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The Elections 2020 Thread

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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What the hell is chariable?

charitable >_>

Polling shows Biden as the worst first year President in American history... but no mean tweets. I guess that's a bonus.
'Worst 1st Year of a President': Nets Ignore Apocalyptic Biden Polling | Newsbusters

For the first time he is nearing Trump's numbers (as in only now...), and Fox lets out a massive sigh of relief that you folks now have an equal badly supported president. I am unsure how this is anything to be happy with, your guys politics is in shambles.


That said, I do enjoy the link having a 53,8% disapproval picture from Fox News, somehow a presenter stating 58% and then making it 6 out of 10. You guys math.
Let me again preface. prosecute away! The third branch of government should continue to act this way.

Well, what do ya know? I hope no one is forgetting about this.

John Durham has the evidence that proves Clinton paid her attorneys to infiltrate the servers of Trump Tower, and later the White House servers, to create a link between Trump and Russians to make it appear they were working together. The plot thickens...
Clinton campaign paid to 'infiltrate' Trump Tower, White House servers to link Trump to Russia: Durham | Fox News

I feel rumblings of Merrick Garland getting pounded to squash that nosey prosecutor.


The walls are closing in... that's what they were always saying about Trump. Now the MSM have amnesia.
Durham probe has 'accelerated,' with more people 'cooperating,' coming before grand jury | Fox News
White House refuses to answer question on Durham probe revelations | Fox News


So either the Clinton campaign / Obama WH was spying on Trump from 2014 (lol?) or someone is pissed they mined his DNS responces and found Russian IP's (btw finding them in other places doesn't absolve their presence).


That said, nothing here states they ever did this to Trump's WH, just his "EOP" office. Which I might have never worked together with outgoing Obama's WH so I doubt they even had "WH servers".


Anyway, proble, investigate and prosecute away. I'd be equally happy that both sides shady business comes forth and prosecuted. You might also want to take that stance after we just heared that Trump kept confidentional WH papers in Mar-a-Lago, let alone him keeping trying to envoke "executive priviledge" after his time, his promise to the most open and fortwhile President was never in good faith. Everyone in your political framework seems like straight up crooks.

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Brandon is leading in three categories... Crime, Homicide, and Inflation. If this was a good thing, Democrats would be sailing to reelection.

I have some ideas that can help, and they are well practiced in their execution.


Democrats can make these things "a good thing". Through some clever word crafting, they can easily recreate a new meaning for the word "Crime". It will now be known as "Equity Redistribution of Property".


So really, they are not "stealing"... they are merely "picking up their fair share".


Through some clever word crafting, they can easily recreate a new meaning for "Homicide". That becomes "Necessary Culling of the Populace to Reduce the Human Carbon Footprint". It's not "Murder"... it's to save the planet from Climate Change.


Through some clever word crafting, they can easily alter the perception that "Inflation" is not the reason everything is costing more. Change it to "no one is making enough money". Things are not costing more... the problem is your evil employer isn't paying you enough. Screw that "$15 an hour Minimum Wage" slogan... crank that puppy up to $50 and your golden.


The way things have gone in the past, it should be easy-peasy to convince enough idiots to keep them in office.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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Brandon is leading in three categories... Crime, Homicide, and Inflation. If this was a good thing, Democrats would be sailing to reelection.
I have some ideas that can help, and they are well practiced in their execution.

FBI yearly records only go to 2020, you barking against the wrong POTUS my friend?


We had virtual no inflation 2 years previously. Go nag to the economy about that.

Democrats can make these things "a good thing". Through some clever word crafting, they can easily recreate a new meaning for the word "Crime". It will now be known as "Equity Redistribution of Property".

Says the partymember that made the ACA a seperate thing from Obamacare. Wordsmiths* the lot of you! Same lot that ignored the deficit when in power but the very day they got booted it's on their drums again...

So really, they are not "stealing"... they are merely "picking up their fair share".

Very capitalistic of them, euphemisms for all!

Through some clever word crafting, they can easily recreate a new meaning for "Homicide". That becomes "Necessary Culling of the Populace to Reduce the Human Carbon Footprint". It's not "Murder"... it's to save the planet from Climate Change.

and we got to add a conspiracy mention to the ramblings.

Through some clever word crafting, they can easily alter the perception that "Inflation" is not the reason everything is costing more. Change it to "no one is making enough money". Things are not costing more... the problem is your evil employer isn't paying you enough. Screw that "$15 an hour Minimum Wage" slogan... crank that puppy up to $50 and your golden.


How's that poverty line doing in the states? Is that with or without 3 part-time jobs?


** insert belgian automatic index ajustment on paychecks, benefits and pensions **

The way things have gone in the past, it should be easy-peasy to convince enough idiots to keep them in office.


