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Game of Thrones

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With a sister that looks like Cersei, I don't exactly blame him  :ph34r:

:picard:  :getout:

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I really hope the thing with the hand will be shown in the new season



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Points to note:

1. Drogo flying over the khalasar..and he's become YUGGE. 

2. Night king grabs the stark boy

3. Wun wun breaking down the door, im assuming that's winterfell. 

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Just finished watching Season 5 again on my new Blu-Rays... it's by far the most depressing season of all. Completely hopeless from start to finish. I believe the new season will be full of old wounds, revenge, and much death.


Under normal circumstances, we would be 1 week away from the start of the new season... but due to this mediocre new show called "Vinyl", we are forced to wait until the 24th. I would have expected a better show from Martin Scorsese, Mick Jagger, and the crew from "Sopranos" and "Boardwalk Empire", but at least it has some really good nostalgia and acting... but it's not worth delaying "GoT" for... but that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.

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to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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Just finished watching Season 5 again on my new Blu-Rays... it's by far the most depressing season of all. Completely hopeless from start to finish. I believe the new season will be full of old wounds, revenge, and much death.


Under normal circumstances, we would be 1 week away from the start of the new season... but due to this mediocre new show called "Vinyl", we are forced to wait until the 24th. I would have expected a better show from Martin Scorsese, Mick Jagger, and the crew from "Sopranos" and "Boardwalk Empire", but at least it has some really good nostalgia and acting... but it's not worth delaying "GoT" for... but that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.


They're pushing down Vinyl, because they can. You can air GoT at 3 AM and it'll still make money like Fed's printing machine. 

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so tyrion is the third targaryean? the third dragon rider? 


anyone heard this theory?


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00:48 Fernando[IRON] � I will refer to you as Supreme Overlord Guru Samus

Only I have the baptismal power.

Samus because of your dedicated service to IRON; your high casualty count and aid given your fellow IRONers. I hear by baptize ye in Fire and blood. You rise as IRON!

You may now wear proudly in your Sig "I have been Baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON."

18:28 %FinsterBaby[IRON] • I'm only afraid of Master Samus.
18:28 %FinsterBaby[IRON] • All powerful root admin
18:29 @onbekende • wussie
18:29 %FinsterBaby[IRON] • he can make you disappear. I've seen it


MVP(Mod’s Choice)= Master Samus; I think Master Samus played amazingly for a guy who claims it was his second only mafia game. He never led the town on him and that’s why he deserves this award. He was impressive in manipulating the town that led to the ultimate mafia victory.
Player of Mafia; Master Samus/emudevelopment (shared); I think both were instrumental in the town’s defeat. Both were manipulative and deceptive. They clearly came out as pro-town and looked like de-facto town leaders. They led the lynch wagon w/o anyone uncovering their true motives.

Samus, you should be proud that you've helped make an environment where people feel safe enough to share their experiences.

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Sister Midnight

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so tyrion is the third targaryean? the third dragon rider? 
anyone heard this theory?

The theory I have heard and believe is that Jon Snow was really Ned's nephew, born of Ned's sister and the mad king's (or another Targaryean). Kit says Jon is dead, but we all know death is not necessarily forever in Westeros

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The Supercalifragalisticexpealadocious Award

"This award was custom made for a special person. Its gleam reflects the endearment of the people that she leads. Awarded to the IRON Maiden, Sister Midnight."

[center]~~A partner in Blade's crimes~~[center]Nukes taken for IRON since restarting on 6/10/2016: I stopped counting after 69.

Sister Midnight has been Baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!

The people of Antropomorphica join their leaders in welcoming the discovery of this previously unknown colony of Secor in the wilds of South America. They organised an airdrop of money and soldiers to protect this fledgling state as it undergoes construction (I mean... 1k infra at day 1 guys... come on!).

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Yeah I think that one is pretty much fact at this point.


But there was another theory going around that Tyrion Lannister is actually an offspring of Joanna Lannister & the Mad king - with the mad king raping Joanna on her wedding night


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00:48 Fernando[IRON] � I will refer to you as Supreme Overlord Guru Samus

Only I have the baptismal power.

Samus because of your dedicated service to IRON; your high casualty count and aid given your fellow IRONers. I hear by baptize ye in Fire and blood. You rise as IRON!

You may now wear proudly in your Sig "I have been Baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON."

18:28 %FinsterBaby[IRON] • I'm only afraid of Master Samus.
18:28 %FinsterBaby[IRON] • All powerful root admin
18:29 @onbekende • wussie
18:29 %FinsterBaby[IRON] • he can make you disappear. I've seen it


MVP(Mod’s Choice)= Master Samus; I think Master Samus played amazingly for a guy who claims it was his second only mafia game. He never led the town on him and that’s why he deserves this award. He was impressive in manipulating the town that led to the ultimate mafia victory.
Player of Mafia; Master Samus/emudevelopment (shared); I think both were instrumental in the town’s defeat. Both were manipulative and deceptive. They clearly came out as pro-town and looked like de-facto town leaders. They led the lynch wagon w/o anyone uncovering their true motives.

