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The 2022 Midterm Elections

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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Durham is finding, and prosecuting, technicalities

John Durham indicted Hillary Clinton's lawyer, Michael Sussmann, and put him on trial for lying to the FBI. Everybody knows he did it, but Durham also knew he would never get a conviction on Sussmann with an extremely tainted DC jury. What John Durham wanted was to get specific members of this conspiracy on the stand and under oath to expose the lies and implicate the conspirators. This was a screaming success. Next is a Virginia court... with a Virginia jury. Stay tuned.


I am holding my breath as much as when Trump getting to talk under oath. >_>


btw for the rest here, Sussmann walked cause they couldn't prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he wasn't just a concerned citizen seeing a weird connection between Trump campaign servers and a Russian Alpha bank server. It was later found that the Apha bank server was likely a spam sender, not that a non-IT guy would know about this.

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Sussmann walked cause they couldn't prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he wasn't just a concerned citizen seeing a weird connection between Trump campaign servers and a Russian Alpha bank server.

Except that he billed the Clinton Campaign for the entire job. The Russian Alpha Bank connection to the Trump servers are a proven forgery... everyone knows who did it. Sussmann walked because he had the judge and jury in his pocket... everyone knows that.


How many lies can you convince yourself are true... and even after you know you've been wrong time after time... you still, again and again, type out the same false accusations. Trump is guilty of being a ruthless businessman, and often rude to his enemies.


That's all you got.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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The connection was real, it just wasn't anything of importance beside an overzealous spamserver from Alpha Bank's side and an unguarded open port from Trump Tower side. Sussmann couldn't be proven to be fabricating stuff cause he himself stated he had no actual clue what the connecting meant, just that he found evidence that it happended.


And I haven't accused anyone about this story, you limping on with your victim complex should actually take your own advice and stop being wrong the entire time just to earn imaginary browny points with your messiah.

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Sussmann couldn't be proven to be fabricating stuff cause he himself stated he had no actual clue what the connecting meant, just that he found evidence that it happended.

OMG... are you even listening to yourself?


"Just that he found evidence that it happened"?


Found the evidence that it happened... while he was doing what? Pretty damn sure it's illegal to hack into servers. Pretty damn sure it's illegal to forge a connection with a Russian bank... they know it was forged because they know it was created by a person... not a computer. Pretty damn sure it's illegal for a candidate to direct their attorney to run to his personal friends in the FBI and create an illegal investigation on their opponent. There was nothing okay with any of this... and they should all hang.

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RCP just released their first projection for the 2022 midterms for the House of Reps.

Looking like the Dems are in for a bit of a bloodbath.

RealClearPolitics - 2022 Election Maps - Battle for the House 2022

I always enjoy watching Nancy hand over that gavel. It will be the final time for her.

Well... bye. Tombstone: Well Bye - YouTube


Oh yeah... I almost forgot to add that in honor of Brandon calling for 9mm ammunition to be banned, this weekend my wife and I are purchasing a pair of matching Glock 17's, just to say "FJB".

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We passed on the Glock... it felt like a Sentra. We went with the Walther... it felt like a Mercedes.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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Sussmann couldn't be proven to be fabricating stuff cause he himself stated he had no actual clue what the connecting meant, just that he found evidence that it happended.

OMG... are you even listening to yourself?


"Just that he found evidence that it happened"?


Found the evidence that it happened... while he was doing what? Pretty damn sure it's illegal to hack into servers. Pretty damn sure it's illegal to forge a connection with a Russian bank... they know it was forged because they know it was created by a person... not a computer. Pretty damn sure it's illegal for a candidate to direct their attorney to run to his personal friends in the FBI and create an illegal investigation on their opponent. There was nothing okay with any of this... and they should all hang.

He personally didn't even find it, it was found by cyber-security experts he had employed. Those probed open ports on Trump's and Alpha Bank's servers for DNS look-ups.


These are all legal and readily available tools CAUSE THAT IS HOW THE INTERNET FUNCTIONS.


There was no hacking, they only had transcripts of communications, no actual data which was being exchanged. But you do tend to forget who actually did get hacked, the DNC, by Russia.

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I also purchased a Savage 12 gauge pump with a pistol grip... the sight on it was too awesome to not buy it.

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Oh Lisa Page... say it isn't so.

