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On the Margins of the Mueller Report

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I can't state which interactions of Flynn were "above board" and which could be "treasonous", but if you want to loud him for better relations with the Russians, you should look up Obama's diplomacy in his first years...


So just clinging to 1 idiot manipulating a sideline. Note that masking Page as a "source" didn't disqualify the counter-intelligence portion of the investigation, a fact supported by the Horowitz DOJ IG report (and even noted by that report!). This also says nothing about any possible anti-Trump implications of the FBI/FISA investigation nor has such bias been established thusfar.


straws, how to find and grasp them. Part 5

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Note that masking Page as a "source" didn't disqualify the counter-intelligence portion of the investigation

The FBI presented evidence to the FISA court that Carter Page had numerous contacts with Russians... but failed to divulge the fact that Carter Page was a CIA Asset working to expose, and expel, Russian spies from the USA.

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And for all we know they thought he was double dealing. Who knows?


From the Horrowitz report we can filter out that Page had divulged part of his russian dealings from 2008-2013, dealings that made him seem to be "connected" to the more higher circles in Russia/Moscow. What he did after 2013 that might have alerted the FBI, such as his later dealings with what during the FBI investigation was found out to be a spy-ring targetted at USA's energy sector. That alone could have triggered the FBI to find him a credible source for a counter intelligence probe, even more if he then found himself in a Presidential candidate's camp.


Heck for all we know the FBI lawyer added the line cause he found out Page wasn't a source anymore, let alone a actual CIA asset.

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I learned many years ago that if you keep telling the same lies to ignorant people, they will begin to believe it. It's even more treacherous when they actually desire the lies to be the truth. Then, it's even harder to get them to understand how stupid they have been, and admit they have been wrong the entire time. How many indictments and guilty pleas will it take to repair the damage?


Like I said... Clinesmith is the first... there will be more. You don't think he got a plea deal for nothing, right?

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My dear Lys, I consider you to being belated in the purchasing of a new mirror, perhaps one with less mercury and antimony in it.


And alot of Trump's team got plea's aswell, your point?


Also, last part of the Senate investigation dropped, and as any good 2-party system the viewpoints are hilarious diametric :D Thou I do enjoy the Republican "well the report doesn't categorically state that Trump was/is a Russian patsy" all while ignoring everything else damning (let alone the criminal referrals that went *poof* in Barr's DOJ).

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It turns out that Bill Barr has no problem going after Trump people who break the law.


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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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It was SDNY and the postal service (oo the irony) that did this, no direct DOJ or FBI involvement. Heck might even be why the former SDNY AG was pushed out by Barr several months ago!


Please try again.

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Please try again.

Please remind me... who do they work for?


This is obviously not a political prosecution. They are not following this guy around to manufacture a crime. Privately funding a border wall is on the same level as selling the Brooklyn Bridge. Throw the book at him.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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They work for the law, the constitution and justice overall.


if you want to throw the book at people selling bridges, I hear Trump has a healthcare plan you might want to buy into...

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They work for the law, the constitution and justice overall.

They work for the US Attorney General and the President, those that are charged the Constitutional authority to enforce the law. The SDNY US Attorney did not go rogue after Steve Bannon without the expressed permission of William Barr. You may be confusing the SDNY Federal Attorney with the New York State elected Attorney General, which enforces New York State law. It can get confusing.

if you want to throw the book at people selling bridges, I hear Trump has a healthcare plan you might want to buy into...

Hahahahaha... last time I heard that... oh never mind. Trump will not talk about any healthcare plan until Obamacare is repealed or overturned by the SCOTUS. It's just smart politics.

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You seem to think the DOJ and all its attorney's life, breath and actions are at the leasure of the current US AG and POTUS. I smell authoritarian principles in flagrant disrespect of seperation of powers. Sure they can set forth guidelines, highlight priorities and many other things, but if you want to proclaim that the DOJ and its prosecutional power is at the whims of your political elected president (and their appointed officials), I am soundly claiming that such notions are authoritarian!




Republicans in general won't talk about any healthcare plan until X happended, whatever the least likely "X" may be at the current time. For christs sake, what HARM comes from talking about your INTENDED plan of action before taking it? Affraid the Democrats would steal it? Affraid the public would rightly ridicule it? Affraid of actually proposing legislation?


Wait, actually they have a plan all along, its to abolish any healthcare al together. Atleast thats all the plan they got, "delete previous made legislation". That isn't being conservative, thats being regressive.

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I am soundly claiming that such notions are authoritarian!

So I guess you're soundly against the Steve Bannon indictment. Then catch a plane from Brussels, get your butt over here, fast track a citizenship application, jump on the Beijing Biden bandwagon, and change it.

Republicans in general won't talk about any healthcare plan until X happended, whatever the least likely "X" may be at the current time.

Yes. The current government intrusion into healthcare must be eliminated before a healthcare plan that does not include government intrusion is introduced. If you have been following along, you would know that Democrats want government control of healthcare, and Republicans are absolutely against government controlled healthcare. I know it's hard for a European Socialist to understand the difference.

