Not that I'd blame anyone for pulling a CSA statue down. Let's face it, they were traitors.
I'm a life long American history buff, so I look at these things solely on what happened. I have no emotional horse in the race because I have no idea what living was like in 1850... and no one else does either, so forgive me that I don't feel the pain of their plight.
I don't see the CSA as traitors. Things were very much different in 1850. No matter how wrong the institution of slavery was, it was the law at the time. There was a process to change the law... and there were many that didn't have the patience, or desire, for that. So we had a war to solve it. Those people you want to call "traitors" had a Constitution... an agreement with the Federal Government that the institution of slavery was a state issue. So, a case could be made that everyone was a traitor.
But it's 2020 now... and I don't care. They want the statues down? There's a process for that. Do it the right way.