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On the Margins of the Mueller Report

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60 votes in the senate before POTUS gets to sign? Who made you believe that fairy tale?

Stop embarrassing yourself.

Appointments are all going the way of the nuclear option these days... but legislation still needs 60 votes to pass the Senate.

And you haven't heared of HB1 yet I guess

HB1 was not monumental legislation. It was a piece of shit designed to grant Democrat controlled districts more freedom to rig their elections, force taxpayers to pay for the political campaigns of Democrats, force every Judge to live by and believe in the Democrat platform, prohibit any successful business person to ever work for the Federal Government... and oh yeah... for anyone thinking about being President they must surrender 10 years of tax returns to the shark infested meat grinder called the media.


It would only serve the Democrat political party. It is not intended to help the American people. It will never see the light of day.

And you are voting for him cause he has an R behind (or in front) of his name.

No. I'm voting for him because he's not a Democrat, a Progressive, or a Socialist... I'm voting for him because he's an American loving Capitalist with brilliant ideas and the spine to see them through. Also... I'm voting for him because he's the one that can win.


...and it also matters not to anyone living in Belgium.

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Last time I checked Donald Trump is an American citizen. He has the full protection of the US Constitution. He was elected as the 45th President of the United States. He can say whatever the hell he wants. Don't worry my friend... we will still vote for him.


I think this alone ends our conversation. I will also keep it in mind next time you complain about a democrat.

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I think this alone ends our conversation. I will also keep it in mind next time you complain about a democrat.

Whatever you wish, but complaining is not my style. Complaining is what weak people do when they run out of ideas.


Since it began, I called out this bogus investigation for what it is, and I expect justice to come to those responsible. It may sound like I'm proud about this, but I'm not. This is pretty much the most shameful scandal in US history, and I want nothing more than every single official that swore an oath, broke our laws, and betrayed the confidence of every US Citizen that they were entrusted to protect and serve, to go straight to prison.


It would be wonderful to see every media organization that maliciously chose to boost their ratings, and in doing so... utterly failed to do their jobs... held accountable for the massive dissemination of, not just inaccurate, but monumentally fictitious reporting, that falsely accused a President of the United States of criminal behavior, that incited vast hatred, violent riots, and damaged our Republic beyond repair... but I believe they will say something like "Our Bad"... report something clever for a few months... and get away with it.

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60 votes in the senate before POTUS gets to sign? Who made you believe that fairy tale?

Stop embarrassing yourself.
Appointments are all going the way of the nuclear option these days... but legislation still needs 60 votes to pass the Senate.


Filibusters =/= passing #votes needed.


Then again, that whole "filibuster" thing just sounds stupid.


And you haven't heared of HB1 yet I guess

HB1 was not monumental legislation. It was a piece of shit designed to grant Democrat controlled districts more freedom to rig their elections, force taxpayers to pay for the political campaigns of Democrats, force every Judge to live by and believe in the Democrat platform, prohibit any successful business person to ever work for the Federal Government... and oh yeah... for anyone thinking about being President they must surrender 10 years of tax returns to the shark infested meat grinder called the media.

It would only serve the Democrat political party. It is not intended to help the American people. It will never see the light of day.


You were talking about Dems/House not doing anything. I counter by a (singular) piece of legislation put forth which single handedly has more pages then the entire GOP effort in healthcare reform (ignoring basic deletion, that they do many times but with no result).


And yes, I know, ethics are a weird thing for politicians, doesn't mean you should just gloss over it.


And you are voting for him cause he has an R behind (or in front) of his name.

No. I'm voting for him because he's not a Democrat, a Progressive, or a Socialist... I'm voting for him because he's an American loving Capitalist with brilliant ideas and the spine to see them through. Also... I'm voting for him because he's the one that can win.

...and it also matters not to anyone living in Belgium.



So a "not him/her" vote but not a "him/her" vote, so my point still stands, you voted for the "R". And we are still only hearing his brilliant idea's, any yet found their way to a legislative future? Besides the obvious illegal ones he likes to spout ever so often.


I matters to the world, for all the grandour you folks keep shouting about being the biggest badass nation on this globe, you sure are baffled when the globe itself takes interest in who runs that nation. I take equal interest in the leaders of Russia, China, EU, ...

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You were talking about Dems/House not doing anything.

