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On the Margins of the Mueller Report

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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Both the DNC and the RNC got hacked last I checked

Wrong. They tried, and failed.

They might haven't gotten in as wide or as deep, but they got in. Heck we can't actually know how far they got it cause neither side allowed the FBI access to their servers for investigation (the FBI is going of Crowdfare's statements and data for the DNC hacks).


You know, the leaking of those documents via wikileaks mere minutes after the "grab em by the pussy" tape surfaced.

Wrong. DNC emails were released July 22, 2016.
Trump Access Hollywood "pussy" video was released much later on October 7, 2016.
You should get a job with CNN if they would hire a Belgian... they make shit up all the time.


Podesta mails were leaked roughly an hour after the video dropped. Pointing out the literal trove of Russian hacked data Wikileaks has/had at its disposal to disseminate doesn't really help your cause.


Now go cry me a reason why you should be allowed to vote twice, heck 1 of those times by vote-in-mail

Sadly, this is true.

I just received in the mail, a postcard from the Nevada Secretary of State, Barbara K. Cegavske.

It says:

Important Information for Nevada 2020 General Election November 3, 2020

*By Mail: You will receive a ballot in the mail as required by Assembly Bill 4 as approved by the legislature and signed by the Governor. Completed ballots must be postmarked or dropped of at a designated drop off location no later than November 3, 2020.

*In Person: You may still cast your vote in person at a polling place in your county during early voting October 17-30, 2020 or on Election Day November 3, 2020.

Exact wording... they are telling me to vote twice.


Now here I might show a possible issue with English being my second language, but in Dutch when a list is given prefaced by a 'you may do ...', the OR is implied. Then again it is indeed not strongly worded enough to state on 1 vote can be cast (and more is a felony in alot of states, unsure about Nevada), someone go slap the intern that made this! :D

Of all the people in the know about this, I trust the word of Trey Gowdy over all.

He believes Kevin Clinesmith will be the only indictment, but they will all face "political punishment".
I have absolutely zero confidence that will materialize into anything, so I think they're all gonna get away with it. Shame.



So now the Benghazi guy said its probably done, you are fine with it. Wonder if he could have done that before they had all those Benghazi investigations...


"Political punishment", is that a "draining the swamp" reference? Heck how absolutly innate does that even sound, "political punishment", it sounds like a party affiliation/loyalty test.

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Heck we can't actually know how far they got it cause neither side allowed the FBI access to their servers for investigation

RNC was not hacked. It doesn't mean they didn't try... they tried, and failed, to hack their servers. The DNC was hacked, and refused to allow anyone outside of their organization to investigate the hack. So the DNC was stupid enough to allow their servers to get hacked, and it's somehow the fault of the RNC? I feel so much safer because Belgium is on the case.

Podesta mails were leaked roughly an hour after the video dropped.

OMG! John Podesta had a password that was actually... "password". Whatever happened to that jerk was well deserved.

HILLARY CLINTON LOST! Stop trying to blame it on anyone other than her.

Now here I might show a possible issue with English

No... I received a postcard from the Nevada State Government, that instructed me how to vote twice, and it said absolutely nothing about how fucking illegal it is to vote twice. That is a fact, and I would win, easily, in a court of law.

So now the Benghazi guy said its probably done

The Benghazi incident has nothing to do with the Obama Administration effort to sabotage Trump.

"Political punishment", is that a "draining the swamp" reference? Heck how absolutly innate does that even sound, "political punishment", it sounds like a party affiliation/loyalty test.

I completely agree. 

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to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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Heck we can't actually know how far they got it cause neither side allowed the FBI access to their servers for investigation

RNC was not hacked. It doesn't mean they didn't try... they tried, and failed, to hack their servers. The DNC was hacked, and refused to allow anyone outside of their organization to investigate the hack. So the DNC was stupid enough to allow their servers to get hacked, and it's somehow the fault of the RNC? I feel so much safer because Belgium is on the case.

Both were attempted, 1 had evidence surfaced of its success, neither allowed forensic analysis to verify method and scope of attack.


Who said I blame RNC for the DNC hacking? Why you envoking tangents that only try to make me seem against "X", stop being to black&white.


Podesta mails were leaked roughly an hour after the video dropped.

OMG! John Podesta had a password that was actually... "password". Whatever happened to that jerk was well deserved.
HILLARY CLINTON LOST! Stop trying to blame it on anyone other than her.


Podesta mails were dropped in reponce to the Access Hollywood video, thats all I was going for. This is also very losely connected to the election interference, but it shows that it happended, stop victimblaming and start seeing the Trump campaigns dirty tactics.


Yeah thats an idiotic password choice, but further then chastising you for leaving your front door unlocked I wouldn't blame you for being burgled...


Now here I might show a possible issue with English

No... I received a postcard from the Nevada State Government, that instructed me how to vote twice, and it said absolutely nothing about how fucking illegal it is to vote twice. That is a fact, and I would win, easily, in a court of law.


Yeah, like how this Texan woman (Crystal Mason) was hit with the law even if she was unaware or even guided into commiting it, she sure did get let of the hook...


So with that notion, it is now legal in the USA to vote twice? Cause your POTUS said it!


So now the Benghazi guy said its probably done

The Benghazi incident has nothing to do with the Obama Administration effort to sabotage Trump.


I dunno, both cleared the Obama administration of any fault, political bias or wrongdoing alltogether. Perhaps do another Benghazi hearing and see how that works out, atleast in those hearings the relevent parties actually got interrogated...


"Political punishment", is that a "draining the swamp" reference? Heck how absolutly innate does that even sound, "political punishment", it sounds like a party affiliation/loyalty test.

I completely agree.



Excellent, next up: why electing judges for their political affiliation is equally innate.

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Now we know how this all started. Two things that need to be done that I have not seen yet:


1) Indictments... this was a conspiracy from the top.

2) Reports from the news agencies that lied to everyone for 4 years.





Woke (adj.)

A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough

to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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Hi, I am late, what's your name? :D


Firstly, citing Ratcliff isn't really the mot credible source you can find, the guy is brownnosing hard for Trump.


Anyway, it seems it is Ratcliff's word vs Brennan's, perhaps Trump should declassify the whole document aswell, as he keeps claiming he would do but strangly even the DOJ lawyers go with a "he was just joking" reply to federal court judges when they ask for those disclossures...

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