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The Coronavirus

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    IRON Rose

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In other news, it seems that piss drinking is the new miracle cure in some circles. So..bottoms up anti vaxxers? :wacko:

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End of the line it is still your decision, just sad it has to be the misinformed way.

I don't believe any of the people that think they're in charge have handled any of this in an informed and honest way. They have continuously lied to, and bullied everyone, blindly, the entire time.


I never intended to absorb their medicine, because I do not feel the need to allow them to inject their experiment into me. I have had their virus... twice now... and I'm fine. I have been much sicker with much worse during my life, so I want proof that this has not been an enormous ploy from Globalist assholes to bring the world to heel.


I do not believe a word any of them say, and I won't believe a word they say until they say it's over.

You may think that, doesn't make it true. And once again, please seperate the politicians from the scientists. You clearly have an issue with (one side) of your countries politicians, doesn't stop the science from being true.


Yeah the majority pass this virus like they pass influenze, with a less energetic week. Sadly the amount of people needing medical attention is 10x (or more) that then with an influenza infection. Add no natural immunity at the start of the outbreak and you are looking at massive amounts of people in the hospital without actions taken to supress the spread.


So you won't believe anything ad infinity, cause this bug is here to stay. I truely got out into the population and will resurface whenever. Atleast we are seeing added benefits from immunity build-up in society.

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You just blabbed another few paragraphs of complete horseshit.


Anthony Fauci will resign this year, because the Republican Congress next year will tear him apart. Every lie he has spewed during this event will be exposed, and a reckoning is coming. Keep watching.

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OMG... are you okay? I have no idea how to remove tar and feathers. I hope you are safe in Belgium... oppression breeds anger.

Clashes in Brussels as thousands protest at COVID health pass and restrictions - YouTube

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Nazis take another beatdown.

New York judge strikes down Hochul’s mask mandate, governor vows fight | Fox News

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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You just blabbed another few paragraphs of complete horseshit.


Anthony Fauci will resign this year, because the Republican Congress next year will tear him apart. Every lie he has spewed during this event will be exposed, and a reckoning is coming. Keep watching.


You ca call it horseshit all you'd like, as a misinformed anti-vaxxer I doubt you would understand it anyway.


Yeah, like they exposed and reckoned with Hillary... Heck the fellow earned his pension by now twice over.


OMG... are you okay? I have no idea how to remove tar and feathers. I hope you are safe in Belgium... oppression breeds anger.

Clashes in Brussels as thousands protest at COVID health pass and restrictions - YouTube


Not like I hang around such an obvious magnet for hooligans, which you so nicely show in your video.


The idiots even "attacked" stuff in the european quarter (which has little to no say in COVID measures) and seemingly targetted the EEAS, further showing their absolute lack of connection with the actual legit protests cause the EEAS is a support division of the EU foreign policy bureau...


With roughloy 50k people (Belgium, Netherlands, France and assorted others) it was a nice protest.


Know what also breeds anger, misinformation. The ghost of the nephew of JFK came to talk about that misinformation...


lol nazi's.


Seems the judge even gave a tip to implement it lawfully, do it via the NY legislature.

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You ca call it horseshit all you'd like, as a misinformed anti-vaxxer

I'm a well-informed anti-mandate, anti-mask, citizen of the USA. I'm also extremely anti-conformist. Looking for sheep, look elsewhere.

Know what also breeds anger, misinformation.

The new communist buzz word... "misinformation". It's the new "collusion". Say it enough, the sheep will believe it. 

Woke (adj.)

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to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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You ca call it horseshit all you'd like, as a misinformed anti-vaxxer

I'm a well-informed anti-mandate, anti-mask, citizen of the USA. I'm also extremely anti-conformist. Looking for sheep, look elsewhere.

You know little to nothing about vaccination, you seem staunchly anti-government just cause it isn't your colour and feel righted by a bunch of moneygrabbers who leech on the very sheep you are part of while so readily calling me one.


The echobox, it is resonating.


Be all anti-conformist all you'd like, on your libertarian island. Stop trying to impose YOUR conformism unto society you so readily despise for seeing you for the fool you actually are.


Know what also breeds anger, misinformation.

The new communist buzz word... "misinformation". It's the new "collusion". Say it enough, the sheep will believe it.


Says the guy who doesn't understand communism, dishes out "sheep" lines whenever something goes against his FOX narrative and feels attacked when called out for being dictionary proof of misinformation itself. Yeah. Go sheep!

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You sound a tad bit vindictive :)


The lies are floating up through the cover up.

Fox News Special Report outlines fresh questions on what Fauci, government knew about COVID origin | Fox News

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Fox News unearths steps in the scientific method, is bewildred by scientists adjusting their preliminary findings in light of new evidence away from desired conspiracy theory they so like to want to be real.


Now has China been less then cooperative? Damn right they have. Is this a surprise? Not really.

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So, you do believe that the coronavirus came naturally from a Chinese wet market that just happens to be next to the Wuhan Lab of Virology that was funded by Anthony Fauci to create a coronavirus that can spread between humans through his Gain of Function research... is it really in the interest of the Great Reset to protect China, Fauci, and friends from responsibility for a Global pandemic?

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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I believe your first 14 words completely, the others diving head first into conspiracy is another matter. Also, they clearly follied on their research, they should have released the Omicron variant!

