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The Coronavirus

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Sister Midnight

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I'm always open to discussing TDS, but this is the wrong thread for that.


Update: I have a horrible habit of correcting myself when I give out information that proves to be false. Coast Casinos has bumped up their open date to June 1... they moved the goalpost up from my previous post of May 23. Apologies.

Oh yes, TDS is a very real problem in this country. It’s what has allowed a segment of society to allow trump to commit high crimes against America.
I totally understand you not wanting to discuss it, 

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Even ignoring the ludricousness of this being a man-made virus

I never said it was man made... I'm saying it wasn't an accident. The virus didn't shut down the country... the media, their morbid scoreboard, Trump haters lying about how it's gonna kill millions, and scaring the crap out of the masses. That shut down the country.


Still fake news buddy, this bug couldn't have found itself released from an improper handling in a lab while not being out their in the wild. Like claiming an arsonist lit a forest fire while he just lit his match on the already ongoing forest fire. Yeah Cina has been sketchy about this whole mess, but the ongoing US responce isn't show to be an example of transparancy either.
Sure the scoreboard is morbid, but so is waving around a gun so you can have a haircut while under quaranteen conditions.


And I keep asking what made it stop being great. only getting "feelings" as reply tbh :( Also hi SM. Hope you can help your patients in his/her griefing, this thing isn't a nice way to die from.

Hi Betsy. Thanks for the support. I’m struggling a bit, but hopeful things will improve. How are you?


All is well, the weather is nice for a change :D

I'm always open to discussing TDS, but this is the wrong thread for that.

Well SM hit the nail on the head tbh, I will always be amused at republicans using the "TDS" abbreviation for being against Trump.

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I totally understand you not wanting to discuss it

I never said that... I said this is the wrong thread for that. Once again, falsely accusing people may be a feel good thing to do, but it's never been honorable. If I remember correctly, you are a Therapist by profession... is this how you are encouraging your patients to deal with their TDS? I really don't believe a thread dedicated to corona virus discussion should turn into a Trump bashing channel, but if that's what you want to do, and the Mods are okay with that... I can oblige you at any time.

It’s what has allowed a segment of society to allow trump to commit high crimes against America.

What are you accusing him of this time?

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Sister Midnight

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I totally understand you not wanting to discuss it

I never said that... I said this is the wrong thread for that. Once again, falsely accusing people may be a feel good thing to do, but it's never been honorable. If I remember correctly, you are a Therapist by profession... is this how you are encouraging your patients to deal with their TDS? I really don't believe a thread dedicated to corona virus discussion should turn into a Trump bashing channel, but if that's what you want to do, and the Mods are okay with that... I can oblige you at any time.



It’s what has allowed a segment of society to allow trump to commit high crimes against America.

What are you accusing him of this time?


I really don’t see much point in getting into a conversation with you about current events.  I stopped coming to this forum because I realized I was arguing with a brick wall, who cared more about winning an argument than sharing ideas. I also realized that there is no way to convince you that Trump is garbage because you are so deeply trapped in TDS. I can talk about the crimes that Trump committed and was impeached for, you will argue that the Senate didn’t convict, I’ll retort with something about moscow mitch openly working with the defense team and refusing to have an proper trial, you’ll dismiss that as sour grapes or just not acknowledge the facts. I could bring up emoluments, election tampering, gross mismanagement of the COVID-19 crisis, but the same pattern of what I just described will play out. 


Lys, you are a valued and helpful member of this in alliance and I respect that. You might be a lot of fun to hang out with IRL But arguing with you is just an exercise in futility. I don’t think it is your fault, this is the only way you know how to communicate with people who disagree with you. I don’t want to hurt your feelings, I just don’t have it in me these days to have this kind of interaction. Maybe I’ll be in a different state of mind later, but I’m reminded of this meme:


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I really don’t see much point in getting into a conversation with you about current events.

That's unfortunate. There are a lot of current events, and there is one specific current event that has blessed us with plenty of time to have conversations.


I often wonder after 3 years time, if you have softened your hatred for the man that won that election, and in turn, softened your hatred for those of us that chose to support him over the other unpopular candidate. I can see those wounds you endured, have never healed. But, what I want you to know most of all is we did not vote for Donald Trump to hurt you... we voted for Donald Trump because we felt he was the best choice to lead the USA to prosperity.


