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[RF-01] Teen Titans Game (Day 4).

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No half-majority at deadline mentioned in the rules.


Rhizo's visit could be one of townie or one of scum.


We need to decide soon.  

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Imran Ehsan, on 24 Apr 2016 - 01:32, said:

Lol...I don't buy any of it. I am on my phone now but if you want I can do a line by line analysis of your lies.
Later on I meant



Please do, I'd love to hear this wonderful information you have.  You've pushed for lynching since day 1, you're merely pushing for one for simply me meeting with Shah, with no evidence I was the one who killed him.  Not saying I don't get where you're coming from, I'd be pretty set on you if roles were reversed, but your grasping at nothing, and your attitude is only going to get you down 2 more townies lynching me and allowing another in the night.  

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Sister Midnight, on 23 Apr 2016 - 19:36, said:

Imran, if you actually are the tracker, then by claiming the role you are committing suicide right now,  the mafia will need to kill the tracker, right?   Why would you do that?  if you're a mobster, then you could be leading us to lynch an innocent man and then you can kill him next person.  But then again, if you're a mobster and you finger someone who is innocent then everyone will know you're guilty tomorrow.  Unless I'm missing something?


I would love to hear from Rhizo.  Sucks because I think Rhizo is kind of hot.


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Interesting. Since time is not really on our side here, can anyone else corraborate either Imran's or Rhizo's story? Did anyone else manage to see what Shah, Imran, or Rhizo did last night?
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Sister Midnight, on 23 Apr 2016 - 16:32, said:

THREE days is short? That seems long.

Imran Ehsan, on 23 Apr 2016 - 15:55, said:

did not want to do this but there's no time for a good discussion and
to find the scum. But what we can do is lynch the confirmed scum.
Hello Mr. Scum Rhizoctonia. You have been caught.
Vote: Rhizoctonia
am Beast Boy. I tracked Rhizoctonia last night and saw him visit Shah.
His D1 posts just screamed of scum so it was an easy decision for me to
track him over others. Luckily the scum team used him to do the kill and
I was there to see it. The mod has also confirmed that I found traces
of red residue. This indicates that Rhizo is the Red Tracker, one of the
scum team. At start of this day he made no indication that he performed
any action on Shah. I even asked specifically if any of the townie
power roles had used their action on Shah. Rhizo replied after me and
not a peep from him. Thanks for confirming. You are scum and not a
townie PR using your ability on Shah.
If I am killed tonight, my second on the highly suspicious list is TW. His posts also smell of scum.
go guys. Lets lynch Mr. scummy wummy rhizzy. Its too bad time is so
short or I would have preferred to find out who his scum buddies are.
But we need to lynch the confimed scum first.

what? You saw Rhizo kill Shah? What's a red tracker, the freaking wiki
is useless. In what way does a post scream of scum? Why is THREE days a
short time? Are you a tracker or a role cop?


Imran never answered my question, you say Rhizo and TW are saying scummy stuff,what did anyone say that was scummy?  I don't know what to look for, but
nothing is standing out for me, prior to the above post.  However the below post is raising some flags for me:


Rhizoctonia, on 23 Apr 2016 - 22:44, said:

So now that I'm at a computer, I'll look to fix Imran's claim.


You're right, I didn't answer your question.  Neither has anyone else to this point either.  I didn't answer your question because I felt it could be your way of finding out who may have information if you're scum.  Could easily be a way to find out who may have knowledge to make sure to either target them in a lynch or kill them at night if they didn't want to roleclaim.  There was no reason me to present that I did an action on Shah when my action wouldn't be of any help.  No further information was gained with the ability I used on Shah that isn't known already from what the Mod said, so there was no reason for me to admit I did and make scum weary of me, nor have my town role get out.


I didn't want to have to role claim this early, but since I seem to have been on the hot seat thanks to Imran I guess I will have to.  I am Red Star a town JOAT.  I suspected early on that D3mon was possibly a scum, and Shah seemed to defend him so I was interested in seeing if they were working together.  I also know Shah has played Mafia many times now, and someone who pushes people to play, so I wanted to know early on if he was scum or not.   I'm not sure how much D3mon plays mafia, but knew how involved Shah seems to be, so out of the 2, I picked the one I feared most if scum.