Samus, you should be proud that you've helped make an environment where people feel safe enough to share their experiences.

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Sister Midnight

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Yeah I think that one is pretty much fact at this point.


But there was another theory going around that Tyrion Lannister is actually an offspring of Joanna Lannister & the Mad king - with the mad king raping Joanna on her wedding night

Never heard that one.  What is it based upon?

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( @ )( @ ) The official salute from women in the great, nudist nation of Secor. I'm naked and very excited to be here.

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The Supercalifragalisticexpealadocious Award

"This award was custom made for a special person. Its gleam reflects the endearment of the people that she leads. Awarded to the IRON Maiden, Sister Midnight."

[center]~~A partner in Blade's crimes~~[center]Nukes taken for IRON since restarting on 6/10/2016: I stopped counting after 69.

Sister Midnight has been Baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!

The people of Antropomorphica join their leaders in welcoming the discovery of this previously unknown colony of Secor in the wilds of South America. They organised an airdrop of money and soldiers to protect this fledgling state as it undergoes construction (I mean... 1k infra at day 1 guys... come on!).

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    Tempered IRON

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The theory of Tyrion being a targaryen is actually quite convincing.The basis of this theory is that Mad king had a infatuation with Joanna lannister. When joanna married Tywin,mad king used the kings first night privileges to rape joanna on her wedding night.
Apart from that there was also a prophecy shown to Danerys at the house of undying that the Dragon has 3 heads .It is constructed as pointing out that there are 3 Targaryen alive.Dany,Jon and maybe Tyrion?
Tyrion also dont have a lannister look,no blonde hairs and mismatched eyes.Which hints that he might be mixture of lannister and targaryen blood.
Tryion also had dreams of dragons in books just like jon and danny.Moreover,it is also said that a true dragon is born of blood.Mothers of Dany,Jon and Tyrion died while giving them birth.And Tywin even said to tryion u are no son of mine :P

It looks pretty convincing but I dont think its true,cause tyrion is the third child so he surely is not the result of the rape that happened at wedding night.After that i dont think Joanna and Aerys were ever at same place at same time.Plus if Tyrion was actually son of Aerys and Tywin knew it I dont see why Tywin will keep him alive.

But i still think its highly probable that tyrion will be dragon rider of viserion.
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The differance between IRON and some rag tag alliance is the fact that we will fight with no reguard to our own nations. Putting the greater good of the whole before ourselves. Victory for all or they will have to fight us to the last point of infa in the last IRON nation. Every so often someone(s) will come around and exemplifie this. Living up to the IRON Values. It gives me great pleaser to baptize three of IRON's up and comers.

TheDoom, you have been Baptized in FIre and Blood and Emerged as IRON!

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Very compelling arguments there!

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( @ )( @ ) The official salute from women in the great, nudist nation of Secor. I'm naked and very excited to be here.

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The Supercalifragalisticexpealadocious Award

"This award was custom made for a special person. Its gleam reflects the endearment of the people that she leads. Awarded to the IRON Maiden, Sister Midnight."

[center]~~A partner in Blade's crimes~~[center]Nukes taken for IRON since restarting on 6/10/2016: I stopped counting after 69.

Sister Midnight has been Baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!

The people of Antropomorphica join their leaders in welcoming the discovery of this previously unknown colony of Secor in the wilds of South America. They organised an airdrop of money and soldiers to protect this fledgling state as it undergoes construction (I mean... 1k infra at day 1 guys... come on!).

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    The Convict

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@TheDoom, they say that Tywin tried to kill him while Joanna was still pregnant, but the poison/pill he used, ended up making Tyrion hideous and a dwarf and also killed Joanna. 


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00:48 Fernando[IRON] � I will refer to you as Supreme Overlord Guru Samus

Only I have the baptismal power.

Samus because of your dedicated service to IRON; your high casualty count and aid given your fellow IRONers. I hear by baptize ye in Fire and blood. You rise as IRON!

You may now wear proudly in your Sig "I have been Baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON."

18:28 %FinsterBaby[IRON] • I'm only afraid of Master Samus.
18:28 %FinsterBaby[IRON] • All powerful root admin
18:29 @onbekende • wussie
18:29 %FinsterBaby[IRON] • he can make you disappear. I've seen it


MVP(Mod’s Choice)= Master Samus; I think Master Samus played amazingly for a guy who claims it was his second only mafia game. He never led the town on him and that’s why he deserves this award. He was impressive in manipulating the town that led to the ultimate mafia victory.
Player of Mafia; Master Samus/emudevelopment (shared); I think both were instrumental in the town’s defeat. Both were manipulative and deceptive. They clearly came out as pro-town and looked like de-facto town leaders. They led the lynch wagon w/o anyone uncovering their true motives.

Samus, you should be proud that you've helped make an environment where people feel safe enough to share their experiences.

