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[RF-01] Teen Titans Game (Day 4).

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Vote: No Lynch.


Lets try a new strategy this time please.



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TheDoom came out accusing people. :P Is this your 1st game?


mandarijn juice

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I am not a crook.

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Vote: No lynch

I can't bold it on my iPad, sorry

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I see a bandwagon forming for no lynch and I am not comfortable ending the day so quickly.



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An refert, ubi et in qua arrigas?

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That surely seems off.  The guy who is the first to vote no lynch and post so quickly, now suddenly doesn't want it to end so quickly.  If you're for no lynch, you shouldn't care if others all go that same route and voted no lynch.  Seems fishy you suddenly make a move to look less "scumish" by backing out of your earlier vote.  


I believed that lynching with nothing to go on was a bad idea.  Didn't want to lose a townie off a guess in the dark, while another one may get killed during the night time...but with D3mon's quick change of heart, and in my eyes, looking to come off less scumish.  


Changes vote from No Lynch to D3mon

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Former Government Of The East India Company(VOC)
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That surely seems off.  The guy who is the first to vote no lynch and post so quickly, now suddenly doesn't want it to end so quickly.  If you're for no lynch, you shouldn't care if others all go that same route and voted no lynch.  Seems fishy you suddenly make a move to look less "scumish" by backing out of your earlier vote.  


I believed that lynching with nothing to go on was a bad idea.  Didn't want to lose a townie off a guess in the dark, while another one may get killed during the night time...but with D3mon's quick change of heart, and in my eyes, looking to come off less scumish.  


Changes vote from No Lynch to D3mon

noob spotted


Only scum will oppose no-lynch. 


what information is there to be had? there is none, everyone's just loling around atm. 

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I feel like starting the game randomly in the middle of page 2 of this thread is going to cause some people to miss the fact that the game is actually going.. Do we get to know all of the possible roles in this game or are we completely in the dark?


As for the "lynch" vs "no lynch" argument:


There is validity to both strategies. While lynching someone without much information would probably more likely lead to a townie lynch, it is also more likely to jump start the flow of information in the game imo. Having said that, by voting not to lynch on day 1 it probably means that we are only down 1 townie instead of 2 going into day 2.


I'm leaning toward no lynch at least until Robert addresses my question above.

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I feel like starting the game randomly in the middle of page 2 of this thread is going to cause some people to miss the fact that the game is actually going.. Do we get to know all of the possible roles in this game or are we completely in the dark?


As for the "lynch" vs "no lynch" argument:


There is validity to both strategies. While lynching someone without much information would probably more likely lead to a townie lynch, it is also more likely to jump start the flow of information in the game imo. Having said that, by voting not to lynch on day 1 it probably means that we are only down 1 townie instead of 2 going into day 2.


I'm leaning toward no lynch at least until Robert addresses my question above.



So far this is the information that is out there:

1. Scum know who they are. 

2. Townies have no clue, in the night, different townies will have different abilities and will have something to go by the next day.


Hence, with scum knowing who they are, and higher number of overall townies mean the probability of townie getting lynched is significantly higher than a scum. Add on to the fact the new players and if pressured, will do the noob errors, hence, the probability skews even further away from town. 


That's the information is there today and will remain so unless someone else role-claims, which isnt going to be the case. 


So, explain to us tW, what will be the flow of information that will get jump started? and how is Robert's answer going to impact things at day 1 and consequently affect your vote?

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    Tempered IRON

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Just keep poking around till someone moans.No lynch will get nothing.


Unvote: Mandarjin (I know u are scum but still :P )

Has been online on forums but hasnt posted anything yet.

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The differance between IRON and some rag tag alliance is the fact that we will fight with no reguard to our own nations. Putting the greater good of the whole before ourselves. Victory for all or they will have to fight us to the last point of infa in the last IRON nation. Every so often someone(s) will come around and exemplifie this. Living up to the IRON Values. It gives me great pleaser to baptize three of IRON's up and comers.

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So, explain to us tW, what will be the flow of information that will get jump started? and how is Robert's answer going to impact things at day 1 and consequently affect your vote?

Getting people to talk and react to votes offers a much better idea of how they might be playing things especially since we literally have zero information heading into day 1. And I didn't say that Robert's answer would change the way I would vote. I am just reserving my vote at least until that time.

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That surely seems off.  The guy who is the first to vote no lynch and post so quickly, now suddenly doesn't want it to end so quickly.  If you're for no lynch, you shouldn't care if others all go that same route and voted no lynch.  Seems fishy you suddenly make a move to look less "scumish" by backing out of your earlier vote.  


I believed that lynching with nothing to go on was a bad idea.  Didn't want to lose a townie off a guess in the dark, while another one may get killed during the night time...but with D3mon's quick change of heart, and in my eyes, looking to come off less scumish.  


Changes vote from No Lynch to D3mon

noob spotted


Only scum will oppose no-lynch. 


what information is there to be had? there is none, everyone's just loling around atm. 