And... I was correct. HB1 was nothing, and will never be anything. Another failed Democrat political propaganda baby step, trying to fool more people into believing they are the party of ethical anti-corruption, when really they only want the entire country to surrender their Constitutional protections against universal Big Government control. It was nothing but a failed Hail Mary, and a waste of time.

I counter by a (singular) piece of legislation put forth which single handedly has more pages then the entire GOP effort in healthcare reform (ignoring basic deletion, that they do many times but with no result)

Congratulations Sherlock! You discovered that Conservatives don't want the government involved in healthcare... at all. You could have just asked me... I would have offered up that information instantly.

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Yeah, lets all lay waste to evil Big Government, we should all love our Big Corporations instead.


Pfft US Constitution, for all the good its words enbody, your society sure knows how to be an ass on a daily basis.

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Yeah, lets all lay waste to evil Big Government, we should all love our Big Corporations instead.


Pfft US Constitution, for all the good its words enbody, your society sure knows how to be an ass on a daily basis.

As the government gets bigger, it creates more debt, steals more wealth, and seizes more freedom. It never goes away.

Corporations create wealth, enhance our lives, and if they fail... they die. Yes, our Corporations are better than our government.


Again, complaining when you run out of ideas.

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I keep hearing that Republicans want a smaller government, less taxes and reduce the dept.


Part 1 is working cause it isn't working.

Part 2 is working just for the corperations and millionairs.

Part 3 is somewhere, unsure where, out there, lost to the future.


I complain cause you think a corperation works for society. You might want to rethink that idea cause that isn't your capitalism you so lavish.

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I keep hearing that Republicans want a smaller government, less taxes and reduce the dept.


Part 1 is working cause it isn't working.

Part 2 is working just for the corperations and millionairs.

Part 3 is somewhere, unsure where, out there, lost to the future.


I complain cause you think a corperation works for society. You might want to rethink that idea cause that isn't your capitalism you so lavish.

In an effort to make sense out of what you say, as I sit in my home office surrounded by everything I have purchased from corporations, where I perform my work through my own corporation, for another corporation that pays me, so I can pay for my home, cars, and everything I do and eat that is produced and supplied to me by corporations... well... you don't make any sense.

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Yes, corporations sell stuff and services, you really got me on that one...

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Something tells me this involved a MAGA hat. Happy Easter!

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Ignoring the rabbit, who's story I just couldn't be bothered to read up after the first hit on google had "Florida man" in the title,


Yesterday was a very good day.


Any comments on how the Mueller report is actually a fictious hit piece? >_>

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Any comments on how the Mueller report is actually a fictious hit piece? >_>

There have been numerous fictitious things about the entire "investigation".


The whole Trump-Russia thing was created to destroy Trump. Everyone knew it was BS from the beginning. They kept it going for as long as they could so they could gather up everything Trump does to defend himself, and declare that he obstructed justice and have cause for impeachment. There was never a crime, therefore no foundation for obstruction. The entire Obama Administration should lawyer up now... it's coming for them.

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So just same remarks as Barr, lots of fluff but no substance.


Lets just ignore that he indeed tried to obstruct multiple times, but the actual key people were smart enough to ignore his orders, even if he was innocent. Lets also ignore that multiple russian operatives that have been found making inquiries and leads into the Trump campaign (and WH currently) but were mostly dealt with by incompetent lackeys (who was going to hire the best?) who couldn't understand their subtlety, the russians should have just come barging in, not only would that have worked but also be appreciated (as Trump numerous times voiced).


Meanwhile, some FoxNews staff are dangeling out their escape strategy, like this.

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Andrew Napolitano is no fan of Donald Trump. Everything Donald Trump did during this fake investigation was in self defense of a false charge. He fired James Comey... he could fire him because he didn't like his investigation, he could have fired him because he didn't shine his shoes one day, he could have fired him because he thinks he hit on his wife, he could have fired him because he woke up one morning and said to himself... "I'm gonna make some news today". It doesn't matter why. The fact is, he has the power to fire anyone in his cabinet for any reason, or no reason whatsoever. They serve at his pleasure... period.


He had the power to fire Robert Mueller. He always had the power to fire Robert Mueller. He didn't fire Robert Mueller, and it doesn't matter how many times he talked about firing Robert Mueller, or who wants to say he talked about firing Robert Mueller. The fact remains... he didn't fire Robert Mueller... but he could have anytime he wanted.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with anyone defending themselves against a false charge. This was an absolutely proven false charge, intended to damage a presidential candidate, and then a sitting President. They knew this was a fake investigation from the beginning. They just wanted to keep dragging it out until Donald Trump did something illegal. It never happened.


