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The Coronavirus

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Chaplain of death

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And yet again, you demonstrate your complete unwillingness to absorb presented facts that go contrary to your beliefs. I’m done arguing with you as there is clearly no point.

Well you said you have a "basic" understanding of Biology... and I believe that I am the one that has a basic understanding of Biology.

I asked a basic question, and you came up with the standard non-basic answer. You suffer from a nasty affliction called the "Everybody else is wrong syndrome". It's a very common Progressive derangement.


LOL!... Sam Harris again. I'm shocked that I've been able to survive without Sam in my life.


You needn't listen to the podcast, as you are clearly not "vaccine hesitant". You made up your mind long ago, therefore I recommend that you do not waste your time with fact-based discussion.



That implies that Lys is engaging in "fact based" discussion. 


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It's becoming quite clear why Democrats don't want the "pandemic" to end...

DOJ indicates it might sue states returning to pre-pandemic voting regulations | Fox News


They want to keep all their glorious ways to cheat.

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During our lock down, it was a great comfort to be able to log in here and shoot the shit with all of you.

I twas nice to hear that you were dong well.  It meant a lot to me.


Now I I see this topic has become politicized and divisive.  People have divided by their respective ideologies and beliefs. 

Let me be very frank.

Hell, let me be brutally honest.

Some of you know what I am, some more of you don't.

For the record, I am a soldier.  More specifically I am a Canadian Armed Forces Master Corporal Material Management Technician.

This is the mode I choose to speak in.

I'm very proud of that.

I'm proud that I've earned the privilege of wearing this uniform.

I'm very proud of the rank I've earned.

I'm very proud that I'm about to receive a decoration.

I'm very proud of what I do.

I love my job.  I get up every morning and I look forward to going to work.

I'm very proud that I am a guardian of your rights and freedoms. 

I'll pay with my very life to protect them.  That's the promise I made, that's the promise I'll keep.


Then I see the comments that have been left here.

Frankly, it fills me with disgust.

It makes me question what I'm doing.  Why am I guarding you, when you are unwilling to guard me?

I got my vaccine, I wear my mask.  Not because I have to, but because its my duty.


If you truly "Support the Troops", then take  the advice given by health professionals.

If you don't, for ideological reasons, then you are no different from the POS in downtown Fredericton who called me a "Baby Killer", and spit in my face.

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I'm very proud that I am a guardian of your rights and freedoms.  I'll pay with my very life to protect them.  That's the promise I made, that's the promise I'll keep.

Sorry my friend, but I'm an American, born in the USA, and I'll stay here until I die. You're not the "guardian of my rights and freedoms", but I'm sure you have plenty of Canadians that feel good about those Progressive talking points you're preaching, and that you have their back... now you can please stay off of mine.

Then I see the comments that have been left here. Frankly, it fills me with disgust.

Wouldn't it be so much better if everyone would think the same way as you? The nerve of these people that have a different opinion as a Master Corporal, sworn in blood to be the guardian of our rights.

It makes me question what I'm doing.  Why am I guarding you, when you are unwilling to guard me?

I always know what I'm doing, and I have no need for anyone to guard me. If I do need guarding at any time, I have several friends that are Police right on my block. I won't be calling on the Canucks to guard me. I promise to stay at least 6 feet of social distancing away from you at all times, and feel free to keep a mask on... most people actually need them.

I got my vaccine, I wear my mask.  Not because I have to, but because its my duty.

You bought into that bullshit? I bet you also believe that paying taxes is patriotic. Am I right?

The one that nauseates me the most is "We're all in this together"... what a pile of horseshit.

If you truly "Support the Troops", then take  the advice given by health professionals.

So if I support the troops I must follow the advice of health professionals? Which health professionals do I have to follow? Naturally you think I must follow the advice of the health professionals you follow? But since my rights and freedoms are guarded by the US Constitution, I really don't have to follow the advice of anyone. Plus... what about all the troops that choose not to get vaccinated? Should we stop supporting them? Progressives say the stupidest things.

