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The Coronavirus

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I don't think that the games that they've been playing for years where both sides kill bills that the other side proposes by refusing to hold votes on them is right.

The Constitution was written to make it as hard as possible for the Federal Government to pass laws to infringe on the rights, liberty, and freedom of the people. Over time, the Federal Government has more and more ventured into the realm of issues that it was never intended to even have an opinion on. This makes the 60 Senate votes for Cloture even more important to uphold. If a Bill cannot get 60 votes in the Senate... It's probably a bad law.


I expect the House of Representatives to think with their hearts, and the Senate to govern with their brains. This division is getting far too hard to recognize, and any Senator that is soft on the hard line between the houses of Congress really needs to be voted out of office... with great speed. I never want to see anything get through the Senate without 60 votes to end debate, but too many Senators have their head up their political butts. Probably because their bought and paid for... LOL!


Getting way off the topic of the fake pandemic.

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Strange you should say that today... we just got word today that it will
be delivered in 2 weeks. It has to be craned in.


Really, that's suppose to impress who?  What you have money?  So rich your new hot tub has to be craned in?  Just have to show us stupid peasants how well off you are?

Do you know is said about people who brag about having money?  They don't.

You know what, go on TicTok with that narcissistic crap.  You can impress a  bunch of vacuous, self absorbed nitwits. 

Just like yourself.


Wrong on both counts... I never lose my cool with others opinions. I actually like to hear how wrong people are... it gives me a golden opportunity to make them look foolish. That's when the triggered snowflakes lose their mind and start hurling false accusations like I'm politicizing, deflecting, or a military hating homophobe racist. All are complete lies.


ROFLMAO!  That's the best bloody thing I've heard all bloody week!

Not in the least, you never loose your cool.  You respond with "logic and reason."


I've read most of what you've posted here, you know what I saw?  You losing your "cool" time and time again.  All I've seen in your nonsensical rants and raves, is anger and fear.  Any opinion that questions your deeply held beliefs, results in ad hominem attacks, deflections,  reductio ad absurdum, and the inability to stay on topic.  All in a desire to wear your opponent down through sheer exhaustion with the intent to win.  Just because your fragile ego can't handle being wrong.


In reference to the above quote "J'accuse".  Flocon de neige.

When you say thing like "go to some idiot doctor to get their dicks chopped off."  I accuse you of being transphobic.

When you say things like "I put up with gay marriage."

Just like I have to "put up" with being not able to go into certain parts of this city, this country, and I can't  hold my husband's hand.  Just because we will be verbally accosted or physically assaulted. I accuse you of being homophobic.

When you openly spit on 158 dead soldiers.  When you spit on the countless Canadian, Commonwealth, and other Allied Soldiers, who have won American decorations for valour, including the Medal of Honor. I accuse you of being anti-military.


I noticed in a reply to Chaplin of Death, you're on about how the USA is a Republic, 'cause the states done make their own laws.

Now you're talking about Federalism.  Which has absolutely nothing to do with "being a Republic"

Jesus, make no wonder you're dumb enough to fall for the lies and misinformation the right wing media is telling you.

You have absolutely no idea about how your own country is governed.

That explains a lot.

What's that?  I'm just a stupid, know nothing Canuk.  I done don't nothing about  how this here "Greatest Nation on this here God's Earth" .  Just shut yer danged <insert the following slur here> (faggot (yes, I can use that word, because I am one), commie, Socialist, Nazi, Fascist, progressive, and/or elitist), mouth.

Well, my Political Science degree begs to differ with your ignorant self.

Opps, shouldn't have said I have a University level education.  I can only imagine the abuse you'll heap on me now.  I guess I'm just a "latte sipping, left wing, effete, limp wristed liberal."

Oh my what ever will I do.

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Buddy, you have to get out and breathe some fresh air. Plus you can't be posting my words under quote from CoD... that's just wrong.

I have too much respect for him to be tagged with my verbiage.


I'm not a wealthy man. I am very... "comfortable" is a good word for it. I worked very hard for several years as a Graphic Artist and Musician, with full intent to become wealthy. I discovered that the more money I made, the more ways there were to take it from me. So I quit working hard, and started working smart, with full intent to spend my time doing exactly what I wanted to do at all times.


The last time I took a real financial hit was in 2009, when I had a large mortgage on a $600,000 house, that was suddenly worth $225,000 after the Real Estate crash. I could not refinance the balloon payment that would come due because the house wasn't worth the mortgage... so we lost that house. Swearing I would never have that happen again, we paid cash for everything. Now we are debt free and own two houses in Las Vegas... free and clear. I set my Mother-In-Law up to live in one of them, so she never has to worry about paying for a place to live. My wife and I live in the other one, where we also have our 94 year old Air Force Veteran living with us. Our 4 children are adults and they all live on their own.


