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[RF-01] Teen Titans Game (Day 4).

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Posting my likely last vote/opinion so I can say I called it when the game is over in case I get lynched.


My vote this time is still D3mon.  Going through all the pages, the majority of his posts in this game have been votes/unvotes.  Contributed very little to the discussion thus far, from Day 1 to now.  He also has voted me without hesitation and bandwagon since he know who the true scum is and knows I'm not one, and looking to "wrap this up" quick so they can get a easy town kill with another hopefully tonight. 


The other one I am betting is, is TheDoom.  He as well hasn't posted much, nor contributed to the conversation much at all.  Also voting for me, which same reason as stated for D3mon.


My guess is the individuals involved in the current vote against me are likely good candidates for Scum.  The only one I believe to be 100% not scum would be Imran.  Feel he's been truthful with his name/role, and was right that I visited Shah.  He would really had to make an excellent guess to lie about tracking me and be right that I visited Shah.  Too impossible to do.  But the other 4-5 guys that have voted me thus far, I would imagine 2-3 are Scum.  

If not lynched by the time to get off work, i'll look to answer some posts, but wanted to make sure I got in my opinion of scum during my lunch so there's proof I called it if in fact I'm right as the game progresses.  

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Depending on theme the could be more then one joat. Or none. Joat can appear in this game. We are talking about superpowers here.

Story is mainly for entertainment. The only info you got more of last night was there was a fight downtown. Meaning somebody also could of "died".

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bay102174, on 17 Dec 2014 - 18:06, said:

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I feel they're both talking the truth, as I assume Mafia would use a Ninja to make the kill and we won't see it (assuming they have one. No idea if they're in small games as well? ).


But it's still our best bet (in case Rhizo is lying), so I'm still going to vote for him by tomorrow evening (if no one beats me to it) to get it done. We'll learn a lot if he turns out scum, but also if he turns out to be town. So Rhizo, I'm sorry, but you'll die early in your 1st game. :P

EDIT (this was a new post, but they got merged): Ooh Robert's last post indicates there might be a SK indeed and either the SK or Mafia kill got stopped by someone. :P


I think we can also assume (nearly) everyone has a power role... 



mandarijn juice

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The other one I am betting is, is TheDoom.  He as well hasn't posted much, nor contributed to the conversation much at all.  Also voting for me, which same reason as stated for D3mon.

Well the reason for me not posting much is that I dont have much to add.Imran made a pretty strong case against Rhizo and after that u claimed to be a town JOAT,which I m pretty confident u are not.U surely are lying and trying to hide something.

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bay102174, on 08 Apr 2016 - 18:27, said:

The differance between IRON and some rag tag alliance is the fact that we will fight with no reguard to our own nations. Putting the greater good of the whole before ourselves. Victory for all or they will have to fight us to the last point of infa in the last IRON nation. Every so often someone(s) will come around and exemplifie this. Living up to the IRON Values. It gives me great pleaser to baptize three of IRON's up and comers.

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Chaplain of death, on 24 Apr 2016 - 19:54, said:


Rhizoctonia, on 24 Apr 2016 - 19:29, said:


Robert2424, on 24 Apr 2016 - 18:08, said:


Mandarijn, on 23 Apr 2016 - 23:18, said:

@Rhizo: What ability of the JOAT did you use on Shah then? Did you get any result?


@Robert2424 In this fictional scenario what would Imran get as a result if he's a tracker:

Rhizo checks on (let's assume investigates) Shah

Ninja (Mafia) kills Shah

Imran tracks Shah

A tracker only see's who one person targeted. He/she dosen't know what action that person cammited.  He/she wouldn't see anouther person targeting him. or what role the person used at night. 


*Mafia Links Go!*







Look at all 4 links. They are similar, but with key differences. 


I'll even throw a bone out there for everybody. I like all these roles. But its a pain to manage. 



In Red is exactly what I've been trying to say.  A tracker wouldn't know the action used, nor would anything he learns point to it.  The red residue found in no way points to the action I did nor suggest what it was.  Yet people are hung up on that


Robert2424, on 24 Apr 2016 - 18:51, said:

Vote Count: (In progress up to this point). 