They are all going down starting with Andrew McCabe. When he faces hard time he will start singing louder than he already is, and then it blows down into the crooked Comey-Stzrok FBI, all the way through John Brennan and the CIA, and then up through and all over the Obama Administration. Don't you wonder why Joe Biden doesn't want his endorsement? He knows what's coming.

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Any comments on how the Mueller report is actually a fictious hit piece? >_>

There have been numerous fictitious things about the entire "investigation".


The whole Trump-Russia thing was created to destroy Trump. Everyone knew it was BS from the beginning. They kept it going for as long as they could so they could gather up everything Trump does to defend himself, and declare that he obstructed justice and have cause for impeachment. There was never a crime, therefore no foundation for obstruction. The entire Obama Administration should lawyer up now... it's coming for them.




Do you have any proof of that claim? Everyone involved in the report are Republican, and Trump was obstructing from day one or at least attempting to. Trump had no dignity about it when the whole goal was to prove or disprove the collusion. Instead we get Barr who is proven to be a liar claim no collusion (the report couldnt prove or disprove) and all the GOP crying and starting their own investigations to distract from the fact that Trump broke the law and attempted to break it. But hey you have proven you dont give a shit how corrupt anyone from the current admin is or acts so this will just fall on deaf ears.

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Everyone involved in the report are Republican

Pull your head out, and for once recognize that none of this is a Republican/Democrat conflict. Trump has multiple very powerful enemies that identify as "Republican". The entire Bush family, the McCain's, and the Romney's scratch the surface. Trump was elected by the people, not the Republican Party... many establishment Republicans hate Donald Trump... he's not a Conservative.

and Trump was obstructing from day one or at least attempting to.

Obstructing what? A false investigation? The entire anti-Trump Mueller prosecution team could not establish a case for obstruction of justice... but DarkFox from the IRON forum can. Shall I put you in touch with Adam Schiff? I have him on my Moron Speed-Dial list.

Trump had no dignity about it when the whole goal was to prove or disprove the collusion.

Well I guess we should encourage Congress to commence impeachment proceedings on the high crime of "no dignity" about a created scandal to override the will of American voters, and unseat a duly elected President. Please, open that can of worms.

Instead we get Barr who is proven to be a liar claim no collusion

Proven to be a liar? Claim no collusion? It was Robert Mueller's report that said they could not establish a case for collusion. That ends the DOJ's involvement in the investigation of Trump conspiracy with the Russians. The Mueller team still wanted to pursue obstruction charges, even though they knew there was never a crime to support the charge. They didn't have the guts to press it, and left the decision to the Attorney General. No case. This ends the DOJ's involvement in the investigation of Trump obstruction. But DarkFox on the IRON forum still believes there is a case... somewhere.

and all the GOP crying and starting their own investigations to distract from the fact that Trump broke the law and attempted to break it.

The GOP is not crying. They are following up on their own investigations, but it's the DOJ that will come down with the conclusions... probably 60 days from now we will start seeing more, and more, and more. I'm ready... are you?


Oh yeah... Trump didn't break any laws... that's been settled.

But hey you have proven you dont give a shit how corrupt anyone from the current admin is or acts so this will just fall on deaf ears.

You are so wrong... I have proven, over and over again, that I do give a shit about corruption. I give a shit about Presidents that use the power of the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the IRS, and the entire State Department, against their political opponents. That is the very definition of corruption, and if you would let go of your Trump derangement syndrome for just a few minutes, maybe, just maybe... everything I have been saying for well over 2 years now would not fall on deaf ears.

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Pull your head out, and for once recognize that none of this is a Republican/Democrat conflict. Trump has multiple very powerful enemies that identify as "Republican". The entire Bush family, the McCain's, and the Romney's scratch the surface. Trump was elected by the people, not the Republican Party... many establishment Republicans hate Donald Trump... he's not a Conservative.


That literally has nothing to do with what I said. The investigation was lead by Republicans. Mueller, Rod Rosenstein and James Comey all being republicans. For an added note more people voted for Hillary than him but since our voting system is broken he won. Though with a good voting system we wouldn't have had her get that far either, funny how Trump complained about the system, wins because of it and does nothing to fix it. 