My wife still works her ass off 6 nights a week at an Outback Steakhouse... she loves her work.


The hot tub has to be craned in because it's delivered as one piece that's too big to go around, or through, the house... it has to go over it. It has nothing to do with being "wealthy". I only mentioned it because you mentioned it. I'm sorry it offended you.


Also... If you're gonna quote me, quote me correctly. I said "I put up Gay Marriage as an example of how a Republic works."... I didn't say "I put up with Gay Marriage". Sorry again for the misunderstanding.

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On a positive note, I hear Biden and Fauci are celebrating at Camp David right now.

Their plan to force 100% of the female population of Afghanistan to wear a mask is a screamin' success.

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Bill Maher was on Kimmel's show discussing the effect the fake pandemic has had on his profession. Blue State insanity.

Maher: 'Liberal Media' Must Take 'Responsibility' for Scaring People about COVID People in Blue... - YouTube

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OSHA folded on their mandate. They knew they were gonna lose.

So, if anyone wants to tell you you must get vaxxed to keep your job... they are lying.

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I am guessing private employers can still try to mandate it, thou offcourse with various (local) laws being thrown at it to opt-out I'd guess. Let alone what "at-will" adds to that equation.

Another part is adding PCR (or equivalent) testing added to the mandate, which for example would add immuno-compromised people to the table (and sure, also the objectors). Heck you could even forgo the vaccination and put it to only testing, as sadly carriers still excist in vaccinated pop.


What's your take on medical staff being mandated, state or private operated? Or about federal or other gov contracts adding a mandate to it?

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I believe private business should be allowed to do whatever they believe is best for their business. It is after all... their business.


The issue is, who is responsible for implementing and enforcing the mandate? They can't blame it on a Federal mandate... so it's on them. If the business is going to fire people for refusing vaccination, then they are responsible for their unemployment.


There are many people, like my wife and myself, who have natural immunity, and they so far have not recognized it in any of their research. It's all political at this point, and just another issue to divide and anger people for political and monetary gain.


There will be a huge reckoning.

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Natural immunity comes forwards in the PCR testing (can even be seperated from vaccin immunity), hence me adding it as an equivalent to vaccination. And it has been looked at already, with results in line of "more immunity from heavier symptoms", so the hospitalized crowd has better immunity then the "I got some sniffles", offcourse with personal variance. Btw, the sniffle crowd has basically lost their natural immunity already.


Reckoning to keep the US count from reaching a million? Guess you want to abolish DUI aswell I guess...

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Reckoning to keep the US count from reaching a million? Guess you want to abolish DUI aswell I guess...

I have no idea how count or DUI ties into this. I said that it's all political at this point, and there will be a reckoning on the people that are using it for political and monetary gain. They only want to force sale their vaccines, and mail in ballots so they can continue cheating.


There will be a reckoning.

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You thinking it is "political" while atleast 750k already died from it and the government actually tries to "for the good of the people", I equal that to thinking DUI is "political" and should be thrown out.



Yes there are people using it for "poliical" gain, thou shocker they are found on BOTH sides. Talk much about GOPers who readily got vaccinated but spout anti-vaxx rhetoric? Perhaps talk much about GOP figureheads getting "mild" to non-excisting COVID-19 symptoms but immedeatly go for the $2,5k per pop Regeneron anti-body treatment? I doubt I need to go for the "monetary" side of things do I, or should we start speaking about operation Warp Speed? :D



And cry us a river about the non-excisting mail in ballot cheating, or do you want to speak about the couple Republican voters who got caught (and thus show checks ARE in play)? Or perhaps the GOP politician who tried?

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You thinking it is "political" while atleast 750k already died from it and the government actually tries to "for the good of the people", I equal that to thinking DUI is "political" and should be thrown out.

Death is a fact of life. People die every day. Most of us do our level best to avoid it for as long as possible. I will join the army of the dead myself in due course.


Once in a while, death can be a useful tool to scare people into doing things that they would normally never do. Like allowing governments to spend enormous amounts of our money on pet projects, shifting great wealth from one sector of infrastructure to more expensive alternatives for their own profit, or terrifying the population into surrendering their freedom to a government that does their level best to convince the population that they have everything under control, and we'll all be safe under their care... for the sole purpose of creating a system of government that ensures they will never again be required to surrender power to the people.


Covid-19 became such a convenient cause of death, and they just don't want to let it go.

Talk much about GOPers who readily got vaccinated but spout anti-vaxx rhetoric?

I'm a Republican. I was a strong advocate for creating the vaccines as fast as possible. I was in favor of delivering these vaccines to anyone who wanted them, free of charge. I will help pick up the check for doing that. I never intended to take these vaccines myself. I will never be forced by anyone to inject that shit... into me. I'm not "Anti-Vax"... I am "Anti-Mandate". Go try to scare someone else.

