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On the Margins of the Mueller Report

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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So the standard human dick move, makes sense.

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Whatever brings you comfort... but I find it's best to just accept the inevitable. Who didn't see this coming? I knew when Trump took office, his first, and biggest mistake, was not firing everyone he could immediately. Now he's cleaning house as best he can... and after his reelection, he'll finish the job.


Mike Bloomberg is too rich to run as a Democrat. He should have just run as an independent. He would have had a better chance, and he wouldn't have had to ever get on a debate stage. What an idiot. He spent a half-billion dollars to buy his podium spot, just to get roasted for a couple hours on the most watched debate since Trump/Clinton. He can't even fight back against the snowflakes without losing votes for being too mean to the women, the gay, or the flailing, feebleminded, elderly.


After Bloomberg lost his pants on international TV, the Democrats are in so much panic that they have turned to drumming up the always reliable accusation of... wait for it... Russia! Russia! Russia!


It didn't work, so they decided to turn it on Bernie Sanders. This is so funny... it's hard to believe it's really happening.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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Trump sure is cleaning house, of his own appointees... He keeps hiring all them incompetent people, or just outright criminals. And I guess you clearly like him going for a ideological lithmus test for his staff, instead of you know, competence?


Talking about funny, how is it that 1 in 4 of your state is communist? >_>

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Trump sure is cleaning house, of his own appointees... He keeps hiring all them incompetent people, or just outright criminals. And I guess you clearly like him going for a ideological lithmus test for his staff, instead of you know, competence?


Talking about funny, how is it that 1 in 4 of your state is communist? >_>

That's fair enough... if you keep Obama appointees on, they then become your appointees. The larger problem was Jeff Sessions, that recused himself as soon as he was confirmed. Then there was John Kelly and Rex Tillerson, who actively undermined Trump policy from within... and we know it because Nikki Haley came out and publicly admitted that they tried to recruit her into joining them. Paul Ryan was a Republican version of Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House... the only thing Ryan delivered were the tax cuts. Everything Trump has accomplished has been because of his own determination to get it done.


My state of Nevada is a Blue State, and has been since George W. Bush. Californians are leaving their state and moving to Nevada by the thousands because it sucks there... the problem is... they bring their stupid politics that destroyed California, with them. As long as I have no state taxes, and I continue to love my life here in Las Vegas, I will accept their stupidity as the new normal and stay. If not... I will move further mid-west... I have no problem with that. :)

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I was a little sad when Mark Meadows declined to run for reelection... now he's Trump's Chief of Staff. Makes sense now :)

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"There is thus little doubt that the government breached it's duty of candor to the Court with respect to those applications"


This is coming directly from U.S. District Judge James A. Boasberg, Chief Judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.


Sometime late Spring to early Summer we should have a clear understanding of what actually took place during, and after, the 2016 election, and who perpetrated those actions. I have absolutely zero expectations that any of these people will face consequences for what they have done... but it will bring sweeping power changes within the FBI and the Justice Department. It's too little, way too late, and I really don't believe that will be enough for half the U.S. population. These people called us "deplorable"... that's rich.



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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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Guess I should reply here aswell :D More then a month o/



Trump sure is cleaning house, of his own appointees... He keeps hiring all them incompetent people, or just outright criminals. And I guess you clearly like him going for a ideological lithmus test for his staff, instead of you know, competence?

That's fair enough... if you keep Obama appointees on, they then become your appointees. The larger problem was Jeff Sessions, that recused himself as soon as he was confirmed. Then there was John Kelly and Rex Tillerson, who actively undermined Trump policy from within... and we know it because Nikki Haley came out and publicly admitted that they tried to recruit her into joining them. Paul Ryan was a Republican version of Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House... the only thing Ryan delivered were the tax cuts. Everything Trump has accomplished has been because of his own determination to get it done.


Sessions had to recluse himself cause he was in "the scene" itself. Then blaming the couple appointees who actually had competence for being voices of reason is exactly why this administration is the laughing stock it is! Nikki Haley's on-again, off-again relation towards Trump is mystifying unless you consider she is basically sucking up to the people in charge to get places, she has shown 2 alter-ego's that wouldn't even want to be in the same room with eachother.