If you suspected D3mon, why didn't you investigate him and not Shah?  That doesn't make sense.  I'm confused as hell right now.


And yes, Rhizo, you have a certain sexy something about you.

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( @ )( @ ) The official salute from women in the great, nudist nation of Secor. I'm naked and very excited to be here.

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The Supercalifragalisticexpealadocious Award

"This award was custom made for a special person. Its gleam reflects the endearment of the people that she leads. Awarded to the IRON Maiden, Sister Midnight."

[center]~~A partner in Blade's crimes~~[center]Nukes taken for IRON since restarting on 6/10/2016: I stopped counting after 69.

bay102174, on 05 Aug 2016 - 11:15, said:

Sister Midnight has been Baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!

Blade 619, on 10 Jun 2016 - 22:16, said:

The people of Antropomorphica join their leaders in welcoming the discovery of this previously unknown colony of Secor in the wilds of South America. They organised an airdrop of money and soldiers to protect this fledgling state as it undergoes construction (I mean... 1k infra at day 1 guys... come on!).

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8========D ~~

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Chaplain of death, on 24 Apr 2016 - 00:24, said:


Rhizoctonia, on 23 Apr 2016 - 22:44, said:

So now that I'm at a computer, I'll look to fix Imran's claim.


You're right, I didn't answer your question.  Neither has anyone else to this point either.  I didn't answer your question because I felt it could be your way of finding out who may have information if you're scum.  Could easily be a way to find out who may have knowledge to make sure to either target them in a lynch or kill them at night if they didn't want to roleclaim.  There was no reason me to present that I did an action on Shah when my action wouldn't be of any help.  No further information was gained with the ability I used on Shah that isn't known already from what the Mod said, so there was no reason for me to admit I did and make scum weary of me, nor have my town role get out.


I didn't want to have to role claim this early, but since I seem to have been on the hot seat thanks to Imran I guess I will have to.  I am Red Star a town JOAT.  I suspected early on that D3mon was possibly a scum, and Shah seemed to defend him so I was interested in seeing if they were working together.  I also know Shah has played Mafia many times now, and someone who pushes people to play, so I wanted to know early on if he was scum or not.   I'm not sure how much D3mon plays mafia, but knew how involved Shah seems to be, so out of the 2, I picked the one I feared most if scum.


Problem here. Imran found evidence of Red X and you claim to be Red Star, and your only evidence of your role is information that is already public. Also does not address the red residue.


vote: Rhizo




Lastly before I go to bed.  What are you claiming the red residue is?  I think you're reading way to in to this.  My assumption is you suspect the red residue to be blood.  I would encourage you to think, would the mod give more information then he should of?  A tracker can target a player at Night and learn who, if anybody, that player targeted the same night.  He knows nothing about the action that is performed.  If you're saying it's blood, you're saying Robert has given away what action was preformed (killing).  


I know Robert hasn't done such, because I wasn't the one who killed him.  

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Sister Midnight, on 24 Apr 2016 - 02:45, said:


Sister Midnight, on 23 Apr 2016 - 16:32, said:

THREE days is short? That seems long.

Imran Ehsan, on 23 Apr 2016 - 15:55, said:

did not want to do this but there's no time for a good discussion and
to find the scum. But what we can do is lynch the confirmed scum.
Hello Mr. Scum Rhizoctonia. You have been caught.
Vote: Rhizoctonia
am Beast Boy. I tracked Rhizoctonia last night and saw him visit Shah.
His D1 posts just screamed of scum so it was an easy decision for me to
track him over others. Luckily the scum team used him to do the kill and
I was there to see it. The mod has also confirmed that I found traces
of red residue. This indicates that Rhizo is the Red Tracker, one of the
scum team. At start of this day he made no indication that he performed
any action on Shah. I even asked specifically if any of the townie
power roles had used their action on Shah. Rhizo replied after me and
not a peep from him. Thanks for confirming. You are scum and not a
townie PR using your ability on Shah.
If I am killed tonight, my second on the highly suspicious list is TW. His posts also smell of scum.
go guys. Lets lynch Mr. scummy wummy rhizzy. Its too bad time is so
short or I would have preferred to find out who his scum buddies are.
But we need to lynch the confimed scum first.

what? You saw Rhizo kill Shah? What's a red tracker, the freaking wiki
is useless. In what way does a post scream of scum? Why is THREE days a
short time? Are you a tracker or a role cop?