I didn't know if Trump would be a good President back in October 2016... I had no other choice but to support him at the time... but I know for a fact I did the right thing now. We have completely different visions on what makes a successful country, and I have seen my version of success in more ways, and much faster, than I ever imagined possible. Pretty damn hard when half of the country hates his very existence, and pulls out every butt spider possible to try to stop him. I've seen a lot during my time... I get it.


It would be great if we could all get to where we respect each others opinions again. Maybe in another 4 years? :)

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Sister Midnight

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I really don’t see much point in getting into a conversation with you about current events.

That's unfortunate. There are a lot of current events, and there is one specific current event that has blessed us with plenty of time to have conversations.
I often wonder after 3 years time, if you have softened your hatred for the man that won that election, and in turn, softened your hatred for those of us that chose to support him over the other unpopular candidate. I can see those wounds you endured, have never healed. But, what I want you to know most of all is we did not vote for Donald Trump to hurt you... we voted for Donald Trump because we felt he was the best choice to lead the USA to prosperity.
I didn't know if Trump would be a good President back in October 2016... I had no other choice but to support him at the time... but I know for a fact I did the right thing now. We have completely different visions on what makes a successful country, and I have seen my version of success in more ways, and much faster, than I ever imagined possible. Pretty damn hard when half of the country hates his very existence, and pulls out every butt spider possible to try to stop him. I've seen a lot during my time... I get it.
It would be great if we could all get to where we respect each others opinions again. Maybe in another 4 years? :)

Forgive me if I’m a little bit off at the moment, I just had a glass of champagne at a zoom party celebrating my nephew’s graduation. I almost never drink, and I am dictating this through Siri, so I’m sure much of it will be miss transcribed. I’m a little too buzz to care about that though.

You completely misunderstand me. There are very few people who I hate, and you are not one of them. I just think that you are misguided, stubborn, and not really interested in a true, open minded conversation. Historically discussions with you about current events have been quite disappointing. I think we both do our best, but I take issue with the way you have approached conversations. That is my problem, which is why I stopped coming to this particular forum. I wish you would stop ascribing hate to me, that is wrong.

As I said before, you’re a good alliance member. I believe you have our backs, and I appreciate that. If we ever met up In a group, we’d probably crack each other up ( so long as we don’t talk politics).

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( @ )( @ ) The official salute from women in the great, nudist nation of Secor. I'm naked and very excited to be here.

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The Supercalifragalisticexpealadocious Award

"This award was custom made for a special person. Its gleam reflects the endearment of the people that she leads. Awarded to the IRON Maiden, Sister Midnight."

[center]~~A partner in Blade's crimes~~[center]Nukes taken for IRON since restarting on 6/10/2016: I stopped counting after 69.

Sister Midnight has been Baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!

The people of Antropomorphica join their leaders in welcoming the discovery of this previously unknown colony of Secor in the wilds of South America. They organised an airdrop of money and soldiers to protect this fledgling state as it undergoes construction (I mean... 1k infra at day 1 guys... come on!).

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I just had a glass of champagne

I have found that Cook's is just as tasty as the Dom.

Historically discussions with you about current events have been quite disappointing.

I can work on that.

I believe you have our backs

I do, always have, and always will.

If we ever met up In a group, we’d probably crack each other up

I have no doubts.

so long as we don’t talk politics

We can do that :)

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to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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I really don't believe a thread dedicated to corona virus discussion should turn into a Trump bashing channel

Why not? It seems the only thing Trump wants to do is cyberbully the virus into submission. Atleast the couple times he isn't praising himself for overcoming the hoax he called it is (in the same sentence I might add!).


You want a connection? or more? Fine.

After lambasting Obama for the umptienst time and getting rebuked for dismantling any pandemic responce, he comes forth with a fancy map containing his imaginary pandemic plan (probably as empty as those manilla folders he said were about his divesting from his business).

Operation "warp speed" is a 5 month late idea about a vaccine development aimed at finishing before Christmas, while ignoring over 30 seperate teams/company's already working on their vaccine's. This all smothered by the blatant admittion that the don't even care if the vaccine works or is safe before 2021.

