Firstly, a quote from earlier in the thread, a small educative summarization about vaccines:
While I wouldn't declare myself good at biology, I did however pick up some stuff from it in high school. So I shall go into more detail about my comment surrounding RNA.
A vaccine can come in several forms, thou its first incarnation starts as inactivated virii particles being injected to trigger an immuno responce from the body. The Chinese vaccines of Sinopharm and Sinovac together with the Indian vaccin of Bharat Biotech are the current COVID-19 vaccines that fall into this category. They are old and reliable technology but with clear risks as the virus itself needs to be cultured (bred) before inactivation and then injection. The inactivated particles get injected, our immuno responce get triggered just like a "life" virus and we get anti-bodies that will work if we get infected with the "real deal".
A new breed of vaccines are the RNA(/DNA) vaccines, most commenly known as the Pfizer/BioNtech and the Moderna vaccines. This relative new technology has been developed from the '90s and was first commercially allowed to be used with the COVID-19 vaccines. This technology makes use of small RNA molecules which get injected and incoorperated into our cells. Inside our cells they will act as mRNA (a subdivition of RNA which stands for "messenger" RNA) and will trigger our cells to develop the protein inscribed with that RNA chain. This protein is part of the virus that would also have been made if the virus in its entirety infected our calls, the protein itself is a "spikeprotein" which normally resides on the viral enveloppe (aka the packaging) of the virus. Now with this protein being synthesized in our bodies are thus viral in nature, our immuno responce will trigger and will identify and create anti-bodies specific for this protein. This has a bonus effect that no complete virus needs to be kept nor bred to make this vaccine, severely diminishing the dangers in the fabrication process. Another bonus effect is that the RNA chain can be rather easily "modified" if the virus in the wild mutates, thus keeping closer match and keeping the vaccine "up-to-date". A negative effect is that this only gives us anti-bodies for that 1 protein, and not the several that normally reside on the viral envelope, this is also why PCR-testing can check if your anti-bodies come solely from the RNA-vaccine or from an actual virus (inactivated or "life").
Now a third and also very new vaccine technology is the viral-vector method, used by Russia's Spoetnik, AstraZeneca, Johnson&Johnson and a 3rd Chinese vaccine. This technology relies on the usage of the Adeno-virus family (a well known and documented viral family) to infect our cells with a DNA chain that codes for an anti-body specific for the COVID-19 virus. This is the first time this method was used for a worldwide vaccine, previously it was used for patient specific treatments in which the DNA chain introduced aided the patient in making vital proteins which their own DNA missed (or miss-made). You could say that this technology is somewhat in between the 2 previously mentioned, it doesn't introduce viral DNA but it does immedeatly support our immonocells by making the correct anti-bodies. As with the RNA-vaccine, this does indeed only targets 1 "spikeprotein" and is thus subject to less functionality as the target virus mutates.
What you were mixing up is what our immuno responce consists of, namely anti-bodies that help guide our immunocells (T-cells and others) to the viral particles and destroy them. Yes anti-bodies are RNA in nature, but they do not prevent per-se prevent a virus from entering our cells. They "flag" them so our immunocells can target and fight them. I added "per-se" cause it is possible that the "flag" the anti-bodies get triggered on is the same part the virus ususes to gain entry to our cells, as such it may indeed "hinder" the entry point. However this is nor absolute nor complete. Anti-bodies create no cellular block so to speak, they "flag".
So with that out of the way, let me adress your post directly:
No mRNA drugs do not create "barriers", I would love to hear how sci-fi barriers got into this. And can I have some, I want to walk into lava with them "on"
mRNA is actually very specific for a very specific need, their only function is the creation of a protein via a ribosome. They do not have widespread effects like for instance penicillin which is an indiscriminate anti-bacterial. And they most definatly do not change your genes!
and you add a conspiracy to it, with an ominous "experiment" and some nebulous evil people wanting to make themselfes filfthy rich. You shouldstart writing post-capitalism scare books!
So to also re-iterate what I keep having to ask of you: Who made you believe this?
Oelrich got his speech jumbled up and every "freedom defender" jumps on it to scare themself. You seem to be one of the internet-certified biologists it seems, gratz?