Obstructing what? A false investigation? The entire anti-Trump Mueller prosecution team could not establish a case for obstruction of justice... but DarkFox from the IRON forum can. Shall I put you in touch with Adam Schiff? I have him on my Moron Speed-Dial list.


You are right, firing one of the investigators and ordering people to interfere is totally reasonable. 


Well I guess we should encourage Congress to commence impeachment proceedings on the high crime of "no dignity" about a created scandal to override the will of American voters, and unseat a duly elected President. Please, open that can of worms.


You don't have an actual counter argument so you decide to run wild with my example of how a president should act with dignitiy but if you are okay with a liar representing you I guess that just says the standards you have.


Proven to be a liar? Claim no collusion? It was Robert Mueller's report that said they could not establish a case for collusion. That ends the DOJ's involvement in the investigation of Trump conspiracy with the Russians. The Mueller team still wanted to pursue obstruction charges, even though they knew there was never a crime to support the charge. They didn't have the guts to press it, and left the decision to the Attorney General. No case. This ends the DOJ's involvement in the investigation of Trump obstruction. But DarkFox on the IRON forum still believes there is a case... somewhere.


Barr lies about the report that is fact, he also delayed the report and then did a press conference that barely actually addresses the report and he lies again there. You can say the sun is made out of icecream and that the news channels are all fake save for whoever the hell you get yours from but the report is out we can see everything that was said there, and your ignorance at this point is sad.


The GOP is not crying. They are following up on their own investigations, but it's the DOJ that will come down with the conclusions... probably 60 days from now we will start seeing more, and more, and more. I'm ready... are you?


You are right all those "witch hunts" and other related tweets weren't whining at all. Totally stable and we can ignore all the evidence you don't like.


You are so wrong... I have proven, over and over again, that I do give a shit about corruption. I give a shit about Presidents that use the power of the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the IRS, and the entire State Department, against their political opponents. That is the very definition of corruption, and if you would let go of your Trump derangement syndrome for just a few minutes, maybe, just maybe... everything I have been saying for well over 2 years now would not fall on deaf ears.


Haha dude when I pointed out that Trump lies constantly you argued against me and then ignored proof. A leader lying to his people is the most basic type of corruption you can get. Barr ignored his job and lied. Mitch McConnell constantly veto things just to spite the Democrats ignoring his duty. 


You are right I hate Trump, I hate what the Republican party has become since he has been involved and I hate that people ignore blatant misbehavior because their dislike of the opposite party. If this is a fucking team game then I pick America and I really wish some people would take their heads out of their asses and do the same.




On the off chance you are actually willing to look into the Mueller report here is a couple legal breakdowns. 


Legal eagle part 1 and 2

Bonus Last week tonight for fun 

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That literally has nothing to do with what I said.

It had everything to do with what you said. Establishment Republicans hate Donald Trump... they include Mueller, Rosenstein, and Comey. The deep state didn't want him to be President because he's not one of them. He doesn't owe them anything.

The investigation was lead by Republicans.

The investigation was created, executed, and led by Trump haters. They bullied Sessions into recusing so they could control it.

For an added note more people voted for Hillary than him but since our voting system is broken he won.

You mean more people in California voted for Hillary. That means our election system worked perfectly, and as intended.

funny how Trump complained about the system, wins because of it and does nothing to fix it.

It's funny because they badgered Trump to declare that he would accept the election results, and when he wouldn't submit to their bullying, they badgered him until election day... then when they lost, they wouldn't accept the election results. What is Trump gonna do to "fix" an election system that was created by the founders and enshrined in the Constitution? The only people that think it's broken are the ones who lost. I like the Electoral College... I don't want California electing the President. If you want it changed, put forth that amendment and see if you can get two-thirds of the states to ratify. Other than that... you're whining.

You don't have an actual counter argument so you decide to run wild with my example of how a president should act with dignitiy but if you are okay with a liar representing you I guess that just says the standards you have.

"If you like your healthcare plan... you can keep your healthcare plan"

"I heard about it the same time you guys did... from the news reports"

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman... Miss Lewinsky"

"Iraq has weapons of mass destruction"

"Read my lips... No New Taxes"

That's just a few off the top of my head. Some of their lies have been more damaging than others, but they all lie.


