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The 2022 Midterm Elections

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When Republican Presidential Candidates continue to get forced into debates under unfair conditions, after votes have already been cast, and viciously grilled by adversarial debate moderators, then the only course of action is the removal of the crooked people that are forcing you into that environment. That has been done today. Hazar!

RNC withdraws from Commission on Presidential Debates (axios.com)

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law today a ban on abortions in Florida after 15 weeks. A woman has three and a half months to decide if she wants to have a child, or if she wants to kill it. It's a reasonable time limit.


What has been missing throughout this constant argument has been the reality that this is not 1950. This is 2022 now, and it's time to understand that abortion, as a form of contraception, is completely obsolete. It is no longer necessary to murder a child in the womb of a mother by the barbaric procedure of vacuuming a fetus from the uterus of a woman. Yes, I said woman... because they are the only sex, of the two that exist, that can bear children. I passed Biology with flying colors in Military School.


So, it's high time to make abortion a thing of the past and concentrate our efforts on our medical and educational achievements to eliminate the need for such a horrific procedure... and yes, it's not the business of government to interfere with family matters.

Ron DeSantis Bans Late-Term Abortions In Florida | The Daily Wire

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They believe this will fix things... wrong.


Brandon snapped. Now they want to bring back the Trump energy boom and somehow take credit for it.

Two things will happen... they are admitting they have been horribly wrong the entire time, and Trump was right... and the loony left are gonna go ape-shit on them for backtracking on their anti-fossil fuel agenda. Joe Biden is so done.

Biden administration resumes oil and gas leases on federal lands as gasoline prices soar | Fox News

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The CIA has always known it was a lie. Still waiting for the bigger fish to fry.

CIA has known Trump-Russia collusion data not ‘technically plausible’ since 2017, Durham says | Washington Examiner

Durham: Five Witnesses Connected to the Clinton Campaign’s False Russian Claims Have Refused to Cooperate – JONATHAN TURLEY

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Netflix stock dropped 35% in a single day. Let's congratulate those woke people in charge.

They want to blame it on shared passwords, but let's be honest... 95% of their original material is complete garbage.

I picked up Paramount+ to watch 1883... it was awesome, but the rest of the service is shit.

It's a warning flare that streaming services better start creating some quality, or they're all gonna die.

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A couple of things happened today.


CNN+, the highly anticipated streaming service for the fake news network, crashed and burned in record time.

Chris Wallace left Fox News, and his comfy salary, to headline for it. Axios was going to invest a billion dollars in it.

Now... it's all off. It doesn't pay to constantly lie to your audience.

BREAKING: CNN+ streaming service terminated after just 21 days: source | The Post Millennial


Florida just stripped Disney of all their special treatment. I hope lessons are learned about entertainment delving into politics.

It all happens when Governor Ron DeSantis signs it into law.

Florida House passes bill stripping Disney of self governing status | Fox News

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DeSantis signs bill stripping Disney of self governing status | Fox News

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For someone who's so interested in "the truth" you seem to rely only on heavily right-wing biased media.

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For someone who's so interested in "the truth" you seem to rely only on heavily right-wing biased media.

I don't "rely" on anything, or anyone. The only people that get near me with any influence whatsoever are those I already know what to expect from them. I don't have to "rely" on it, so there are no surprises. I have one daughter that's a Sanders Socialist... no surprises there. She still won't be in the same room with her mother because her mother, like me, was never vaxxed, but it's her loss. She gets nothing from us, and she even refuses to come to her sister's wedding next month... because her sister was never vaxxed either.


As far as news and information sources, I take it all in, wherever it's reported. I don't hear about CNN lying about everything on CNN... I hear about CNN lying about everything on Fox News, because they tell me the truth.


A few examples...

"Trump collusion with Russia"

"Hunter Biden's laptop story was Russian disinformation"

"Nicholas Sandmann attacks an elderly Native American"

"Joe Rogan is taking horse dewormer"

"Jussie Smollett was racially and sexually attacked by MAGA hat wearing Trump supporters"


They are all lies, and reported to you, their audience, as fact. There are many more, but this is enough to explain it.

So, keep watching your media and I'll keep watching mine.

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You're a fool to think the only other option is CNN. You don't have to try to convince me of anything, I don't respect you enough to care about your opinions. Your bernie daughter sounds like the smartest member of your family.

