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Batman Vs Superman

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    Tempered IRON

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Watched it on Sunday. Nice film. I'd give it 7.5/10 cuz of the acting and casting Gal as WW. The movie did an amazing job of setting up the JLA franchise.


And the movie earned 424 mil globally so that proves that reviews don't count for jack any more. WB spent 250 mil on prod and 150 on marketing.



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Watched it yesterday. It was amazing :D


They did a good job of setting up the clash between the two. The first few minutes of the movie were quite emotional, really setting up the darkness of the story. As Robert said, it would've been better if we had a Batman movie first, but they still did a reasonably good job of explaining his backstory. I had read about the background of this version of batman, so understanding it wasn't much of a problem for me. Basically, this Batman lost Robin in an explosion orchestrated by Joker. Joker left Robin's corpse for him to find, and Batman was so devastated that he refused to have any sidekicks in the future. He kept Robin's suit in the batcave as a reminder of what happened.




The characters were good as well. The movie makers did a good job of delving deep into their psych and not just brushing off/smoothing their feelings and reactions as Marvel does. I all loved all the meta human cameos. Still, the script could've been better. The dialogues really were cringe-worthy sometimes.Overall, I'd give the movie 4/5

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U had no mp no sdi no military wonder actually :lol:
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i honestly don't understand why snyder killed off jimmy olsen like that, it serves no great purpose

since it was a mix-match of various storylines anyway i found it messy

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Did anybody else notice that when Flash came up in Bruce's dream, they were setting up a potential "Injustice: Gods Among Men" story line?



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I saw the movie and I was struck by how similar it was to Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns. I thought it would have been a bit more different, but it was awesome. The symbolism of the movie, the use of allegory in the battle between Batman and Superman, it was extremely well done. Also, giving us clues about Darkseid in both the nightmare sequence with the Parademons and a probably controlled Superman and in the end when Lex says that the bell has been rung and "He" is coming. It was amazingly well done.


Oh and the battle. I loved it. I spent the whole week before the movie trying to convince everyone I knew that Batman would win. I just wish that Batman had either told Supes "Consider this an act of mercy" or this:




It would have been awesome. Batman is the ultimate badass. And I think that the warning Flash gave to  Batman wasn't about this movie, I think it was about Darkseid and Lois being the only one capable of snapping him out of Darkseid's control.

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Is a good torrent available on piratebay? 


like no less than dvdrip or brrip



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I got my copy from Showbox, was a pretty good film, I was a little surprised with it, I still don't like Ben Affleck, but he didn't do a bad job

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Ya I like it.

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