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[OP-03] Dino Mafia End : 2of4 ~ Dinosaur Mafia

2of4 newbie mafia dinosaur open op-03

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Well, that's that for the day then I guess. I cant fault martino for voting what he's been pushing. I'll have to watch EM tomorrow then, as at this stage I very much doubt Imran is scum.



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Votecount 2.07

Electric Mango (3) - Preston, Imran Ehsan, killgor
killgor (0) -
Rafay (0) -
Xarastier (0) -
Martino (0) -
Imran Ehsan (5) - Rafay, Electric Mango, Xarastier, Martino, Chaplain of death
Preston (1) -
Chaplain of death (0) -

Not Voting (0) -

With 8 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.
Deadline is Tuesday, April 9, 2013 @ 01:29 EDT

Om Nom Nom Nom


Ankylosauruses are tasty but too bad this one is not a bad guy


Imran Ehsan [Ankylosaurus], Vanilla Townie, was lynched on Day 2


It's now Night 2. Night actions to me by Thursday, April 11th, 2013 @ 20:13 EDT

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random text about dinosaurs goes here...
killgor [Sauroposeidon], Vanilla Townie, was killed on Night 2
Votecount 3.00

Electric Mango (0) -
Rafay (0) -
Xarastier (0) -
Martino (0) -
Preston (0) -
Chaplain of death (0) -

Not Voting (6) - Electric Mango, Rafay, Xarastier, Martino, Preston, Chaplain of death

With 6 alive, it takes 4 to lynch.
No one is the current wagon leader at L-4
Deadline is Wednesday, April 24, 2013 @ 22:33 EDT

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Mafia fail statistics: 13 Wins (11T/1M/1O), 7 Loses (6T/1O), 4 Draws/Abandoned
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Sorry guys. Was on vacation. Thought I will have internet access but my laptops wireless adapter crashed and I couldnt access the hotels wi-fi.


Anycase, seems like I will get lynched today. Mark the ones who are jumping on the bandwagon to lynch. At least one scum is amongst them. At this point I think it is EM. He was the quickest to jump in on me after Rafay's vote coupled with Preston's case against him.




Vote: Electric Mango.


Look at him closely when I get lynched and I turn out to be town. Good luck.

Most propheticaly, and now speaking from the grave, here Imran voted for Cod before he changed his mind against EM.  Yes, Let's look at him closely shall we.

vote Electric Mango.

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Well, turns out I was wrong :(. While I might still have some questions regarding CoD, I will treat him as town from now on. Much of my case against him was intertwined with my case against Imran. Besides, I pushed hard for his lynch for two straight days and failed, so I doubt I would be able to convince everyone this time.


I am a little surprised that Killgor got killed tonight. His vote hopping could have drawn some suspicions.


Anyway, since I am treating CoD as a townie that leaves:

- EM, Rafay, Xarastier and Preston


Out of those, Preston was most notably against CoD and Imran lynches. So, I would be inclined to believe he is town. That leaves EM, Rafay and Xarastier as my main suspects.


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    Wrought IRON

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Well, turns out I was wrong :(. While I might still have some questions regarding CoD, I will treat him as town from now on. Much of my case against him was intertwined with my case against Imran. Besides, I pushed hard for his lynch for two straight days and failed, so I doubt I would be able to convince everyone this time.


I am a little surprised that Killgor got killed tonight. His vote hopping could have drawn some suspicions.


Anyway, since I am treating CoD as a townie that leaves:

- EM, Rafay, Xarastier and Preston


Out of those, Preston was most notably against CoD and Imran lynches. So, I would be inclined to believe he is town. That leaves EM, Rafay and Xarastier as my main suspects.

Then why don't you vote for one of us Martin, and be done with it?

The Einstein Metaphysics.

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The day just started, I don't think it is in our best interest to rush towards a lynch. Besides, I haven't decided which of you three I will be voting for.


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"raaaaaaaaaaaawr" said the earthquake maker before falling.


also, baw!!

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Electric Mango

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I'm the cop.  I'm role claiming because last night I investigated Preston and he turned up scum.  I want to make sure the town knows who I investigated before I was night killed/ lynched.  We should also have a doc or jailer to keep me safe. Also, Rafay and Martino are townies.  With 3 confirmed townies and one dead scum we should have the game almost wrapped up.