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Imran Ehsan

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The theory of Tyrion being a targaryen is actually quite convincing.The basis of this theory is that Mad king had a infatuation with Joanna lannister. When joanna married Tywin,mad king used the kings first night privileges to rape joanna on her wedding night.
Apart from that there was also a prophecy shown to Danerys at the house of undying that the Dragon has 3 heads .It is constructed as pointing out that there are 3 Targaryen alive.Dany,Jon and maybe Tyrion?
Tyrion also dont have a lannister look,no blonde hairs and mismatched eyes.Which hints that he might be mixture of lannister and targaryen blood.
Tryion also had dreams of dragons in books just like jon and danny.Moreover,it is also said that a true dragon is born of blood.Mothers of Dany,Jon and Tyrion died while giving them birth.And Tywin even said to tryion u are no son of mine :P

It looks pretty convincing but I dont think its true,cause tyrion is the third child so he surely is not the result of the rape that happened at wedding night.After that i dont think Joanna and Aerys were ever at same place at same time.Plus if Tyrion was actually son of Aerys and Tywin knew it I dont see why Tywin will keep him alive.

But i still think its highly probable that tyrion will be dragon rider of viserion.



The theory that Aerys raped Joanna on her wedding night resulting in Tyrion doesnt make sense because Tyrion is Joanna's youngest son,not the oldest.


However, the World of Ice and Fire has given pretty solid evidence that Aerys had a big crush on Joanna and I think that was one of the reason Tywins quit his Hand of the King position. Its possible he quit because Aerys raped Joanna, but that wont be during the wedding night, but a lot of years later. Also the book has indicated that Tyrion has dragon dreams and he has read up a lot of books on dragons because he is fascinated with him. So he is probably the third dragon rider, along with Jon and Dany.

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@TheDoom, they say that Tywin tried to kill him while Joanna was still pregnant, but the poison/pill he used, ended up making Tyrion hideous and a dwarf and also killed Joanna. 

Thats a speculation,it is nowhere hinted in any way Tywin tried that.All we know is Tywin loved his wife alot.It is said the only time he was ever seen smiling was at his wedding till Aerys ruined it.I dont think he will risk joannas life in anyway.The reason he hated Tyrion so much is because of joanna death and his dwarfism.

But even if we assume that Tywin did something like that then the question is why he didnt tried to kill Tyrion later.Was he afraid to be called kinslayer? i dont think so that guy was too smart and too cruel to be afraid of that.He was no Ned stark either that Joanna would have made him promise on her death bed to not harm Tyrion(he would have killed tyrion in front of joanna).I dont think Tyrion would have survived if Tywin even had a hint that he was Aerys son.

Then there is also prblm of Timeline,Joanna and Aerys were never at same place at same time after wedding night.When Tywin was hand of king Joanna stayed at casterly rock and Aerys only made a visit to casterly rock after joanna death for a tourney.Where he rejected Tywins offer od marrying Rhaegar and Cersei.If they were ever at same place sometime it has not been revealed yet in books.

Not everyone is secretly a Targaryen :P. Tyrion being a Targaryen doenst add anything valuable to the story or character of Tyrion.If he is targaryen,it would mean he is bastard not in line of succession for either the Iron throne or Casterly rock.Targaryens are not Bratheons whose illegitimate sons/daughters can be found in any street(like Robert Bratheons illigetimat childs).

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The differance between IRON and some rag tag alliance is the fact that we will fight with no reguard to our own nations. Putting the greater good of the whole before ourselves. Victory for all or they will have to fight us to the last point of infa in the last IRON nation. Every so often someone(s) will come around and exemplifie this. Living up to the IRON Values. It gives me great pleaser to baptize three of IRON's up and comers.

TheDoom, you have been Baptized in FIre and Blood and Emerged as IRON!

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    Minister of the Dark Arts

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Imran Ehsan

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The dead are coming.
New trailer. Looking good. :popcorn:

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Sister Midnight

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I'm psyched.

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( @ )( @ ) The official salute from women in the great, nudist nation of Secor. I'm naked and very excited to be here.

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The Supercalifragalisticexpealadocious Award

"This award was custom made for a special person. Its gleam reflects the endearment of the people that she leads. Awarded to the IRON Maiden, Sister Midnight."

[center]~~A partner in Blade's crimes~~[center]Nukes taken for IRON since restarting on 6/10/2016: I stopped counting after 69.

Sister Midnight has been Baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!

The people of Antropomorphica join their leaders in welcoming the discovery of this previously unknown colony of Secor in the wilds of South America. They organised an airdrop of money and soldiers to protect this fledgling state as it undergoes construction (I mean... 1k infra at day 1 guys... come on!).

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The dead are coming.
New trailer. Looking good. :popcorn:

Thank you so much for sharing. This will be epic.

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to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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    The Orange One

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:panicmode:  :panicmode:  :panicmode:  :panicmode:  :panicmode:  :panicmode:


Finally the other 2 dragons are being released... :D Tyrion!!!  :wub:


mandarijn juice

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