That makes absolutely no sense.  Why would Scum oppose no lynch, especially on the first day.  They go into night time with the ability to knock off a townie and not risk losing a scum.

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Former Government Of The East India Company(VOC)
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I feel like starting the game randomly in the middle of page 2 of this thread is going to cause some people to miss the fact that the game is actually going.. Do we get to know all of the possible roles in this game or are we completely in the dark?
As for the "lynch" vs "no lynch" argument:
There is validity to both strategies. While lynching someone without much information would probably more likely lead to a townie lynch, it is also more likely to jump start the flow of information in the game imo. Having said that, by voting not to lynch on day 1 it probably means that we are only down 1 townie instead of 2 going into day 2.
I'm leaning toward no lynch at least until Robert addresses my question above.

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(Doom War Damage Rank) 35: Robert2424 - 21 - 67,720.61 - 28,156.05 - 96,651.47

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Vote:Fermion Has been online on forums but hasnt posted anything yet.

I'm still trying to figure out what's happening :lol:

I'm with tW on this one. Can we list of all the roles and what powers they have? I'm going to reserve my vote until then. Thank you!

no offices held rn

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U had no mp no sdi no military wonder actually :lol:
Kuch bhi kaho bhai dilar admi ho tussi
Sunnny deol ho sunny deol

The differance between IRON and some rag tag alliance is the fact that we will fight with no reguard to our own nations. Putting the greater good of the whole before ourselves. Victory for all or they will have to fight us to the last point of infa in the last IRON nation. Every so often someone(s) will come around and exemplifie this. Living up to the IRON Values. It gives me great pleaser to baptize three of IRON's up and comers.
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I try to keep things simple. There is no jester. (That role is dumb). There is no lyncher. There may be spacial conditions that can be reached later game. The may be unknown role modifiers. But for the most part I tried to make this roughly simple.

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(Doom War Damage Rank) 35: Robert2424 - 21 - 67,720.61 - 28,156.05 - 96,651.47

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That surely seems off.  The guy who is the first to vote no lynch and post so quickly, now suddenly doesn't want it to end so quickly.  If you're for no lynch, you shouldn't care if others all go that same route and voted no lynch.  Seems fishy you suddenly make a move to look less "scumish" by backing out of your earlier vote.  


I believed that lynching with nothing to go on was a bad idea.  Didn't want to lose a townie off a guess in the dark, while another one may get killed during the night time...but with D3mon's quick change of heart, and in my eyes, looking to come off less scumish.  


Changes vote from No Lynch to D3mon

noob spotted


Only scum will oppose no-lynch. 


what information is there to be had? there is none, everyone's just loling around atm. 




That makes absolutely no sense.  Why would Scum oppose no lynch, especially on the first day.  They go into night time with the ability to knock off a townie and not risk losing a scum.


Yea, they get one townie, with lynch, they get two. 

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Rhiz, I've given explanation why lyching is a bad option for town, it's one of my posts above. 

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So everyone except @iSocialism have spoken. (and of course dagonslayer, but I don't think he's in the game at this moment)


For now I'm just going to pressure the inactives and lurkers:

Vote: iSocialism


Rhizo is already being suspicious, although it could just be the fact that it's been a while since he has played? (assuming he has played before?) :P


mandarijn juice

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dagonslayer was last active on the forums three days ago (April 12th). We may need to ping him.

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That surely seems off.  The guy who is the first to vote no lynch and post so quickly, now suddenly doesn't want it to end so quickly.  If you're for no lynch, you shouldn't care if others all go that same route and voted no lynch.  Seems fishy you suddenly make a move to look less "scumish" by backing out of your earlier vote.  


I believed that lynching with nothing to go on was a bad idea.  Didn't want to lose a townie off a guess in the dark, while another one may get killed during the night time...but with D3mon's quick change of heart, and in my eyes, looking to come off less scumish.  


Changes vote from No Lynch to D3mon

noob spotted


Only scum will oppose no-lynch. 


what information is there to be had? there is none, everyone's just loling around atm. 




That makes absolutely no sense.  Why would Scum oppose no lynch, especially on the first day.  They go into night time with the ability to knock off a townie and not risk losing a scum.


Yea, they get one townie, with lynch, they get two. 




Yes, but there is no real need for Scum to go hard from the start and look to knock off two...doing so would likely paint a bad image of who was all for voting for someone without too much to go off of.  They could take an easy 1 kill at night without exposing anything or possibly giving a hint, while the town is out 1.  I could easily see the scum planning to keep anyone off the radar on the first vote by voting no Lynch. 


My vote still stands.  D3mon was the first to vote No Lynch.  If someone wanted no lynch and was willing to cast their vote, I don't see why someone would suddenly change their mind to unvote because they don't want the round to end.  If you don't want it to end, or don't know your decision, then don't put it out quickly. 

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Former Government Of The East India Company(VOC)
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