I have never read any of the books... I'm all about the show. It's long past up the books, so I really don't care how much it sticks to the source material at this point. The actions of the characters are pretty much in line with the way they have always been throughout the show.
If you like the show, you'd love the books. Most of the best dialogues in the show come from the books, most of the good storylines too. Dany in particular is probably going down this path in the books too, but the show version seems too rushed after season 7 and 8. The characters and fates of many players in the show are so different, its probably better to call them different characters altogether. They should have taken up HBO on making more episodes to wrap up the storylines satisfactorily.
I agree this is a disappointing ending, but most shows seem to end badly. There are too many threads to tie, or the writers got burnt out, or the smoke monster was a pissed off, shape shifting guy with *issues* - oh wait, that was Lost. Seriously, there’s no way they could satisfy everyone, but I think the characters have stayed largely true to themselves. Dani has done some really fucked up crap in almost every country she’s stayed in. Jamie just couldn’t not love Cersei and be there for her.
The Cleganes are Cleg-gone now, although Gregor, The Mountain, was turned into a Frankenstein monster and I wonder if he’s unkillable. Of course he’s dead, but a girl can wonder. Sandor is a cuddly puppy at heart, nice moment with Arya.
Euron got blasted straight on by a dragon, didn’t burn, and swam to shore at just the right place and time to fight Jamie??? Yeah, okay, whatever. Be kinda fun if Dani told Drogon to “draconus” Jon, but Drogon refused to kill his first cousin.
Tyrian would be a better king than Jon because Jon is just too foolish and doesn’t learn. He broods really well, though. Does Westeros want a not too bright, but handsome, emo king? Probably. And he does have the strongest claim to the throne he would prefer not to have. I liked they had flashes of green quick fire in the cinematography, forgot to mention all this before.
There were some legit great character arcs, Theon and Jaime are the biggest examples. I would side with you about Dany. The earlier seasons were leading up to this, and i'm sure the books will still lead up to this too, but the lead up itself felt unsatisfying. This is a girl who was doing nothing but listening to her advisors in the last 2 seasons, chained up her dragons because one of her children killed a mireeneese child, was so hesitant about going against king's landing because of the people that would be killed in an earlier season just burned the whole of king's landing. Red Keep, I could understand, but she burned the whole city. This seems so rushed after what's happened in the last two seasons. They had the choice to extend the season, even get more (HBO wanted them to have more), but they rushed the season and the story arcs so they could get it over with.
And you're right. I think Tyrion would probably be a better king than Jon. Jon in the show is a shallow reflection of his book self. Jon's not just supposed to be honorable, he's also pragmatic. They just made him a brooding figurehead with terrible battle plans. Just not wanting to be king doesn't make one a good ruler. Robert didn't want to be king. He was a good man at heart, but his actions cost the realm a lot, ultimately causing the war for 5 kings.
The cinematography and acting are so good this season though. Dany's state when Tyrion meets her broke my heart. The shots at both Battle of Winterfell, and KL were beautiful. I didn't get the pale horse imagery (death rides it or something like that?), but it was awesome.
I hear there's gonna be a bonus episode and a prequel is planned to explain all the other stuff
I hoped they'd do the Dunk and Egg novellas. CoTF and White Walker take so much CGI they could half ass it, like they did with Jon and Ghost's goodbye.