If you want to keep believing the collusion delusion, go right ahead. When the IG report comes out, and if Barr says they could not find any wrong doing, or anything improper, done by Federal agencies in the course of the investigation... I will be the first here to say I was wrong... but I don't think that's gonna happen. Impeachment would be a hysterical show. The first President to ever be impeached because he won an election... yeah that's rich.

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Andrew Napolitano is no fan of Donald Trump. Everything Donald Trump did during this fake investigation was in self defense of a false charge. He fired James Comey... he could fire him because he didn't like his investigation, he could have fired him because he didn't shine his shoes one day, he could have fired him because he thinks he hit on his wife, he could have fired him because he woke up one morning and said to himself... "I'm gonna make some news today". It doesn't matter why. The fact is, he has the power to fire anyone in his cabinet for any reason, or no reason whatsoever. They serve at his pleasure... period.


You actualy need non-rabid Trump fans to sift thruw his affairs, its called acountability. You don't get that from zealots, let alone people who know little to nothing that is actually happening.


And here I thougt Republicans didn't like POTUS overreach? >_>


Seems nobody is actualy a fan of Trump, or atleast not loyal enough to the man himself to commit obstructions or other illegalities on his behalf (and we know Trump has no spine to do it himself).


Yes the FBI director is POTUS to assign (but not confirm, that is Senate) and is POTUS to dismiss. Thing is the mere smell of obstructionism was firmly in place after Trump was praising himself for "getting rid of that Russia business". You guys went banana's when Clinton was on the tarmac with Loretta Lynch but this whole ordeal and proven (read Mueller report) obstruction attempts is fine? And I complain when our parties seem to like mocking adversaries instead of actually looking inwards.

He had the power to fire Robert Mueller. He always had the power to fire Robert Mueller. He didn't fire Robert Mueller, and it doesn't matter how many times he talked about firing Robert Mueller, or who wants to say he talked about firing Robert Mueller. The fact remains... he didn't fire Robert Mueller... but he could have anytime he wanted.


No Trump could not fire Mueller. This is the very reason the Saturday Massacre happended during Nixon's time. Trump couldn't but he sure pressured various people who could (Rosenstein, Sessions, ...) who all kept that off cause they knew they had no grounds for that apart from Trumps 'feelings' (or rather ego...).


Heck, some theory even has it that Barr eventually caved in (or rather tried scoring brownie points with Trump by becoming his Robert Bork) by actually shutting down the investigation. The investigation wasn't done yet and even some lines in the report show signs of a premature ending (lose ends, many case-loads that had to be shipped to DOJ, Roger Stone just indicted, ...). What is actually true of that I am not sure, but darn this whole ordeal is fishy and Barr isn't showing any signs of airing it out.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with anyone defending themselves against a false charge. This was an absolutely proven false charge, intended to damage a presidential candidate, and then a sitting President. They knew this was a fake investigation from the beginning. They just wanted to keep dragging it out until Donald Trump did something illegal. It never happened.


Sure defend, within the law. Heck whats with all those flimsy to rightout stalling court filings trying to keep Congressional oversight from actually looking into Trumps various dealings (either as POTUS or as private citizen, which even then he seems to claim whichever suits him)? Sure you guys love another round of e-mail bashing, but oo dear when it hits home you guys go screaming...


lol what proven false? At best perhaps that he didn't pee on a russian hotel room's bed, and who knows about that >_>


Trump is the actual damage dealer, you just don't see it cause he smacked an "R" next to his name.

They are all going down starting with Andrew McCabe. When he faces hard time he will start singing louder than he already is, and then it blows down into the crooked Comey-Stzrok FBI, all the way through John Brennan and the CIA, and then up through and all over the Obama Administration. Don't you wonder why Joe Biden doesn't want his endorsement? He knows what's coming.


Fine, investigate them all, strike down hard on the ones that went out of line or down illegal roads.


2-way street mate, your party sure can dish out but whenever it turns to bite themselfes they are first to scream whatever they themselfes do can't be used against them.




And surprise yesterday/today, WaPo drops 1 letter (either 2nd or 4th!) of Mueller adressed to Barr complaining about gross misscharacterisation of his report and total misinterpreting of its findings, coupled with now Barr being on the hook for perjury for claiming under oath that he didn't receive any indication from Mueller that his 4 page "summary" was anything but the truth.


Also, the only reason Mueller didn't indict Trump (nor exhonerate!) is cause both his mandate didn't allow it nor did he believe he should be the one making that judgement, that is for Congress! As he clearly stated!

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