4(Rhizo), by Imran, chaplain, D3mon, The Doom


It's actually 6 I think now...Kevin has voted for me, and SM.  Certainly not wanting to by lynched, but figured I'd help keep the number right


Chaplain of death, on 24 Apr 2016 - 19:05, said:


Rhizoctonia, on 24 Apr 2016 - 01:07, said:

I don't know why Mod put red residue, but he didn't specify what the residue was.  If it was blood, I'd assume he'd specify it.  Red-X character as far as I can read doesn't leave a red residue, and Imran didn't see me kill him like he suspects.  It could just as easily been residue with changing into red plasma form, or if he tracked me to where Shah was, it could of been blood from Red-x killing him.  You're lynching me off of Imran simply tracking me that I met with Shah


I don't think it was blood. I think it was residue from the X's used by Red X (AKA you).


Sister Midnight, on 24 Apr 2016 - 02:45, said:




If you suspected D3mon, why didn't you investigate him and not Shah?  That doesn't make sense.  I'm confused as hell right now.


And yes, Rhizo, you have a certain sexy something about you.




Because he has no new information to give the town because his role claim is most likely fake, or he got very unlucky. If he isn't scum, that's a very bad circumstance for us, but we have to act based on the information available to us, and the information available to us indicates that he is scum.




Again, as Robert has just confirmed, a tracker finding some red residue implies nothing to the action used.  A tracker doesn't gain that information, nor is it implied.  You can't use some red residue as proof of anything.  The mere fact it's known that information found by the tracker doesn't imply or suggest an action, should automatically cancel the idea I killed him, because otherwise it's going against everything Robert just said.  


Literally, the evidence one finds as a tracker shouldn't imply any action done, because it's not meant to.  The only thing that he can truthfully know is I visited Shah.  Red residue may just be Robert's way of saying he tracked me...I don't know what Robert meant by red residue.  The only thing I can speculate is it's residue from me having the ability to change into an energy form of red plasma.  It could be residue from the radiation of my character, or me using my energy to fly around as seen in this picture






All of which are a probability, the red residue being from me killing Shah is literally not, because that alone would imply the action I took, and since Imran was the one to discover the red residue using tracker, that completely takes it out of the equation of being proof i killed him.   



You're right. The red residue isn't a piece of solid information to rely on. So lets look at facts.


You performed an action on Shah

Shah is now dead

You claim you performed an action which provides no new information and therefore there is no way to confirm (scum tactic, but could be true)


You could very well be telling the truth...... BUT, we have to act on the information we have. The information we have places suspicion on you and you have no real evidence with which to counter claim. Therefore we have to act on that suspicion. 



If only you and others actually listened to me, instead of using this red residue as somehow damning to me, or proving I killed Shah or I was Red-X.  Imran claimed the red residue found indicated I was red-X, you yourself claimed Imran found evidence I was Red-X, and because I couldn't explain the red residue I was it.  You both have used this red residue as some evidence against me, and for days now I've had to defend not only myself about it, but say over and over again that a tracker wouldn't find anything to implicate any action, yet you kept ignoring it, all the while I've said have no idea what the red residue means, as neither Red-X nor my Character leaves behind such residue, but that it proves nothing.


So yea, it's quite obvious you completely ignore my arguments and the fact I've been correct this whole time while continuing to use it as a case against me.  Not until Mod finally got the shits of people using the red residue as something more then it was, and me calling you out for the umpteenth time did you finally now say, o yea it isn't proof...yet this whole time this is what you been using to claim it's me.



problem here. Imran found evidence of Red X and you claim to be Red Star, and your only evidence of your role is information that is already public. Also does not address the red residue.



Welp, your first claim Imran found evidence I was Red-X is completely false.  You're right, evidence of my role was known, what I've already been over and stated there was no need for me to claim to have did an action on Shah when the information wasn't helpful.  Hell I even answered Mandarijn about what such action I did, and repeated for him again the result was nothing of help.  And lastly, not addressing the Red Residue, which in fact I didn't need to, and have said so over and over, thankfully the Mod finally spoke up to claim what I have been saying all along.


And you have hardly any evidence against me.  You have I visited Shah, that's it.  Nothing more, nothing less, that's it.  Again, you want me to claim some new information to prove I'm innocent, which is stupid as one can not suddenly make up some new information for pleasing you.  I stated before Mandarijn asked that my action gave no further information, I really didn't care to state my action, simply did so I could be forthcoming as Imran already had people turned against me.  I knew if I didn't actually say my action, I'd hear the "o he's guilty because he wont admit what action he took" story.