And while the WH will finally follow many of the guidelines put forth by the CDC, the WHO or just any pandemic responce teams around the globe, he personally still wants everthing to open up while kicking out any possible COVID positive person from the WH.

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Why not?

So sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about because I have been really busy all day working on my daughters new house. I can only help her on Sunday because she has to work at home due to the lockdown. She is a Mortgage Banker, therefore there is no time during the week for Dad to be making a lot of noise. So today we threw on some Billy Joel, The Tubes, and Ben Folds and I finally finished her office... it looks amazing. She's installing a Peloton this week.


We went out for dinner to a favorite Mexican restaurant, but it was reservation only and we didn't think of that... so we traveled a little farther to another one that's a bit more pricey, but it was well worth it.


So, I had better things to do today than keep track of all the bitching and blaming. My position on all of this is if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. The solution is to start living again. The problem is anyone that is keeping that from happening.

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to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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Here's a not so fun fact... Covid-19 has killed more people over 100 years of age than it has under 45.


The states are having to adjust their death tolls of Covid-19 to reflect those that died from Covid-19, and to not include those that died with Covid-19... some brilliant somebody figured out that there is a difference... duh.


I hear we should have a vaccine in July. My wife and I are caregivers to a 92 year old Air Force Veteran, and he's finally able to go somewhere other than a grocery store... he's happier. Plus my wife is going back to work starting Thursday, but her restaurant will only be operating at 25% capacity. I heard Texas is Phase 2 already, and Joe Biden won the Oregon Primary with 70% of the vote. That means 30% of the Democrats in Oregon didn't vote for Joe Biden when he's the only one left running. Say it ain't so Joe! 

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The WHO is not a government. Your government declares a state of emergency. Hence, following the lead of the WHO is the result of weak leadership who does not want to be seen as taking responsibility for shutting down an economy! The problem is aggravated by a lack of facts. The Communist shithole, China, quarantines 85 million people and reports only 2k deaths!? What do you have to be smoking to buy that crap? During 2012 the US spent US$ 8666 per capita on health care, while China spent US$ 480. China had 1.5 doctors for every 10,000 persons, while the US had 2.7. At the same time Italy, Spain and Portugal had an average of 4! Yet, the countries hardest hit are the ones with most doctors per capita, and/or spends the most on medical care per capita! At the core of this spending is investment in information systems, and specifically systems that at linked nationally. The only countries that potentially rival the US in this are Japan and Germany. China is arse backward is this regard! Hence, the most accurate reporting on the disease is coming from the US, and not China! In rural China people drive hundreds of miles to get to a clinic. In Beijing they stand in line around the block to see a specialist! Yet, this self-same Communist rathole now tells the world how to handle the disease! And the Western media laps it up!



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So, I had better things to do today than keep track of all the bitching and blaming. My position on all of this is if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. The solution is to start living again. The problem is anyone that is keeping that from happening.


The problem is the virus and (a part of) the solution is keeping it from spreading to vulnerable persons. If even those 2 notions are to hard to differentiate from "bitching and blaming", I'd guess you truely don't care, even with what you wrote next:


Here's a not so fun fact... Covid-19 has killed more people over 100 years of age than it has under 45.


The states are having to adjust their death tolls of Covid-19 to reflect those that died from Covid-19, and to not include those that died with Covid-19... some brilliant somebody figured out that there is a difference... duh.


I hear we should have a vaccine in July. My wife and I are caregivers to a 92 year old Air Force Veteran, and he's finally able to go somewhere other than a grocery store... he's happier. Plus my wife is going back to work starting Thursday, but her restaurant will only be operating at 25% capacity. I heard Texas is Phase 2 already, and Joe Biden won the Oregon Primary with 70% of the vote. That means 30% of the Democrats in Oregon didn't vote for Joe Biden when he's the only one left running. Say it ain't so Joe! 

Yeah COVID-19 is deadly for the vulnerable and weak, what a shocker for an ailment to disproportionate strike those people! Le gasp! :o


Various vaccine's are indeed already in production, meant to be stashed up until the green light can be given from various testings and control studies. If someone wants to inject you in July with "a vaccine", I would kick the fellow out of the door. Even if he is Trump personally!


