What is the difference between a san cop and a role cop? I can't find anything about a San cop on mafia wikia.
Sane Cop Reveals the right results, Insane cop reveals Negative results.
What is the difference between a san cop and a role cop? I can't find anything about a San cop on mafia wikia.
Sane Cop Reveals the right results, Insane cop reveals Negative results.
(Doom War Damage Rank) 35: Robert2424 - 21 - 67,720.61 - 28,156.05 - 96,651.47
Robert2424 has been Baptized in Fire and Blood and Emerged as IRON!
Ghosting is simply dead players able to Randomly converse to each other during the night phase, or to mess with the living since they can post at that time and the alive cannot. Dead players cannot give out info on night action results, who they think is scum, or anything pertaining to the game, as they are eliminated.
BTW people, did you guys really think if I was going to use my favorite T.V. show growing up, I'd allow my characters to be "Killed". I put KO'd for a reason of nobody dies unless the town fucks ups and scum wins.
(Doom War Damage Rank) 35: Robert2424 - 21 - 67,720.61 - 28,156.05 - 96,651.47
Robert2424 has been Baptized in Fire and Blood and Emerged as IRON!
Activity is good. Good enough I would say with me being on vacation I'll extend this to Tuesday night.
@Irman, where I orginally played mafia, we played with only 3 days to get a lynch. Town won 90% of the time there. So the question remains, do we get better lynches qwickly or well thought out?
(Doom War Damage Rank) 35: Robert2424 - 21 - 67,720.61 - 28,156.05 - 96,651.47
Robert2424 has been Baptized in Fire and Blood and Emerged as IRON!
Vote Count: (In progress up to this point).
6(Rhizo), by Imran, chaplain, D3mon, The Doom, Kevin, SM
(Doom War Damage Rank) 35: Robert2424 - 21 - 67,720.61 - 28,156.05 - 96,651.47
Robert2424 has been Baptized in Fire and Blood and Emerged as IRON!
I don't know why Mod put red residue, but he didn't specify what the residue was. If it was blood, I'd assume he'd specify it. Red-X character as far as I can read doesn't leave a red residue, and Imran didn't see me kill him like he suspects. It could just as easily been residue with changing into red plasma form, or if he tracked me to where Shah was, it could of been blood from Red-x killing him. You're lynching me off of Imran simply tracking me that I met with Shah
I don't think it was blood. I think it was residue from the X's used by Red X (AKA you).
If you suspected D3mon, why didn't you investigate him and not Shah? That doesn't make sense. I'm confused as hell right now.
And yes, Rhizo, you have a certain sexy something about you.
Because he has no new information to give the town because his role claim is most likely fake, or he got very unlucky. If he isn't scum, that's a very bad circumstance for us, but we have to act based on the information available to us, and the information available to us indicates that he is scum.
@Rhizo: What ability of the JOAT did you use on Shah then? Did you get any result?
@Robert2424 In this fictional scenario what would Imran get as a result if he's a tracker:
Rhizo checks on (let's assume investigates) Shah
Ninja (Mafia) kills Shah
Imran tracks Shah
A tracker only see's who one person targeted. He/she dosen't know what action that person cammited. He/she wouldn't see anouther person targeting him. or what role the person used at night.
*Mafia Links Go!*
Look at all 4 links. They are similar, but with key differences.
I'll even throw a bone out there for everybody. I like all these roles. But its a pain to manage.
In Red is exactly what I've been trying to say. A tracker wouldn't know the action used, nor would anything he learns point to it. The red residue found in no way points to the action I did nor suggest what it was. Yet people are hung up on that
Vote Count: (In progress up to this point).
4(Rhizo), by Imran, chaplain, D3mon, The Doom
It's actually 6 I think now...Kevin has voted for me, and SM. Certainly not wanting to by lynched, but figured I'd help keep the number right
I don't know why Mod put red residue, but he didn't specify what the residue was. If it was blood, I'd assume he'd specify it. Red-X character as far as I can read doesn't leave a red residue, and Imran didn't see me kill him like he suspects. It could just as easily been residue with changing into red plasma form, or if he tracked me to where Shah was, it could of been blood from Red-x killing him. You're lynching me off of Imran simply tracking me that I met with Shah
I don't think it was blood. I think it was residue from the X's used by Red X (AKA you).
If you suspected D3mon, why didn't you investigate him and not Shah? That doesn't make sense. I'm confused as hell right now.
And yes, Rhizo, you have a certain sexy something about you.
Because he has no new information to give the town because his role claim is most likely fake, or he got very unlucky. If he isn't scum, that's a very bad circumstance for us, but we have to act based on the information available to us, and the information available to us indicates that he is scum.
Again, as Robert has just confirmed, a tracker finding some red residue implies nothing to the action used. A tracker doesn't gain that information, nor is it implied. You can't use some red residue as proof of anything. The mere fact it's known that information found by the tracker doesn't imply or suggest an action, should automatically cancel the idea I killed him, because otherwise it's going against everything Robert just said.