Imran never answered my question, you say Rhizo and TW are saying scummy stuff,what did anyone say that was scummy?  I don't know what to look for, but
nothing is standing out for me, prior to the above post.  However the below post is raising some flags for me:


Rhizoctonia, on 23 Apr 2016 - 22:44, said:

So now that I'm at a computer, I'll look to fix Imran's claim.


You're right, I didn't answer your question.  Neither has anyone else to this point either.  I didn't answer your question because I felt it could be your way of finding out who may have information if you're scum.  Could easily be a way to find out who may have knowledge to make sure to either target them in a lynch or kill them at night if they didn't want to roleclaim.  There was no reason me to present that I did an action on Shah when my action wouldn't be of any help.  No further information was gained with the ability I used on Shah that isn't known already from what the Mod said, so there was no reason for me to admit I did and make scum weary of me, nor have my town role get out.


I didn't want to have to role claim this early, but since I seem to have been on the hot seat thanks to Imran I guess I will have to.  I am Red Star a town JOAT.  I suspected early on that D3mon was possibly a scum, and Shah seemed to defend him so I was interested in seeing if they were working together.  I also know Shah has played Mafia many times now, and someone who pushes people to play, so I wanted to know early on if he was scum or not.   I'm not sure how much D3mon plays mafia, but knew how involved Shah seems to be, so out of the 2, I picked the one I feared most if scum.


If you suspected D3mon, why didn't you investigate him and not Shah?  That doesn't make sense.  I'm confused as hell right now.


And yes, Rhizo, you have a certain sexy something about you.




I suspected them both, especially after one came quickly to defend the other.  I had the ability to only investigate 1,  I picked the one I knew had experience playing mafia and that I thought could likely be able to hide his true identity the best.

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Ok. Firstly let's look at Rhizos claims. (Wall of text warning). :P


1. I didn't answer your question because I felt it could be your way of finding out who may have information if you're scum. Could easily be a way to find out who may have knowledge to make sure to either target them in a lynch or kill them at night if they didn't want to roleclaim. There was no reason me to present that I did an action on Shah when my action wouldn't be of any help. No further information was gained with the ability I used on Shah that isn't known already from what the Mod said, so there was no reason for me to admit I did and make scum weary of me, nor have my town role get out.

Lot of flak there, but the jist is he did not reveal he performed an action on Shah and acted like he has no knowledge of what happened to Shah at night because he thought it "Could easily be a way to find out who may have knowledge to make sure to
either target them in a lynch or kill them at night if they didn't want to roleclaim
Except, I did not want to know what action was performed. I just asked whether anyone had performed any action on Shah:


Did anyone use their abilities on Shah last night? Maybe a Watcher? Obviously one of the scum targetted shah but I am curious to know if any of the townies with power roles used theirs on Shah. At this point I only want to know if anyone used their ability or not..note that I dont want to know what action was done.

There was no reason to think I was trying to find out who has what power roles. It was a simple question that needed to be answered to find the scum. A normal townie with a PR would have said..."yes I used my action on Shah, but I have no info to share and I am not revealing what my power is". An innocent townie would not try to act like he has no idea what I am talking about.


2. I didn't want to have to role claim this early, but since I seem to have been on the hot seat thanks to Imran I guess I will have to. I am Red Star a town JOAT. I suspected early on that D3mon was possibly a scum, and Shah seemed to defend him so I was interested in seeing if they were working together. I also know Shah has played Mafia many times now, and someone who pushes people to play, so I wanted to know early on if he was scum or not. I'm not sure how much D3mon plays mafia, but knew how involved Shah seems to be, so out of the 2, I picked the one I feared most if scum.