FBI Chief Comey Misled Congress’s 'Gang of 8' Over Russiagate, Lisa Page Memo Reveals | RealClearInvestigations

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The U.S. Supreme Court has one more lightning storm to throw against Progressives this year.

West Virginia vs. the EPA will once again decide if power belongs in the hands of the people, or with unelected agencies.


I believe, with the way things have been going, the SCOTUS will kill this Obama power overreach, and collar the EPA.

One more blockbuster Supreme Court decision could still be coming even after Friday's abortion ruling | Fox News

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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*reads up on relevant case*


So it seems Congress in 1990 cucked up and failed to truely reconcile a part of the Clean Air Act of 1963 which they amended. This made that a line in the law could either mean that CO 2  emissions fall under it (Senate side) or are precluded (House side). Note that CO2 regulation was precluded from that line by the House due to it being already regulated by other parts of the Act itself. 


So now the EPA used the Senate side to envoke stringent CO2 emission targets on each state for them to pass on to their existing power plants (as this line is about existing ones, not new ones). Note that it is that the EPA only sets a target, any actual enforcement (and litigation when failing) falls squarly on the states themselfes (so don't go state rights on this will ya).


Now what the petitioners in this SCOTUS case wants to affect is to just vacate the entire line, so not just on CO2 emisions, but on ALL emisions! Yeah its once again an attempt to stop the regulation of polluters. fancy that.

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blah blah blah... alphabet government agencies do not create laws... Congress does.

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Supreme Court deals Biden climate agenda serious blow with EPA decision | Fox Business

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This ad is hysterical. Ex NFL Running Back, Jerone Davison is running for the 4th Congressional District of Arizona.

I love the featured "Negan Bat"... just amazing!

Make Rifles Great Again - YouTube

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It looks like the entire state of Alaska showed up to voice their approval of Trump, and to usher Sarah Palin into Congress.

I believe he will declare his intention to run again very soon. It will destroy any thought of anyone else gaining traction against him.

BIG CROWD in #alaska ! #trumprally - YouTube


Meanwhile, after the Abe assassination in Japan, Brandon contemplates an Executive Order to ban steel pipe and duct tape.

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Brandon has given up his effort to blame Putin's war for his horrible economy. Only idiots believed that one.

Everyone knows the USA was engaged in actual war for 20 years over 9-11, and we never had these problems.

Now he's blaming his incompetence on... wait for it... evil Republicans.


Democrats have given up defending him. The liberal New York Times has his approval at 33%.


Joe can blame Republicans in January when it takes only one impeachment to get rid of "the guy who got more votes than anyone in US history"... like anyone believes that. The dude fell off a completely stopped bicycle, and the entire country is crushed under the policies of his caregivers. He didn't even know how to put his feet down.


Trump is too smart to be riding a bike... he takes the car.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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blah blah blah... alphabet government agencies do not create laws... Congress does.

So the EPA got dealed "a serious blow" by SCOTUS stating they can mandate CO2 emission norms to states (as they can still do) but can't regulate the actual method of power generation (coal in this case) as that is a tad beyond their statures (as ruled by SCOTUS 6-3).

Now this mostly falls on a "picket fence" doctrine in which EPA can mandate what exits said picket fence (aka the CO2) but it can't mandate what makes it generate inside said picket fence. Or rather it was found to not be allowed to mandate by their governing laws.

Now the ugly side of this coin seems to be the GOP thinking they can now go and tear down any mandate from an "alphabet government agency" if it wasn't explicitly stated in a law. A libertarian dream I'd guess you would salivate. A foolish plan cause it would also mean alot of "pro-GOP" statures and mandates can be put to the chopping block as they were merely mandated by said agencies and not made explicitly into law.

Thinking you need to be everything into law or it doesn't count is an horrendous way, even more as your congress (and political establishment in general) has shown a distinct lack of actual governing, let alone being actual on point with the matters it governs over. Delegation of powers to agencies stocked with actual knowledge about such matters is paramount for a good function government and nation.

oo wait

not I see

you don't like a good functioning goverment, something something "deep state"


libertarian dreamhouses again...

Meanwhile, after the Abe assassination in Japan, Brandon contemplates an Executive Order to ban steel pipe and duct tape.

yeah, mock the incredible rare event shocking a close ally. You guys have lost more Presidents to assasination then Japan has lost politicians as a whole.

