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Poll of the Day: Video Games in Real Life - (5/29/15)

PotD Video Games

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Poll: Poll of the Day: Video Games in Real Life - (5/29/15) (33 member(s) have cast votes)

Which Pokemon would you start with if you were leaving on a real life Pokemon journey?

  1. Bulbasaur (5 votes [15.15%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 15.15%

  2. Squirtle (12 votes [36.36%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 36.36%

  3. Charmander (16 votes [48.48%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 48.48%

In a real life Super Smash Brothers tournament, whose abilities yould you want most?

  1. Link (13 votes [39.39%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 39.39%

  2. Starfox (4 votes [12.12%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 12.12%

  3. Pikachu (14 votes [42.42%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 42.42%

  4. Mario (2 votes [6.06%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 6.06%

In which game would you most want to be the main character?

  1. Final Fantasy VII - Cloud Strife (2 votes [6.06%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 6.06%

  2. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - The Dragonborn (14 votes [42.42%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 42.42%

  3. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - Jack Mitchell (4 votes [12.12%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 12.12%

  4. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - Tommy Vercetti (4 votes [12.12%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 12.12%

  5. Halo - Master Chief (9 votes [27.27%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 27.27%

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Poll of the Day: Video Games in Real Life. Answer all three questions!


For question 3, take into account the "campaign" that you would be a part of as well as the character's abilities.

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I have no idea about the Pokemans. Pokemans weren't a thing until I was into girls. Charmander has the best name.


I am all about Link's cheesy up attacks in Smash Bros. Many a friendship has been lost because of them.


Sadly, GTA is the only game out of those that I have played. I know there are hookers and samurai swords, so it's good enough for me. While I enjoy fantasy and war fiction, I enjoy showers more. It's highly doubtful I would enjoy living through the other campaigns, even if I think Tommy gets tortured at one point.

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I know who Mario is, but I'm not sure about anyone on the roster. I did play the new Grand Theft Auto V, which impressed me immensely. The graphic quality is amazing and the acting is top notch. I couldn't vote because of my lack of knowledge of the characters, though. :P

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Charmander for starter Pokémon cause when you think long-term, Charmander becomes a powerhouse of a Pokémon which can fly.


Pikachu for the Super Smash Brothers Tournament as power over electricity and having high speed and agility have most use for me personally.


Halo - Master Chief due to his luck. He survives what is meant to be the un-survivable through sheer luck most times. Most likely to survive ironically I think compared to other choices, if we gain the abilities, experience and knowledge the characters have.

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bulbasaur, i am a plant guy :D


pikachu, cause its funny to be useless (but the animation with the hammer is hilarious!)


guess I'd take the Elder Scrolls dude, I play 0 RPG's and the like and I believe he has the "easiest" life no? :D

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same as Duderonomy


no idea with Pokemon but liked the name Squirtle,

Mario was a fav of mine growing up

and spent hours playing elder scrolls so that gets my vote

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Can't say much on the first 2 questions, but DOVAKHIIN all the way!



Edited by ccabal86, 29 May 2015 - 10:36 PM.

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Monte Cristo

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Might as well choose charmander, let the beast learn how to fly after it fully evolved to a charizard = free transportation
I don't know why I choose link. XD
Who wouldn't want to be the main character of Skyrim? Also... I didn't pick GTA:VC's Tommy Vercetti because... even though he's one of the top mafias, can use any weapons and had the riches... BUT CANNOT SWIM SHT

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1- Squirtle. A turtle with water cannons is just too cute to pass up.

2- Starfox. Kinda surprised I was the first to pick him. He was my main SSB character. Turn items on very high and let's play on the Starfox map. :D

3- Dragonborn. I did just about everything there is to do in Skyrim. Have a level 60 that is crazy rich.

Master Chief was kind of tempting, with his luck, but I didn't really care to be a 7 foot tall freak of nature. xD




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1, charmander, Duh. 


2. Star Fox, His speed, Combat Knowlege, gun, flamekicks. I'm good to go. 


3. Given the choices, Skyrim. But would of Choose Kingdom Hearts if it was an option. 

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Bulbasaur, he is the best in the long run and the short run. Good against Brock AND Misty so double whammy there and just overall best. Link for this one, Fox Sucks Pikachus weak and Marios just too all around. Cloud, he's got really OP sword and it is like 7 feet long. :P Just some of my video game nerd coming out.
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1st one, Squirtle.... I would bail on the whole adventure thing and lie on the couch while water was squirted into my mouth. Plus he is the cutest. #2 this is a real video game torunment so Links sword shall do you no good, Mario can jump on people but yet there is the option to have the powers of a magical being that fire off electric pulses Duh... 3rd Master Chief because I would have a pretty awesome name.

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In a real life Pokemon journey, why would you pass on the opportunity to have some Bulbasaur tentacles ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Squirtle. I would start my own bottling plant and make millions.


Link. I would end every argument with a bomb.


GTA Vice City. Because cheat codes = godly abilities.

Kicking this much ass makes me warm and fuzzy.
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GTA Vice City. Because cheat codes = godly abilities.

True for other games as well :P

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Spaztik Muffin

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squirtle since i rather cold than hot and bulba is lame


picked one since i dont even smash bros


CoD - always wanted to do that sorta things but it didnt pan out 

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I truely am surprised there aren't more FF fans here :huh:

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