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The Elections 2020 Thread

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Joe Biden leaked the pending retirement of Liberal Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer this week because he was desperate to change the narrative from the torrent of bad news that has been pounding on his limited brain capacity. They couldn't wait for Breyer to recover from his months of torture he has had to endure before finally capitulating to the demands of the lunatic fringe.


Brandon made it worse by declaring his choice will be selected from a binder full of black women he received from donors and politicians that he owes favors to. It would have been so easy for him just to keep his trap shut, and just nominate a black woman... but Brandon could not resist the opportunity to show us all how much he's not a racist by making it all about race. What an idiot.


Now I have talked myself to death to my Republican friends to let this go. If we just leave them alone, Democrats will fight all year long over who will take that seat... but if we fight this nomination, they will get behind one nominee, and they will win a fight we can't win. We are not the party that lies and accuses people of false crime... that's the Democrats that do that. So, we will lose this one.


But if things go the way they are going, I believe Democrats are missing out on a golden opportunity.


Democrats are all about "Making History". They want to be the first to do everything... even if it's the dumbest thing to do.


So, I believe the best candidate for Democrats to fill this SCOTUS opening is none other than Pete Buttigieg.


Just think about this. Pete is already a Climate Change whore, and as lefty as you can get. He already believes he's a mother, so it won't be difficult to corral him into a lunatic asylum... oh sorry... I mean a sex change surgical facility and convince him that it's in the best interest of the cause, to get that digit just whacked off. They can then squirt him full of chemicals that make him feel like a girl, add a few implants here and there, and BOOM! They don't stop there. They change his name to Peta Buttigieg... this locks up the animal huggers, and that's not the end... they can then staple an afro wig on his head... and you now have the very first gay, tranny, Climate/Animal activist Supreme Court Justice that identifies as black. Count the boxes that are checked... amazing.


Maybe he could then take up swimming against girls.

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*looks at post above*

yeah, definatly the other one is the weird one...



It's a movie... and the ballot mules were only one crime they committed... there were many more. The crushing defeat of the voter fraud bill ensures that these crimes will at least not be required by Federal law. They know very well that this happened, the problem was that the solution would have caused much more chaos than the damage of letting it stand. We're doing our best to prevent a repeat.

It's a money grabbing movie about possible illegal activity. The world calls such things fiction.


Now if such things were actual non-fiction, we would be seeing tons of R-AGs swarming to this, strangly not really...

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It's a money grabbing movie about possible illegal activity.

Ballot harvesting is illegal... stuffing drop boxes with thousands of ballots is a crime, on every level.

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For the record, I don't agree with this suspension. Whoopi Goldberg is a stupid Democrat that says many stupid things every day on her horror show, but she has all the right in the US Constitution Earth to be as stupid as she wants. Shame on you that did this.

Whoopi Goldberg suspended from 'The View' following Holocaust remarks | Fox News


Uh-Oh... this can hurt. I wonder how many "vaccines" he accepted?

Sen. Ben Ray Lujan suffered stroke and underwent surgery (cnbc.com)

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CNN, in their ongoing attempt to repair their damaged brand, has canned the top falsifier. There has been talk of getting rid of Jeff Zucker for a very long time after numerous scandals and moronic blunders has brought the network to ratings equal to scraping the bottom of an old smelly dumpster. Instead of fessing up to their mistakes, they ran back to mother with the lame excuse of "Oh my god!!! He was doing his girlfriend!!!" What they should do is fire everyone... rebrand themselves... and start reporting the news honestly.

CNN chief Jeff Zucker exits over sexual relationship with top executive (msn.com)

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It's a money grabbing movie about possible illegal activity.

Ballot harvesting is illegal... stuffing drop boxes with thousands of ballots is a crime, on every level.

Then prosecute for Christs sake, don't make movies and $$ off it!