Vote:  Preston

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Chaplain of death

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How do you know both Martino and Rafay are townies? We've only had 2 nights so I don't see how you can claim to have 3 investigation results. Seems ever so slightly fishy....


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How do you know both Martino and Rafay are townies? We've only had 2 nights so I don't see how you can claim to have 3 investigation results. Seems ever so slightly fishy....

Good eye CoD - you cant have three results in two nights. 


Well, turns out I was wrong :(. While I might still have some questions regarding CoD, I will treat him as town from now on. Much of my case against him was intertwined with my case against Imran. Besides, I pushed hard for his lynch for two straight days and failed, so I doubt I would be able to convince everyone this time.


I am a little surprised that Killgor got killed tonight. His vote hopping could have drawn some suspicions.


Anyway, since I am treating CoD as a townie that leaves:

- EM, Rafay, Xarastier and Preston


Out of those, Preston was most notably against CoD and Imran lynches. So, I would be inclined to believe he is town. That leaves EM, Rafay and Xarastier as my main suspects.

Out of that list EM is confirmed scum and threw a fake roleclaim today - the only question is whether Rafay or Xarastier is his partner. It's an interesting tactic EM used to try and claim as the cop, but when he botches the numbers like that it proves him false. EM will be today's lynch - I was hoping he would have been yesterday's, but here we are now.


What's interesting is that he DID try to specify two others as town. Martino is town, Rafay is uncertain. Two interpretations; 1) he specified two actual townies so that they would support his roleclaim and vote against me, or 2) Rafay is his partner and he's trying to give his partner cover. I'm inclined currently to believe option 1, which would mean Xarastier is his partner. 


However, I'm not going to immediately vote for EM - the day's barely started after all. EM started with a fakeclaim, but we need to ask if at this point we should all consider doing actual roleclaims to find out if we DO have a doctor or jailer this game. 


Right now the game stands at 4 town, 2 scum. When EM is lynched today it will be 4 town, 1 scum. If the scum night kill is unblocked we will be down to 3 town, 1 scum. If we have a role able to possibly block a kill, that could change the equation... so I'm leaning towards asking a town doc/jailer (if any) to reveal themselves now. Thoughts?



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Votecount 3.01

Electric Mango (1) - Xarastier
Rafay (0) -
Xarastier (0) -
Martino (0) -
Preston (1) - Electric Mango
Chaplain of death (0) -

Not Voting (4) - Rafay, Martino, Preston, Chaplain of death

With 6 alive, it takes 4 to lynch.
Electric Mango and Preston is/are the current wagon leader/s at L-3
Deadline is Wednesday, April 24, 2013 @ 22:33 EDT

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Mafia fail statistics: 13 Wins (11T/1M/1O), 7 Loses (6T/1O), 4 Draws/Abandoned
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Yeah, EM claiming to have 3 investigations in 2 days indeed seems to confirm him as scum. With Xarastier starting the day by voting for EM, I would lean towards Rafay being the other scum.


As for roleclaiming. If we have a real cop that has any information on Rafay/Xarastier, I think he should come forward today. Otherwise, I would be inclined to say that the powerroles should not come forward. We already know who to lynch, so a doc/roleblocker claiming now won't change our lynch. It will just provide the remaining scum with a target for tonight.


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I agree with CoD. It's impossible that EM investigated 3 ppl in 2 nights. And yes I'm a townie, he did get that right.....???


But one small mistake.....



Vote: Electric Mango.



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Yeah, EM claiming to have 3 investigations in 2 days indeed seems to confirm him as scum. With Xarastier starting the day by voting for EM, I would lean towards Rafay being the other scum.


As for roleclaiming. If we have a real cop that has any information on Rafay/Xarastier, I think he should come forward today. Otherwise, I would be inclined to say that the powerroles should not come forward. We already know who to lynch, so a doc/roleblocker claiming now won't change our lynch. It will just provide the remaining scum with a target for tonight.


It's not going to change our lynch regardless; rather if we HAVE both a doc/jailer and a cop, then both being known can mean that the cop can claim and safely do their investigation tonight on Rafay/Xarastier.


If we have a doctor + cop, doctor protects the cop. If the cop still dies then the doctor lied.

If we have a jailer + cop, the jailer can jail one of Rafay/Xarastier while the cop investigates the other. If the night kill ISNT blocked, then the one jailed was not scum (or the jailer lied). If the night kill is blocked or scum chooses NOT to kill to try and mess with us, cop will have an investigation result. 


