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The Coronavirus

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Blade 619

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Though to call it a bad flu... it's a fekkin' horrific flu.

Your argument is not with me... it's with the doctor from Alberta Canada.
I'm not a doctor... I'm just an American taxpayer that sees that the loudest voices, and the people making all these decisions, have the most to gain from making this a "crisis". Our Democrats here in the USA have a motto... "Never let a good crisis go to waste". Another famous Democrat, after his release from prison, recently said... "Democrats stealing elections is a time honored tradition".
I think we are seeing a lot of this now. I seriously doubt that those flu statistics include anyone who has died from drowning, heart attacks, crushed by an elevator, or car accidents, that just happened to test positive at the time of their demise. I've had this already... and it doesn't measure up to the hype... but it does entertain the sickest power hungry narcissists around us. As they begin to lose their power over us, they will start lashing out with even more hatred the closer this comes to it's inevitable conclusion.


I can only doubt whether he is actually being objective. The current virus is a SARS virus. It is genetically similar. It has very similar pathology, histologically similar, and radiologically similar. Yes, it is safer on an individual basis... the 2003 outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) had a case fatality rate of around 10% (8098 cases and 774 deaths), while Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) killed 34% of people with the illness between 2012 and 2019 (2494 cases and 858 deaths). Difference here is SARS-CoV2 (covid 19) has a death rate around 2% globally but over 6600x more cases, therefore on a population level more devastating. 

A disease with a high kill rate on an individual level if generally quite good for a population level as it often burns itself out quickly (look at ebola). High transmission with fairly low individual kill rates will typically kill more overall. Obviously high transmission and high kill is bad, though if the kill is high enough and fast enough will still typically burn itself out in the early stages.

My issue is with him, but also that what he is saying isn't accurate and feeds a dangerous counter narrative. 



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  I will remember this, Blade, and I will be forever grateful... oh hell words fail me!  ( @ )( @ )



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I guess I should be grateful.


Steve Sisolak, our giant ass of a Gov-nah, laid down the hammer this afternoon. We were expecting a complete lockdown, but he must have received some decision altering encouragement from a few ultra-wealthy gaming corporations and hotel owners. I guess he didn't like the mental image of a horse head in his bed, or maybe even a car bomb.


We're getting cut from 50% open... to 25% for the next 3 weeks. Yeah... that'll fix it.

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So you agree that lobbying is detremental to politicians making an informed (medical backed) opinion and ruling?



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Pfizer Begins Shipping COVID-19 Vaccine To US From Belgium | Newsmax.com


The headline says it all. Pfizer is shipping the vaccine to Chicago from Belgium. It would make sense to vaccinate the entire country of Belgium before the vaccine leaves the country. Are you getting your vaccine my Belgian friend? Any plan for Europe? It would be beneficial to create an effective vaccine everywhere. We would kill this China plague a lot faster by working smarter.

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Blade 619

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Pfizer Begins Shipping COVID-19 Vaccine To US From Belgium | Newsmax.com


The headline says it all. Pfizer is shipping the vaccine to Chicago from Belgium. It would make sense to vaccinate the entire country of Belgium before the vaccine leaves the country. Are you getting your vaccine my Belgian friend? Any plan for Europe? It would be beneficial to create an effective vaccine everywhere. We would kill this China plague a lot faster by working smarter.


It'll be based on who bought how many and when...



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  I will remember this, Blade, and I will be forever grateful... oh hell words fail me!  ( @ )( @ )



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Leave it to Blade to step in and say the most completely true post in this thread. You make my day Sir.  

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It'll be based on who bought how many and when...

The rich win again... okay that's one thing, but Capitalism doesn't work if people can't leave their house. We're an injection away from freedom... we should get this done and pay everyone later. If I lived in Brussels, and the vaccine is just down the street, I wouldn't feel too good about it not being made available to Brussels as it's shipped elsewhere. Crank up production and lets kill this thing.

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Blade 619

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It'll be based on who bought how many and when...

The rich win again... okay that's one thing, but Capitalism doesn't work if people can't leave their house. We're an injection away from freedom... we should get this done and pay everyone later. If I lived in Brussels, and the vaccine is just down the street, I wouldn't feel too good about it not being made available to Brussels as it's shipped elsewhere. Crank up production and lets kill this thing.



Indeed, capitalism works well for those with money... and badly for those without. 



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  I will remember this, Blade, and I will be forever grateful... oh hell words fail me!  ( @ )( @ )



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Revenge is best served cold, tasting of vanilla yoghurt with vanilla and chocolate balls.




Leave it to Blade to step in and say the most completely true post in this thread. You make my day Sir.  

