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Corrupt A Wish

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Granted but it's only part one of three and the author will never finish the other 2 parts. It also left off on a cliffhanger.

I wish I could learn to fucking aim in video games.

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    Theo's Defeat

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granted but u always die anyways



i wish i could fly

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Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

Nukes Delivered for IRON-31

Nukes Taken for IRON-44

You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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    Cast IRON

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granted, but you can only go up, not down or sideways. 


I wish I could be three inches taller. 

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    Theo's Defeat

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granted but you shirk an inch per hour for the rest of your life after that



I wish i had season tickets for the packers

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Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

Nukes Delivered for IRON-31

Nukes Taken for IRON-44

You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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Granted, but they moved their home ground to the other end of the world.


I wish nobody could corrupt by wish.

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    Theo's Defeat

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granted, but the SBG kills you for unrelated reasons



I wish i won the lotto last night :(

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Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

Nukes Delivered for IRON-31

Nukes Taken for IRON-44

You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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granted, but you have to donate every last penny of your money (including the one you'll earn in future).


I wish the lotto did not exist

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    Theo's Defeat

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granted, and it causes massive riots and millions of people die



i wish i didnt have a stomach ache 

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Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

Nukes Delivered for IRON-31

Nukes Taken for IRON-44

You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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granted, but now you have chronic pain everywhere else in your body for rest of your life.


i wish there was a way to resolve global warming.

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    Theo's Defeat

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granted, the world ends.  no more global warming



I wish water got me drunk

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Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

Nukes Delivered for IRON-31

Nukes Taken for IRON-44

You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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granted, but there's no more water left on earth.


i wish i could catch up to all the latest tv series.

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    Theo's Defeat

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granted but they all get canceled


I wish it was thursday 

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Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

Nukes Delivered for IRON-31

Nukes Taken for IRON-44

You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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    Cast IRON

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granted, but one more day is added to the work week 


I wish I would stop procrastinating so much

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    Theo's Defeat

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granted but you never have free time now



I wish I didnt drink that energy drink

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Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

Nukes Delivered for IRON-31

Nukes Taken for IRON-44

You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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    Cast IRON

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granted, but you have to drink coffee every hour for the rest of your life


I wish my laptop would function properly

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    Theo's Defeat

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granted, I steal it and it starts working just fine for me


I wish everything was perfect in my life and always will be perfect with nothing bad ever happens to me or anyone else and I live for another 70 years

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Posted Image

Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

Nukes Delivered for IRON-31

Nukes Taken for IRON-44

You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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Colonel Medved

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granted, but you will be in a coma while this all happened. You would be unaware that all of it was just a dream.


I wish i didn't have to ever pay for gas

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Nukes Eaten for IRON: 23

Nukes "donated" in the name of IRON: 5

"Only the dead have seen the end of war."


The day we beat the Council

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    Theo's Defeat

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granted, you dont have to pay for gas cause youre dead in my basement


I wish people would spam the forums more so I can pass Betsy

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Posted Image

Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

Nukes Delivered for IRON-31

Nukes Taken for IRON-44

You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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    Tempered IRON

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Granted, but she betrays IRON because of you.


I wish I could have every book my heart desires at no monetary cost.

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Ok, lunch time.

everyone needs to get ready for night time at lunch time so you can prepare for breakfast. The shield agents run on food

So what’s for lunch?

Tacos. Wal-mart truck meat tacos.

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    Theo's Defeat

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Granted but you don't know how to read

I wish I had pizza

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Posted Image

Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

Nukes Delivered for IRON-31

Nukes Taken for IRON-44

You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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