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[KZ-02] SANE END: Madness Metropolis

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[insert some heart warming ending with penguins involved]

Chaplain of death [Patricia Portillo], Anorexic Townie, was cured in the head
Xx Karl xX [Shrieker the Sadist], Sadistic Serial Killer, was locked away in an asylum forever


- Daimos [Major Masteria], Redirector
- ccabal86 [Sergeant Sanity], Roleblocker
- BeeBs [Super Shrink], Team Sanity Escapee

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Mafia fail statistics: 13 Wins (11T/1M/1O), 7 Loses (6T/1O), 4 Draws/Abandoned
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The Sane

Mayor Madness:
Good morning citizens of Madness Metropolis.
I very much fe—

The television is then switched to channels containing
Mindless game-shows and soap operas
The television is then turned off…

Seargeant Sanity: By my mother's mandible! This forsaken city needs our help!

Major Masteria: Let us not waste any more time! As long as there is a zit on the teenage face of justice, we will not stop until this city is transformed to a utopian metropolis of justice!


You are Major Masteria.

It’s been days since you, Sergeant Sanity and Super Shrink have been fighting mental illnesses in this godforsaken place. Unfortunately a very big blow came to the team when Super Shrink was arrested during the botched attempt to cure the mayor. Without losing your resolve, the virtuous fight still continues.

Faked Disorder:
Bipolar Disorder - You're a kawaii tsundere

Factional Abilities:
Night Cure – Each night, your faction may target a player, using the power of justice and the help of modern medicine, to cure the mental illnesses of Madness Metropolis.
Madness Mimicry – Each night, you can target a player to mimic his disorder. If you target another player, your previous disorder will be replaced.

Super Abilities:
1-shot redirect – At night, you can target a player and choose who they will target that night.
1-shot bus – At night, you can choose two people; any actions meant for one will hit the other instead.

Win Condition:
You win if at least one member of your group is alive and sane (or if nothing can prevent the same).


You are Sergeant Sanity.

It’s been days since you, Major Masteria and Super Shrink have been fighting mental illnesses in this godforsaken place. Unfortunately a very big blow came to the team when Super Shrink was arrested during the botched attempt to cure the mayor. Without losing your resolve, the virtuous fight still continues.

Faked Disorder:
TV Personalities – You have delusions of being able to present a cookery show

Factional Abilities:
Night Cure – Each night, your faction may target a player, using the power of justice and the help of modern medicine, to cure the mental illnesses of Madness Metropolis.
Madness Mimicry – Each night, you can target a player to mimic his disorder. If you target another player, your previous disorder will be replaced.

Super Abilities:
1-shot roleblock – At night, you can target a player; any actions they make will fail
1-shot rolestopper – At night, you can target a player; all night actions targeting him will fail

Win Condition:
You win if at least one member of your group is alive and sane (or if nothing can prevent the same).


You are Super Shrink.

It’s been days since you, Major Masteria and Sergeant Sanity have been fighting mental illnesses in this godforsaken place. Unfortunately you were caught during the botched attempt to cure the mayor. Unbeknownst to the public, you escaped from captivity. You must try to rejoin with your team and continue the virtuous fight against madness.

Faked Disorder:
Stockholm Syndrome – You can't help it. They're giving you free food.

Factional Abilities:
Night Cure – Each night, your faction may target a player, using the power of justice and the help of modern medicine, to cure the mental illnesses of Madness Metropolis.
Madness Mimicry – Each night, you can target a player to mimic his disorder. If you target another player, your previous disorder will be replaced.

Super Abilities:
Rejoining the Team – Each night, you can send an anonymous message to a player that you think is either Major Masteria or Sergeant Sanity. If you targeted correctly, you will rejoin them and gain the factional night cure ability.


Win Condition:
You win if at least one member of your group is alive and sane (or if nothing can prevent the same).

The Insane

reign of terror

You are Schizophrenic Sam.

Your mother always told you don’t talk to strangers. You were an obedient kid so you took this to heart even to this day.

Paranoid Schizophrenia – Who needs real friends when you have imaginary friends!

Paranoia Parapet – Each night, you and your dependable friends will fend off attacks at your home. You are not immune to night actions but everyone who targets you will be bruised so bad that their night action will be unusable the next day.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the metropolis have been eliminated.

