Andrew Napolitano is no fan of Donald Trump. Everything Donald Trump did during this fake investigation was in self defense of a false charge. He fired James Comey... he could fire him because he didn't like his investigation, he could have fired him because he didn't shine his shoes one day, he could have fired him because he thinks he hit on his wife, he could have fired him because he woke up one morning and said to himself... "I'm gonna make some news today". It doesn't matter why. The fact is, he has the power to fire anyone in his cabinet for any reason, or no reason whatsoever. They serve at his pleasure... period.
You actualy need non-rabid Trump fans to sift thruw his affairs, its called acountability. You don't get that from zealots, let alone people who know little to nothing that is actually happening.
And here I thougt Republicans didn't like POTUS overreach? >_>
Seems nobody is actualy a fan of Trump, or atleast not loyal enough to the man himself to commit obstructions or other illegalities on his behalf (and we know Trump has no spine to do it himself).
Yes the FBI director is POTUS to assign (but not confirm, that is Senate) and is POTUS to dismiss. Thing is the mere smell of obstructionism was firmly in place after Trump was praising himself for "getting rid of that Russia business". You guys went banana's when Clinton was on the tarmac with Loretta Lynch but this whole ordeal and proven (read Mueller report) obstruction attempts is fine? And I complain when our parties seem to like mocking adversaries instead of actually looking inwards.
He had the power to fire Robert Mueller. He always had the power to fire Robert Mueller. He didn't fire Robert Mueller, and it doesn't matter how many times he talked about firing Robert Mueller, or who wants to say he talked about firing Robert Mueller. The fact remains... he didn't fire Robert Mueller... but he could have anytime he wanted.
No Trump could not fire Mueller. This is the very reason the Saturday Massacre happended during Nixon's time. Trump couldn't but he sure pressured various people who could (Rosenstein, Sessions, ...) who all kept that off cause they knew they had no grounds for that apart from Trumps 'feelings' (or rather ego...).
Heck, some theory even has it that Barr eventually caved in (or rather tried scoring brownie points with Trump by becoming his Robert Bork) by actually shutting down the investigation. The investigation wasn't done yet and even some lines in the report show signs of a premature ending (lose ends, many case-loads that had to be shipped to DOJ, Roger Stone just indicted, ...). What is actually true of that I am not sure, but darn this whole ordeal is fishy and Barr isn't showing any signs of airing it out.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with anyone defending themselves against a false charge. This was an absolutely proven false charge, intended to damage a presidential candidate, and then a sitting President. They knew this was a fake investigation from the beginning. They just wanted to keep dragging it out until Donald Trump did something illegal. It never happened.
Sure defend, within the law. Heck whats with all those flimsy to rightout stalling court filings trying to keep Congressional oversight from actually looking into Trumps various dealings (either as POTUS or as private citizen, which even then he seems to claim whichever suits him)? Sure you guys love another round of e-mail bashing, but oo dear when it hits home you guys go screaming...
lol what proven false? At best perhaps that he didn't pee on a russian hotel room's bed, and who knows about that >_>
Trump is the actual damage dealer, you just don't see it cause he smacked an "R" next to his name.
They are all going down starting with Andrew McCabe. When he faces hard time he will start singing louder than he already is, and then it blows down into the crooked Comey-Stzrok FBI, all the way through John Brennan and the CIA, and then up through and all over the Obama Administration. Don't you wonder why Joe Biden doesn't want his endorsement? He knows what's coming.
Fine, investigate them all, strike down hard on the ones that went out of line or down illegal roads.
2-way street mate, your party sure can dish out but whenever it turns to bite themselfes they are first to scream whatever they themselfes do can't be used against them.
And surprise yesterday/today, WaPo drops 1 letter (either 2nd or 4th!) of Mueller adressed to Barr complaining about gross misscharacterisation of his report and total misinterpreting of its findings, coupled with now Barr being on the hook for perjury for claiming under oath that he didn't receive any indication from Mueller that his 4 page "summary" was anything but the truth.
Also, the only reason Mueller didn't indict Trump (nor exhonerate!) is cause both his mandate didn't allow it nor did he believe he should be the one making that judgement, that is for Congress! As he clearly stated!