And yeah, ignore that the fellow had to be rather knowledgable in firearms and assorted techniques and couldn't just waltz into a store and buy a AK to go do his deed.

Brandon has given up his effort to blame Putin's war for his horrible economy. Only idiots believed that one.
Everyone knows the USA was engaged in actual war for 20 years over 9-11, and we never had these problems.
Now he's blaming his incompetence on... wait for it... evil Republicans.

Democrats have given up defending him. The liberal New York Times has his approval at 33%.

Joe can blame Republicans in January when it takes only one impeachment to get rid of "the guy who got more votes than anyone in US history"... like anyone believes that. The dude fell off a completely stopped bicycle, and the entire country is crushed under the policies of his caregivers. He didn't even know how to put his feet down.

Trump is too smart to be riding a bike... he takes the car.

Economy in the US is soaring and will obvously be claimed to be of Republican design the second a POTUS of GOP signature resides in the White House. I have heared this scenario before...

lol wars in Afghanistan and Iraq mean squad on a global scale.

If the GOP actual succeedes in an impeachement AND conviction, democracy will truely be gone from the USA.

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If the GOP actual succeedes in an impeachement AND conviction, democracy will truely be gone from the USA.

I didn't see you post anything like this during the two failed attempts by Democrats to force Trump from office.

What exactly do you mean by "democracy will truly be gone from the USA"?

Joe Biden is an empty suit... Democrats don't even want him anymore.

So how does removing him from office destroy democracy in the USA?

Republicans stand for our Constitution. The people have the power to decide our government.

That is the very definition of democracy.

Everything the SCOTUS has been doing is returning that power back to the people.

That power should have never been taken from us.


Joe will go... that's inevitable. The problem is Harris... she is worse than Joe.

Look for her sudden exit before they force Brandon to stay in Delaware permanently.


My wife and I are forming our first bowling team since Covid closed it all down.

The name of the team will be "Word Salad"... in honor of our idiot Vice President.

Woke (adj.)

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to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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Who was visiting the White House today? None other than California Governor Gavin Newsome.

Looks like they found the replacement for their brain-dead Vice President.

The strong scent of the 25th Amendment is rampant throughout the halls.

President Gavin Newsome... yeah, that'll fix it.

What was that about the death of democracy in the USA?


Brandon has lost complete control over the administration.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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If the GOP actual succeedes in an impeachement AND conviction, democracy will truely be gone from the USA.

I didn't see you post anything like this during the two failed attempts by Democrats to force Trump from office.
What exactly do you mean by "democracy will truly be gone from the USA"?
Joe Biden is an empty suit... Democrats don't even want him anymore.
So how does removing him from office destroy democracy in the USA?
Republicans stand for our Constitution. The people have the power to decide our government.
That is the very definition of democracy.
Everything the SCOTUS has been doing is returning that power back to the people.
That power should have never been taken from us.

Well for Trump's there were actual charges and all. Last I heared the potential Biden one's would be "cause we don't like him". or something to that effect.

Wait, I thought the US wasn't a Democracy but a Republic? You missed your kool-aid injection this month?

Also what power has SCOTUS granted to the people these few years? Please note that state rights don't invalidate federal rights being as much from the people as you would like to think.

Joe will go... that's inevitable. The problem is Harris... she is worse than Joe.
Look for her sudden exit before they force Brandon to stay in Delaware permanently.

Pray tell, what did the VP do to get you so riled up?

My wife and I are forming our first bowling team since Covid closed it all down.
The name of the team will be "Word Salad"... in honor of our idiot Vice President.

You do have heared Trump's nuclear remarks yes? And I aint refering to the hurricane one...

Who was visiting the White House today? None other than California Governor Gavin Newsome.
Looks like they found the replacement for their brain-dead Vice President.
The strong scent of the 25th Amendment is rampant throughout the halls.
President Gavin Newsome... yeah, that'll fix it.
What was that about the death of democracy in the USA?

What's this incoherent ramblings about? A Dem governor can't even come to the White House anymore? Whats next? Biden phoning outgoing Johnson and you think the US would be sold back to the UK?

Brandon has lost complete control over the administration.

Do enlighten us (or just me I guess :D)

Emperor of the Benelux
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