We are all still breathing because our fearless leaders had the brains to force lockdowns and masks?
So get your vaccine like the good little sheep you are, and feel good about doing your part to support what they have done.
I wish to return to these lines with following real life data. I bring you the cases of South Dakota and Vermont:(full link)
Their current (2 months) reporting of positive tests have pretty much alligned. Group immunity seems to be at work here! (link)
But what of the entire pandemic, how did they reach such group immunity effects? For that we find clear evidence between how both states faired in light of there public health guidelines (which are to be expected between R-SD and D-VT) with clear larger outbreaks for SD. (link)
Lastly we thus look at what they had to pay for the current equal trend: 40 deaths / 100k in VT vs 230/100k in SD! (link)
basically SD had to kill 3x its population in relation to VT just to get to the same group immunity effect as vaccination has done. And even that is becomming undone cause SD is once again raking up the positive tests.
Now that's out of the way... my "trusted sources" are not your "trusted sources"... and vice-versa. The difference is I have given your "trusted sources" a chance, and they don't even pass the smell test. So let's save a lot of time and just not even go there.
Yours got thrown out of a poultry farm cause all the chickens put corn in their nostrils.
Barack Hussein Obama was raised in the Muslim faith... that's a fact... the same as I was raised Christian. It doesn't mean it stuck.
Yeah thats what we missed in this thread, a "Obama is a muslim" insult. Atleast this muslim knew how to hold a bible...
Four months before the Obama administration suspended federal funding for gain-of-function research on US soil, the process by which virologists manipulate viruses to be more transmissible to humans, a subagency of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) - headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci [/size]- effectively shifted this research to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) via a grant [/size]to nonprofit group EcoHealth Alliance, headed by Peter Daszak.[/size]
The firs[/size]t $666,442 [/size]installment of EcoHealth's $3.7 million NIH grant was paid in June 2014, with similar annual payments [/size]through May 2019 under the "Understanding The Risk Of Bat Coronavirus Emergence"[/size] project...[/size]
Funny you should state that, seems your source thou forgot that the memoradium was stopped 19 December 2017 and further research was once again approved to further study emerging virii and to properly find methods to combat them.
You can't find any amount of people dying from the vaccines because no one is keeping a scoreboard for that.
The scoreboard for so called "Covid Deaths" has been exaggerated by as much as 1600%... for political purposes.
They are keeping score on plausible vaccine related deaths, why you think they halted usage of AstraZeneca and J&J vaccines?
heck if you even want numbers, please note these are self-reported numbers to a public site with near zero scrutiny, you have about 6k deaths (5734 as found thruw VAERS). This on a vaccination doses of roughly 330 million (usually 2 doses for complete vaccination). This comes down to 0,002% mortality. I have seen better odds on lotteries then that
This is what happened, and now they are all trying to hide it, and cover their asses. So, the same people that created the virus are making trillions on delivering the cure. How convenient is that?
Very conventient, also nigh impossible and certainly improbable.