For the record, I don't agree with this suspension. Whoopi Goldberg is a stupid Democrat that says many stupid things every day on her horror show, but she has all the right in the US Constitution Earth to be as stupid as she wants. Shame on you that did this.
Whoopi Goldberg suspended from 'The View' following Holocaust remarks | Fox News


"Private company can do what private company does", isn't that the GOP mantra? Lol dragging the Constitution into it, once again used without reference or basis.


Also, she said something idiot.

Uh-Oh... this can hurt. I wonder how many "vaccines" he accepted?
Sen. Ben Ray Lujan suffered stroke and underwent surgery (cnbc.com)


You'd call a bird dropping a doogy on your shoulder the fault of "vaccines"...

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Then prosecute for Christs sake, don't make movies and $$ off it!

They don't even want to talk about it. If they prosecute, then they admit there was voter fraud. If they admit there was voter fraud, it brings the outcome of the election into question. With the outcome of the election in question comes chaos, rebellion, and death.

It's best to leave the moron alone to think he's in charge for a while. Midterms are coming very soon.

"Private company can do what private company does", isn't that the GOP mantra?

Yes, a private company can do what they want, but it's not a GOP mantra. What is happening is Globalists are attempting to force people what to think. Globalists are attempting to force people what to believe. Globalists are attempting to force people what to say. Globalists are attempting to force people how to feel. Everything they do is against the US Constitution. It's not illegal to be stupid. It's not illegal to have a different opinion. It's not illegal to be a racist. It's not illegal hate anyone. It's not illegal to own guns. It's not illegal to refuse a vaccine or refuse to put a rag over your face. In short, it's not a crime for people to be themselves, even if you don't like it.

You'd call a bird dropping a doogy on your shoulder the fault of "vaccines"...

You are missing the point entirely. A Democrat Senator from New Mexico has had a stroke, and they had to open his head for brain surgery to save his life. Does this mean that Democrats no longer have a majority in the Senate? This can change a lot of things. He is 49 years old, and I'm pretty positive that the dude has had everything that the vaccine cult has to offer. 

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Then prosecute for Christs sake, don't make movies and $$ off it!

They don't even want to talk about it. If they prosecute, then they admit there was voter fraud. If they admit there was voter fraud, it brings the outcome of the election into question. With the outcome of the election in question comes chaos, rebellion, and death.
It's best to leave the moron alone to think he's in charge for a while. Midterms are coming very soon.

Party of law & order wants to do what now?


"Private company can do what private company does", isn't that the GOP mantra?

Yes, a private company can do what they want, but it's not a GOP mantra. What is happening is Globalists are attempting to force people what to think. Globalists are attempting to force people what to believe. Globalists are attempting to force people what to say. Globalists are attempting to force people how to feel. Everything they do is against the US Constitution. It's not illegal to be stupid. It's not illegal to have a different opinion. It's not illegal to be a racist. It's not illegal hate anyone. It's not illegal to own guns. It's not illegal to refuse a vaccine or refuse to put a rag over your face. In short, it's not a crime for people to be themselves, even if you don't like it.

these "globalists" are also private entities, they can do what you all described without issue towards the US Constitution.


And in a nation that made having a can of alcohol in public illegal, I find your entire argument laughable :D They sure can try to make anything illegal, wheter you like it (CRT) or not (vaccines).


You'd call a bird dropping a doogy on your shoulder the fault of "vaccines"...

You are missing the point entirely. A Democrat Senator from New Mexico has had a stroke, and they had to open his head for brain surgery to save his life. Does this mean that Democrats no longer have a majority in the Senate? This can change a lot of things. He is 49 years old, and I'm pretty positive that the dude has had everything that the vaccine cult has to offer.


oo I understood the Senate implications (lets ignore the hyper-partisan ship about being sure all R's vote no on any pick), but you needed to throw the "vaccine" boogeyword at it.


Also having a stroke usually means hemorrhaging, when this happens in the brain they do indeed "open the brain" to relief pressure.

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Party of law & order wants to do what now?