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I believe your first 14 words completely, the others diving head first into conspiracy is another matter. Also, they clearly follied on their research, they should have released the Omicron variant!

If you believe that Covid started at a wet market you probably believe that Trump colluded with Russia to win his election, Brett Kavanaugh is a serial rapist, Climate Change is why California is always on fire, crime will end if we stop throwing criminals in prison, Joe Biden really did get 81 million votes to win, and there was no evidence of voter fraud during the 2020 election.


When the truth no longer matters because it hurts your politics, I can only say I'm very happy you're not an American citizen. We have way too many people that think like you do already. Anthony Fauci's days are numbered. The heat will be up on him very soon.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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Trump likely didn't collude, some of his staff did thou.

I don't know a thing about Kavanaugh's possible rape allegations, he does however seem easily aggitated and frevent drinker.

Climate change adds reasons why California is on fire, more frequent and more violent. It doesn't cause forrest fires, it aggrevates them.

lol why would I want to stop upholding the law?

Yep I do believe he got all those, in the same way I believe Trump got 74M.

There was sporadic and single case voter fraud, as it present in each and every election. It wasn't however anywhere near the scale to tip states, let alone the entire thing.




When your politics are shaped by your delusions, it hurts society.

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Hillary Clinton was the one that colluded with Russians.

It wasn't a "possible rape allegation"... it was a straight up rape allegation. It was a lie.

California burns because someone lights it on fire.

You're a Globalist. George Soros is financing your cause. He is the cause of the crime wave... from New York to California.

The guy who claims to have received more votes than anyone in history is the same guy that a majority want impeached today.

50% Support Biden’s Impeachment - Rasmussen Reports®


Anthony Fauci will resign before Republicans take control of Congress.

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Reporting what we've already known all this time. Protecting China, Fauci, and all their dirty research. Can you say... criminals?

Scientists speak out on being silenced when raising concerns about coronavirus lab leak theory | Fox News

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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Hillary Clinton was the one that colluded with Russians.

It wasn't a "possible rape allegation"... it was a straight up rape allegation. It was a lie.

California burns because someone lights it on fire.

You're a Globalist. George Soros is financing your cause. He is the cause of the crime wave... from New York to California.

The guy who claims to have received more votes than anyone in history is the same guy that a majority want impeached today.

50% Support Biden’s Impeachment - Rasmussen Reports®


Anthony Fauci will resign before Republicans take control of Congress.


No presidential candidate colluded with Russia. Staffers on either campaign, thats another matter.

Everyone under the spotlight in the US gets a rape allegation it seems. I remember the one(s) at Kavanaugh to be under the "possible" catagory.

Well God has lit it on fire multiple times, same with would-be-parents. I am stating that the likelyhood and severity goes up with dryer and warmer weather, big surprise :o.

I am a realist on this globalism phenomena, as in it is happening. Do I like the capitalism effects of it like the drive to produce cheap? No. Also now he is even responsible for crime waves? The guy is a menace!

Half of US is R and half is D, colour me surprised...


And frankly, I would resign if all in my future is endless hearings and ramblings of science deniers just to spin political clout from deranged idea's.


Reporting what we've already known all this time. Protecting China, Fauci, and all their dirty research. Can you say... criminals?

Scientists speak out on being silenced when raising concerns about coronavirus lab leak theory | Fox News

Once again, it is plausible, but it wasn't.

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Also now he is even responsible for crime waves? The guy is a menace!

George Soros drops millions of dollars in the laps of his chosen candidates for Attorney General and District Attorney in heavy Democrat districts. They then only have to win their primary with a simple majority. With millions of dollars, they can place many straw candidates on the ballot, which always bleeds votes. They can also pay others to not run. His puppet candidate wins the primary with 20% or so. Then it's an easy win against a Republican... if any even challenge them. Then they have an Attorney General or District Attorney that kills cash bail, refuses to prosecute crimes, and allows criminals to walk out of jail. This has caused a massive increase in crime all over.


This is not fantasy... it is real.

Woke (adj.)

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to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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True blue Denver Colorado is dropping their mandates. Hopefully the dominoes will begin to fall, and the welcome return of sanity.

Denver dropping mask, vaccine mandates this week (yahoo.com)

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to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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Also now he is even responsible for crime waves? The guy is a menace!

George Soros drops millions of dollars in the laps of his chosen candidates for Attorney General and District Attorney in heavy Democrat districts. They then only have to win their primary with a simple majority. With millions of dollars, they can place many straw candidates on the ballot, which always bleeds votes. They can also pay others to not run. His puppet candidate wins the primary with 20% or so. Then it's an easy win against a Republican... if any even challenge them. Then they have an Attorney General or District Attorney that kills cash bail, refuses to prosecute crimes, and allows criminals to walk out of jail. This has caused a massive increase in crime all over.


This is not fantasy... it is real.


Someone found an opposition lobby group, surprise those also excist on the D side. Also starts proclaiming "danger" while crime continues to decline.

PS. I got a better way to deal with that, ban all lobbying :D


US cash bail is a punishment instead of its intended way.


True blue Denver Colorado is dropping their mandates. Hopefully the dominoes will begin to fall, and the welcome return of sanity.

Denver dropping mask, vaccine mandates this week (yahoo.com)

Rabid loudmouth surprised next logic step in combating pandemic coincides not only what has bee told before but also what "he wants".

Emperor of the Benelux
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