HA! The JOAT claim is the most convenient of scum role claims. I know it because we discussed about using it last game. (actually this also makes me very very suspicious of TW, he is trying to use the same scum strategies that we used last game. But we will leave TW for D3 because we dont have time today. But I can present my thoughts on why TW is the 2nd scum in more detail tomorrow.)
So why is the JOAT claim scummy. Because he can now only claim 1-shot abilities for everything and not have the real cop/tracker/watcher etc. come forward to discredit his claim. He can claim.."oh I used cop ability on N1". on D3, people will ask.."hey Rhiz, who did you use the cop ability last night?" "oh..I had only 1-shot ability..i used tracker last night and found nothing"...Its so easy to glide by without providing any new information with this claim..its not even funny. Did he provide any new information today? No. We all know shah was town.
Sorry. Thats a blatant fake claim to save your skin.



Imran did not find evidence of Red X, the only information regarding the Red X was from the Mod explaining how Shah was killed. The only thing Imran found was red residue from supposedly following me. Which could be from Red-X who obviously killed Shah, or residue from my character, Red Star who can change into a energy form composed of Red shimmering Plasma.


Lots of spinning here, so lets lay out the facts.


1. I (Beast Boy) track Rhizoctonia

2. I find Rhizoctonia visited Shah

3. Shah ends up dead

4. Mod mentions Beast Boy found red residue.

5. This implies I found red residue from tracking Rhizo, who visited Shah who ended up dead.

6. Mod mention Shah was killed by Red X.

7. Red X leaves Red residue, found by me => Rhizo killed Shah


Spinning like a top wont change the above facts.

Note to self:


People sitting on fences - TW, Rafay, SM, ISocialism, The Doom


@SM - I have my scum radar that I use to find out whose posts are scummy. I am not gonna reveal it here and now. Maybe after the game.

ps: also adding kevin to the above list

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Chaplain of death, on 23 Apr 2016 - 21:57, said:

There are 3 votes on Rhizo right now. It takes 7.


I will vote for him once we hear from him or once we run low on time. My only concern is that if Imran is a scum "cop" and found that Rhizo is a powerful enough role to sacrifice himself to take out (like a vigilante or doc or something of that nature.)

So is JOAT a powerful enough role for a Mafia scum to risk getting sacrificed for?I m convinced by Imran's arguments that Rhizo is scum.


Vote: Rhizoctonia

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bay102174, on 08 Apr 2016 - 18:27, said:

The differance between IRON and some rag tag alliance is the fact that we will fight with no reguard to our own nations. Putting the greater good of the whole before ourselves. Victory for all or they will have to fight us to the last point of infa in the last IRON nation. Every so often someone(s) will come around and exemplifie this. Living up to the IRON Values. It gives me great pleaser to baptize three of IRON's up and comers.

TheDoom, you have been Baptized in FIre and Blood and Emerged as IRON!

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Just heads up guys. I'm away. I'm tired and I'll get to this when I get home.

Posting from my phone.

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(Doom War Damage Rank) 35: Robert2424 - 21 - 67,720.61 - 28,156.05 - 96,651.47

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bay102174, on 17 Dec 2014 - 18:06, said:

Robert2424 has been Baptized in Fire and Blood and Emerged as IRON!

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I need an answer from Robert 1st on how that fictional scenario would play out.


But at this point, I still believe Rhizo to be scum. We still have 1,5 day to decide.



mandarijn juice

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Hell, a good wall of text is like a delicious, creamy mug of hot chocolate on a snowy day. I'm thinking I'm going to have to get to know Imran much better because I just love a brainy man. I'm just gonna have to snuggle in real close with Imran and


From my iPad.

Crap! How do I get that mofo to bold when I'm on this thing?

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( @ )( @ ) The official salute from women in the great, nudist nation of Secor. I'm naked and very excited to be here.

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The Supercalifragalisticexpealadocious Award

"This award was custom made for a special person. Its gleam reflects the endearment of the people that she leads. Awarded to the IRON Maiden, Sister Midnight."

[center]~~A partner in Blade's crimes~~[center]Nukes taken for IRON since restarting on 6/10/2016: I stopped counting after 69.

bay102174, on 05 Aug 2016 - 11:15, said:

Sister Midnight has been Baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!

Blade 619, on 10 Jun 2016 - 22:16, said:

The people of Antropomorphica join their leaders in welcoming the discovery of this previously unknown colony of Secor in the wilds of South America. They organised an airdrop of money and soldiers to protect this fledgling state as it undergoes construction (I mean... 1k infra at day 1 guys... come on!).

