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The Coronavirus

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mRNA does no such thing, regardless if it is viral in origin or not. Heck not all the vaccines are even RNA based!

What? You make a declaration, and back it up with fairy dust. A vaccine is taking a virus, making it innocuous, then injecting it into a person to create an immunity. An mRNA is a treatment that when injected into a person creates a cellular block preventing further viral infection. It's simple to understand. Both are effective... natural immunity is better. Get your jab, take off your mask, go outside, live your life, and most of all... stay the hell out of other people's life. Be afraid of death by yourself.

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While I wouldn't declare myself good at biology, I did however pick up some stuff from it in high school. So I shall go into more detail about my comment surrounding RNA.


A vaccine can come in several forms, thou its first incarnation starts as inactivated virii particles being injected to trigger an immuno responce from the body. The Chinese vaccines of Sinopharm and Sinovac together with the Indian vaccin of Bharat Biotech are the current COVID-19 vaccines that fall into this category. They are old and reliable technology but with clear risks as the virus itself needs to be cultured (bred) before inactivation and then injection. The inactivated particles get injected, our immuno responce get triggered just like a "life" virus and we get anti-bodies that will work if we get infected with the "real deal".


A new breed of vaccines are the RNA(/DNA) vaccines, most commenly known as the Pfizer/BioNtech and the Moderna vaccines. This relative new technology has been developed from the '90s and was first commercially allowed to be used with the COVID-19 vaccines. This technology makes use of small RNA molecules which get injected and incoorperated into our cells. Inside our cells they will act as mRNA (a subdivition of RNA which stands for "messenger" RNA) and will trigger our cells to develop the protein inscribed with that RNA chain. This protein is part of the virus that would also have been made if the virus in its entirety infected our calls, the protein itself is a "spikeprotein" which normally resides on the viral enveloppe (aka the packaging) of the virus. Now with this protein being synthesized in our bodies are thus viral in nature, our immuno responce will trigger and will identify and create anti-bodies specific for this protein. This has a bonus effect that no complete virus needs to be kept nor bred to make this vaccine, severely diminishing the dangers in the fabrication process. Another bonus effect is that the RNA chain can be rather easily "modified" if the virus in the wild mutates, thus keeping closer match and keeping the vaccine "up-to-date". A negative effect is that this only gives us anti-bodies for that 1 protein, and not the several that normally reside on the viral envelope, this is also why PCR-testing can check if your anti-bodies come solely from the RNA-vaccine or from an actual virus (inactivated or "life").


Now a third and also very new vaccine technology is the viral-vector method, used by Russia's Spoetnik, AstraZeneca, Johnson&Johnson and a 3rd Chinese vaccine. This technology relies on the usage of the Adeno-virus family (a well known and documented viral family) to infect our cells with a DNA chain that codes for an anti-body specific for the COVID-19 virus. This is the first time this method was used for a worldwide vaccine, previously it was used for patient specific treatments in which the DNA chain introduced aided the patient in making vital proteins which their own DNA missed (or miss-made). You could say that this technology is somewhat in between the 2 previously mentioned, it doesn't introduce viral DNA but it does immedeatly support our immonocells by making the correct anti-bodies. As with the RNA-vaccine, this does indeed only targets 1 "spikeprotein" and is thus subject to less functionality as the target virus mutates.



What you were mixing up is what our immuno responce consists of, namely anti-bodies that help guide our immunocells (T-cells and others) to the viral particles and destroy them. Yes anti-bodies are RNA in nature, but they do not prevent per-se prevent a virus from entering our cells. They "flag" them so our immunocells can target and fight them. I added "per-se" cause it is possible that the "flag" the anti-bodies get triggered on is the same part the virus ususes to gain entry to our cells, as such it may indeed "hinder" the entry point. However this is nor absolute nor complete. Anti-bodies create no cellular block so to speak, they "flag".


Any other questions or further diving into a specific part, feel free to ask and I shall answer to the best of my ability.



I am vaccinated, I am going out, I am living my life. I am also wearing a mask in crowds, keeping a restricted social life and adhering to other health related mandates/suggestions/advice cause I CARE ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE'S LIFE!

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basically, RNA doesn't block entry to cells. The vaccines which use it work by mimicking a part of the viral RNA and training our immunity by making a harmless viral protein associetated with the virus in our cells.


You were kinda speaking about the Regeneron treatment, that injects anti-bodies directly so it can be used while infected (but offers little to no vaccination effects).

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Right... they don't work... I get it.


Same story, new angle. Let's create a fake crisis, and we'll sell people a cure. If they don't swallow it willingly, we'll force them.

Very similar to the Climate Change scam.


It's the new MIB Variant now... I have plenty more fuck off variants I haven't used yet.