The Warrior, on 25 Apr 2016 - 14:02, said:


Robert2424, on 25 Apr 2016 - 01:20, said:

Red resideue was in a hallway at titans tower. A tracker role couldn't find red residue. The Red Residue was for flavor. I never PM'd Imran "You found red residue". Though I'm getting the feeling somehow those words were somehow placed in my mouth. Its a story people. Red Residue is simply flavor. The fight downtown means exactly what it says. Obvously there was another fight. Just in a differnt location. 

So Imran did not actually receive any information that said he found red residue. All we know is that he tracked Rhizo and saw Rhizo visit Shah who is now deceased. If no one else visited Shah last night, then it is clear that Rhizo killed him. Which means that if Rhizo is the JOAT that he claims to be, he would have actually used a vigilante role and not a cop role. But if this was the case, he wouldn't have any reason to lie about it and doing so would only further implicate him. The only three possibilities as I see it are that Rhizo is telling the truth (and is incredibly unlucky) and someone else visited Shah as well, Rhizo is lying and is scum, or Rhizo is lying and is a SK. Two of the three possibilities are negative for us.


Unless someone else can provide any additional information that would either: 1) Show that someone else visited Shah as well, or 2) Indicate exactly what type of action Rhizo performed on Shah, our best option seems to be Rhizo and we have until tomorrow night at the latest to figure it out.



TheDoom, on 25 Apr 2016 - 07:36, said:

Can Town have more than 1 JOAT role? I mean can 2 townies have same roles ?

In theory, yes. It is unlikely that there is more than one town JOAT though in my opinion since the JOAT is a reasonably powerful role.




No one is going to come forward.  There could be others that did actions on shah that produced nothing of significance or dispute Imran's claim, or mine.  There's no reason for them to role claim, most seem to believe Imran's theory besides the fact the only information or damning information is I visited Shah, but doesn't know what action, nor have proof of my role.  


Funny thing is, no one else has stepped forward denying or saying they performed an action or any additional information....I'm the only one singled out and no one has a problem.



I beg to differ. If you admitted first up that yes you had visited Shah, this would have given you crazy townie points. Because no scum in their right mind will admit to visiting the target they had just killed when they dont know for sure if anyone saw/tracked them to the kill. If you had admitted that you visited Shah, before I revealed that I had tracked you, I would have been giving you the benefit of doubt. But you did not. In fact your posts regarding this are also a bit contradictory.

 Why wouldn't they?  I mean, why couldn't a scum come forward and say they visited and said exactly what you think a Normal Townie would say, "I did an action on Shah, it provided no additional information, and i don't want to say what role i am."  In your eyes, that would give them townie points.  They wouldn't because they know they would be in the hot seat because they're admitting to visiting someone who died that night, and if no further evidence comes forward from N1, they would either be hounded to admit what role they used, or likely be target number 1 as it's the only one to have visited, and like you're saying to me, can't provide any more helpful information to prove you weren't the one.  I've already stated why I didn't say, and that there was no point because I had no additional information.  And sorry, we will agree to disagree, because you surely wouldn't give me the benefit of the doubt.  You already thought I was scum, you tracked me and I visited someone who was killed that night...it wouldn't matter had I said I did or didn't respond like I did.  We'd be at the point we're now with no one coming forth with any other information and your want to lynch someone even on D1, that you'd look to have my lynched because I was the only one known to have visited him, and if I refused to say my action, you would only look to use that as more proof.  Sorry, I don't believe you one bit that me saying right away I visited him would have any effect, you thought I was Scum, you had evidence I visited him, and that's all you'd need.  Hell that's all you need at this point to lynch me, because that's the only information you have.  


I already figured you suspected me before I replied (before you came out as tracking me).  You singled me out of everyone who reacted after Shah was killed asking my thoughts and why I think he would.  I knew you obviously had your eye on me.  It had me thinking, that I should come forward I did an action, but I didn't want to roleclaim simply on someone up to this point having suspicion, or expose my role when it led to no information to say anyway.


Also, please feel free to point my contradictions you speak of, because I certainly don't know what you're speaking of.  Don't through out such claims without examples, so I can at least address where you think I contradict myself


After I asked you whats your thoughts in this matter, you said:


So according to you, he wasnt interesting at all to warrant scum targetting him. But he was interesting to you, so much so that you used your extremely valuable Cop action on him:


In regards to why Shah was targeted, I'm not sure why he would be....there was nothing all that exciting that happened on the first day to make him a target, so don't know what the rationale would be.