So I think having the info out here now to coordinate these tests is in our favor.



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Also, with both Xarastier and Rafay voting for EM, it's distancing votes - question is if Xarastier doing so immediately was planned by scum at night, since EM was clearly going to be today's lynch regardless. 



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Yeah, EM claiming to have 3 investigations in 2 days indeed seems to confirm him as scum. With Xarastier starting the day by voting for EM, I would lean towards Rafay being the other scum.


As for roleclaiming. If we have a real cop that has any information on Rafay/Xarastier, I think he should come forward today. Otherwise, I would be inclined to say that the powerroles should not come forward. We already know who to lynch, so a doc/roleblocker claiming now won't change our lynch. It will just provide the remaining scum with a target for tonight.


It's not going to change our lynch regardless; rather if we HAVE both a doc/jailer and a cop, then both being known can mean that the cop can claim and safely do their investigation tonight on Rafay/Xarastier.


If we have a doctor + cop, doctor protects the cop. If the cop still dies then the doctor lied.

If we have a jailer + cop, the jailer can jail one of Rafay/Xarastier while the cop investigates the other. If the night kill ISNT blocked, then the one jailed was not scum (or the jailer lied). If the night kill is blocked or scum chooses NOT to kill to try and mess with us, cop will have an investigation result. 


So I think having the info out here now to coordinate these tests is in our favor.



Hmm it is actually an interesting point. It really depends on what our powerroles are. If we have a cop+doc combination, it is clearly in our best interest if they claim today. If we have a roleblocker, it is also in our best interest if he claims today. He could publicly state which of Xarastier/Rafay they are going to roleblock. If there still is a kill, that means the other of those two is scum and we win. If there is no kill, we lynch one of them and, should that turn out to be a townie, roleblock the other one the next night and win the next day.


However, if we have either only a cop or only a doc, they should most definitely not roleclaim since it would simply end in their death. 


So, it kind of depends on what you prefer. I think I would still favor waiting another day before roleclaiming. If we have a roleblocker, he can still do his job without roleclaiming. We will only get into trouble if he gets killed tonight, since in that case we would not know who he roleblocked. However, that can easily be remedied by all of us listing who we are going to roleblock if we are the roleblocker. Then if he gets killed tonight, we would know who he roleblocked and thus we would know that that person was not scum and we lynch the other of Xarastier/Rafay.



Basically, that means that we only gain something by roleclaiming today if we have both a cop and a doc. However, we would lose our powerrole if it turns out that we have only a cop or only a doc. The tricky part here is that the scum has had two opportunities to investigate a townies role. It seems unlikely that they investigated Imran, so I would say they investigated two people who are still alive. Evidently, the first one was a townie (he would have gotten killed otherwise), but we don't know about the second one. In any case, with 4 townies alive, even if they have found two townies so far, they have at least a 50% chance of killing off our powerrole tonight. So that actually makes me lean more towards a roleclaim. I think I need to consider this for a bit longer, since I have been flipflopping between pro/against roleclaiming while typing this post. 



Also, with both Xarastier and Rafay voting for EM, it's distancing votes - question is if Xarastier doing so immediately was planned by scum at night, since EM was clearly going to be today's lynch regardless. 



You are right that Xarastier's and Rafay's votes could be distancing votes. But there is also the matter of EM calling me out yesterday when I made a post assuming Xarastier was a townie (posts #195 and #196). I don't think EM would have called me out for that post if Xarastier was his partner. I would think he would have been happy with me implicitely stating Xarastier was town. Still, I am not ready to conclude that Rafay must be the second scum, but he is higher on my list than Xarastier.


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Electric Mango

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Sorry for the confusion, I was typing that from a mobile device which takes forever.  Sometimes I peck at the keys so long that the sentences get scrambled around my noggin.  What I meant by that was I assumed that Martino was a townie like I've already said before, and I investigated Rafay the first night.  


I only read CoD's post this morning and have not read any posts after that but I'm sure there are some questions/allegations thrown at me because of my mistake.   My gut actually hurt today when I thought about what I wrote.  Anyway, my investigations are still valid.  Preston is scum.

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Well we can risk killing Preston. If he turns out innocent then EM is a sure lynch.




Vote: Preston.



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Chaplain of death

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Definately a convoluted situation we find ourselves in here. :emot-psyduck:


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