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to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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Lys, I've seen a lot of what you post here.  I've tried my best to defend what you say. As much as I might disagree with it.  Believe me when I say I do.  I\ have always agreed that  dissent opinions have value.


But you  just crossed a line.




Sorry my friend, but I'm an American, born in the USA, and I'll stay here until I die. You're not the "guardian of my rights and freedoms", but I'm sure you have plenty of Canadians that feel good about those Progressive talking points you're preaching, and that you have their back... now you can please stay off of mine.




I know many more who have been scarred by that. I work with some of them.


One of the many medals he won in WWII.  He was a Royal Navy Commando.

How about the Canadian families who sheltered Americans during 9/11?

How about NATO, or NORAD, or UNHC, or the  $292.6 Billion dollars we've contributed to the US Economy under NAFTA?

Sorry, the orange demagogue you still believe is you President, says those don't matter because reasons.




Wouldn't it be so much better if everyone would think the same way as you? The nerve of these people that have a different opinion as a Master Corporal, sworn in blood to be the guardian of our rights.


You know you've managed to contradict yourself?  Of course you don't.  You only know how to spew Fox News talking points and whatever right wing talk show radio you listen to.

My opinions a formed by fact, not anger and fear as yours are. 

Yes, anger and fear.  I've read a lot of what you post here. All I see is and angry and fear.



You bought into that bullshit? I bet you also believe that paying taxes is patriotic. Am I right? The one that nauseates me the most is "We're all in this together"... what a pile of horseshit.

Bullshit?  Why because I'm not afraid to admit there are limits to what I know?  Because I'm willing to listen to a person who knows more than I do?  I do believe that paying taxes is Patriotic.  You know why?  I have the ability  to ensure that those who come after me, have the ability to make something of their selves.  Patriotism means serving your country, before yourself.  Or as President Kennedy said, "Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country,”

Think back to WWII, one of the only reasons we managed to defeat the the scourge of Nazism, Fascism, and  Militarism, is because we were "all in this together." 



So if I support the troops I must follow the advice of health professionals? Which health professionals do I have to follow? Naturally you think I must follow the advice of the health professionals you follow? But since my rights and freedoms are guarded by the US Constitution, I really don't have to follow the advice of anyone. Plus... what about all the troops that choose not to get vaccinated? Should we stop supporting them? Progressives say the stupidest things.

Lys, I don't give a damn which health professional you follow. As long as that health professional obtained their degree from a credentialed centre of higher learning.  Not some fucking fool who spent an afternoon on the couch consulting with good old Dr. Google, or the reddit school of medicine.

Lys, the Constitution is not a suicide pact.  There are times when the greater good must outweigh the benefit of the individual.  That was something your Founding Fathers respected and admired.  It was something your (grand),father respected.  If you so choose, please go to your local library and check out the following book "Second Treatise on Government" by John Locke (the founding father of  Liberalism),  If you choose to read that book, you'll see a lot of similarities between it and the "Deceleration of Independence" and your Constitution.

Lys, few troops will choose to not be vaccinated.  We know what's at stake.  No, we can't be ordered.  My unit's vaccine rate is 100%.

We know what it means, to serve our country before ourselves.

You want to call me a progressive that's fine. I'm more accurately defined as a Red Tory.  Frankly, I really don't give a damn.

And I don't. 

At this point I'm done.  I done arguing with you.  I'm done wasting my time trying to come up with salient points to your nonsensical arguments.  I'm done with your talking points,  I'm done with your labelling.  I'm done with your constant deflections.  I'm done with your incessant need to win.

Lys, I think you're a good person.  I'd love to have you and your wife over to the house for a BBQ and some tasty beers.

Just let's not talk politics.

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There are times when the greater good must outweigh the benefit of the individual.

Triggered... and it's coming from the guy who just complained about politicizing the issue.


Lemme fix this line for you...


"There is never a time when the mob's version of the greater good outweighs the liberty of the individual"

Perfect example is Gay Marriage. We also offer Gay Divorce. New services... fresh price tags... hefty profits.


Remember... the United States of America is a Republic.

