Colbert used to work for the guy
TV shows need more satire, agreed.
Colbert used to work for the guy
TV shows need more satire, agreed.
Emperor of the Benelux
Founder of the Commonwealth of Planets
Founder and CEO of JF
Tfw you get the astra because the iron president said it was safe xD
I know very little on medical matters, but the 2 US, RNA Vacines don't seem to be having this problem.
I'd be really interested to hear Blade's opinion on this.
Sorry mate, I missed this. Honestly... the CVST's are damned rare with or without a vaccine. As a 20something you're more likely to get a fatal cancer from the CT scan to rule out a clot than you are to get a clot from the vaccine.
no offices held rn
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U had no mp no sdi no military wonder actually
Kuch bhi kaho bhai dilar admi ho tussi
Sunnny deol ho sunny deol
The differance between IRON and some rag tag alliance is the fact that we will fight with no reguard to our own nations. Putting the greater good of the whole before ourselves. Victory for all or they will have to fight us to the last point of infa in the last IRON nation. Every so often someone(s) will come around and exemplifie this. Living up to the IRON Values. It gives me great pleaser to baptize three of IRON's up and comers.
Fermion, you have been Baptized in Fire and Blood and Emerged as IRON!
Tfw you get the astra because the iron president said it was safe xD
I know very little on medical matters, but the 2 US, RNA Vacines don't seem to be having this problem.
I'd be really interested to hear Blade's opinion on this.
Sorry mate, I missed this. Honestly... the CVST's are damned rare with or without a vaccine. As a 20something you're more likely to get a fatal cancer from the CT scan to rule out a clot than you are to get a clot from the vaccine.
As someone under 30 if it was Astra or no vaccine I'd take Astra... if it was Astra or Pfizer I'd take Pfizer. (Not looked closely at the Johnson, Moderna or Suptnik data as we don't use it locally). Sinovax we don't use and the data on the Delta variant doesn't look particularly promising.
* * * * *
Blade 619 you have been baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!
I will remember this, Blade, and I will be forever grateful... oh hell words fail me! ( @ )( @ )
* * * * *
Revenge is best served cold, tasting of vanilla yoghurt with vanilla and chocolate balls.
Leave it to Blade to step in and say the most completely true post in this thread. You make my day Sir.
Las Vegas is completely open now. I had the virus already, and it doesn't live up to the hype, so I'll take the virus over the vaccine.
I'm waiting for the next TikTok challenge that calls for anyone still wearing a mask to get punched out. Things will change quick.
Woke (adj.)
A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough
to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.
Las Vegas is completely open now. I had the virus already, and it doesn't live up to the hype, so I'll take the virus over the vaccine.
I'm waiting for the next TikTok challenge that calls for anyone still wearing a mask to get punched out. Things will change quick.
Well, at least you weren't deported to Gitmo!
(I know - Washington Post! Fake News! )
"Baptized in Fire and Blood"
Serious fake news there... I'm gonna have to come up with more conspiracy theories. All my old ones turned out to be true.
Woke (adj.)
A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough
to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.
Serious fake news there... I'm gonna have to come up with more conspiracy theories. All my old ones turned out to be true.
You actually should come up with the whackiest theory you can just for entertainment and see how close the reality turns out to be!
* * * * *
Blade 619 you have been baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!
I will remember this, Blade, and I will be forever grateful... oh hell words fail me! ( @ )( @ )
* * * * *
Revenge is best served cold, tasting of vanilla yoghurt with vanilla and chocolate balls.
Leave it to Blade to step in and say the most completely true post in this thread. You make my day Sir.
I have had relatives die of it. One was 38 and perfectly healthy, another aunt and her daughter in law in sthe space of weeks. There has been no shortage os stories of people who took it lightly and them or their closed ones suffered for it later. A virus that has prompted this level of global response should not be taken lightly, else you'll end up like India, who thought they'd won in March, and had to lockdown in April because they'd removed all preps/precations they'd set up earlierLas Vegas is completely open now. I had the virus already, and it doesn't live up to the hype, so I'll take the virus over the vaccine.
I'm waiting for the next TikTok challenge that calls for anyone still wearing a mask to get punched out. Things will change quick.
no offices held rn
Get a trade circle here | ITF Guide | War Guide
Apply for War Aid | Delta Squad Bar
U had no mp no sdi no military wonder actually
Kuch bhi kaho bhai dilar admi ho tussi
Sunnny deol ho sunny deol
The differance between IRON and some rag tag alliance is the fact that we will fight with no reguard to our own nations. Putting the greater good of the whole before ourselves. Victory for all or they will have to fight us to the last point of infa in the last IRON nation. Every so often someone(s) will come around and exemplifie this. Living up to the IRON Values. It gives me great pleaser to baptize three of IRON's up and comers.
Fermion, you have been Baptized in Fire and Blood and Emerged as IRON!
I have had relatives die of it. One was 38 and perfectly healthy, another aunt and her daughter in law in sthe space of weeks. There has been no shortage os stories of people who took it lightly and them or their closed ones suffered for it later. A virus that has prompted this level of global response should not be taken lightly, else you'll end up like India, who thought they'd won in March, and had to lockdown in April because they'd removed all preps/precations they'd set up earlier
Sorry for your loss. If you're sick... stay home. If you're afraid of getting sick... stay home. It's a virus. It's a virus that was created by China, and engineered to infect humans. It cannot be "defeated". Sounds like China may owe you something for it. What you don't have the right to do is force everyone else to be as scared of it as you are.
Lockdowns were the stupidest thing to do.