You asked why he would be a target.  The reason for a Scum to target Shah, and my reason for using an action on Shah are completely different.  I don't know why would target Shah, as I'm not scum, so I'm not sure their rationale.  I targeted Shah because I suspected him as Scum, which obviously wound't be the same reason a Scum would target him, as they knew he wasn't scum.  


You wanted me to answer for why a Scum would target him.  That's quite hard to do when I don't know why they would, and I stand by my statement, nothing happened or did anything that would make a Scum worry about Shah, so I literally have no idea.  Me speculating why a Scum would target him when nothing happened nor any roles known is as good a guess as you could make.  I'm not scum, I don't know, they must of had their reasons, for which I don't know and exactly what I stated.  


So again, I don't know what you're getting at.  I chose to do cop action on Shah because I suspected he was Scum, Scum's reasoning for killing Scum is unknown to me, and nothing that happened in D1 would make me able to guess.  I answered the exact question you asked me, why would Scum target him.



So you did not think he did anything interesting to be the target of a kill before I revealed my action, but shortly afterwards he becomes someone extremely important that you used your night action on.
By the way, this was Shah's second game. He is not extremely experienced as you seem to be claiming. I am pretty sure d3mon has played a lot more games than Shah.


Again, addressed above.  My rationale for using my night action and the rationale for a Scum to kill him are two different.  You asked why a scum would target him, I don't know, nor do I see any information out there that he was someone they needed to get first.  To me, I suspected he was scum, and my gut said so, so I used my night action to find out.  Scum wouldn't suspect he was scum, because they know he's not.  


Again, this is my first Mafia game, I don't know who'll has played, or how much.  What I do know is I knew he had, as he was the one pushing people including myself to come play, thus he was real into it, so assumed he was probably experienced to be this into it and gain new players.



Well to me thats what a normal reaction to a real townie will be. Your response was contradictory and after-the-fact.

Which is fine, you have what you would think is the normal reaction for a townie.  I feel my explanation on why I didn't say I did an action at first speaks for itself.  If you can't believe that by now, I know I am not going to.  But again, I am learning to ropes on this whole thing this game.


No. Town JOATs are pretty common. That was not my point. My point was its a very very convenient fake claim for the scum. It would be more believable if you could give us new information that is not known by everyone. You cant so there is no way of confirming your role. Your choice of action is also very very convenient. You happened to investigate the only player in the game who is 100% townie. You happened to target the Cop for a cop action who was killed by Red X, while your name is also similar Red Star. You gave me red residue when I tracked you, while you seem to be claiming the red residue I found is not from Red X. Do you have any info to link where it says Red Star leaves red residue. I mean talk about coincidences.


I mean at the end of the day, I have given concrete information that you visited Shah. You did not dispute this claim so I am providing correct new information.


On the other hand, you cant provide new information, all your claims are after-the-fact and most of what you claim is only possible where you are very very unlucky in terms of


1. Similar name to Scum killer

2. Targetting the same person as Scum

3. Leaving red residue which actually seems to point to Red X

4. Having an ability that is a very convenient fake claim

5. Using an ability and getting no new information with that ability.


Way to many coincidences or you are the unluckiest guy in the world.  :P



Again, with this damn red residue.  I would hope by now, and after the Mod has spoken, you and Chaplain stop using this as evidence.  It's not.  Mod has said it means absolutely nothing.  So please, quit using it as proof of I killed shah or my Character.  As I said already in this post in response to Chaplain, I've said over and over that the red residue does not indicate anything of significance, but you kept trying to use it as it was, and claiming that's proof of Red-X yet my character and Red Star as far as I can tell neither leave red, but you continued on with red residue meant Red-X when there was absolutely no proof Red-X would leave red residue, and the fact I couldn't explain it, meant what you think was true.  All the while I've said over and over and over that a tracker only knows who his target, targeted.  You would not get evidence of my character nor the action I did, and finally Mod spoke to prove I've been right all along while you forced me to try to explain some red residue crap when it meant nothing, as I said multiple times. 