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At the start of this topic  I didn't want this to become politicized.  It meant a lot to me to be able to log in here and just shoot this shit.  I liked hearing about what everyone who choose to respond was doing. 


I liked hearing about you and your lovely wife drinking Palm Breeze in your new spa. 


It served to remind me there were better days ahead.


You know what Snowflake?  You are the one who choose to politicize this topic.  I choose to respond in kind.


Gay Marriage? What does that have to do with anything?   I really don't understand.  Is that a dig at me because I'm gay and happily married to the man I love?  Are you trying to say that my enshrined constitutional right to love and marry another man is in some way a bad thing?  That the Government has given way to mob rule?  Are you trying to say that a hetero normative way is better? Again,I don't understand.  

Maybe you can explain for my stupid, progressive, triggered, serve other's before yourself, and NCM brain can understand.


The USA is a Republic.

Okay, meaning you have a non-hereditary Head of State of who serves a fixed term and uses representative democracy.


Canada is a Constitutional Monarchy. Meaning we have a Head of State who is hereditary and we use responsible government.

Now that we've fleshed that out.  What does "The USA is a Republic" have anything to do with the debate at hand?


Lys, you called me out for saying "there are times when the greater good must outweigh the individual".

That's something your Founding Fathers knew.  Go to your local library and read Tocqueville’s "Democracy In America."

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I liked hearing about you and your lovely wife drinking Palm Breeze in your new spa.

Strange you should say that today... we just got word today that it will be delivered in 2 weeks. It has to be craned in.

You know what Snowflake?  You are the one who choose to politicize this topic.

Wrong on both counts... I never lose my cool with others opinions. I actually like to hear how wrong people are... it gives me a golden opportunity to make them look foolish. That's when the triggered snowflakes lose their mind and start hurling false accusations like I'm politicizing, deflecting, or a military hating homophobe racist. All are complete lies.


We are not the ones who politicized the issue. There are some of us that don't like wearing the stupid masks. We know it doesn't do anything to mitigate the spread of the virus. We also know that Covid is less dangerous than the seasonal flu. We also know that once you have had Covid, you have natural immunities against it. We also know that all these vaccines are experimental, approved for emergency use, and not approved by the FDA... that's the Food and Drug Administration here in the USA. There is absolutely no reason for me to get vaccinated, and just because you want me to is not a reason. I have had the virus already. Our doctor has advised against any of us to be injected with any of these vaccines... including the 94 year old Air Force Veteran that my wife and I are caregivers for.


Now I will tell you who has politicized the issue. Democrat Governors who locked down their states and forced their populations to wear masks. They used virus fear to mandate mailing out a ballot to every address, in every state, they could successfully get around their Constitution by using "Emergency Power". This bullshit caused the greatest election fraud in history. Morons like Joe Biden and Cameluh Harris who declared before the election that they would refuse to take a vaccine developed by Trump. Progressives that wear their mask like a MAGA hat, and demand everyone else fall in line. Just like the Climate Change lies... "it's gonna kill us all"


I put up Gay Marriage as an example of how a Republic works. Gay Marriage has never been accepted in the USA by a vote. It would have never passed by a majority vote of the general population. It was declared legal through majority opinion of the Supreme Court of the USA, as a Civil Right. So everyone sucked it up, and it now is widely accepted. A Republic is set up to protect individual rights... and they cannot be "voted" away by the mob. A Republic is far better than a Democracy.


I hope I have explained things enough for you to come away with a different point of view. I'm not taking the vaccine because I don't want it. I don't care how you "feel" about my decision. Progressives love to force people to do things that make them "feel" better.

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Chaplain of death

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I liked hearing about you and your lovely wife drinking Palm Breeze in your new spa.

Strange you should say that today... we just got word today that it will be delivered in 2 weeks. It has to be craned in.



You know what Snowflake?  You are the one who choose to politicize this topic.

Wrong on both counts... I never lose my cool with others opinions. I actually like to hear how wrong people are... it gives me a golden opportunity to make them look foolish. That's when the triggered snowflakes lose their mind and start hurling false accusations like I'm politicizing, deflecting, or a military hating homophobe racist. All are complete lies.


