So as of right now I see we will not be having a lynch as of yet because we have only 3 lynch votes and 1 willing to lynch anyone and everyone at the time and a nice little debate and whether to lynch or not to lynch. Shepard does have a good point if no lynch is held and no ooops wrong person is said then the game will never progress and be stuck at go with no real move to be decided on. With that said and me being a noob at mafia I would like to pull my no lynch and take up Angel's attitude of just lynching someone for the sake of more evidence to progress the game. It also seems rather odd now that I look at it that someone would try so hard to argue as to why no lynch is better then to lynch a random soul for the sake of the townies, Just my thoughts.



Vote: Ovidsidios



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Electric Mango

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Analyzing voting records is a big part of scum hunting.
When its this obvious...
Vote: Ovidsidios
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Vote: Ovidsidios


i don't like trend setters :P

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There once was a group of misfits,

Who vote for each other with hits.

A townie they'll kill,

They know they will,

And then the info will give them fits!

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    Tiny Master of Evil

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Meh, might as well.



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Teufel Hunden

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Well if we are hell bound to kill someone I will take back my no lynch and Vote: Angel Cruz dela Sant on the basis that he just wants to lynch someone and that sounds psychopathic. 

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[20:38] you are the smartest person ever
[20:38] Smartest in the alliance for sure
[20:38] and odds are even Planet Bob

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    Tiny Master of Evil

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Well if we are hell bound to kill someone I will take back my no lynch and Vote: Angel Cruz dela Sant on the basis that he just wants to lynch someone and that sounds psychopathic. 

I don't specifically want to lynch someone. I recognize that keeping as many townies alive as possible is favourable. However, we also need information. I am not in favor of lynching, I am in favour of collecting information that we can use later down the road, unfortunately, right now the only way of gathering info is lynching someone. Notice that my post was also much less emotional than those before mine.

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So as of right now I see we will not be having a lynch as of yet because we have only 3 lynch votes and 1 willing to lynch anyone and everyone at the time and a nice little debate and whether to lynch or not to lynch. Shepard does have a good point if no lynch is held and no ooops wrong person is said then the game will never progress and be stuck at go with no real move to be decided on. With that said and me being a noob at mafia I would like to pull my no lynch and take up Angel's attitude of just lynching someone for the sake of more evidence to progress the game. It also seems rather odd now that I look at it that someone would try so hard to argue as to why no lynch is better then to lynch a random soul for the sake of the townies, Just my thoughts.



Vote: Ovidsidios




Lol "as a n00b I'd simply like to display this very rational, wordy response as to why I vote for lynching..."


Because it's terribly irrational that someone about to get lynched should try to convince people not to lynch them. But if we're going to get technical, I never argued against lynching me, I simply wondered why would it ever be rational to vote to lynch someone on the first day. Since your reasoning is for information you'll get that information after the first night. Yes, it's an assumed kill, but you all believe it's reasonable to risk two town losses so that you will be aware that you lost two town people.


C'est la vie, and this is the way of the game I suppose. Because it's entirely uncommon that mafioso's would want to lead votes, or that people would actually make their own deliberated responses. "Comparing voting results"...on the first day...we're going places people!




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Vote: zenonia


I am in favor of lynching on Day 1 as long as its an inactive. zenonia hasnt posted yet.


Ok ok I'm here now.


I really do think that RVS is kinda important. What can you infer from a bunch of night actions? Not much. RVS does not mean "Random Lynch" which is sort of what happened last game. Ah well.


Then again, KevinH seems to make this argument every game, sigh.




vote: Teufel Hunden

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Teufel Hunden

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I guess Zenonia just doesn't like me lol voted with no reason given lol

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[20:38] you are the smartest person ever
[20:38] Smartest in the alliance for sure
[20:38] and odds are even Planet Bob

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What can we infer from a lynched townie on day one?  Not much as last game proved.


What can we infer from a bunch of night actions?

A Cop can find scum or clear someone.

A Tracker or Watcher can see the scum kill.

As townies, we can look for hints because somebody might know something.

Right now, nobody knows nothin'.

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