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On the Margins of the Mueller Report

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When he said Mexico will pay for the wall, he never meant that they would just hand us over a check. Of course we will pay for it first. There are a multitude of methods for us to get the money back from Mexico. But thinking is just too hard for Democrats... or they're just lying for politics. You tell me which one it is.


Speaking of Mexico... So much time, anger, and money spent on Russia spending $100,000 on some Facebook ads to "influence our election"... has anyone asked about how Mexico is influencing our election? They have millions of their people actually casting ballots. I'm seriously more in favor of going to war than building a wall... but that's just me.

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The entire brief is Barr's, except a half quote from Mueller.

I'll say it slow so you can understand it. William Barr is the United States Attorney General. He is in charge of the entire Justice Department. Robert Mueller, a former Director of the FBI, was appointed by acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, to lead the Special Council investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election. Rod Rosenstein was "acting" because Attorney General Jeff Sessions was bullied into recusing himself because of his support for President Trump. General Sessions was unaware at the time that he was turning over control of the Justice Department to one of the conspirators against the President.


It was a "Special Council" and not an "Independent Council", which means he could not act on his own. He was under the direction, and reported directly to, the Attorney General. Mueller reports to Barr... Barr informs Congress. Therefore Barr writes the summary. Mueller is not the boss... Bill Barr is the boss. Once again, you guys want to ignore the one in charge, and choose your own judge.


Also, I'll comment on something else you declared. There is absolutely nothing wrong with gathering opposition research from any source, such as Don Jr. and his Tower meeting. There is everything wrong with using false opposition research that was paid for by a Presidential candidate, to obtain warrants to launch a bogus investigation against an opposing candidate.



Barr got the AG job after publicly condemning any Russian investigation, stating he thinks POTUS is above reprimant regardless of possible transgressions and to add a cherry called the people investigating it every bad word Trump likes to use himself. He basically auditioned for the position. Or as I saw stated somewhere else, how would you have felt if the Starr report got fed to Clinton's AG (make that a newly appointed AG, one who publicly spoke like Barr did/does and not someone considered spineless cause he recused for obvious reasons) and then alowed a brief to go out stating "There is no current improper sexual affair". The GOP goes mental over a tan suite, but now that someone's goes around bodysprayed orange all is well...


Once again, opposition research is fine, you getting it from foreign nationals (regardless of these persons intentions) is unlawfull in the USA and should be mentioned to the FBI.




If its such a clear cut victory for Trump I wonder why they would stop the release of the report and then allow the White house to redact it before its released. Not seeing the report and the actions following it is extremely sketchy and I know for a fact if this happened with Obama you wouldn't be satisfied Lysistrata. Try to look at it from the point of view of someone with opposite bias or no bias, this is weird as fuck.

Republican Presidents do not turn the most powerful government agencies on the planet against their political opponents. Barack Obama did it several times. Check out the IRS scandal against conservatives. If you're American, it will make you sick.



Nah, they just start a new Benghazi of emails investigation. How many are we up to yet? :D


I recall the IRS stuff was about them going after possible 501©(4) abuse, there being a disproportionate amount of "right-wing" NPO's kinda skews the metrics no?

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When he said Mexico will pay for the wall, he never meant that they would just hand us over a check. Of course we will pay for it first. There are a multitude of methods for us to get the money back from Mexico. But thinking is just too hard for Democrats... or they're just lying for politics. You tell me which one it is.


Speaking of Mexico... So much time, anger, and money spent on Russia spending $100,000 on some Facebook ads to "influence our election"... has anyone asked about how Mexico is influencing our election? They have millions of their people actually casting ballots. I'm seriously more in favor of going to war than building a wall... but that's just me.


That is a cop out, we all knew that Mexico was never going to pay for the wall but he just spouted the nonsense anyway. I also really don't care, the wall is a stupid idea but whatever. My main point stands, he lies and has lied to us frequently and when he gets called on it by the News he yells fake news. 

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I come to be the man in the middle. It sounds like we just need less government, and the good old tar and feathers back
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Once again, opposition research is fine, you getting it from foreign nationals (regardless of these persons intentions) is unlawfull in the USA and should be mentioned to the FBI.

If that were true then Hillary Clinton would be in prison right now for paying 5 million dollars to a British spy who created a fake dossier based on phony information from the Russians. What is more stunning is John McCain leaking it to Buzzfeed, and the FBI presenting it to FISA Judges to obtain warrants to frame the entire campaign of Donald Trump. I'm still waiting patiently for those indictments.