We are not the ones who politicized the issue. There are some of us that don't like wearing the stupid masks. We know it doesn't do anything to mitigate the spread of the virus. We also know that Covid is less dangerous than the seasonal flu. We also know that once you have had Covid, you have natural immunities against it. We also know that all these vaccines are experimental, approved for emergency use, and not approved by the FDA... that's the Food and Drug Administration here in the USA. There is absolutely no reason for me to get vaccinated, and just because you want me to is not a reason. I have had the virus already. Our doctor has advised against any of us to be injected with any of these vaccines... including the 94 year old Air Force Veteran that my wife and I are caregivers for.


Now I will tell you who has politicized the issue. Democrat Governors who locked down their states and forced their populations to wear masks. They used virus fear to mandate mailing out a ballot to every address, in every state, they could successfully get around their Constitution by using "Emergency Power". This bullshit caused the greatest election fraud in history. Morons like Joe Biden and Cameluh Harris who declared before the election that they would refuse to take a vaccine developed by Trump. Progressives that wear their mask like a MAGA hat, and demand everyone else fall in line. Just like the Climate Change lies... "it's gonna kill us all"


I put up Gay Marriage as an example of how a Republic works. Gay Marriage has never been accepted in the USA by a vote. It would have never passed by a majority vote of the general population. It was declared legal through majority opinion of the Supreme Court of the USA, as a Civil Right. So everyone sucked it up, and it now is widely accepted. A Republic is set up to protect individual rights... and they cannot be "voted" away by the mob. A Republic is far better than a Democracy.


I hope I have explained things enough for you to come away with a different point of view. I'm not taking the vaccine because I don't want it. I don't care how you "feel" about my decision. Progressives love to force people to do things that make them "feel" better.



Kinda like how republicans won't allow women to get abortions because it makes them "feel" better. It makes them "feel" like they are adhering to their supposedly "Christian" values while they shit on the poor and perpetuate institutionalized racism. 


You aren't wearing a mask or getting the vaccine because you KNOW with 100% certainty all of those things about Covid? Who told you those things again? Rand Paul and fox news? That is the exact politicization we're talking about. You're listening to an echo chamber and taking it as fact instead of examining multiple sources of info and taking an objective look. 


Our republic is nothing to hold up as an ideal. Our representatives are all bought and paid for through the lobbying system. They don't vote for what is best for their constituents, they vote to line their pockets. 


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Kinda like how republicans won't allow women to get abortions because it makes them "feel" better.

Wrong... I'm a Pro-Choice Republican. When you demand taxpayers pay for abortions is where you go horribly wrong.

You aren't wearing a mask or getting the vaccine because you KNOW with 100% certainty all of those things about Covid?

No... I'm not wearing a mask because I've had Covid already and I'm not afraid of it. You are wanting to mandate masks and vaccinations because you like to force people into doing what makes you feel better when you have no where near 100% certainty over anything. It's all about who has power. Get your Trump vaccine and shut up.

Our republic is nothing to hold up as an ideal. Our representatives are all bought and paid for through the lobbying system. They don't vote for what is best for their constituents, they vote to line their pockets.

Glad to know that you understand how all you Progressives are all bought and paid for. Are you going stop now?

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Kinda like how republicans won't allow women to get abortions because it makes them "feel" better.

Wrong... I'm a Pro-Choice Republican. When you demand taxpayers pay for abortions is where you go horribly wrong.

You aren't wearing a mask or getting the vaccine because you KNOW with 100% certainty all of those things about Covid?

No... I'm not wearing a mask because I've had Covid already and I'm not afraid of it. You are wanting to mandate masks and vaccinations because you like to force people into doing what makes you feel better when you have no where near 100% certainty over anything. It's all about who has power. Get your Trump vaccine and shut up.

Our republic is nothing to hold up as an ideal. Our representatives are all bought and paid for through the lobbying system. They don't vote for what is best for their constituents, they vote to line their pockets.