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from our leaders to yours.

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I'm going to unvote for a moment, as I don't want to lynch Rhizo (yet). We still have some time and I want an answer from Robert 1st.





mandarijn juice

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Let's start this again, as I just was about done when I clicked something and changed pages



Lot of flak there, but the jist is he did not reveal he performed an action on Shah and acted like he has no knowledge of what happened to Shah at night because he thought it "Could easily be a way to find out who may have knowledge to make sure to
either target them in a lynch or kill them at night if they didn't want to roleclaim
Except, I did not want to know what action was performed. I just asked whether anyone had performed any action on Shah:

There was no reason to think I was trying to find out who has what power roles. It was a simple question that needed to be answered to find the scum. A normal townie with a PR would have said..."yes I used my action on Shah, but I have no info to share and I am not revealing what my power is". An innocent townie would not try to act like he has no idea what I am talking about.

There was no point in me claiming I did an ability on him.  It provided nothing additional to add.  If I said, "Yes I used my action on Shah, but I have no info the share and I am not revealing what my power is," it wouldn't of mattered.  You would likely still come forward that you know I met with Shah, and that my refusal to admit my ability is proof that I am scum and killed him.  If I later came forward with the ability I used, you would of just dismissed it as a a false claim and we'd still be where we're at.  Fact is, it wouldn't matter which way I did it, it wasn't going to change your mind, so really it's quite pointless to say one way is scummish, one way isn't.

I'm glad also that you speak for everyone, that what you think a townie would say or do is the only right way.  It's complete crap, as not everyone plays the game the same, and you can throw out what a "normal townie" would say when this is my first ever Mafia game and I don't know the "norms."  Even still, I play this game as I play it, not how you think I should, you are merely just trying to throw shit at the wall and see if it sticks to boost support.  


Mandarijn proved my point of why I didn't want to say I did an ability.  After I roleclaimed, I admitted to doing an ability on Shah, and that it provided no additional information not already known.  What was the next question following that by Mandarijn?  What was your role and what results I got.  Exactly why I didn't speak up, because once I said I did an action on him I knew I would get asked what the power I used was.  And of course, since Shah died, me refusing to admit what ability I used would then put the spotlight on me as being the possible culprit.  So saying I used an ability on Shah when asked would of resulted in two scenario's, 1.  I refuse to tell what action I used and get people suggesting it was me since I met with Shah who died and refuse to come forward with my action, or 2.  be forced to roleclaim early on to take the suspicion off me, while now telling the Scum what my role was.  Both scenario's being bad all around.  Or instead, because the information I gained was useless to knocking off a scum and pointless for me to bring forward, I not openly say I preformed an action on Shah.  Personally speaking, the 2nd option seemed like a lot better choice due to the fact me coming forward would do nothing to help us out, and could only lead to unwarranted suspicion of me, or force me to tell my identity to Mafia.  Do you think I'm foolish enough not to think if I said I performed an action that people wouldn't ask what action it was, or get suspicious if I refused to, to keep my power a secret from the scum.  



HA! The JOAT claim is the most convenient of scum role claims. I know it because we discussed about using it last game. (actually this also makes me very very suspicious of TW, he is trying to use the same scum strategies that we used last game. But we will leave TW for D3 because we dont have time today. But I can present my thoughts on why TW is the 2nd scum in more detail tomorrow.)
So why is the JOAT claim scummy. Because he can now only claim 1-shot abilities for everything and not have the real cop/tracker/watcher etc. come forward to discredit his claim. He can claim.."oh I used cop ability on N1". on D3, people will ask.."hey Rhiz, who did you use the cop ability last night?" "oh..I had only 1-shot ability..i used tracker last night and found nothing"...Its so easy to glide by without providing any new information with this claim..its not even funny. Did he provide any new information today? No. We all know shah was town.
Sorry. Thats a blatant fake claim to save your skin.