Name - Yea, sorry that their are two characters in Teen Titans with similar names.  I can't help the names the mod picks.  A similar name proves absolutely nothing, it's a damn character name.  If you think I'm lying about this all, why wouldn't I pick a name not even close.  Sorry, can't help the name given to me, please explain how this is proof.  There's few instance of Teen Titans Characters with similar names, ex:  Starfire & Blackfire, Kid Flash & Speedy, Kitten & Pantha, Thunder and lightning....probably more.  Because two roles have red in them means something?  Come on now


And using a convenient role/not getting new information.  Again, I have the role that was given to me and the actions that come with it.  I've already explained I believed Shah and D3mon were scum, and I picked Shah to investigate.  He wound up dead, for which the mod announced his role.  I'm sorry that because the Mod told his role, I had no other information to give.  Again, I can't just make something unknown appear, being a cop tells me what it tells me.  The fact I can't provide any new information means I did it is a bogus, I can't help the action I made didn't give me anything more.  I already explained this was the very reason I didn't admit I did an action on Shah, because I had no new information to give so there was no point, and I didn't plan on exposing the role I did even after I roleclaimed, but did just to appease Mandarijn, but you even said, you are fine with people not saying what action they took as long as they say it didn't provide any new information.  Well I in fact took it one step further and said what I did...I don't know what more you want, as I'm going above what have stated you're fine with.


If you and Chaplain wouldn't have wasted days using this red residue as proof against me, and me continually having to defend myself that it isn't, maybe you'd be getting more information from other people or targeting the people you should be.  But instead, you continued to, and unfortunately Mod was away for a day or so before he was able to post exactly what I've said all along, and that you trying to use it against me is absolutely crap.  I said all along a tracker would not find anything to suggest action or role, as you don't get that as tracker, and all along you ignored it and kept using it.  This is my first mafia game, and even I know this from reading a wiki.  You'll are more experienced and should know this, but instead you kept using it as some type of proof when you knew it wasn't, wasting my time defending myself about it over and over, and wasting time addressing real information or the people you should be targeting.  


I think it's absolute crap that you have used it to push a lynch on me and used it to persuade people.  You've wasted time and a whole day looking to lynch a fellow townie, instead of looking to find the real scum.  There's no one else to lynch, because you've made it all about me, and mostly false claims and false evidence, and pretty terrible evidence like "two similiar names," like that means something.  I would love to know why if I was looking to fake roleclaim, why I wouldn't pick a name completely different.  Can't help the names Mod gives.


The facts are, you know I met Shah. Period, that's it.  Not my role, not my character, not what action I took, nor some red residue BS. I've explained why I didn't say right away I did an action on him, and if people can't actually see my reasoning, I can't help it.  But that's all you have, and you'll get your wish likely to lynch me because you've wasted the day only after me, and "there's no one else," which is crap to kill a townie simply because of that.  It didn't matter if I said it first or after you admitted you tracked me, that seems to be the only information known or information people want to speak out about, and I'd be in the same boat as I am either way, because you have your mind made up, and somehow got many on board with no proof other then I did an action on Shah.  


To add, since this is my first game.  I'm not sure how Scum usually look to help defend a fellow Scum from being lynched...but I would think they would try.  Look at what's unfolded, where has anyone looked to help me?  If I was scum, I wouldn't think they would want one of their own after D2.  No, no one has because the scum know I'm not scum and are likely the ones pushing the lynch by voting for me.  So any true townie, keep a close eye if I get lynched, Scum is likely a few of those names.  


Anyway, rant over.  I'm personally sick of defending myself over bogus claims and people trying to use red residue as proof of anything when Mod finally has said it's not and I been right all along.  The mere fact the Mod has said he never included anything about red residue in his PM to Imran is proof enough he's wasted your time, as the information he gains from his action is PM'd.  He knew finding it was not a result of him tracking me but kept using it anyway.  It's truely whatever, but quite aggravating time wasted continually repeating the same thing over and over and trying to somehow explain some red residue to prove my innocence.  

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Clarifying my post, as I didn't review before posting as I spent enough time writing my response to it all, now i'm forced to write more




hy wouldn't they?  I mean, why couldn't a scum come forward and say they visited and said exactly what you think a Normal Townie would say, "I did an action on Shah, it provided no additional information, and i don't want to say what role i am."  In your eyes, that would give them townie points.  They wouldn't because they know they would be in the hot seat because they're admitting to visiting someone who died that night, and if no further evidence comes forward from N1, they would either be hounded to admit what role they used, or likely be target number 1 as it's the only one to have visited, and like you're saying to me, can't provide any more helpful information to prove you weren't the one. 