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You're a fool to think the only other option is CNN. You don't have to try to convince me of anything, I don't respect you enough to care about your opinions. Your bernie daughter sounds like the smartest member of your family.

This speaks volumes about you. All I do here is post current events, opine about how wrong things are, and try to forge a path for the future. The only thing you got is personal attacks on me. I understand completely... it's hard to defend Progressives and their lies.

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You post right wing opinion pieces masquerading as news. That's completely different than current events. Here's a helpful website for you to ignore completely. https://www.mediabiasfactcheck.com also, maybe consider learning how to identify propaganda or misleading sources. Here's a tip, if what you're reading uses loaded language that elicits anger, it's probably not news you're reading.

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You post right wing opinion pieces masquerading as news. That's completely different than current events. Here's a helpful website for you to ignore completely. https://www.mediabiasfactcheck.com also, maybe consider learning how to identify propaganda or misleading sources. Here's a tip, if what you're reading uses loaded language that elicits anger, it's probably not news you're reading.

Trump colluding with Russia was a lie. Here is the current event. It's not my opinion.

Hillary Clinton and her people did this.

Durham issues trial subpoenas to Clinton campaign and DNC | Washington Examiner

Hunter Biden laptop is real. It's not "Russian disinformation". Here is the current event. It's not my opinion.

Democrats are jumping through hoops to keep it out of Congressional Record.

Democrats Reject GOP Attempts to Upload Hunter Biden’s Laptop into Congressional Record: Report (yahoo.com)

Nicholas Sandmann was wrongfully defamed by numerous media sources. It's not my opinion.

Washington Post settles $250M suit with Covington teen Nick Sandmann (nypost.com)

CNN settles lawsuit with Nick Sandmann stemming from viral video controversy | CNN Business

Nick Sandmann Reaches Settlement With NBC - American Faith

Joe Rogan was prescribed Ivermectin by his doctor to treat Covid-19.

It was reported that he was taking horse dewormer. It's not my opinion.

Don Lemon denies CNN 'lied' about Joe Rogan's COVID treatment after claiming podcaster took 'horse dewormer' | Fox News

Would you care to offer up a defense for Jussie Smollett? ........ I didn't think so. That's not my opinion either.

Woke (adj.)

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to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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Good news this morning...

BREAKING: Twitter board in final negotiations with Elon Musk over buyout bid | The Post Millennial

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to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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Progressives just lost their largest propaganda megaphone.

BREAKING: IT'S OFFICIAL! Elon Musk buys Twitter | The Post Millennial

Now we take out ABC, NBC, Google, and the New York Times, and I'll feel a little better.

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You post right wing opinion pieces masquerading as news. That's completely different than current events. Here's a helpful website for you to ignore completely. https://www.mediabiasfactcheck.com also, maybe consider learning how to identify propaganda or misleading sources. Here's a tip, if what you're reading uses loaded language that elicits anger, it's probably not news you're reading.

Trump colluding with Russia was a lie. Here is the current event. It's not my opinion.

Hillary Clinton and her people did this.

Durham issues trial subpoenas to Clinton campaign and DNC | Washington Examiner

Hunter Biden laptop is real. It's not "Russian disinformation". Here is the current event. It's not my opinion.

Democrats are jumping through hoops to keep it out of Congressional Record.

Democrats Reject GOP Attempts to Upload Hunter Biden’s Laptop into Congressional Record: Report (yahoo.com)

Nicholas Sandmann was wrongfully defamed by numerous media sources. It's not my opinion.

Washington Post settles $250M suit with Covington teen Nick Sandmann (nypost.com)

CNN settles lawsuit with Nick Sandmann stemming from viral video controversy | CNN Business

Nick Sandmann Reaches Settlement With NBC - American Faith

Joe Rogan was prescribed Ivermectin by his doctor to treat Covid-19.

It was reported that he was taking horse dewormer. It's not my opinion.

Don Lemon denies CNN 'lied' about Joe Rogan's COVID treatment after claiming podcaster took 'horse dewormer' | Fox News

Would you care to offer up a defense for Jussie Smollett? ........ I didn't think so. That's not my opinion either.