Be one to know one? >_>




*aaarh, after 30min of frantic searching, I can't find Andy Hamilton's wordsmith joke from HIGNFY :(

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I'm sure Vlad is calling the party off after this terrifying threat from Camelhair Ass. If he doesn't stop, she'll buy domestic vodka.

Kamala Harris warns Russia of 'unprecedented' sanctions if it invades Ukraine - YouTube

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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He can have half the provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk in return for northern Syria, see how that fancies him :D

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You're all screwed. Europe needs Russia since Brandon killed our energy production.

None of this would be happening if Trump was still in office. The power vacuum will be filled by someone.


What's the first thing anyone will do if they win the lottery? They would fill their gas tank.

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Joe Biden just came out of his basement to tell everyone that we are not going to war with Russia, and he will be pressuring all of Europe to screw themselves over in a futile effort to prevent Russia from taking back their own land. Yeah... this makes sense.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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You're all screwed. Europe needs Russia since Brandon killed our energy production.

None of this would be happening if Trump was still in office. The power vacuum will be filled by someone.


What's the first thing anyone will do if they win the lottery? They would fill their gas tank.


Only thing the US did lately was send over some gas tankers, so I am unsure how anyone, current or former, messed with EU's energy. Doubt Russia would stop the gas anyway, he primarly shoots his own foot that way.


lol Trump stopping this is a tall tale. This was like a decade in the making since Ukraine ousted the pro-Russian gov and that president fled by helicopter :).


Joe Biden just came out of his basement to tell everyone that we are not going to war with Russia, and he will be pressuring all of Europe to screw themselves over in a futile effort to prevent Russia from taking back their own land. Yeah... this makes sense.

It aint "his land" and nor should he be claiming the entire 2 provinces.


Will it happen, sure. The question is how far has he cornered himself into rethoric about "protecting" russians in Ukraine.

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I forgot all those Russians in Ukraine speak Spanish.


If Ukraine was serious about creating their own country, maybe they should have drummed up some of their own nuclear weapons or established the treaties it takes to prevent Russia from taking it back.


Brandon is late with his light sanctions. Trump would never have shut down our energy production and would have hammered down real sanctions at the first sign of threat. Ukraine is folding back into Russia, and no one will stop them. China is very happy.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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And someone knows nothing about Ukraine history, fal of the iron curtain, Minsk accords and the Maidan protests. All fine. Atleast admit that and research about it.


Funny you mention nukes, as those are both vital to Uraine's sovereinity after the Minsk accords AND Putin somehow said that Ukraine was researching them (then again, getting a WMD line throw back at you is peak irony).




Also you keep coming back to energy production, even so much as speaking about the US's. I am unsure why you keep mentioning that around Ukraine's current predicament. I guess you heard something somewhere but aren't exactly sure and just want to make it about USA...

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I don't give a rats ass about Ukraine history. I'm glad to hear you're doing okay, and sorry, I won't be attending the party.


Trump at a NATO meeting in 2018, talking about how Germany is dependent on Russia for their energy.

It appears he was right about all that, and they won't do anything about it.

Trump says Germany is "controlled by Russia" at NATO meeting - YouTube

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I don't mind you not wanting to "give a rats ass" about anything, just don't throw things out there knowing they could be wrong just to score points.


Germany is as much dependent on Russian gas/oil/... as Russia is on the €€ it returns. Either will keep trying to not hurt themselfes in the long run.


Funny note, it's the "greens" in Germany who are so pro-gas, but mostly cause they want all the nuclear power gone.



Anyway, land war in europe, been from the Balkan since that happended...

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Germany is as much dependent on Russian gas/oil/... as Russia is on the €€ it returns.

Brandon just sent 7,000 more US Troops to Germany... he just remembered that Hitler is a bad man.


47% of likely Republican voters choose Donald Trump to be reelected in 2024, 20% choose Ron DeSantis.

Trump 2024? Former President Leads With GOP Voters - Rasmussen Reports®


I have an idea for Democrats... Hillary Clinton... come on, let her try again, it'll be fun.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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Republicas chosing demagogue over substance, great.



This the Trump that wants to ask Russia for pointers on how to protect US's southern border?


A wall wasn't enough, lets just invade it all together...

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A wall wasn't enough, lets just invade it all together...

I have been in favor of taking over Mexico since 1982... made up my mind on that one when all the wall hoppers that worked where I worked said to me in broken English that they wanted it more than anything else in the world. Imagine all the beachfront property. 

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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Will help just as much as glazing the Middle East I suppose.

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Most of the Mexican people are extremely hard working, family oriented, conservative, and devout Catholics. Their country is overrun with corruption and drug cartels run their cities. The U.S. Constitution would benefit them greatly, and it would dissolve the immigration issue almost entirely. With the massive change in opportunity, they would largely remain in their hometowns, and our southern border would be much more manageable. Yes... I would like to see it happen.


CPAC straw poll for 2024 is in. Trump pulled in 59% for the win. DeSantis second with 28%

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