Imran Ehsan

You are Miss Bonne.

Your last boyfriend just left you because you are getting fat and this made you very sad.

Recurrent Depressive Disorder – It’s a good knowledge that you can kill yourself to cure your illness.

Emo – During the day, you will try to be depressed and pessimistic (this includes using sad emoticons).
Failure to follow your post restriction will either give you an additional restriction the following day or punish you with a modkill.
Self-Hatred - Because you have a very low self-esteem, one less vote is needed to lynch you.
Date A Stranger - During the night, you will try to find your soul mate that that will love and respect you more than your previous boyfriend. Your target will be notified that you are interested with him.


Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the metropolis have been eliminated.

MOD Notes:
If Miss Bonnie messages Mister Clyde, Clyde will inherit her disease and will go emo :(
If Mister Clyde messages Miss Bonnie, Bonnie will inherit his disease and will go happy :)
If both targeted each other at the same night, the late player will inherit the early player's disease and ability


You are Mister Clyde.

Watching paint dry makes you laugh. Watching your pet puppy getting ran over by a truck makes you laugh. Everything makes you laugh.
Psychiatrists have no clue why you are laughing all the time but you don’t care as this makes your outlook on life very bright and funny.

Infectious Laughter – Causes helpless chortling and repetition of unfunny catchphrases.

Conspicuous Chuckles – During the day, you will try to be laugh as much as possible or make a lot of jokes or unfunny catchphrases (this includes using happy emoticons).
Failure to follow your post restriction will either give you an additional restriction the following day or punish you with a modkill.
Lovable Laughs – Because people love your cheerful disposition, one more vote is needed to lynch you.
Date A Stranger – During the night, you can’t help but find a stranger to spread your laughter. Your target will be notified that you are interested with her.


Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the metropolis have been eliminated.

MOD Notes:
If Miss Bonnie messages Mister Clyde, Clyde will inherit her disease and will go emo :(
If Mister Clyde messages Miss Bonnie, Bonnie will inherit his disease and will go happy :)
If both targeted each other at the same night, the late player will inherit the early player's disease and ability


You are Pica Pete.

You were a bit high when you watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
You took to heart what Willy Wonka said when he told everyone that you can eat everything.
Ever since then, you really eat everything.

Pica – If it looks good, eat it!

Bulimia – Each night you can vomit one of the following contents in your stomach for use for the night:
1-Use Tracking Device – Will learn who a player targeted, but not what action that player performed.
1-Use Medical Kit – Will protect a player from any night kill.
1-Use Cleaver – Will be used to night kill a player

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the metropolis have been eliminated.

Chaplain of death Angel Cruz dela Sant

You are Patricia Portillo.

You hate your fat body very much. You try to diet but you still can’t see your beautiful bones.
You heard nutritionists have invaded the city to feed you like a pig. You decided to join the mob to lynch them.

Anorexia Nervosa – The requirement for a runway model.

Starve to Death – You have to make sacrifices to maintain your sexy body.
It does absolutely nothing with the exception of saving money for charity.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the metropolis have been eliminated.


You are Doctor Delirium.

You are the mad mayor’s right hand. You make sure that the citizens of Madness Metropolis are in complete disarray.

Acute Confusional State – You’re fond of cute confusing shapes. Good thing they’re everywhere.

Derbisol – Each night you can drug someone with Derbisol. Any attempts to cure that person’s insanity will fail.
Because of the potency of the drug, the target will temporarily be wizardly insane.
To protect everyone, the target will be safely locked in your cell for the night, preventing him from using his night action.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the metropolis have been eliminated.

MOD Notes:
Will also prevent night kills

IvanV ABigDeer

You are Time Traveler Tom.

At any point, as many times as you want, you may travel back in time to observe past events.
However, to prevent time paradoxes, you're unable to change anything that happened before you entered your time machine during the trip.
Also, since you do get bored like any other human being and have no idea where to start looking, you're unable to observe any night actions.

Fregoli Delusion – Time traveling does that to you.

Time Traveling – You can read posts from the past!

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the metropolis have been eliminated.

Theophilos d3mon OrangeRush7

You are Stendhal the Cop.

You keep the harmonious chaos in Madness Metropolis. You heard that criminals are on the loose.
You are tasked by the chief of police to investigate these low-life scums who try to destroy the city’s disorder.