Learn how to evaluate a source, these sites are ny post, americanfaith.com (Which merely cross posted from epoch times), fox news, washington examiner, national review, and CNN. None of these are good sources for news. For your education I've copied and pasted the NY Post article and highlighted what sort of language you should be on the lookout for when identifying news vs propaganda and other forms of misinformation.

The Washington Post on Friday agreed to settle a monster $250 million
lawsuit filed by Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann
over its botched coverage of his 2019 encounter with a Native American

Sandmann declared the victory in a tweet on his 18th birthday. It’s unclear how much the newspaper settled for.

“On 2/19/19, I filed $250M defamation lawsuit against Washington Post. Today, I turned 18 & WaPo settled my lawsuit,” he wrote.

“Thanks to @ToddMcMurtry & @LLinWood for their advocacy. Thanks
to my family & millions of you who have stood your ground by
supporting me. I still have more to do,” he continued.

It’s the teen’s second win in a whopping $800 million defamation
against a number of news outlets including the Washington Post,
CNN, ABC, CBS, The Guardian, The Hill and NBC.

CNN agreed to settle with Sandmann in January this year as part of a separate $275 million claim.

Sandmann and a group of his Covington classmates were vilified on
social media
after they were filmed wearing “Make America Great Again”
hats after an anti-abortion rally while being yelled at by


Nicholas Sandmann (left) and activist Nathan Phillips during the infamous encounter.Kaya Taitano via Storyful

Sandmann, then 16, was singled out after footage of his confrontation
with Native American activist Nathan Phillips was picked up by CNN and
other outlets who claimed the incident was racially motivated.

Footage released later showed it was the Covington students who were being harassed.

In a subsequent tweet Friday, Sandmann fired a warning shot at Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.

We have settled with WAPO and CNN. The fight isn’t over. 2 down. 6 to go. Don’t hold your breath @jack,” he wrote.


Even though this is factual, the characterization of the lawsuit as a "monster" and claiming that Sandman was "vilified" give this article an emotional charge that weakens credibility. Since you think I'm a hardcore liberal, I'll just tell you now that I get the majority of my news from the Wall Street Journal and local newspapers. The free, clicks-for-money online "journalism" news culture has contributed greatly to the downfall of american society. Here's a non-news article from the atlantic you won't read, but someone else might. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2022/05/social-media-democracy-trust-babel/629369/

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Even though this is factual, the characterization of the lawsuit as a "monster" and claiming that Sandman was "vilified" give this article an emotional charge that weakens credibility.

Nicholas Sandmann was relentlessly vilified by Progressive media, and the lawsuits that followed resulted in monster awards.

I believe his case single handedly destroyed what little reputation was left of CNN and led to the sale of the network.

It doesn't matter who reports the story... it all sounds pretty damn accurate to me.

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Even though this is factual, the characterization of the lawsuit as a "monster" and claiming that Sandman was "vilified" give this article an emotional charge that weakens credibility.

Nicholas Sandmann was relentlessly vilified by Progressive media, and the lawsuits that followed resulted in monster awards.

I believe his case single handedly destroyed what little reputation was left of CNN and led to the sale of the network.

It doesn't matter who reports the story... it all sounds pretty damn accurate to me.


You're missing the point. That's an opinion and not factually relevant. The story is "Sandmann settles suit". Additional narrative beyond the facts is the problem. Also, the details of the settlement aren't public, how do you know that it's a "monster"? I go to the news for facts, not opinion. My primary focus is "how do I make money based on this information?"

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I'm not missing the point. The story was not "Smollett files false police report"... the story was, Smollett concocted an elaborate scheme to fake a vicious attack on himself in order to damage and disparage all supporters of Donald Trump. That is the story.


I'm pretty sure the news you pay attention to is casting Ron DeSantis as the next David Duke.

I'm sorry you're so uninformed. Maybe stop watching Progressive opinion pieces masquerading as news?

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I'm not missing the point. The story was not "Smollett files false police report"... the story was, Smollett concocted an elaborate scheme to fake a vicious attack on himself in order to damage and disparage all supporters of Donald Trump. That is the story.


I'm pretty sure the news you pay attention to is casting Ron DeSantis as the next David Duke.

I'm sorry you're so uninformed. Maybe stop watching Progressive opinion pieces masquerading as news?

Lol, the news I pay attention to is, "Russia invades Ukraine" so I can take a long position on natural gas futures. That response you just gave though is exactly why I don't have any respect for you.

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