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The 2022 Midterm Elections

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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Yeah he donated the probably entire $1,6M, gratz? Meanwhile he funneled every foreign dignitary to his properties, let alone all the USA staff (Secret Service, various state departments, ...) all also being funneled into them while he tripped not just internally but also externally to his properties.



Trump enjoyed the payed golf trips...


Speaking off, the golf cart rentals alone are over half that $1,6M...

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Trump endorsed 22 candidates in primaries held yesterday in Ohio and Indiana... all 22 won. No one cares who rented a golf cart.

All 22 Trump-Backed Candidates Win Primaries in Ohio and Indiana - Dan Bongino

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Even MSNBC is admitting the inevitable...

NBC’s Steve Kornacki: “Democratic Turnout DOWN 27%...Republican Side, Turnout UP 28%” - YouTube

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When it gets too crazy with idiots arguing over stupid things that don't matter, I binge watch this series that Tom Hanks made with HBO some years back called "From the Earth to the Moon". It takes me back to a time when we had real life problems, and still had what it takes to do great things. Watching this series always makes me proud... give it a try.

From the Earth to the Moon Openning Credits and Final - YouTube

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I just read this piece from Matthew Doud from MSNBC. He's talking about polling and the issues strong enough for Democrats to run on for the 2022 midterm. He says Republicans have the clear and overwhelming advantage on the issues of Inflation, Economy, and Immigration... but Democrats are strong on Voting Rights and Abortion... so that's what they need to run on.


So, Democrats want to run on rigging elections and killing babies... please Democrats, follow his advice.

West Virginia, Nebraska results are in — but midterms await (msnbc.com)

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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Trump endorsed 22 candidates in primaries held yesterday in Ohio and Indiana... all 22 won. No one cares who rented a golf cart.

All 22 Trump-Backed Candidates Win Primaries in Ohio and Indiana - Dan Bongino

Think evidence has been clear for years that Trump absorbed the GOP. Nobody really contests that you folks keep liking Trump-y people.


Now if you folks actually wake up and smell the garbage that Trump is, thats another thing :D

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Brandon just called me an "Ultra MAGA"... I'm an ultra-make America great Republican.

Wow... is that supposed to be an insult?

Then he calls Trump "The Great MAGA King"

He must believe he's hitting us where it hurts. Great job Joe!

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The Ministry of Truth is smoldering ash, and the singing Nina Goebbels has been shown the door.

BREAKING: Biden admin to 'pause' Disinformation Governance Board after backlash | The Post Millennial


U.S. Ministry of Truth Interrogates Man Who Shared Misinformation - YouTube

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According to Hunter Biden's completely real and verified laptop... the Biden Cartel took in a cool $11,000,000.00 from China.

I'll put up the original NBC link to avoid the normal right wing conspiracy baloney.

Analysis of Hunter Biden's hard drive shows he and his firm took in about $11 million from 2013 to 2018 (nbcnews.com)

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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$11M? With a name-sake but non-gov linked person? Massive loudspeakers all around!

Couple billions thruw Kushner? The fellow who got denied more security clearance requests then anyone is keeping count? Total silence...



Once again, I am all for investigations and finding plausible governmental interference, selling of sensitive information or likewise damaging actions against the nation.

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Once again, I am all for investigations and finding plausible governmental interference, selling of sensitive information or likewise damaging actions against the nation.

How about this one?

Hillary Clinton approved Trump-Russia leak to media, her campaign manager says | Washington | bozemandailychronicle.com


I hear Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, and Lisa Page are the next targets.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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Once again, I am all for investigations and finding plausible governmental interference, selling of sensitive information or likewise damaging actions against the nation.

How about this one?

Hillary Clinton approved Trump-Russia leak to media, her campaign manager says | Washington | bozemandailychronicle.com


I hear Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, and Lisa Page are the next targets.



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A smear campaign? By a poltical adversary? Say it aint so!

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A smear campaign? By a poltical adversary? Say it aint so!

It wasn't a "smear campaign". This was recruiting the power of the entire Federal Government against a Presidential Candidate, and then using it to destroy a sitting President. It didn't work. It's been exposed as a criminal conspiracy, and I would be strongly in favor of charges of treason against these scumbags... which carries capital punishment. Air the executions live on every channel.