Your statement was, no scum would come out and admit they killed someone without knowing they're tracked/saw.  So my question would be why?  Why would coming out admitting they did an action be bad thing for them?  You just got done saying if I came out admitting I did an action, you would give me townie points.  If I came out right away with a claim that I did an action, you'd give me the benefit of the doubt, right?  So why would it be bad if they did the same, and claim their action presented no further information?  You wouldn't suspect them then, right?  That's what you've stated earlier


I know why, because at the end of the day, if they're the only ones to come out and said they preformed an action on them, and that's the only evidence, the spotlight would be on them.  Exactly a reason I stated on why I didn't, because admitting I did an action on someone who wound up dead would arrise suspicion, and there was no point to do so because I didn't gain any new information.  Had my action done anything worthwhile to supply everyone, I would have, but it didn't so why rise suspicion that was unwarranted?  


If you stick to your early comment, there would be absolutely no negative impact for a Scum to say they did an action, found no information to give, and do not want to say their role/action.  In fact, you said it would look good in your eyes.  So please, please elaborate on why it would be bad for a scum to do the exact same thing as a townie?  It makes no sense.  You say if I did that, it would be good and less suspicion, if a scum did the same, it would be a bad choice for them?  Makes zero sense to me.  You suggest I should of done that as somehow that makes me less suspicious, but if a Scum did that, they would be? 


All you've proved is that you in fact think that someone admitting they did an action on someone who died would be a bad choice.  Yet, you believe I should have.  Why?  So it could bring unwarranted suspicion towards me?  I had no new information to give, why on earth would I admit I did an action and make people suspicious of me that I'm a Scum when I'm not.  There was no reason for me to admit I did, because exposing I did would lead to no new information being known and me role being exposed, all of which is bad for the Town.   

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I mean, literally, that is what you're lynching me for.  That's the evidence you have against me, that I met with Shah.  Because no new information has come out, since you know I met with Shah, you're lynching me for it.  That's it.  You've proven my point on why I didn't want to say I did, because admitting I met with Shah would put me in the spotlight.  That's all the evidence you have and that's all it seems people need to lynch me.  So I'm exactly right on the fear I had with coming out and saying it, admitting I met with Shah would make me a suspect when I wasn't the one to kill him.  Merely because, there's nothing else to go off of

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I can't imagine a scum writing that much.

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The red residue is a moot point. Qupting us and saying we are still arguing that point when we aren't only makes you look scummy to me.

We have conceded that point, that how Robert chose to introduce that bit of fluffy back story made it sound relevant to Imrans investigation of you. It was not.

The fact remains that your claim has no weight to it because you are using public information. No i don't expect you to create new information out of thin air. My earlier point still stands. You are either scum, or INCREDIBLY unlucky that you used an ability that gained you no new information on the same target that scum killed and got investigated doing it.

That's kind of a long shot. Obviously not impossible but you are the only solid lead that the town has right now and therefore we should lynch.


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KevinH, on 25 Apr 2016 - 22:50, said:



I can't imagine a scum writing that much.


So you want another No lynch today? Or just wanted to derail the lynch?


MOD: Please post vote counts regularly

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I'll do a vote count when I get home.

I'm honestly surprised people haven't freaked out over shahs role. I did say sane. :P

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Vote: No Lynch


Give me a better option and I'll join in.

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KevinH, on 26 Apr 2016 - 05:52, said:

Vote: No Lynch


Give me a better option and I'll join in.


You have played enough games to know that No Lynching on Day 2 is worst strategy ever. Keep on no lynching while scum keeps on killing at night. Also seems like there is a SK in the game as well. So we have a chance to lose 2 more townies at night while gaining 0 info from Day 2 with a No Lynch. Lynching Rhizo gives us something to go on. If he turns up scum..good. If not, we can still use his theory that the bandwagoners on his lynch wagon maybe scum. No lynching gives us no info whatsoever.


Better option? I provided the info of a player visiting a dead townie at night while all his claims are such that no one can confirm them. How do you get a better option than that?


FOS: Kevin

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It's a big enough game that we can afford a couple no-lynches while more investigations occur.  It's better to have a townie alive than dead.

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Funny you say that with the Cop dead already.

and you apparently thinking a Tracker result not that important.

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Rhizo's scum partner identified?


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Robert2424, on 25 Apr 2016 - 16:25, said:

Depending on theme the could be more then one joat. Or none. Joat can appear in this game. We are talking about superpowers here.

Story is mainly for entertainment. The only info you got more of last night was there was a fight downtown. Meaning somebody also could of "died".