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Why would I be against the Bannon indictment when I just laid out that it is an independent acting attorney making those indictments (together with USPS for shit and giggles) while Barr has been known to twidle his thumbs on anything Trump & Co related? You are breaking your own narrative, something learned from Trump? :D




So you want no government in your healthcare but after that has happended you want republican planned healthcare. Now you are even breaking your own narrative in the same sentence... How on earth would there even be a healthcare plan if they can't intervene via the government? Are we talking happy little island libertarians who strangly work together in harmony without any kind of actual interaction? What utopia are you dreaming of, is it a private Matrix for all? Can I have a pony with that non-intrusive but still governmental supported healthcare? Will there be puppy's and kittens to play with when I feel ill?


Yeah I am an European socialists (and probably communist by any US standard >_>) but you can't even begin to correctly comprehend out healthcare system. Heck you probably still think all healthcare is done in kolchoze styled hospitals where leeches are employed against out wishes...


Democrats want certain mandates and provisions crafted in healthcare plans together with safeguards and restrictions on burdens towards the individual ill person. To what extend all these things need or will go is clearly up for debate and legislation (preferably bipartisan), but the Republican attitude of just "delete all" and then act like the job is done is being regressive. Heck the mantra of being covered for pre-excisting conditions keeps being brought up as a "must defend" while in the same breath Trump is using the DOJ to strike to very principles from Medicare. Please enlighten me on how this isn't utterly shizophrenic?

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Why would I be against the Bannon indictment when I just laid out that it is an independent acting attorney making those indictments

And I just laid out that it's not an "independent" acting attorney. So if you're against such authoritarian notions, you're against the Bannon indictment. It didn't happen without the blessing of the DOJ. Same reason spying on the Trump campaign didn't happen without the blessing of the Obama Administration.


Don't worry about our healthcare... we'll take care of it. More from European globalists thinking their opinion matters.

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It is "independent" as in the NY fellows didn't go beg to Barr to make the indicments happen. It is an actual authoritatian regime when the lowly peons have to go ask the big boss what to do and not to do. Not even Barr can micromanage an entire department, he has those "decided to retire" memo's going out to scare people into compliance.


The "spying" happended cause 1 campaighn was found to be riddled with russia incurrsion (which have been substantiated by a bipartisan report by the Senate) which triggered a FBI counter-intellingence investigation which no doubthfully also landed on Obama's administrations WH desks (and the resolute desk) while it was already ongoing.


Your notions of an independent judiciary are laughable.



lol european globalists, like you happen to forget that globalism is mainly economical and all from capitalism :D

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The "spying" happended cause 1 campaighn was found to be riddled with russia incurrsion

Total bullshit... and they're still trying to make it all real. Podesta, and the DNC, got hacked, and embarrassed. Trump came out telling everyone to go to Wikileaks and read it. He openly said he wanted them to get the deleted emails of Hillary Clinton as well. That is not "collusion with Russia to effect the outcome of an election"... it's called politics.


What is criminal was paying a British spy to create a false dossier, and using it to lie to a court to get a warrant for the purpose of opening mass surveillance on the opposing Presidential campaign. Then using all that to attempt to remove a sitting President. This is entirely out of line, and in a different time, all of those people would be executed for this.

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Both the DNC and the RNC got hacked last I checked, funny how only 1 side got smeared far and wide by a conjoined effort of Assange and Roger Stone. You know, the leaking of those documents via wikileaks mere minutes after the "grab em by the pussy" tape surfaced. You know, that leaking that was coordinated by part of the Trump campaighn via Stone as found by the latest bipartisan investigation report from the Senate.


You are making the case that if I state I want to rob a bank while simultanious have it robbed by my associates under my order/supervision, I should be exonerated cause I was clearly stating it and not myself doing it.


Meanwhile in the real world, facts back up russian involvement, not just past but still present. Now go cry me a reason why you should be allowed to vote twice, heck 1 of those times by vote-in-mail :o

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Both the DNC and the RNC got hacked last I checked

Wrong. They tried, and failed.

You know, the leaking of those documents via wikileaks mere minutes after the "grab em by the pussy" tape surfaced.

Wrong. DNC emails were released July 22, 2016.

Trump Access Hollywood "pussy" video was released much later on October 7, 2016.

You should get a job with CNN if they would hire a Belgian... they make shit up all the time.

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Now go cry me a reason why you should be allowed to vote twice, heck 1 of those times by vote-in-mail

Sadly, this is true.


I just received in the mail, a postcard from the Nevada Secretary of State, Barbara K. Cegavske.


It says:


Important Information for Nevada 2020 General Election November 3, 2020



*By Mail: You will receive a ballot in the mail as required by Assembly Bill 4 as approved by the legislature and signed by the Governor. Completed ballots must be postmarked or dropped of at a designated drop off location no later than November 3, 2020.


*In Person: You may still cast your vote in person at a polling place in your county during early voting October 17-30, 2020 or on Election Day November 3, 2020.


Exact wording... they are telling me to vote twice.

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Of all the people in the know about this, I trust the word of Trey Gowdy over all.


He believes Kevin Clinesmith will be the only indictment, but they will all face "political punishment".

I have absolutely zero confidence that will materialize into anything, so I think they're all gonna get away with it. Shame.



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