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Poll of the Day: Fame? - (6/3/15)

PotD Fame

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Poll: Poll of the Day: Fame? - (6/3/15) (53 member(s) have cast votes)

In which way would you most want to become famous?

  1. All Star NFL Quarterback (8 votes [15.09%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 15.09%

  2. Actor/Actress (15 votes [28.30%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 28.30%

  3. Musician (9 votes [16.98%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 16.98%

  4. Best Selling Author (21 votes [39.62%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 39.62%

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The Warrior

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Poll of the Day: In which way would you most want to become famous?

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While the others provide more money, author would let me stay relatively anonymous. You don't want too many of the unwashed masses to desire you. Plus, authors tend to have better fans IMO. Less likely to do stupid shit like stalk you or demand you invest in some scheme or another. You do have to deal with the idiots who swear "they came up with the idea first". Because ideas are worthless until you do something valuable with them. Any author worth his salt comes up with more ideas over breakfast than you see in a single novel. He just cherry-picks the best and leaves the rest to rot.

Hippie Warrior


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While the others provide more money, author would let me stay relatively anonymous. You don't want too many of the unwashed masses to desire you. Plus, authors tend to have better fans IMO. Less likely to do stupid shit like stalk you or demand you invest in some scheme or another. You do have to deal with the idiots who swear "they came up with the idea first". Because ideas are worthless until you do something valuable with them. Any author worth his salt comes up with more ideas over breakfast than you see in a single novel. He just cherry-picks the best and leaves the rest to rot.

100%. Plus Football is not half as promising due to lifespan issues.

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don't follow american rugby, can't act or play instruments

so it would have to be an author which is good as i read a lot

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The Warrior

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don't follow american rugby, can't act or play instruments

so it would have to be an author which is good as i read a lot

Doesn't matter mate. These questions all assume that any of the options are realistically possible.

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    IRON Rose

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Out of these, author, but I'd prefer scientist :P

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"Baptized in Fire and Blood"

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While the others provide more money, author would let me stay relatively anonymous.



Out of these, author, but I'd prefer scientist :P


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I forgot to mention that authors have the best working conditions out of the four.


Athlete-constant workouts and injury, work weekends during the season, shorter career, controlled diet


Actor/Actress-must be on set for long stretches of time, sometimes on site at "exotic" locations (aka middle of nowhere), can be physically exhausting, controlled diet


Musician-records at a studio, practices at bandmates' house and tours constantly, performances are physically exhausting and non-negotiable, controlled diet


Author-write at home and tour occasionally, worst part is signings (seriously, try writing anything by hand for two to three hours straight), eat whatever the hell you want

Hippie Warrior


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Third King

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don't follow american rugby, can't act or play instruments

so it would have to be an author which is good as i read a lot


Lol, "American rugby."


Almost picked author, but if I'm going to be famous then it should be for something I enjoy the most. Movies > Books

Kicking this much ass makes me warm and fuzzy.
Third King you have been Baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!

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Spaztik Muffin

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i cant pick one

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Matt Miller

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QB, can't help the draw to the field.

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Fox Fire

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Being famous would be miserable. 

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While the others provide more money, author would let me stay relatively anonymous.


Out of these, author, but I'd prefer scientist :P

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I forgot to mention that authors have the best working conditions out of the four.


Athlete-constant workouts and injury, work weekends during the season, shorter career, controlled diet


Actor/Actress-must be on set for long stretches of time, sometimes on site at "exotic" locations (aka middle of nowhere), can be physically exhausting, controlled diet


Musician-records at a studio, practices at bandmates' house and tours constantly, performances are physically exhausting and non-negotiable, controlled diet


Author-write at home and tour occasionally, worst part is signings (seriously, try writing anything by hand for two to three hours straight), eat whatever the hell you want

Tell that to Edgar Allan Poe, Chris Marlowe, and Ernest Hemingway...They all met horrific demises as authors that were overzealous about their work.

Ernest Hemingway



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All Star QB for sure. Hands down.

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If possible by mikitary achievements



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From those choices NFL QB. I prefer to be an absolute leader of a nation.




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Best-selling author. You become someone whom people learn from and approach for advice. The NFL is little more than a big for-profit money-making machine that works by always dominating American media, so no quarterback. The Actor and the Musician are both reasonable alternatives to the Author.

sffc1, IA Engineer

I may be captain by rank, but I never wanted to be anything else but an engineer. -- Scotty from Star Trek

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Author. More moneyz!

no offices held rn

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U had no mp no sdi no military wonder actually :lol:
Kuch bhi kaho bhai dilar admi ho tussi
Sunnny deol ho sunny deol

The differance between IRON and some rag tag alliance is the fact that we will fight with no reguard to our own nations. Putting the greater good of the whole before ourselves. Victory for all or they will have to fight us to the last point of infa in the last IRON nation. Every so often someone(s) will come around and exemplifie this. Living up to the IRON Values. It gives me great pleaser to baptize three of IRON's up and comers.
Fermion, you have been Baptized in Fire and Blood and Emerged as IRON!

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Man. Having to choose between Actor, Musician or Author...! In the end, I opted for Musician since technically songwriting is a form of writing and performing on stage with an instrument is a form acting.  ^_^

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