That said, it seems I was wrong about possible positive benefits of (hydro)chloroquine. It isn't positive. A study of nearly 100k people (of which almost 15k receiving the drugs) has found NEGATIVE correlation between receiving the drugs and surviving COVID-19. But no worries, Trump will say this study is a hoax aswell like he said the study done at the VA was...


As for your stab at Biden, may I remind you that he isn't the sole person in those primaries and as such people can still protest vote. Heck Trump had the same deal after he was the sole candidate.

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The thing at the end of the day china has the who in there pocket. I remember before nz's lockdown the chinese ambassador claiming we were being racist in introducing border restrictions because the who advised against it. Now look at nz now. As of today we only have 19 either active or probable cases of CCP virus and no new cases in a while. 97% have recovered and only 21 deaths. Hell if you look at our curve we had a spike and now its minimal.
<p class='bbc_center'><img src='https://i.imgur.com/fKMMvyH.png?2' alt='Posted Image' class='bbc_img' /></p>
<p class='bbc_center'><img src='https://cybernations.lyricalz.com/tools/sig/621241-iron.png' alt='Posted Image' class='bbc_img' /></p>

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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oo must definatly China did some lobbying to look like the good guy after this is over, funny they immedeatly spend that on throwing once again Taiwan under the bus. Guess the politbureau's PR firm must be fuming at the politbureau's FA station :D

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oo must definatly China did some lobbying to look like the good guy after this is over, funny they immedeatly spend that on throwing once again Taiwan under the bus. Guess the politbureau's PR firm must be fuming at the politbureau's FA station :D

One has to be a special kind of stupid to see China in a positive light after this one. Just to name the biggest bulletpoints:

  • They lied/covered up the outbreak, and severity of the virus. They lied about the death toll and silenced whistleblowers.
  • They paid off the WHO to delay classifying COVID as a pandemic and to continually praise China's handling of the situation
  • Blocked Taiwan's participation in the WHO despite the pandemic
  • Open racism in Guangzhou
  • Pocketing humanitarian shipments of medical equipment from Europe in the early phase of the pandemic, then sending it back to Europe at exorbitant prices
  • Selling medical equipment that is just a step up from literal shit in quality, at exorbitant prices, as well as demanding explicit statements of gratitude from states on top of it.

Yeah, so much for building political capital in the first place.

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While I in no way want to side on China with this, the COVID outbreak was hardly silenced (in part indeed by doctors speaking out) and the building of several hospitals in mere weeks should have alerted anyone watching of the severity of this virus.


And about Taiwan, that is standard protocol tbh, not like it was actually worse during this pandemic. And lets say trying to stiffle the WHO of part of their funding to further the $$ influence China can have isn't really the brightest move out there...


For the rest, yep China being China. Shoddy knock-offs and all :(

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Statistics are slowly coming out with death rates this year compared to data of previous years. It's a mixed bag. Here in Hungary, actually less people died than in the flu season last year, in other places the usual death rates have doubled, though it's a question of how much of that is due to COVID and how much from outher causes, e.g. postponed procedures/treatments due to the pandemic.


Yeah, I'm starting to feel that we collectively fucked the world economy for something that is only marginally worse than the flu. Certainly not worth the economic damage.

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It's interesting, because people are taking better care of the hand hygiene etc we've seen a massive drop in many communicable diseases (norovirus etc). 


To be fair the UK was heading for a recession anyway so who knows what's brexit and what's corona. 



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  I will remember this, Blade, and I will be forever grateful... oh hell words fail me!  ( @ )( @ )



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Leave it to Blade to step in and say the most completely true post in this thread. You make my day Sir.  

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It's interesting, because people are taking better care of the hand hygiene etc we've seen a massive drop in many communicable diseases (norovirus etc).

At least that's a positive aspect of all this :)

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Blade 619

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It's interesting, because people are taking better care of the hand hygiene etc we've seen a massive drop in many communicable diseases (norovirus etc).

At least that's a positive aspect of all this :)



For some the real positive will be the economic crunch.



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Blade 619 you have been baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!



  I will remember this, Blade, and I will be forever grateful... oh hell words fail me!  ( @ )( @ )



* * * * *

Revenge is best served cold, tasting of vanilla yoghurt with vanilla and chocolate balls.




Leave it to Blade to step in and say the most completely true post in this thread. You make my day Sir.  

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