Stendhal Syndrome – You are easily distracted and hypnotized by works of art. Good thing no crazy artists lives in the city.

Investigation – Each night, you may target a player to discover their mental illness, e.g. investigating yourself will yield the disorder Stendhal Syndrome.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the metropolis have been eliminated.


You are an Anterograde Amnesiac Cop.

You can’t remember your past. You can’t even remember your name.

Anterograde Amnesia – Haven’t I told you about your condition yet?

Investigation – You have the ability to investigate one other player per night to determine their alignment, but there's a problem.
See, you have this condition. You can't form new memories. You just forget everything that happens to you.
So instead of trying to remember your night results, you write them down on little slips of paper.

There's only one problem, though: you keep forgetting where you put the little slips of paper.
See, you have this condition. You can't form new memories. So you keep forgetting where you put the papers.

You may investigate one other player per night to determine their allegiance, but you don't get the results.
Upon your death, however, the results will be revealed to the rest of the town.

You don't get the results yourself because of this condition that you have. See, you can't form new memories. So you just keep forgetting the results.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the metropolis have been eliminated.


You are Mayor Madness.

You are the architect of chaos and disorder in this crazy metropolis.
You have ordered all the citizens to hunt down sane individuals who would try to fix the city’s disorder.

Megalomania – You’re not called mad for nothing

The Mayor Speaks – Once and during twilight, you can prevent any lynch by PMing the mod.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the metropolis have been eliminated.

Eva999 Nerau

You are Mister Hyde.

You are unemployed as people avoid you because of your sweaty palms.
For some reason though, your fridge is always full and you have some money in your wallet when you wake up from bed.

Sweaty Palms – An acquired illness from numerous rejections from job interviews. Your handshakes are like grabbing a recently submerged sponge.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the metropolis have been eliminated.

MOD Notes:
On Night 1, the second role description will be released

During the night:

You are Doctor Jekyll.

You’re a night-shift veterinarian who works very hard.
For some reason though, each time you stock your fridge with food and receive your monthly salary, they vanish without a trace.
You suspect that there is a thief taking advantage of your absence during the night.

Dissociative Identity Disorder – Two heads are better than one.

Night Miller - Each night, your split personality Dr. Jekyll will overpower your usual crazy self.
When you are investigated, you will appear as if you don’t have any mental illnesses.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the metropolis have been eliminated.

MOD Notes:
If killed during Day time, will appear Insane
If killed during Night time, will appear Sane

Electric Mango

You are Mysophobiac Mandy.

You can’t stand dirt. You always try to wash your hands each time you hold the knob of doors that’s why your house lacks doors except for the front door.
You were a sickly child so that explains your fear or disgust of contamination and germs.

Mysophobia – 99.9% germ-killing disinfectants is never enough

OCD – Each night, you can detect whether you were targeted by someone as you can easily check whether your things are contaminated.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the metropolis have been eliminated.

The Ridiculously Insane

Xx Karl xX

You are Shrieker the Sadist.

--- Classified ---

Sadistic Personality Disorder – You’re resistance makes me harder!

Psycho Drugs - Each odd-number night you will drug another player to use a 1-shot Night Kill that he is forced to use that night.
The player will not be informed that you are the one who granted him the night kill. In addition, his disorder will change into Sadistic Personality Disorder.
In the event that you are targeted by your victim, you will be forced to shoot him.
Mad Beyond Redemption – All attempts to cure your insanity will fail

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the metropolis have been eliminated.

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Mafia fail statistics: 13 Wins (11T/1M/1O), 7 Loses (6T/1O), 4 Draws/Abandoned
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Player Changes
Nerau -> Eva999 (Day 1)
OrangeRush -> d3mon (Day 2)
Angel Cruz dela Sant -> Chaplain of death (Day 4)
ABigDeer -> IvanV (Day 4)
d3mon -> Theophilos (Day 7)

Night Actions

Night 1:

BeeBs mimicked ccabal86
BeeBs messaged ccabal86
ccabal86 night cured Imhran Ehsan
ccabal86 mimicked Electric Mango
Daimos mimicked BeeBs