Glad to know that you understand how all you Progressives are all bought and paid for. Are you going stop now?



Well, I would agree with you that abortions shouldn't be taxpayer funded under our current system, though I also believe in universal healthcare and under that system I think they should be. 


I already got my vaccine, no thanks to trump who wanted to inject sunlight and bleach into people. Its exactly because we don't have 100% certainty that wearing a mask at the very least is something everyone should be doing. We should be doing everything we can to bring it back under control instead of just shrugging our shoulders and letting it continue to kill people and saying "oh well". I will not in fact shut up on that particular point, as its one that too many people who live in right wing echo chambers refuse to listen to but need to hear.


Why would I stop, you just tried to say that your "conservative" asshats aren't bought and paid for? I can acknowledge that most of congress, on both sides, is corrupt as fuck and they have made it legal to be so. Are you unable to admit that the right are just as complicit because it conflicts with this false world view that you've concocted based on Rand Paul and Fox news?


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Gotta tone down the profanity. It's easy to forget we are PG-13 as this section of the Forum is publicly visible.

The idea of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the enemy die for his.


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though I also believe in universal healthcare and under that system I think they should be.

As soon as you Progressives can get everything that has anything at all to do with healthcare to slave for the government and accept a teachers salary, well that's never gonna happen. Any other wonderful Communist ideas inside that noggin?

I already got my vaccine, no thanks to trump who wanted to inject sunlight and bleach into people.

Once CNN cranks out a lie, you guys just never want to let it go. Trump had the vaccines created with historic speed... against great pressure from those of you who wanted him to fail. Now you want to force everyone to take it. We just don't understand how your brains work. Maybe Andrew Cuomo can get Michael Avenatti to represent him? That would be something to watch.

We should be doing everything we can to bring it back under control

It's completely under control where I'm sitting, and I never had a problem during the 10 days last April when I had it. The only scary issues I have heard are from the liars in Government and the media. I don't believe them.

Why would I stop, you just tried to say that your "conservative" asshats aren't bought and paid for?

Yes... all us Conservative asshats are all bought and paid for... we are tirelessly working to uphold the Constitution.

Gotta tone down the profanity. It's easy to forget we are PG-13 as this section of the Forum is publicly visible.

Best to ban the %@#%& children... nothing in my life is PG-13.

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to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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though I also believe in universal healthcare and under that system I think they should be.

As soon as you Progressives can get everything that has anything at all to do with healthcare to slave for the government and accept a teachers salary, well that's never gonna happen. Any other wonderful Communist ideas inside that noggin?



I already got my vaccine, no thanks to trump who wanted to inject sunlight and bleach into people.

Once CNN cranks out a lie, you guys just never want to let it go. Trump had the vaccines created with historic speed... against great pressure from those of you who wanted him to fail. Now you want to force everyone to take it. We just don't understand how your brains work. Maybe Andrew Cuomo can get Michael Avenatti to represent him? That would be something to watch.



We should be doing everything we can to bring it back under control

It's completely under control where I'm sitting, and I never had a problem during the 10 days last April when I had it. The only scary issues I have heard are from the liars in Government and the media. I don't believe them.



Why would I stop, you just tried to say that your "conservative" asshats aren't bought and paid for?

Yes... all us Conservative asshats are all bought and paid for... we are tirelessly working to uphold the Constitution.



Gotta tone down the profanity. It's easy to forget we are PG-13 as this section of the Forum is publicly visible.

Best to ban the %@#%& children... nothing in my life is PG-13.



Coherent sentences and ideas would be preferred if discourse is expected. 


I think the President isn't the be all end all of the US government, because it never has been. I do however believe in direct quotes, like this one;

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous - whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light," the president said, turning to Dr Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response co-ordinator, "and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it.

"And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you're going to test that too. Sounds interesting," the president continued.

"And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?

"So it'd be interesting to check that."



So from a sample size of 1, clearly that is what happens every time. That's how definitely science works. Why do they even have trials for vaccines, they should just get one person to inject it, that's all it takes to figure out what happens.