That is a cop out, we all knew that Mexico was never going to pay for the wall but he just spouted the nonsense anyway. I also really don't care, the wall is a stupid idea but whatever. My main point stands, he lies and has lied to us frequently and when he gets called on it by the News he yells fake news.

You forgot to tell me which one. Is thinking too hard for Democrats? Or do they just lie for politics?


You really should count up all the lies you believe Trump has told you. Then count up all the lies CNN and MSNBC have definitely told you. Seriously, if shear honesty is that one sticking point, you will find the President has been more honest with you.

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You forgot to tell me which one. Is thinking too hard for Democrats? Or do they just lie for politics?


Are you saying that I am a Democrat? I have voted for more Republicans than Democrats so if I am a Democrat I am doing a terrible job. Trump is a terrible person and president but you seem to disregard everything that proves that, but yeah other people are having a hard time thinking...

Nah, they just start a new Benghazi of emails investigation. How many are we up to yet?


Whoa man, don't bring up the 30 something Benghazi investigations that the Democrats didnt interfere with. It would be terrible if someone pointed out the constant meddling the Republicans did on the Mueller investigation and how they pretend to be the victims.

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Whoa man, don't bring up the 30 something Benghazi investigations that the Democrats didnt interfere with.

I didn't even respond to that because Congressional oversight of why an American Ambassador and 3 others died in Libya, and no one lifted a finger to send help, doesn't even rise to the level of a President of the USA under false pretenses, turning the full force and power of the entire Department of Justice and the CIA on an opposing campaign. Congress was doing it's job, and I think a little bit less of you today because you obviously don't care about their lives. Doesn't it bother you at all that we still don't know who gave the order to not send help? It bothers me every time I think about it, and every time I watch the movie "13 Hours".

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If there was wrong doing I am pretty sure 1 of those investigations would have shown it. Yeah what happened sucks, I knew one of the people who died there; We played the same MMO.



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I come to be the man in the middle. It sounds like we just need less government, and the good old tar and feathers back


I don't want to sound like a realist, but it sounds like you fellows need an actual ability to form a concensus beyond the D/R denominators.




Once again, opposition research is fine, you getting it from foreign nationals (regardless of these persons intentions) is unlawfull in the USA and should be mentioned to the FBI.

If that were true then Hillary Clinton would be in prison right now for paying 5 million dollars to a British spy who created a fake dossier based on phony information from the Russians. What is more stunning is John McCain leaking it to Buzzfeed, and the FBI presenting it to FISA Judges to obtain warrants to frame the entire campaign of Donald Trump. I'm still waiting patiently for those indictments.


The dossier started by Republican/Conservative effort but ditched when they found themselfes investigating their frontrunner? The dossier that thusfar has found compelling and verifiable truths behind various Russian related Trump-empire schemes? The dossier when presented after analysis of the FBI and various other US gov organisations to "the gang of 8" left them speechless and demoralized?


Yeah, thats a great starting point for a rebuttal, the thing that keeps being found accurate with each passing revelation.








Whoa man, don't bring up the 30 something Benghazi investigations that the Democrats didnt interfere with. It would be terrible if someone pointed out the constant meddling the Republicans did on the Mueller investigation and how they pretend to be the victims.



I shall not speak about the 8 hours of public testimony and interogation of a certain Clinton regarding such investigations...

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It appears the report will be released in a couple of weeks. Trump is waving Execitive Privilege, so nothing will be redated from the White House. By law, nothing negative can be said in the released report about anyone that has not been indicted, so anyone searching for dirt on Trump or his kids will be sorely disappointed. This will only ramp up more lies. If William Barr was doing anything shady, Mueller would be singing like a canary in a coal mine.


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Trumps stance changes by the minute, best bet is to keep entire WH in the dark about it until the time of reveal.


As for Mueller, that guy us textbook lawfull, Barr could have even quoted a non-excisting line and he wouldn't say a word.

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So now Barr is saying that the summary was actually a memo and Trump goes on an unhinged rant about releasing the report that he said to release. Also several Republicans said they will block the report from being released. The Republicans are doing a good job at looking guilty or something.

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So now Barr is saying that the summary was actually a memo and Trump goes on an unhinged rant about releasing the report that he said to release. Also several Republicans said they will block the report from being released. The Republicans are doing a good job at looking guilty or something.