Everyone other than Shah has posted since the new day so I don't understand how anyone else could be dead. If you meant another action which failed to kill someone then we caught on to that already.



KevinH, on 26 Apr 2016 - 06:13, said:

It's a big enough game that we can afford a couple no-lynches while more investigations occur.  It's better to have a townie alive than dead.


Robert2424, on 26 Apr 2016 - 04:34, said:

I'll do a vote count when I get home.

I'm honestly surprised people haven't freaked out over shahs role. I did say sane.  :P


KevinH, on 26 Apr 2016 - 06:13, said:

It's a big enough game that we can afford a couple no-lynches while more investigations occur.  It's better to have a townie alive than dead.


KevinH, on 26 Apr 2016 - 06:13, said:

It's a big enough game that we can afford a couple no-lynches while more investigations occur.  It's better to have a townie alive than dead.



I'll do a vote count when I get home.

I'm honestly surprised people haven't freaked out over shahs role. I did say sane. :P

Also Robert, I've been there as the MOD and wanting to participate since you have all the answers but please refrain from poking your head into the conversation TOO much. If we miss information and lose its our own faults. 

wow my post got all messed up lol. my bad. Trying to copy paste quotes to format it how I wanted didn't work so well.

Robert2424, on 26 Apr 2016 - 04:34, said:

I'll do a vote count when I get home.

I'm honestly surprised people haven't freaked out over shahs role. I did say sane. :P



KevinH, on 26 Apr 2016 - 06:13, said:

It's a big enough game that we can afford a couple no-lynches while more investigations occur.  It's better to have a townie alive than dead.


Lets try this again. Very possible that other investigative roles may be insane, which sheds doubt on future role claims claiming to have found scum. So please lets not wait and try to rely on unreliable investigations from roles we aren't sure we have when we can lynch based on fairly solid information and go from there.


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Seems like still 2 votes needed. Not sure how long is left until day end.


Ppl not voting: TW, Rafay, iSocialism, Fermion, Mandarijn


At least kevin has posted his reasons of going No lynch. And I think Mand said he will vote. But for others...guys, why are you even playing mafia if you dont want to lynch anyone and some not even posting let alone take one side or the other. How do you think town will ever win if you just sit around and do nothing. If you dont want to lynch Rhizo at least vote for someone else and post your reasons why. This game requires a full majority lynch so at this rate we will never get any lynch on any day. Might as well quit playing now.

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Wow, I'm a little concerned that Kevin changed his vote. As I understand it, Kev is an expert at this game and the other expert, Imran, says this is terrible strategy. What should I make of all this? Also, I didn't realize this is Rhizo's first game, which makes me feel a little guilty lynching him; and he's eloquent, which is smokingly sexy as far as I'm concerned. I'm not changing my vote, but I am wondering what is really going on. Is Kevin in cahoots with Rhizo?

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( @ )( @ ) The official salute from women in the great, nudist nation of Secor. I'm naked and very excited to be here.

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The Supercalifragalisticexpealadocious Award

"This award was custom made for a special person. Its gleam reflects the endearment of the people that she leads. Awarded to the IRON Maiden, Sister Midnight."

[center]~~A partner in Blade's crimes~~[center]Nukes taken for IRON since restarting on 6/10/2016: I stopped counting after 69.

bay102174, on 05 Aug 2016 - 11:15, said:

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Blade 619, on 10 Jun 2016 - 22:16, said:

The people of Antropomorphica join their leaders in welcoming the discovery of this previously unknown colony of Secor in the wilds of South America. They organised an airdrop of money and soldiers to protect this fledgling state as it undergoes construction (I mean... 1k infra at day 1 guys... come on!).

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8========D ~~

from our leaders to yours.

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Sister Midnight, on 26 Apr 2016 - 14:26, said:

Wow, I'm a little concerned that Kevin changed his vote. As I understand it, Kev is an expert at this game and the other expert, Imran, says this is terrible strategy. What should I make of all this? Also, I didn't realize this is Rhizo's first game, which makes me feel a little guilty lynching him; and he's eloquent, which is smokingly sexy as far as I'm concerned. I'm not changing my vote, but I am wondering what is really going on. Is Kevin in cahoots with Rhizo?


If Rhizo turns up scum then that will be a strong possibility. Rhizo may also be a SK which would mean kevin is not in cahoots with him. In any case we need a lynch to even start making sense of who is working with who. No lynch is just stupid and only scum will try to pursue that strategy when their buddy is about to get lynched.

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