I don't speak for a party. I more than anyone would love to see these people fry, but I really like my life the way it is right now. I don't want a war, and if laughing every day watching Democrats try to keep Brandon from wandering off the plantation is all I have to deal with, then I'm okay with that. Trump/DeSantis 2024

And in a nation that made having a can of alcohol in public illegal

Buddy, I live in Las Vegas. We drink anywhere we want. If you drive after drinking, you can get in some trouble.

but you needed to throw the "vaccine" boogeyword at it.

Oh, I see... it's okay to blame Covid for every death but don't you dare even think it could be vaccine related... that's "misinformation".

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Big changes will be coming to the Fake News Network this spring. Discovery has purchased Warner Media, and the deal is soon to close. The recent broom that's been going through the entire network is obviously part of the deal. The CEO of Discovery is not doing a very good job of hiding his thoughts about CNN as being "the leader in news to the left". They have no ability to make substantial changes until they take over, but this is a pretty damn good indicator how things will go. Brian Stelter and Jim Acosta must be spooked.

CEO of CNN’s new owner calls network ‘leader in news to the left’ | Fox News

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It wasnt easy to cheat, and there is no proof that there was.

It wasn't easy to cheat.

Damn... why didn't I think of that? It would be so much better if you would have just told everyone this long ago.

I can't believe I didn't think of that... it's been right under our noses the entire time... thank you for clearing that up.

I know what to do the next time something happens that doesn't make any sense... just ask DarkFox.

It wasn't easy to cheat... I just feel so full of enlightenment since reading that... like a piano has been lifted off my back.


Maybe you can clear something else up for me... what is the origin of life?



You keep saying that the election was cheated. Yet there is no proof, and for the scale required to steal it that would be impossible to do it secretly. All you have is stupid responses with nothing of value. 

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Yet there is no proof

It's so far past that now. It no longer matters. Half the country knows it happened, and half of the other half doesn't want to admit it. It's okay... I completely expect it. If you want to know what Democrats are doing, just listen to everything they accuse Republicans of doing... and that's what Democrats are doing. We no longer trust Democrats to have an honest discussion about anything, or even make constitutional decisions that protect the country. The days of JFK Democrats are long over. The wave is coming.


Please keep it up... the desperation works in our favor.

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@DarkFox and onbekende.  I'm beginning to think you are both masochists.  Why are you subjecting yourselves to the pain of arguing with a triggered snowflake?  All you are going to get out of snowflake is whatever Fox "News", One America, and whatever far right loon he's been listening to. 

Snowflake is only going to repeat what he's been told to think.  He will only screech about his "fwee-dum" and his "wights" have been denied.  Just like the entitled brat he is.

Snowflake will only continue to repeat the big lie and conspiracy .

Just like he's been told to do.


Oh, Snowflake, I know you've seen this.  Call me what you like.  Hurl your insults.  I really don't care.  You are everything that's wrong with the USA.  You haven't earned my contempt, you are beneath it. 


So just take your bullshit to some QAnon message board. No one here wants to read your delusional rants.  

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I really don't care.

From what I just read that's an obvious lie, but I'm so happy to see so many Canadians standing up to Justin.

Are you there with them... or just part of the problem?


Our wonderful Florida Governor Ron DeSantis forced GoFundMe to cough up their money.

GoFundMe backtracks on redistributing money for Canadian truckers, under threat of fraud investigation | Fox Business

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Justin talking about "fwee-dum"

ROFLMAO. WHAT A FRAUD!!! Share this everywhere. - YouTube

Fwee-dum lovers in Calgary! I really like the Transformer.

Massive rally for Canadian truckers in Calgary today! - YouTube

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Party of law & order wants to do what now?

I don't speak for a party. I more than anyone would love to see these people fry, but I really like my life the way it is right now. I don't want a war, and if laughing every day watching Democrats try to keep Brandon from wandering off the plantation is all I have to deal with, then I'm okay with that. Trump/DeSantis 2024

For all the grandstanding and loud mouthing about these voting frauds, you seem awfully chariable about letting bygones be bygones. I'd rather think we are talking about alot of hot air, or to add to the loud mouthing methaphor, lot of bark, no bite.