Woke (adj.)
A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough
to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.
I have had relatives die of it. One was 38 and perfectly healthy, another aunt and her daughter in law in sthe space of weeks. There has been no shortage os stories of people who took it lightly and them or their closed ones suffered for it later. A virus that has prompted this level of global response should not be taken lightly, else you'll end up like India, who thought they'd won in March, and had to lockdown in April because they'd removed all preps/precations they'd set up earlierSorry for your loss. If you're sick... stay home. If you're afraid of getting sick... stay home. It's a virus. It's a virus that was created by China, and engineered to infect humans. It cannot be "defeated". Sounds like China may owe you something for it. What you don't have the right to do is force everyone else to be as scared of it as you are.
Lockdowns were the stupidest thing to do.
The lockdowns saved a lot of lives and slowed the spread. If that was the stupidest thing to do, then what is the smartest?
DarkFox, Since joining IRON you have been a great asset in our Military. You exemplify the IRON Values in support of IRON. Your hard work and dedication is not unnoticed.
DarkFox has been baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!
If that was the stupidest thing to do, then what is the smartest?
Arguing over it now is pointless. It was way too easy to blame Covid-19 for anything and everything. It has made many people grossly more wealthy than they already were before it, and many many many more people will never recover from the damage they caused.
I have had dozens of flus during my life... and they were all worse than the 10 days I had Covid-19. If you die from Covid, you're immune system was way out of whack, and something was gonna get you anyway. I still don't know anyone that has died from Covid-19... but my daughter knew a 45 year old woman in her office that dropped dead the day after getting the vaccine.
So yeah... I'll take the virus over the vaccine.
Woke (adj.)
A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough
to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.
1 one-way ticket to lone island for Lys. Preferably without chinese made cotton swabs aboard.
Emperor of the Benelux
Founder of the Commonwealth of Planets
Founder and CEO of JF
1 one-way ticket to lone island for Lys. Preferably without chinese made cotton swabs aboard.
Sorry no... I'll stay right here in Las Vegas. A new place just opened up... Ironically, it was built by China.
Luxury Las Vegas Hotels | Resorts World Las Vegas (
Woke (adj.)
A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough
to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.
1 one-way ticket to lone island for Lys. Preferably without chinese made cotton swabs aboard.
Sorry no... I'll stay right here in Las Vegas. A new place just opened up... Ironically, it was built by China.
Luxury Las Vegas Hotels | Resorts World Las Vegas (
Wile it might be red, it seems to actually be Malaysian...
Emperor of the Benelux
Founder of the Commonwealth of Planets
Founder and CEO of JF
it seems to actually be Malaysian
Everyone knows who built Resorts World... just like everyone knows where the virus came from.
Woke (adj.)
A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough
to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.
We went to Resorts World tonight to check it out... it's very Asian... and very large.
Woke (adj.)
A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough
to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.
If that was the stupidest thing to do, then what is the smartest?Arguing over it now is pointless. It was way too easy to blame Covid-19 for anything and everything. It has made many people grossly more wealthy than they already were before it, and many many many more people will never recover from the damage they caused.
I have had dozens of flus during my life... and they were all worse than the 10 days I had Covid-19. If you die from Covid, you're immune system was way out of whack, and something was gonna get you anyway. I still don't know anyone that has died from Covid-19... but my daughter knew a 45 year old woman in her office that dropped dead the day after getting the vaccine.
So yeah... I'll take the virus over the vaccine.
If it is pointless to argue it then why did you bring it up?
The vaccines are much safer than Covid-19, which you apparently aren't worried about getting or spreading but you are scared of getting the vaccine?
DarkFox, Since joining IRON you have been a great asset in our Military. You exemplify the IRON Values in support of IRON. Your hard work and dedication is not unnoticed.
DarkFox has been baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!
I'll say it slow so you can understand... I have had Covid-19 already. I have natural immunity. My wife does as well.
I was in favor of developing these vaccines as fast as possible. I'm in favor of everyone getting these vaccines as fast as possible if they want it. I never intended to get vaccinated myself. I wanted the vaccines available so all these cowards would shut the fuck up, take off their stupid masks, and get back to a normal life. So if you are afraid of Covid-19, the vaccine is there for you. Get the shot and shut up. You have absolutely no right to force anyone to inject anything into their body.
If this still is not making any sense to you... then you need to be locked up in a sanitized room until it does.
Woke (adj.)
A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough
to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.
I'll say it slow so you can understand... I have had Covid-19 already. I have natural immunity. My wife does as well.
I was in favor of developing these vaccines as fast as possible. I'm in favor of everyone getting these vaccines as fast as possible if they want it. I never intended to get vaccinated myself. I wanted the vaccines available so all these cowards would shut the fuck up, take off their stupid masks, and get back to a normal life. So if you are afraid of Covid-19, the vaccine is there for you. Get the shot and shut up. You have absolutely no right to force anyone to inject anything into their body.
If this still is not making any sense to you... then you need to be locked up in a sanitized room until it does.
I would check your antibody titre before being so sure... a colleague of mine has had it 3 times - no underlying illnesses and 32) each time it's hit him harder. Most recent he was briefly admitted for support.
* * * * *
Blade 619 you have been baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!
I will remember this, Blade, and I will be forever grateful... oh hell words fail me! ( @ )( @ )
* * * * *
Revenge is best served cold, tasting of vanilla yoghurt with vanilla and chocolate balls.
Leave it to Blade to step in and say the most completely true post in this thread. You make my day Sir.
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