So anyone who claims to be a JOAT is automatically false claiming?  If that's the case, why would anyone ever use it?  Town JOAT is a role in mafia that can be given, in this case, to me.  The mere fact you dismiss the fact someone could actually have this role is stupid.  What you discussed doing in another game as scum does not relate to this game, nor was I scum or even apart of said game.  If a town JOAT is a known "convenient scum claim," then why would I use it.  If you believe I am fake claiming, I could of picked all kind of different roles to say I used on Shah, why would I pick one that is such a dead giveaway, at least in your eyes.  I appreciate you thinking I'm so knowledgeable in this game after a few days of ever playing it that I thought this into what would be the best role to falseclaim, but the credit it unwarranted.  


Lots of spinning here, so lets lay out the facts.


1. I (Beast Boy) track Rhizoctonia

2. I find Rhizoctonia visited Shah

3. Shah ends up dead

4. Mod mentions Beast Boy found red residue.

5. This implies I found red residue from tracking Rhizo, who visited Shah who ended up dead.

6. Mod mention Shah was killed by Red X.

7. Red X leaves Red residue, found by me => Rhizo killed Shah



Spinning like a top wont change the above facts.



Sure lets dive into them.  1-6 look good to me, they're all fact.  But when we get to #7, it moves away from fact and into just your theory.  Let's state another fact if you will.  You claim to be a tracker.  In doing so, the only information you gain is if your target, targets someone else.  You don't know what action they did, all you know is they visited someone else.  That's it.  What you're trying to say, is since you found red residue, that must mean I killed him.  In doing so, you're suggesting the Mod gave out additional information then he should of, as nothing you found should tell you the action that was performed, you don't gain such information.  You're trying to spin this into suggesting that the red residue is somehow proof I killed him, yet it's not.  You merely know I visited Shah, nothing else found would give you evidence of what action I took.  


If you believe I'm Red-X...please link me to an article or something that states Red-X leaves behind a red residue that would mean I must be him?  Your claim is completely bogus because Red-X doesn't leave a red residue.  No where have you or the Mod said that Red-X leaves behind a red residue, or that Red-X left behind a red residue after killing him.   You're trying to link two completely different actions and people together.  You have no proof that Red-X leaves/left behind a red residue, nor that I'm Red-X, all you have is you found red residue when tracking me, which doesn't give any proof of me killing him.  Evidence a tracker finds should not disclose or suggest the action the person took, and the only claim you have to warrant lynching me is I met with Shah who was the one killed.  That's it.  Which I have already explained what action I took, and why I chose him.  You have been wanting to lynch someone from D1, and you've picked me simply because I met with Shah, with zero proof of my actions or that I killed him.  God hope you're never on a jury if that's all that it takes for you to lynch someone lol.  

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To add, forgot to mention this the second time writing my response



 Did he provide any new information today? No. We all know shah was town.


I'm not sure what you want me to do.  I claimed in my first response I didn't say I did any action on Shah because the information when investigating didn't provide anything new. Then I answered Mandarijn question with the action I took, and the result given, which again, was nothing not already known.  I don't know how you suddenly want me to provide some additional information I wasn't given from my investigation to please you. I can't supply something more that I don't know, and for which I already said twice was zero help to lynching a scum. 

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Rhizoctonia, on 24 Apr 2016 - 15:19, said:

There was no point in me claiming I did an ability on him. It provided nothing additional to add. If I said, "Yes I used my action on Shah, but I have no info the share and I am not revealing what my power is," it wouldn't of mattered. You would likely still come forward that you know I met with Shah, and that my refusal to admit my ability is proof that I am scum and killed him. If I later came forward with the ability I used, you would of just dismissed it as a a false claim and we'd still be where we're at. Fact is, it wouldn't matter which way I did it, it wasn't going to change your mind, so really it's quite pointless to say one way is scummish, one way isn't.

I beg to differ. If you admitted first up that yes you had visited Shah, this would have given you crazy townie points. Because no scum in their right mind will admit to visiting the target they had just killed when they dont know for sure if anyone saw/tracked them to the kill. If you had admitted that you visited Shah, before I revealed that I had tracked you, I would have been giving you the benefit of doubt. But you did not. In fact your posts regarding this are also a bit contradictory.
After I asked you whats your thoughts in this matter, you said:


In regards to why Shah was targeted, I'm not sure why he would be....there was nothing all that exciting that happened on the first day to make him a target, so don't know what the rationale would be.