And in a nation that made having a can of alcohol in public illegal

Buddy, I live in Las Vegas. We drink anywhere we want. If you drive after drinking, you can get in some trouble.

Doesn't stop it from being a law. And it is the actual government forcing you it, not some sady "globalists" in their private enterprises.


but you needed to throw the "vaccine" boogeyword at it.

Oh, I see... it's okay to blame Covid for every death but don't you dare even think it could be vaccine related... that's "misinformation".

Covid isn't responsible for every death, but I do recall R's tend to UNDERcount covid deaths.


Anyway, you alluded to it for the sole reason of personal joy in this persons malfortune by linking it without fact to vaccines. Now if the fellow had a heart condition some semblance of connection could have been made (how tenuous it might be), but it was just you being a qanon puppet.

Big changes will be coming to the Fake News Network this spring. Discovery has purchased Warner Media, and the deal is soon to close. The recent broom that's been going through the entire network is obviously part of the deal. The CEO of Discovery is not doing a very good job of hiding his thoughts about CNN as being "the leader in news to the left". They have no ability to make substantial changes until they take over, but this is a pretty damn good indicator how things will go. Brian Stelter and Jim Acosta must be spooked.
CEO of CNN’s new owner calls network ‘leader in news to the left’ | Fox News

oo great, the "science" channel thats nothing more then reality TV shows gets to dabble in journalism. And talking about "the leader in news to the left", the last channel that marketed itself like that never even heared of "science".

@DarkFox and onbekende. I'm beginning to think you are both masochists. Why are you subjecting yourselves to the pain of arguing with a triggered snowflake? All you are going to get out of snowflake is whatever Fox "News", One America, and whatever far right loon he's been listening to.
Snowflake is only going to repeat what he's been told to think. He will only screech about his "fwee-dum" and his "wights" have been denied. Just like the entitled brat he is.
Snowflake will only continue to repeat the big lie and conspiracy .
Just like he's been told to do.

I am a masochist for seeing my name as "last reply" :D


unless he really went of his rocker, I only reply when I actually can make out what it's about.


I really don't care.

Our wonderful Florida Governor Ron DeSantis forced GoFundMe to cough up their money.
GoFundMe backtracks on redistributing money for Canadian truckers, under threat of fraud investigation | Fox Business

Well, GoFundMe was going to allow the "Freedom Convoy" to disperse the $$ as they saw fit, unless people asked for a refund directly. Which is pretty much how the actual sceme works, as people were donating to the convoy's organisers to do as they saw fit.

Justin talking about "fweedom"
ROFLMAO. WHAT A FRAUD!!! Share this everywhere. - YouTube

I am guessing you also need a "clean" criminal record, how dare they! And again, I am not for such mandates unless it is healthcare related.

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What the hell is chariable? 

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Polling shows Biden as the worst first year President in American history... but no mean tweets. I guess that's a bonus.

'Worst 1st Year of a President': Nets Ignore Apocalyptic Biden Polling | Newsbusters

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Well, what do ya know? I hope no one is forgetting about this.


John Durham has the evidence that proves Clinton paid her attorneys to infiltrate the servers of Trump Tower, and later the White House servers, to create a link between Trump and Russians to make it appear they were working together. The plot thickens...

Clinton campaign paid to 'infiltrate' Trump Tower, White House servers to link Trump to Russia: Durham | Fox News


I feel rumblings of Merrick Garland getting pounded to squash that nosey prosecutor.

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The walls are closing in... that's what they were always saying about Trump. Now the MSM have amnesia.

Durham probe has 'accelerated,' with more people 'cooperating,' coming before grand jury | Fox News

White House refuses to answer question on Durham probe revelations | Fox News

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