"working to uphold the constitution"..... https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/aug/13/america-is-full-of-democracy-deserts-wisconsin-rivals-congo-on-some-metrics

Ha ha ha, funny joke.


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"working to uphold the constitution"..... https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/aug/13/america-is-full-of-democracy-deserts-wisconsin-rivals-congo-on-some-metrics

Looks like you don't like the way states draw their congressional districts. This is easy to solve... just get out there and run for every state legislature seat in the country. If you win them all, you can all by your lonesome, draw them up the way you want them. If you can't do that, then you will have to leave it up to the people who actually win the seats... it's their job.


Was that "coherent" enough for you? If it's too long to read, the short version is that it's not up to you, and they don't care how you feel about how they draw their congressional districts. And for the record... they don't care how I feel about it either. 

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You're right they don't care. They don't care about the people they supposedly represent, they care about holding onto power. I don't have to leave it up to them, because its something that we should outlaw if we want to pretend to be the shining light of democracy in the world that we aren't. 


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Something tells me that you would feel differently if it were Democrats that were gaining 7 seats from the census redistricting.

Release of Detailed 2020 Census Data Sets Stage for 2022 Midterms (breitbart.com)


The four horseman of the Biden apocalypse... Crime, Inflation, Illegal Immigration, Covid-19


I only hope we can rid ourselves of his incompetence soon enough to stop them.

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Something tells me that you would feel differently if it were Democrats that were gaining 7 seats from the census redistricting.

Release of Detailed 2020 Census Data Sets Stage for 2022 Midterms (breitbart.com)


The four horseman of the Biden apocalypse... Crime, Inflation, Illegal Immigration, Covid-19


I only hope we can rid ourselves of his incompetence soon enough to stop them.


No I don't feel different. Gerrymandering is corrupt and the people Gerrymandering these districts to keep power should be thrown in prison and never allowed to hold office again.


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Gerrymandering is corrupt and the people Gerrymandering these districts to keep power should be thrown in prison and never allowed to hold office again.

Prison is for people that break the law. They are literally following the law when drawing their congressional districts... so first we would have to take that power away from them and pass legislation to make it illegal for state legislators to draw congressional districts. Then they would have to somehow do it anyway... then we can throw them all in prison.


There have been cases where the courts have stepped in and disqualified redistricting because it was absurd, but it's rare. States make their owns laws, so the best you can hope for is leading the charge to change things in your own state. Do you somehow believe the Senate should be able pass a bill through reconciliation, send that puppy over to Fancy Nancy for a quick voice vote, and then up for a speedy signing ceremony with Joe... and then BOOM! Federal control of all 50 state election procedures?


It's a Republic my friend... isn't gonna happen.

Woke (adj.)

A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough

to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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Chaplain of death

Chaplain of death

    Tempered IRON

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Gerrymandering is corrupt and the people Gerrymandering these districts to keep power should be thrown in prison and never allowed to hold office again.

Prison is for people that break the law. They are literally following the law when drawing their congressional districts... so first we would have to take that power away from them and pass legislation to make it illegal for state legislators to draw congressional districts. Then they would have to somehow do it anyway... then we can throw them all in prison.


There have been cases where the courts have stepped in and disqualified redistricting because it was absurd, but it's rare. States make their owns laws, so the best you can hope for is leading the charge to change things in your own state. Do you somehow believe the Senate should be able pass a bill through reconciliation, send that puppy over to Fancy Nancy for a quick voice vote, and then up for a speedy signing ceremony with Joe... and then BOOM! Federal control of all 50 state election procedures?


It's a Republic my friend... isn't gonna happen.



I did say SHOULD not that they will be. 


No I don't think the games that they play in senate are right. I don't think that the games that they've been playing for years where both sides kill bills that the other side proposes by refusing to hold votes on them is right. There's so much about what goes on congress that is just fundamentally wrong in my opinion. Clearly its a systemic problem, and so I can rail on and on about how this senator or rep or that is a corrupt P.o.S, but it won't change and their actions won't be punished unless someone changes the rules.


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