Literally, the evidence one finds as a tracker shouldn't imply any action done, because it's not meant to. The only thing that he can truthfully know is I visited Shah. Red residue may just be Robert's way of saying he tracked me...I don't know what Robert meant by red residue. The only thing I can speculate is it's residue from me having the ability to change into an energy form of red plasma. It could be residue from the radiation of my character, or me using my energy to fly around as seen in this picture
All of which are a probability, the red residue being from me killing Shah is literally not, because that alone would imply the action I took, and since Imran was the one to discover the red residue using tracker, that completely takes it out of the equation of being proof i killed him.
Former Government Of The East India Company(VOC)
I'll reply to you Imran later on when I have some time since it's going to involve more time. That is, if I'm not lynched by then which seems to how everyone is rolling. I imagine if a scum hasn't voted yet, he'll be soon to vote to lynch me and finish me off.
Former Government Of The East India Company(VOC)
@Rhizo: What ability of the JOAT did you use on Shah then? Did you get any result?
@Robert2424 In this fictional scenario what would Imran get as a result if he's a tracker:
Rhizo checks on (let's assume investigates) Shah
Ninja (Mafia) kills Shah
Imran tracks Shah
A tracker only see's who one person targeted. He/she dosen't know what action that person cammited. He/she wouldn't see anouther person targeting him. or what role the person used at night.
*Mafia Links Go!*
Look at all 4 links. They are similar, but with key differences.
I'll even throw a bone out there for everybody. I like all these roles. But its a pain to manage.
In Red is exactly what I've been trying to say. A tracker wouldn't know the action used, nor would anything he learns point to it. The red residue found in no way points to the action I did nor suggest what it was. Yet people are hung up on that
Vote Count: (In progress up to this point).
4(Rhizo), by Imran, chaplain, D3mon, The Doom
It's actually 6 I think now...Kevin has voted for me, and SM. Certainly not wanting to by lynched, but figured I'd help keep the number right
I don't know why Mod put red residue, but he didn't specify what the residue was. If it was blood, I'd assume he'd specify it. Red-X character as far as I can read doesn't leave a red residue, and Imran didn't see me kill him like he suspects. It could just as easily been residue with changing into red plasma form, or if he tracked me to where Shah was, it could of been blood from Red-x killing him. You're lynching me off of Imran simply tracking me that I met with Shah
I don't think it was blood. I think it was residue from the X's used by Red X (AKA you).
If you suspected D3mon, why didn't you investigate him and not Shah? That doesn't make sense. I'm confused as hell right now.
And yes, Rhizo, you have a certain sexy something about you.
Because he has no new information to give the town because his role claim is most likely fake, or he got very unlucky. If he isn't scum, that's a very bad circumstance for us, but we have to act based on the information available to us, and the information available to us indicates that he is scum.
Again, as Robert has just confirmed, a tracker finding some red residue implies nothing to the action used. A tracker doesn't gain that information, nor is it implied. You can't use some red residue as proof of anything. The mere fact it's known that information found by the tracker doesn't imply or suggest an action, should automatically cancel the idea I killed him, because otherwise it's going against everything Robert just said.
Literally, the evidence one finds as a tracker shouldn't imply any action done, because it's not meant to. The only thing that he can truthfully know is I visited Shah. Red residue may just be Robert's way of saying he tracked me...I don't know what Robert meant by red residue. The only thing I can speculate is it's residue from me having the ability to change into an energy form of red plasma. It could be residue from the radiation of my character, or me using my energy to fly around as seen in this picture
All of which are a probability, the red residue being from me killing Shah is literally not, because that alone would imply the action I took, and since Imran was the one to discover the red residue using tracker, that completely takes it out of the equation of being proof i killed him.
You're right. The red residue isn't a piece of solid information to rely on. So lets look at facts.
You performed an action on Shah
Shah is now dead
You claim you performed an action which provides no new information and therefore there is no way to confirm (scum tactic, but could be true)
You could very well be telling the truth...... BUT, we have to act on the information we have. The information we have places suspicion on you and you have no real evidence with which to counter claim. Therefore we have to act on that suspicion.
Meh, I still don't know. I'm convinced Imran saw what he saw.
Rhizo could be unlucky, but like Chaplain said: this is all we have. We've gotten some more time from Robert now, so I say we wait with the lynch to get some more discussion going.
It's also very interesting seeing who all is very quiet...
KevinH for example, I would expect some sort of input from him.
Fermion, iSoc and Rafay (TW, SM and TheDoom as well, but a little less)
mandarijn juice
it's a case against rhiz vs Imran. I rather watch and form an opinion
bay102174 - 19 Jan 2015 "
iSocialism, with stats like this you are a great credit to the IRON military. Your fighting spirit exemplifies what being a member of IRON is about.
iSocialism has been Baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!"