So that's what you call "unhinged"? That was very hinged. Democrats are demanding the release of an unredacted report... which they know they will never get. Plus they are demanding all underlying investigation material... that they know they will never get. Democrats are now demanding the Justice Department break the law so they can continue making noise over something that was a non-issue from the time they hatched this "insurance policy" against an elected President.


I wonder how things would have gone if Republicans demanded the full, unredacted report, and underlying investigation material, of that bogus Hillary Clinton investigation... you know that one where Comey came out and laid out all the reasons she should be thrown in prison, but "no reasonable prosecutor" would be able to make a case? That's when Hillary lost the election.


The Inspector General report from Michael Horowitz investigation into FISA abuse, leaks, and gifts from reporters to the FBI, will be completed within the next 90 days or so. All the guns will be turned on the highest levels of the Obama Administration that perpetrated this hoax. Maybe justice will finally be served. We shall see.

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Claiming treason without any proof seems pretty unhinged to me, or maybe that is just par for the course of this presidency. In any case a lot of things are not adding up, lots of saying one thing then doing another thing, at best that is unprofessional at worst malicious. Either way they need to get their shit together and release the report or a proper summary to Congress, which is not only completely legal but standard practice.


They have had the time and claim that there is nothing they can prosecute on, the end game is here and the cards needs to be shown.


I am also really tired of this "the Democrats" stuff. If the GOP actually thought there was wrong doing then they need to open up their own investigations they own most the government and are crying about that crap shows that they either have no idea what they are doing or are practicing misdirection. Also I find it funny that Comey is the big bad guy when him announcing those Clinton emails got Trump the election.

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Claiming treason without any proof seems pretty unhinged to me, or maybe that is just par for the course of this presidency.

Excuse me my friend... they have been accusing Trump of treason since he was elected.

I am also really tired of this "the Democrats" stuff. If the GOP actually thought there was wrong doing then they need to open up their own investigations they own most the government and are crying about that crap shows that they either have no idea what they are doing or are practicing misdirection. Also I find it funny that Comey is the big bad guy when him announcing those Clinton emails got Trump the election.

They had plenty of hearings, but Rosenstein obviously wouldn't do anything because he was part of it. If Trump made any move whatsoever, it would only have drawn more fire on obstruction. Now that the case is closed, they will aim at the perps... but we won't hear a thing about it until the Horowitz report comes down, and Barr presents the evidence to a Grand Jury. That's the way things are supposed to happen. They will start with McCabe... they already have a case on that guy... and it's going to hit Rosenstein, and Comey, and Ohr, and Page, and Strzok, and Yates, and Lynch, and Power, and Kerry, and Brennan, and Clapper, and Rice, and Jarrett, and finally... Obama.


They launched a fake investigation on a presidential candidate for the purpose of destroying him... just in case he actually won.

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Please remind me which side the "deep state" is on, at this moment. Cause darn it switched sides so much, it should be renamed into the "whiplash state".


As for the Mueller report, the "gang of 8" is fully cleared to be read in on the whole thing, hence people being annoyed at any attempt at delay. Then again I don't think the WH minds security clearance all that much >_>.


And if you don't notice Trump being unhinged, I suggest an eye-exam, possible followed by orangejuice.

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And if you don't notice Trump being unhinged, I suggest an eye-exam, possible followed by orangejuice.

I have the best ophthalmologist on the planet, and I do drink plenty of orange juice... in my champagne.

I suggest you pay more attention to Brexit... we'll take care of things over here.

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Excuse me my friend... they have been accusing Trump of treason since he was elected.


I don't recall saying those people weren't unhinged. Tossing accusations without reason is stupid on its own but something as serious as treason that is not something that should be used as a scare tactic, which is what Trump is doing.

They launched a fake investigation on a presidential candidate for the purpose of destroying him... just in case he actually won.
Nothing about the investigation was unwarranted let alone fake.

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Doubling Down... it's a gambling term. When you lose a bet, you keep doubling your action on the logic that eventually you will win and get all your losses back. I live in Las Vegas, so I am well educated in all aspects of gaming.


It looks like I will once again have a very hard time holding back on saying I told you so.


For the record... Howard Schultz held a town hall on Fox News yesterday. He declared very clearly that if the Democrats nominate a Socialist, Donald Trump will be reelected. I know exactly what he's saying.

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