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Pfizer Begins Shipping COVID-19 Vaccine To US From Belgium | Newsmax.com


The headline says it all. Pfizer is shipping the vaccine to Chicago from Belgium. It would make sense to vaccinate the entire country of Belgium before the vaccine leaves the country. Are you getting your vaccine my Belgian friend? Any plan for Europe? It would be beneficial to create an effective vaccine everywhere. We would kill this China plague a lot faster by working smarter.


Going for a strict geographical distribution might seem "smarter" but we aren't trying to paint the floors in a house. As I hope every nation does so, Belgium will firstly go for the weaker and older population, coupled with emergency and medical staff. Once those are done talk is about setting up vaccination posts to make stockage easer: Pfizer's needs to be -70°C/-95F.


Too late to work "smarter" on this one except by going polio-level stuff and vaccinate everyone.



Pfizer Begins Shipping COVID-19 Vaccine To US From Belgium | Newsmax.com


The headline says it all. Pfizer is shipping the vaccine to Chicago from Belgium. It would make sense to vaccinate the entire country of Belgium before the vaccine leaves the country. Are you getting your vaccine my Belgian friend? Any plan for Europe? It would be beneficial to create an effective vaccine everywhere. We would kill this China plague a lot faster by working smarter.


It'll be based on who bought how many and when...



Guessing they are going partly by PR, partly by $$ and partly % in relation to total amount requisted. Belgium currently has ~20M shots requisted and expect total procurement by 3rd quarter of 2021.



It'll be based on who bought how many and when...

The rich win again... okay that's one thing, but Capitalism doesn't work if people can't leave their house. We're an injection away from freedom... we should get this done and pay everyone later. If I lived in Brussels, and the vaccine is just down the street, I wouldn't feel too good about it not being made available to Brussels as it's shipped elsewhere. Crank up production and lets kill this thing.


Sounds like communism dear comrade...

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Sounds like communism dear comrade...

I'm not clear on how it will go here, but I believe Trump has already authorized billions to these companies to make it available to the USA at no cost to the public. Healthcare and first responders get it first... I think that's a bit of a waste because I believe those people have already been exposed in the highest degree. Then elderly, over 65, which is the highest in danger of dying from it.


Nothing is free. They will just tack it on to our already unpayable debt. I have no intention of getting the vaccine myself. I just want the fastest way to shut the scoreboards down, shut the lockdowns out, shut the whiners up, and get back to normal.

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I wasn't alluding to the cost and how it would be paid, more about your allusion to break into Pfizer and take the first batches for ourselfes...

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In the meantime, here's something that will shock you, because I guaran-fuckng-tee you weren't expecting this.


Strong evidence now points to the possibility that China may have not been entirely forthcoming about the severity of the COVID situation. https://edition.cnn.com/2020/11/30/asia/wuhan-china-covid-intl/index.html

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*shocked pikachu face*


Think everyone and their cousin figured out China underplayed the virus. It just wasn't understood how severly due to people mistakingly drawing a too big comparison with previous corona virusses.

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    IRON Rose

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Loosely related to the Coronavirus, but I would like to thank Belgian police for breaking up an unauthorized gangbang party. You have supplied us with many days of laughter good sir, and delivered a good kick in the crotch for our POS prime minister :D

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I would like to thank Belgian police for breaking up an unauthorized gangbang party

Unauthorized? Did they fail to obtain the proper permit? :)

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For more context: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-55145989

If you want a comparison how big this story is here in Hungary, it’s like as if Mitch McConnel was caught in a similar situation

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Loosely related to the Coronavirus, but I would like to thank Belgian police for breaking up an unauthorized gangbang party. You have supplied us with many days of laughter good sir, and delivered a good kick in the crotch for our POS prime minister :D

Well the official story says nothing about anything of the sexual orientation or "theme" of the party, but I can guess why Hungarian opposition is having a field day with that one.


What was funny was that the fellow got sited for drugs on his person cause he got searched after not having his passport on him after they caught him trying to flee by rainpipe, they thus went to his home to get his "diplo passport of person with initials S.J." ...

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Congratulations to my British cousins... it's the beginning of the end.

Britain begins Pfizer vaccine shots, launching the West’s first mass coronavirus inoculation effort - The Washington Post

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Blade 619

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Unsure if sincere?



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  I will remember this, Blade, and I will be forever grateful... oh hell words fail me!  ( @ )( @ )



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Unsure if sincere?


Unsure of my sincerity? This isn't the time for my famous sarcasm.

We need this over, and you got it done. I'm on your side my President. :)

Woke (adj.)

A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough

to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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