Oh sorry... MIB stands for Mail-In Ballots.

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You seem to have dropped this in another thread:

For the most part, us Americans determined long ago, that talking about stuff is a good thing. The flow of ideas is the root of all progress. If we have a group of people that really want something to happen, it's my obligation, as an American, to speak up about what that thing will do, and what will go wrong with it. It sounds like you don't want to hear that. Then don't read it. There are many members of IRON that no longer talk to me. Did you think you were the first?

Part of the reason why I barely come to these forums anymore, there simply isn't a point anymore

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Part of the reason why I barely come to these forums anymore, there simply isn't a point anymore

The only reason I come to these forums anymore is to give you something to come here for... that's the point. 

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I've been waiting for the devastating report from South Africa about the new MIB... oh sorry... Omi-whatever variant.

Much worse than I expected. Wash the masks and stock up on toilet paper, because the authorities will be coming with chains to bar you inside your domicile. Ground all flights and close the stores! Somebody has the flu.


South African doctor says omicron variant symptoms ‘unusual but mild’ | Fox News


"It presents mild disease with symptoms being sore muscles and tiredness for a day or two not feeling well," Coetzee explained. "So far, we have detected that those infected do not suffer the loss of taste or smell. They might have a slight cough. There are no prominent symptoms. Of those infected some are currently being treated at home."

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Right... they don't work... I get it.


Same story, new angle. Let's create a fake crisis, and we'll sell people a cure. If they don't swallow it willingly, we'll force them.

Very similar to the Climate Change scam.


It's the new MIB Variant now... I have plenty more fuck off variants I haven't used yet.


Oh sorry... MIB stands for Mail-In Ballots.


What doesn't work?


People were sold the cure by politicians, I thought you guys knew better then to trust politicians with cures? Meanwhile the medical sciences were bringing out tools to combat the spread and aid the infected. The scam was political, and is being propagated by them as to this moment.


And yeah we got a new variant, shocker, virus mutates :o. You know when virusses do mutate, when they got human petridishes to fester in who don't follow basic hygiene or medical advice.



I've been waiting for the devastating report from South Africa about the new MIB... oh sorry... Omi-whatever variant.

Much worse than I expected. Wash the masks and stock up on toilet paper, because the authorities will be coming with chains to bar you inside your domicile. Ground all flights and close the stores! Somebody has the flu.


South African doctor says omicron variant symptoms ‘unusual but mild’ | Fox News


"It presents mild disease with symptoms being sore muscles and tiredness for a day or two not feeling well," Coetzee explained. "So far, we have detected that those infected do not suffer the loss of taste or smell. They might have a slight cough. There are no prominent symptoms. Of those infected some are currently being treated at home."

I am hoping it is more infectious but less harmfull, this way it "hogs" the bodies and keeps the more lethal variants at bay. Also we are already to late to keep this one bottled up aswell, sadly again by asymptomatic people. The Beleneses football team can speak for that.



And again, this is much worse then the flu. Or do you folks have filled hospitals every winter? Your nation lost 750k over the better part of 2 years, name a single virus that does that AND proclaim their total innocence.

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And again, this is much worse then the flu. Or do you folks have filled hospitals every winter? Your nation lost 750k over the better part of 2 years

I agree, it was devastating. Covid is the only virus to ever cause diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, cancer, auto fatalities, drownings, gunshot wounds, and anything else that prevented oxygen from reaching the brain. It also shut down surgeries, chemo therapy, and transplants. The most deadly thing that Covid has caused... is called "Mass Stupidity".


I have had Covid-19... it's not "much worse than the flu". I got it from my wife. I lost taste, smell, mild pain in lungs, throat, and headache. It vanished in 10 days. Believe me... I was expecting it to get worse. It did not. I had pneumonia when I was 16. I had a temp of 108 and I was in the hospital for two weeks... they didn't shut the world down because of it, and it didn't kill me.

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And neither did you die from the flu, but it also kills thousands each year. Your personal anecdote does not invalidate the >750k USA COVID-19 deaths. Heck I don't eve recall the last time I had the flu, let alone it keeping me in bed due to symptoms, doesn't in my mind invalidate the 27k belgians who died from COVID.



Yeah it is horrible that hospitals have to scale back other potential lifesaving treatments due to having their entire staff working on all those poor buggers dieing on ventilators while isolated in the ICU due to the infectiousness of this virus. Sad part is, now we mostly need to blame the idiots who keep skirting save hygene practices in the name of "personal freedom" while they have little chance of landing in the hospital but in the mean time have real influence on everyone they might infect, especially the immunocompromised (regardless of immunity status).