So according to you, he wasnt interesting at all to warrant scum targetting him. But he was interesting to you, so much so that you used your extremely valuable Cop action on him:



I suspected them both, especially after one came quickly to defend the other. I had the ability to only investigate 1, I picked the one I knew had experience playing mafia and that I thought could likely be able to hide his true identity the best.

So you did not think he did anything interesting to be the target of a kill before I revealed my action, but shortly afterwards he becomes someone extremely important that you used your night action on.
By the way, this was Shah's second game. He is not extremely experienced as you seem to be claiming. I am pretty sure d3mon has played a lot more games than Shah.



I'm glad also that you speak for everyone, that what you think a townie would say or do is the only right way. It's complete crap, as not everyone plays the game the same, and you can throw out what a "normal townie" would say when this is my first ever Mafia game and I don't know the "norms." Even still, I play this game as I play it, not how you think I should, you are merely just trying to throw shit at the wall and see if it sticks to boost support.

Well to me thats what a normal reaction to a real townie will be. Your response was contradictory and after-the-fact.



So anyone who claims to be a JOAT is automatically false claiming? If that's the case, why would anyone ever use it? Town JOAT is a role in mafia that can be given, in this case, to me.




No. Town JOATs are pretty common. That was not my point. My point was its a very very convenient fake claim for the scum. It would be more believable if you could give us new information that is not known by everyone. You cant so there is no way of confirming your role. Your choice of action is also very very convenient. You happened to investigate the only player in the game who is 100% townie. You happened to target the Cop for a cop action who was killed by Red X, while your name is also similar Red Star. You gave me red residue when I tracked you, while you seem to be claiming the red residue I found is not from Red X. Do you have any info to link where it says Red Star leaves red residue. I mean talk about coincidences.


I mean at the end of the day, I have given concrete information that you visited Shah. You did not dispute this claim so I am providing correct new information.


On the other hand, you cant provide new information, all your claims are after-the-fact and most of what you claim is only possible where you are very very unlucky in terms of


1. Similar name to Scum killer

2. Targetting the same person as Scum

3. Leaving red residue which actually seems to point to Red X

4. Having an ability that is a very convenient fake claim

5. Using an ability and getting no new information with that ability.


Way to many coincidences or you are the unluckiest guy in the world. :P

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Rhizoctonia could be telling the truth but we don't have a better alternative.

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Rhizoctonia, on 24 Apr 2016 - 15:19, said:

So anyone who claims to be a JOAT is automatically false claiming? If that's the case, why would anyone ever use it? Town JOAT is a role in mafia that can be given, in this case, to me. The mere fact you dismiss the fact someone could actually have this role is stupid. What you discussed doing in another game as scum does not relate to this game, nor was I scum or even apart of said game. If a town JOAT is a known "convenient scum claim," then why would I use it. If you believe I am fake claiming, I could of picked all kind of different roles to say I used on Shah, why would I pick one that is such a dead giveaway, at least in your eyes. I appreciate you thinking I'm so knowledgeable in this game after a few days of ever playing it that I thought this into what would be the best role to falseclaim, but the credit it unwarranted.


Just wanted to address this point since Imran seems to think that this doesn't implicate you further but imho it does.


Now, so far we have seen 2 townie power roles i.e. Tracker and Sane Cop, if a JOAT were to be added to the mix it would mean that town could potentially investigate 3 players in a night. I think this game is a role madness (i.e. almost everyone has a power role) but if a role like JOAT was also townie then it would make the setup very imbalanced. I feel that this would be a mafia role to balance the game. I admire the passion with which you are trying to argue that you are not scum but I don't see anything that would make me doubt that you are scum.


My vote stays.

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Mandarijn, on 23 Apr 2016 - 23:18, said:

@Rhizo: What ability of the JOAT did you use on Shah then? Did you get any result?


@Robert2424 In this fictional scenario what would Imran get as a result if he's a tracker:

Rhizo checks on (let's assume investigates) Shah

Ninja (Mafia) kills Shah

Imran tracks Shah

A tracker only see's who one person targeted. He/she dosen't know what action that person cammited.  He/she wouldn't see anouther person targeting him. or what role the person used at night. 


*Mafia Links Go!*







Look at all 4 links. They are similar, but with key differences. 


I'll even throw a bone out there for everybody. I like all these roles. But its a pain to manage. 

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