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[RF-01] Teen Titans Game (Day 4).
Posted 29 April 2016 - 09:32 PM

Posted 29 April 2016 - 09:42 PM

If ferm is townie then it will be 4v3 tomorrow. (Mafia night kill unless it gets blocked. )
My bad, you are right but that just makes my job harder

An refert, ubi et in qua arrigas?
Posted 29 April 2016 - 10:31 PM

Every other character so far has had their affiliation (town or scum) the same as in the show. Nobody seems to be counter claiming cyborg/vig. Perhaps he just made a mistake, and as far as his behavior, im unsuprised that the vig would try to throw scum off his trail, if he hits a scum the night after we lynch one that's a huge swing.
Posted 29 April 2016 - 10:36 PM

I still think we should lynch KevinH first, Imran being roleblocked isnt a huge problem if we have a good idea of who the scum are. Plus it proves what fermion is if he kills someone other than who we suggest.
Every other character so far has had their affiliation (town or scum) the same as in the show. Nobody seems to be counter claiming cyborg/vig. Perhaps he just made a mistake, and as far as his behavior, im unsuprised that the vig would try to throw scum off his trail, if he hits a scum the night after we lynch one that's a huge swing.
I know, but the problem is, if he gets it wrong one more time its game over. 3 v 3 is a scum win.. Atm, we have two alternatives
1) Trust Fermion and leave him alive - If he is scum and still has the ability to kill then its game over.
2) Lynch Fermion - If he is town, we start tomorrow 4 v 3. Its not going to be easy but its not game over.

An refert, ubi et in qua arrigas?
Posted 29 April 2016 - 10:42 PM

Plus it would be 4v2 if he got it wrong so long as we are right about kevin which I'm fairly positive we are
Posted 29 April 2016 - 10:43 PM

I really see no alternative, we have to lynch Fermion. If my judgement is wrong, it could be game over.
Vote: Fermion

An refert, ubi et in qua arrigas?
Posted 29 April 2016 - 10:45 PM

Posted 29 April 2016 - 10:46 PM

Except it isnt game over. He can keep pace with their night kills if he targets correctly and we probably still have protective/roleblocking roles left.
Plus it would be 4v2 if he got it wrong so long as we are right about kevin which I'm fairly positive we are
Didn't get a chance to read this post before I voted but based on what I wrote earlier.. I don't see a way around it.. we can't let anyone who can possibly kill extra townies in the night stay in the game.

An refert, ubi et in qua arrigas?
Posted 29 April 2016 - 10:47 PM

Posted 29 April 2016 - 10:50 PM

If both Kevin and Ferm are scum then does it matter which one we lynch?
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[center]~~A partner in Blade's crimes~~[center]Nukes taken for IRON since restarting on 6/10/2016: I stopped counting after 69.Sister Midnight has been Baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!
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_ # _
_ # _
_ # _
8========D ~~
from our leaders to yours.
Posted 29 April 2016 - 11:00 PM

If both Kevin and Ferm are scum then does it matter which one we lynch?
Exactly. So lynch KevinH first and see if fermion kills who we tell him to. If he does then hes a townie because scum vig isn't a thing (best of my knowledge).
I have far less doubt about kevin then i do fermion, and the fact that kevin jumped on the wagon so early only makes me think that fermion is the vig more.
vote KevinH
Looking more and more suspicious when you keep messing up how many scum and how many townies are left d3mon. First time, maybe an honest mistake. Twice that quickly? Looks more like intentional mis information to sway the towns decision.
If ferm is townie then it will be 4v3 tomorrow. (Mafia night kill unless it gets blocked. )
My bad, you are right but that just makes my job harder
Which job would that be? Misleading the town to kill our vig?
Posted 29 April 2016 - 11:04 PM

If both Kevin and Ferm are scum then does it matter which one we lynch?
Exactly. So lynch KevinH first and see if fermion kills who we tell him to. If he does then hes a townie because scum vig isn't a thing (best of my knowledge).
I have far less doubt about kevin then i do fermion, and the fact that kevin jumped on the wagon so early only makes me think that fermion is the vig more.
vote KevinH
You don't seem to understand that if one kill is wrong in the night then the game is over. If Fermion is scum and still has the ability to kill in the night again, its game over. His abilities don't give us an extra lynch in the night. We have already seen a town JOAT, do you think that we would have more than one roles that can kill in the night?
The chance of scum having an extra kill and ending the game tonight is not something that can be ignored. Lynching Fermion ensures that we see another day and gives us a good chance to lynch a scum.
Just want to add that I would've addressed your post before voting but I didn't see it at that time.