Xx Karl xX psycho drugged KevinH

Alternate_Tree investigated BeeBs
Imran Ehsan messaged Xx karl xX
KevinH tracked Electric Mango using tracking device
KevinH night killed JohnGato
OrangeRush investigated Rafay
Rafay derbisoled Angel Cruz dela Sant

Night 2

BeeBs mimicked Electric Mango
ccabal86 mimicked KevinH (roleblocked by Rafay)
Daimos night cured Eva999
Daimos mimicked reign of terror (incapacitated by reign of terror)

Rafay derbisoled ccabal86

Night 3

BeeBs mimicked Rafay
ccabal86 night cured KevinH (protected target)
ccabal86 mimicked cam177

Xx Karl xX psycho drugged d3mon

Alternate_tree investigated KevinH
KevinH night killed reign of terror using meat cleaver (roleblocked)
d3mon investigated BeeBs
d3mon night killed reign of terror (incapacitated by reign of terror)
Rafay derbisoled KevinH

Night 4

BeeBs mimicked Xx Karl xX
ccabal86 roleblocked Alternate_Tree
Daimos night cured KevinH
Daimos mimicked d3mon

Alternate_Tree investigated Xx Karl xX (roleblocked)
KevinH protected Alternate_Tree using Medical Kit
Rafay derbisoled Ivan V

Night 5

BeeBs mimicked cam177 (roleblocked)
BeeBs night killed d3mon (roleblocked)
ccabal86 night cured Electric Mango
Daimos used shot redirect on Alternate_Tree -> Electric Mango
Daimos mimicked Rafay

Xx Karl xX psycho drugged BeeBs

Alternate_Tree investigated Chaplain of Death (redirected -> Electric Mango)
Rafay derbisoled BeeBs

Night 6

ccabal86 night cured Chaplain of death (protected target)
Daimos used shot bus on BeeBs and Rafay

Rafay derbisoled Chaplain of death

Night 7

ccabal86 night cured Rafay

Xx Karl xX psycho drugged cam177

cam177 night killed Xx Karl xX (cam177 killed by Xx Karl xX)
Theophilos investigated Chaplain of death
Rafay derbisoled Daimos

Night 8

ccabal86 night cured Chaplain of death
ccabal86 uses rolestopper on daimos
Damios mimicked Xx Karl xX

1. lol at the sucky names and stuff
2. I got discouraged after a lot of players has gone inactive (and it was hard to find replacements)
3. I think there's a tendency for you guys to sheep on other players
4. lol no one suspected ccabal86
5. personally I thought the setup leaned favorably to the townies
6. majority-only lynch is not a good idea here

Edited by Kaziocore, 14 September 2012 - 02:24 PM.

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Mafia fail statistics: 13 Wins (11T/1M/1O), 7 Loses (6T/1O), 4 Draws/Abandoned
Code Geass Mafia is currently looking for players. Come play with us!

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    IRON Rose

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HA! We won!

Damn, this game was really hard to figure out...There was an insane (lol) amount of roleblockers/doctors here. At one point we thought we had killed one of our own, namely Eva999. The biggest help we got was from the ridiculous amount of no-lynch votes. It ensured for DAYS that we avoid detection or suspicion by vote patterns.
Karl revealing he can't be night-cured and Alternate_Tree revealing to be the cop were both very important pieces of info we could use. We might not have won without it :) KevinH's list was pretty helpful too, as both BeeBs and I ranked pretty high on the townie list.

Good job Team Sanity! And congrats to Kazio for a very well thought out game. This would have been way more fun with higher activity levels.

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"Baptized in Fire and Blood"

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Xx Karl xX

Xx Karl xX

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No!! darn, i was soooo convinced daimos was town...grr, one more night and i woulda won >.<

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Total Wars Fought:

Rogues: 2, VE: 5, Sparta: 4

Equilibrium War Stats:
Against VE nation #1: Soldiers Lost: 13,283 -- Infra Lost: 311.19 -- Land Lost: 6,072.29 -- NUKES EATEN: 5
Against VE nation #2: Soldiers Lost: 7,530-- Infra Lost: 251.73-- Land Lost: 8,930.64-- NUKES EATEN: 6
Against VE nation #3: Nothin, cuz he's a pansy
Against VE nation #4: Soldiers Lost: 2,706 -- Infra Lost: 65.06 -- Land Lost: 2,281.09 -- NUKES EATEN: 2

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A most interesting game Kaz kudos to you. Team Sanity well played. I think sanes had a lot of abilities but we had more numbers. No my strategy will be a lynch every day. No lynches are useless and give mafia the cover and time needed to perform their actions w/o fear.

