Durham is finding, and prosecuting, technicalitiesJohn Durham indicted Hillary Clinton's lawyer, Michael Sussmann, and put him on trial for lying to the FBI. Everybody knows he did it, but Durham also knew he would never get a conviction on Sussmann with an extremely tainted DC jury. What John Durham wanted was to get specific members of this conspiracy on the stand and under oath to expose the lies and implicate the conspirators. This was a screaming success. Next is a Virginia court... with a Virginia jury. Stay tuned.
I am holding my breath as much as when Trump getting to talk under oath. >_>
btw for the rest here, Sussmann walked cause they couldn't prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he wasn't just a concerned citizen seeing a weird connection between Trump campaign servers and a Russian Alpha bank server. It was later found that the Apha bank server was likely a spam sender, not that a non-IT guy would know about this.