An refert, ubi et in qua arrigas?
Posted 29 April 2016 - 11:07 PM

If we can't have a vig and a joat why the hell do you think that scum could have a vig AND their usual night kill.
Posted 29 April 2016 - 11:19 PM

6v3. If we lynch a scum and fermion is somehow a scum vig (still not a thing, at most it was one shot if hes scum), then its 4v2 tomorrow if nobody stops either kill. Stop mis representing the facts. You are scum along with Kevin and you have tipped your hand.
If we can't have a vig and a joat why the hell do you think that scum could have a vig AND their usual night kill.
We had some pretty strong roles and there was a bullet proof SK.. game balance requires that there would something on Mafia's side to make that even. Once again, I can't be sure but I am not willing to risk the chance of additional kills in night.

An refert, ubi et in qua arrigas?
Posted 29 April 2016 - 11:30 PM

Also if hes a scum vig, both scum night kills were blocked night 1? How? The chances are so ridiculous.
Posted 29 April 2016 - 11:58 PM

How are you so positive that we don't have a vig and they do though? They very well could have a joat. But that means his kill is gone and therefore that argument is invalid. As far as things to balance the game? They probably have a godfather (which became irrelevant when our cop died night 1), they could have a joat whos kill would best be saved until night 3 or so to throw the town into disarray.
Also if hes a scum vig, both scum night kills were blocked night 1? How? The chances are so ridiculous.
Ok, if Fermion is a town vig then why was there just 1 kill on day 1? He could still kill on that night..
I would give Fermion nothing more than 50% chance of being a town and you are running with the assumption that he is town vig.
I really dislike the scenario of this game ending because we knew of someone who killed a townie and failed to act. At the time I voted, you had already unvoted and if I really wanted to save KevinH then it would've be really easy to hammer Fermion before this whole discussion started.
Now, to the point of kills being blocked on night 1, the mod indicated that there was a fight downtown.. its not impossible that multiple could've been blocked or that scum wasn't allowed to use their extra kill on night 1..
Just wondering but are you scum and having trouble killing me?

An refert, ubi et in qua arrigas?
Posted 30 April 2016 - 12:02 AM

Posted 30 April 2016 - 12:24 AM

I'd like to see what Kev, Ferm, and TW have to say in their defense.
Defense against what? A couple votes without basis?
I think I stated succinctly why I voted and unvoted Rhizo. There were a few others that didn't vote for Rhizo, either.
Just suppose Rhizo was a townie with a role. Shah was just as likely a choice as any to target and he would have been tracked the same whether a SK or townie with a role, so his plea wasn't illogical.
"Flip-flop" and "try to derail" are a bit strong considering the facts. I placed a vote and then decided to give the benefit of the doubt to him.
The possibility of insane modifiers could invalidate anything. We need to act as if our knowledge is correct until proven otherwise.
we can analyze in a what we know now vs what we knew then.
So despite it being a good thing that Rhizo was lynched, I'm going to lean towards believing that those that voted for the lynch have a greater possibility of being scum. Interestingly, two of those voters are now dead townies. Who's left?
- There was evidence that Rhizo visited Shah the night he was killed, but there was room for doubt.
- The mafia knew that Rhizo wasn't one of them so they would want him dead regardless.
FOS: The Warrior, Chaplain of Death, D3mon, Sister Midnight
What more can I say?
Well, I suppose I can add a few data points.
- I'm StarFire, a follower.
- Night 1 I followed Fermion and learned that he did not perform an action.
- Night 2 I followed Rafay and learned that he did perform an action; I won't disclose what it is but it is typically associated with townies.
Posted 30 April 2016 - 12:42 AM

So if fermion didn't act on night one what is your reason for voting for him?
Posted 30 April 2016 - 12:50 AM

If Rafay wants me to reveal what it is, I will.
On the other hand, if you're asking me to reveal the role, I consider that scummy.
My rationale for voting for Fermion: he didn't perform an action in a role madness game -- sounds like a goon who didn't deliver the kill. (Note my previous post suggesting that)
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