Nonetheless it was fun. I am so happy that I lasted so long in my second game as well.

Thanks again Kaz. I hope we get a new game soon. U r the best mod.



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A fun first game of mafia for me, don't know if I'll play again next game yet

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I thought i did pretty good since for the longest time everyone pointed at me and for the most this whole thing i was the voice of reason

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Chaplain of death

Chaplain of death

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Good game, too bad most of the townies seemed to not really know how to play as many of them just did the best they could to appear scummy. -_-

Congrats team sanity, Well played daimos and ccabal at the end, had me thouroughly convinced.


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I actually thought of putting a jester but the catch is that if he is lynched,
he will explode and take down people who tried to lynch him :D

but I scrapped that after thinking it would be too imbalanced and too bastardy :P
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Mafia fail statistics: 13 Wins (11T/1M/1O), 7 Loses (6T/1O), 4 Draws/Abandoned
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A most interesting game Kaz kudos to you. Team Sanity well played. I think sanes had a lot of abilities but we had more numbers. No my strategy will be a lynch every day. No lynches are useless and give mafia the cover and time needed to perform their actions w/o fear.

If they were not so lucky in "saving" BeeBs, they're pretty much screwed without those abilities.
And don't forget there was a very powerful cop.

It would have been more interesting if cam177 shot either ccabal86 or daimos...

Edited by Kaziocore, 15 September 2012 - 06:05 AM.

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Mafia fail statistics: 13 Wins (11T/1M/1O), 7 Loses (6T/1O), 4 Draws/Abandoned
Code Geass Mafia is currently looking for players. Come play with us!

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If they were not so lucky in "saving" BeeBs, they're pretty much screwed without those abilities.
And don't forget there was a very powerful cop.

It would have been more interesting if cam177 shot either ccabal86 or daimos...

i was considering it honestly but XX seemed the most likely given his no return lol

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Yeah, the night one connection between me and CCabal, I think, really turned the game.

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Honestly not to shoot you down but it wasnt that turning the game it was the simple fact that the rounds were so long i mean we started this back in what may? it is 4 months later there was just to much inactivity in the game in the game

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Honestly not to shoot you down but it wasnt that turning the game it was the simple fact that the rounds were so long i mean we started this back in what may? it is 4 months later there was just to much inactivity in the game in the game

Actually 14 days isn't that long if the town did some actual scum hunting
instead of debating whether to lynch or to no lynch or something.

I played some mafia games before where the days lasted 20 days
and there was no problem at all.
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Mafia fail statistics: 13 Wins (11T/1M/1O), 7 Loses (6T/1O), 4 Draws/Abandoned
Code Geass Mafia is currently looking for players. Come play with us!

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Actually 14 days isn't that long if the town did some actual scum hunting
instead of debating whether to lynch or to no lynch or something.

I played some mafia games before where the days lasted 20 days
and there was no problem at all.

okay let me rephrase it by having the days so long and quite a few new people it brought it to this 4 months for anything is a long time from the end of school to the start at that lol

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    Freshly IRONed

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I had fun playing this game. Was my first.

The game was very detailed. Thanks to Kaz.

Will definitely play again. Just need more active people.



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I had fun playing this game. Was my first.

The game was very detailed. Thanks to Kaz.

Will definitely play again. Just need more active people.

It would have been more detailed if I found time adding flavor for the death scenes and stuff (or found motivation)

But yeah we need more active people. I could only make these kind of games if there are 15+ people.
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Mafia fail statistics: 13 Wins (11T/1M/1O), 7 Loses (6T/1O), 4 Draws/Abandoned
Code Geass Mafia is currently looking for players. Come play with us!

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    Freshly IRONed

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Yeah, the night one connection between me and CCabal, I think, really turned the game.

I agree. What a lucky shot!

Some townies being inactive also contributed to thier downfall.

Kudos to BeeBs and Ccabal86 for guiding me throughout the game. Was fortunate to be grouped with very good players.

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