The USA loses less then 3M a year, the only things outpacing it are heart diseases and cancer, which are umbrella terms for a plutorial of conditions. This virus is going the route of the Spanish flu by how the world keeps handling it. Go be angry at how it still is a massive killer even in our futuristic age of science and medicine!

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Wow... I guess the vaccines don't work.

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Neither do the Tetanus ones right? cause you need a booster every 10 years?


And definatly not the flu ones, cause they roll out a new one EACH YEAR!



Lys, do you think the human body is infallable? Perhaps you should go find some twice infected, non-vaxxed people, they are out there.

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Neither do the Tetanus ones right? cause you need a booster every 10 years?

And definatly not the flu ones, cause they roll out a new one EACH YEAR!

Lys, do you think the human body is infallable? Perhaps you should go find some twice infected, non-vaxxed people, they are out there.

I don't get any of those either. So far, and it's been a very long so far, mine has been pretty damned infallible.

If it's not broke... don't fix it. My time will come when my time comes. I have had a wonderful life.


I'll take a few minutes to thank the million fellow Yellowstone fans that have come to Las Vegas this week to spend millions of their hard-earned dollars in my city on the rodeo. Those wonderful people didn't bring their stupid masks with them. They instead brought their huge middle fingers to show the governor how they feel about his stupid mask mandate. The local authorities will do nothing but smile, because the hotels are full, and everyone is happy. The best selling t-shirt is "Let's Go Brandon!"




I have to fix this headline because it's not long enough to tell the story...

"Rodeo fans flaunt mask mandate but state regulators are watching as rodeo fans flaunt mask mandate"

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You don't know if it was infallable, as you could be asymptomatic, heck just as I with 2 shots could be, hence I wear a mask in crowded public or otherwise mandated locations.


Again, this is for society. Society filled with people with lesser fortunate immunosystems, people who also hope that various other vaccines are taken by those that they frequent with so both them (the immuno compromised) as the society as a whole can be better protected against viral outbreaks.



And thanks for showing that money beats (public) health once again...

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The problem is no one trusts anyone anymore. Too many lies. Peppermint Patty, from the White House, just told Peter Doocy yesterday that gang smash and grab robberies are caused by Covid-19. It's all lies, and we can't believe a word they say.

And thanks for showing that money beats (public) health once again...

You're Welcome! Living our lives has always beat your fear of catching a cold.


This was very comforting to see...

'Stick Your Vaccine Mandate Up Your A**' Anthem Spreads - YouTube

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Politicians are hacks, welcome to the 20th century?

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Politicians are hacks, welcome to the 20th century?

It's the 21st century, and they have always been hacks... we just have the internet now.

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It's being reported out of the state of Oregon that 552 fully vaccinated residents have died of Covid-19.

552 Fully Vaccinated Oregon Residents Died Of COVID-19, Half Received Pfizer Vaccine (ibtimes.com)

None of this makes sense. It can't be true. Either someone is lying... or everyone is lying. If 552 fully vaccinated residents died of Covid-19... then the vaccines are ineffective... or simply, they don't work. That means they are lying about the vaccines.


If the vaccines are effective... like we have been told... then they are lying about what really killed these people. It's also incredibly possible that they are all lying about everything, and just saying what benefits them the most.


My money is on... everyone is lying, about all of it.

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Politicians are hacks, welcome to the 20th century?

It's the 21st century, and they have always been hacks... we just have the internet now.



yeah they started being hacks in the 20th century. before they weren't politicians, they were noblemen :D



It's being reported out of the state of Oregon that 552 fully vaccinated residents have died of Covid-19.

552 Fully Vaccinated Oregon Residents Died Of COVID-19, Half Received Pfizer Vaccine (ibtimes.com)

None of this makes sense. It can't be true. Either someone is lying... or everyone is lying. If 552 fully vaccinated residents died of Covid-19... then the vaccines are ineffective... or simply, they don't work. That means they are lying about the vaccines.


If the vaccines are effective... like we have been told... then they are lying about what really killed these people. It's also incredibly possible that they are all lying about everything, and just saying what benefits them the most.


My money is on... everyone is lying, about all of it.

552 deaths out of 2,7M full vaccinated people: incidence is 20 deaths per 100k (0,02%). Or 45.454 infected: 1214 deaths per 100k (1,2%).

Total deaths 5318 out of 4,2M Oregonian: incidence is 126 deaths per 100k (0,13%). Or 398k infected: 1336 deaths per 100k (1,3%).



So what do we learn from this:

1) The vaccin protects 7 times better then being "on your own". Seems like it works.

2) Actually getting the disease gives you a roughly equal chance of survival.


*note* we do not know the underreporting of either of these stats, thou we do know that asymptomatic people are far less likely to infect others if they have been vaccinated.



Also, you are once again raving against Capitalism, thanks?

Emperor of the Benelux
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