Yeah Ryan got himself the tax cuts and bailed, lets ignore the trillion hole deficit that inflicted even prior to the current corona virus debacle.


Pfft determination, he has determination to go golfing. That and trying to hear dogwhistles.

"There is thus little doubt that the government breached it's duty of candor to the Court with respect to those applications"

This is coming directly from U.S. District Judge James A. Boasberg, Chief Judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

Sometime late Spring to early Summer we should have a clear understanding of what actually took place during, and after, the 2016 election, and who perpetrated those actions. I have absolutely zero expectations that any of these people will face consequences for what they have done... but it will bring sweeping power changes within the FBI and the Justice Department. It's too little, way too late, and I really don't believe that will be enough for half the U.S. population. These people called us "deplorable"... that's rich.


As I said previously, all for investigating it. Equally don't get you hopes up to much to be fair.

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This has taken a back seat to Corona. When the weather gets to 110 degrees every day in Las Vegas in a month or so, it will burn the virus to hell, and we can get back to talking about what John Durham has uncovered. The one thing we have already learned is we can't trust the FBI with the power known as FISA.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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The equatorial and southern hemisphere located nations want a word from your quack who said it would "burn this virus".


As for Durham: "As I said previously, all for investigating it. Equally don't get you hopes up to much to be fair."

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In walks new Chief of Staff Mark Meadows. Out goes whistleblower IG Michael Atkinson... you're fired!

Cleanin' house.


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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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eeeeh, that Michael Atkinson was the guy tasked with supervising and independent oversight. He got the whistleblower report on his desk and as IG had to act upon it. One of his first actions was investigating the validity of said report and as such tried to get info from the White House. Said actions were stonewalled. Then as mandated by the whitleblower acts he informed Congress.


Yeah, very much cleaning house... Have to keep the sanitation crew away from that swamp you got brewing.

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…and he serves at the pleasure of the President. I don't think the President was pleased.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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The law/constitution isn't interested in the pleasure of the people bound by it. Or are you considering the president to being above those things?


Is the firing legal? Yes.

Is the firing just? probably not.

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Very interesting read...


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The dominoes begin to fall...


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They are dropping it under pressure of Barr. I repeat, the DOJ is dropping a case put forward by a special council investigation under pressure of the USA AG. Heck they are dropping it for "we shouldn't have made Flynn lie to us", of which Flynn himself TWICE pleaded guilty! Lawyers around the US are copy/pasting that docked as we speak to get all their defendants out cause apparently "lying to the feds" is an oopsie by the feds, not the defendant.


You guys have officially joined banana republic territory by clearly violating the very nature of a special council investigation, its independence.


Lastly, I will just put this here.

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Hmmm... from the sound of all this, my guess is the European Union must have had a heavy investment in the entire "Russian Collusion" conspiracy. The tears taste extra salty today. There will be more to come... so buckle up Brussels.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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I just want to know if I can get into the US while claiming I am an US citizen, cause you know lying to a federal officer clearly is A-OK.

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I just want to know if I can get into the US while claiming I am an US citizen, cause you know lying to a federal officer clearly is A-OK.

We have about 30 million illegals already here using false identification and pirated Social Security numbers. Take your pick of the many "Sanctuary Cities" and nail down a job in farming, landscaping, or housekeeping. The Democrats will welcome you on their plantations.


If you have time while hopping over our wall... can you tell me what the EU would do with all our lying Federal Officers?

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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Well you guys seemed to have inherited the hate towards a national identification document, unless you want to try and keep minorities from voting.


Anyway, now when will the entire Mueller investigation dossier be handed to Congress and the public? For all the shouting about hoaxes, you guys sure like to keep actual evidence of said hoax under wraps...


There is a wall? thats new :D


Yeah, the feds lying to this 1 poor soul was dastardly. Lets ignore all the other times that happended and nobody cared.

Emperor of the Benelux
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