Red resideue was in a hallway at titans tower. A tracker role couldn't find red residue. The Red Residue was for flavor. I never PM'd Imran "You found red residue". Though I'm getting the feeling somehow those words were somehow placed in my mouth. Its a story people. Red Residue is simply flavor. The fight downtown means exactly what it says. Obvously there was another fight. Just in a differnt location.
(Doom War Damage Rank) 35: Robert2424 - 21 - 67,720.61 - 28,156.05 - 96,651.47
Robert2424 has been Baptized in Fire and Blood and Emerged as IRON!
No one said you pm'ed me the info. This is what I have said
Mod mentions Beast Boy found red residue.
Classified Intel on Empire of Imran:
Can Town have more than 1 JOAT role? I mean can 2 townies have same roles ?
The differance between IRON and some rag tag alliance is the fact that we will fight with no reguard to our own nations. Putting the greater good of the whole before ourselves. Victory for all or they will have to fight us to the last point of infa in the last IRON nation. Every so often someone(s) will come around and exemplifie this. Living up to the IRON Values. It gives me great pleaser to baptize three of IRON's up and comers.
TheDoom, you have been Baptized in FIre and Blood and Emerged as IRON!
I view it this way:
My vote stands.
The cop is dead. There wont be 100% certainty of anyone being scum anymore. My result is the next best thing. Someone visiting the player who turned up dead. So even ignoring the red residue, Rhizo needs to get lynched. If he turns up scum, the benefits are manifold. It will at one stroke confirm a lot of people as townies (those who were on the bandwagon early). If not, well, we still have some info for Day 3.
Classified Intel on Empire of Imran:
OK...i did not want to do this but there's no time for a good discussion and to find the scum. But what we can do is lynch the confirmed scum.
Hello Mr. Scum Rhizoctonia. You have been caught.
Vote: Rhizoctonia
I am Beast Boy. I tracked Rhizoctonia last night and saw him visit Shah. His D1 posts just screamed of scum so it was an easy decision for me to track him over others. Luckily the scum team used him to do the kill and I was there to see it. The mod has also confirmed that I found traces of red residue. This indicates that Rhizo is the Red Tracker, one of the scum team. At start of this day he made no indication that he performed any action on Shah. I even asked specifically if any of the townie power roles had used their action on Shah. Rhizo replied after me and not a peep from him. Thanks for confirming. You are scum and not a townie PR using your ability on Shah.
If I am killed tonight, my second on the highly suspicious list is TW. His posts also smell of scum.
Lets go guys. Lets lynch Mr. scummy wummy rhizzy. Its too bad time is so short or I would have preferred to find out who his scum buddies are. But we need to lynch the confimed scum first.
Former Government Of The East India Company(VOC)
( @ )( @ ) The official salute from women in the great, nudist nation of Secor. I'm naked and very excited to be here.
The Supercalifragalisticexpealadocious Award
"This award was custom made for a special person. Its gleam reflects the endearment of the people that she leads. Awarded to the IRON Maiden, Sister Midnight."
[center]~~A partner in Blade's crimes~~[center]Nukes taken for IRON since restarting on 6/10/2016: I stopped counting after 69.Sister Midnight has been Baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!
The people of Antropomorphica join their leaders in welcoming the discovery of this previously unknown colony of Secor in the wilds of South America. They organised an airdrop of money and soldiers to protect this fledgling state as it undergoes construction (I mean... 1k infra at day 1 guys... come on!).
_ # _
_ # _
_ # _
8========D ~~
from our leaders to yours.
Red resideue was in a hallway at titans tower. A tracker role couldn't find red residue. The Red Residue was for flavor. I never PM'd Imran "You found red residue". Though I'm getting the feeling somehow those words were somehow placed in my mouth. Its a story people. Red Residue is simply flavor. The fight downtown means exactly what it says. Obvously there was another fight. Just in a differnt location.
So Imran did not actually receive any information that said he found red residue. All we know is that he tracked Rhizo and saw Rhizo visit Shah who is now deceased. If no one else visited Shah last night, then it is clear that Rhizo killed him. Which means that if Rhizo is the JOAT that he claims to be, he would have actually used a vigilante role and not a cop role. But if this was the case, he wouldn't have any reason to lie about it and doing so would only further implicate him. The only three possibilities as I see it are that Rhizo is telling the truth (and is incredibly unlucky) and someone else visited Shah as well, Rhizo is lying and is scum, or Rhizo is lying and is a SK. Two of the three possibilities are negative for us.
Unless someone else can provide any additional information that would either: 1) Show that someone else visited Shah as well, or 2) Indicate exactly what type of action Rhizo performed on Shah, our best option seems to be Rhizo and we have until tomorrow night at the latest to figure it out.
Can Town have more than 1 JOAT role? I mean can 2 townies have same roles ?
In theory, yes. It is unlikely that there is more than one town JOAT though in my opinion since the JOAT is a reasonably powerful role.
^ If Rhizo turns up scum and I get killed at night, remember the above TWs post guys. For Day 3 lynch.
Classified Intel on Empire of Imran:
0 members, 0 guests, 0 anonymous users