I still would not be satisfied... too many of these scumbags got away with it already.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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Trump's campaign had links to a foreign non-friendly nation, receiving aid from said nation and plausible even sending campaign info to said nation.


Already various members of Trumps WH have been found guilty of various criminal conspiracy's and delicts, some surrounding possible sensitive and classified information handling with possible links to previous mentioned non-friendly nation, a textbook treason case. Still a multitude of ethics and heavier stuff has been hanging over Trump during his stay in the WH, let alone his actions post election loss and specifically srrounding Jan 6th.


Go cry a river about your guy being outed as hanging out with criminals and possibly treasonous people. Your entire nation has devolved into an extremist partisan hackery in which everyone cares for the US but nobody actually does anything for the US, just themselfes.





also lol at such an execution happening anywhere near your lifespan, you folks sit on such death row people for decades. Then again, I heared they strolled up with a guillotine for Pence on the 6th, so who knows what your MAGA bunch can cook up if you get another shot at it...

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Trump's campaign had links to a foreign non-friendly nation, receiving aid from said nation and plausible even sending campaign info to said nation.

That is a lie. It was a complete fabrication created by Hillary Clinton and her minions. I guess you must be behind the Socialist EU propaganda wall of disinformation, and they are not allowing you to keep up with the Durham investigation. But you can believe what you want, as a matter of fact I have recently heard that some wackos actually believe global warming is killing us... idiots.


For the record, I don't believe Durham will get a conviction on Sussman... it's an Obama judge and a DC jury.

What is more important is what this trial has exposed.

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CNN posted up the most beautiful picture of a red wave. Things are really bad but breathe and be patient... the cavalry is coming.

Analysis: The Republican wave is building fast | CNN Politics

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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Trump's campaign had links to a foreign non-friendly nation, receiving aid from said nation and plausible even sending campaign info to said nation.

That is a lie. It was a complete fabrication created by Hillary Clinton and her minions. I guess you must be behind the Socialist EU propaganda wall of disinformation, and they are not allowing you to keep up with the Durham investigation. But you can believe what you want, as a matter of fact I have recently heard that some wackos actually believe global warming is killing us... idiots.


For the record, I don't believe Durham will get a conviction on Sussman... it's an Obama judge and a DC jury.

What is more important is what this trial has exposed.


Says Fox & consorted aficionado who probably hasn't eve heared a bad word about Cawthorn. Cause guess what, Republicans all are spotless Jezus incarnate guiding you to the promised land of milk, honey and only white power. Ooo wait, I shouldn't have said that last one out loud, got to keep up with the Murdoch/Koch/Mercer line that nobody is rascist just cause we all dislike black people except for that on stoge that seems to want to whitewash himself as we allowhis stint in high office.


Durham is finding, and prosecuting, technicalities and judicial mishaps that do nothing to the actual facts that the Russian gov had links into the Trump campaign. The first does not invalidate, nor even absolve, the latter.


CNN posted up the most beautiful picture of a red wave. Things are really bad but breathe and be patient... the cavalry is coming.

Analysis: The Republican wave is building fast | CNN Politics

A red wave after a Dem elected president and in the off-year election? Say it aint so! :D


yeah cavalry, cause we are a couple months away of internal combustion motors being labeled "liberal" and thus needing to the shunned...

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Durham is finding, and prosecuting, technicalities

John Durham indicted Hillary Clinton's lawyer, Michael Sussmann, and put him on trial for lying to the FBI. Everybody knows he did it, but Durham also knew he would never get a conviction on Sussmann with an extremely tainted DC jury. What John Durham wanted was to get specific members of this conspiracy on the stand and under oath to expose the lies and implicate the conspirators. This was a screaming success. Next is a Virginia court... with a Virginia jury. Stay tuned.

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Depp wins against the woke mob! Sweeney Todd gets his revenge once again.

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Archaeologists have found a massive cache of around 150 bronze statues in Egypt. It's all about 2500 years old. They also uncovered 250 painted wood coffins containing mummies. It's rumored that they are still registered to vote Democrat. We shall see.

Egyptian archaeological mission finds largest-ever cachette in Saqqara - The Jerusalem Post (jpost.com)

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