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There is death, and their is avoidable death by action. Sure I will eventually drop dead, but would I like to be killed off by a passing idiot who couldn't take a simple precaution of quarantening for 14 das of his life to not possibly spread his deadly bugs to anyone else? Yeah I'd like to think that people would do that for me or society at large as I would do for them.


And dragging your rhetoric about spenddrifting politicians towards things you yourself might not deem worthy is more a signal of how you stand towards politics then how politicians in general are. Heck even I don't stand behind the entire budget allocation of Belgium, even ignoring the stuff I deem unneeded but understand it has to be added, I wouldn't want to rescind what I myself wouldn't support, that isn't what living in a society is.

Then again, Capitalism 101 is just what you described, perhaps your system is showing its flaws. Enjoy Corporate Government.



Anti-Mandate = Anti-Seatbelt (personal) + Anti-DUI (3rd party)

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but would I like to be killed off by a passing idiot who couldn't take a simple precaution of quarantening for 14 das of his life to not possibly spread his deadly bugs to anyone else?

That's what vaccines are for... all you are saying here is the vaccines don't work. 

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It's much worse in Belgium... no wonder you're so scared.

Violence breaks out at Brussels anti-vaccine protest in Europe's latest day of rage | Daily Mail Online

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but would I like to be killed off by a passing idiot who couldn't take a simple precaution of quarantening for 14 das of his life to not possibly spread his deadly bugs to anyone else?

That's what vaccines are for... all you are saying here is the vaccines don't work. 



Vaccines were made holier then the church by a fraction of politicians who knew nothing of their workings nor the science behind it. The vaccines indeed aren't like the measles one were you are "cleared" for a lifetime, they are in line with fly vaccines in that their effectiveness diminishes over the year(s). or rather the human body diminshes the responce, but lets not go to into the biology.


The vaccines were, and are, meant to keep massive outbreaks away, work in tandem with people observing sanitary requirements, keep to quarantine when ill and free up hospitals to truly care for the people with immunological deficiencies or major secondary health issues who could still contract the virus.


Like there is no magic pill that will rid you of the current or future infection (of whatever virus), neither is the vaccines the end-all to this situation. It requires the cooperation of society in its entirety to try and keep it down an manageable (cause unlike SARS or MERS, this one got out of the box to far).


If I need to be scared each time our capital hosts a protest, I don't think I would have time to sleep...


Yeah 35k people came together to protest, a legitimete practice which happended without interference from either the goverment or the police. Now to couple these people together with the ~500 hooligans who afterwards left a trail of destruction is actually an insult to these protestors. Don't tell me you guys don't have thugs running the "after party" of protests just so they can run amok?

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Like there is no magic pill that will rid you of the current or future infection (of whatever virus), neither is the vaccines the end-all to this situation.

I hope some day you will allow yourself the freedom to abandon the self imposed exile you have imprisoned yourself in. Life is going on out there, and I truly feel sorry for you. It's called "Coronaphobia".

Coronaphobia Is a New Disorder Emerging From the COVID-19 Pandemic-Here's What You Need to Know | Health.com

Don't tell me you guys don't have thugs running the "after party" of protests just so they can run amok?

We have thugs running the entire thing... from start to... oh well, I don't believe they have finished yet. 

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I am by no means staying cooped up, and while I understand social anxiety is on the rise I was more alluding to the people who for medical reasons need this bug squashed to manageble levels instead of bi-yearly flare-ups that overtax our healthcare system.

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I am by no means staying cooped up, and while I understand social anxiety is on the rise I was more alluding to the people who for medical reasons need this bug squashed to manageble levels instead of bi-yearly flare-ups that overtax our healthcare system.

Covid is a virus. It cannot be killed off. The only way to beat it is to make everyone immune to it. These vaccines do not make you immune to Covid... they are mRNA, which creates a barrier on your cells that retards the virus ability to enter your cells. Obviously, it is not perfect. I believe, if you are going to go the vaccination route... get the vaccine that actually gives you the virus in a non-threatening, dead viral form. Just like we did with Smallpox. You want to be free of Covid? Get Covid... get immune... and survive.


Get on with your life... you only get one.

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Virii can be killed off, when indeed no viable vector is left to them, aka total immunity in the population.


And who gave you that info on vaccine workings? mRNA does no such thing, regardless if it is viral in origin or not. Heck not all the vaccines are even RNA based!


Yes RNA vaccines are new, cutting edge technology from the US even! They are a breakthruw in making cheaper, fast refolmulation vaccines against virii who mutate beyond the scope of the regular vaccine developed for them.



I am getting on with my life, while also taking steps so society in its entirety can go on. And please get of the myth that "natural" vaccination is somehow better, stronger or unlimited, it is neither of those.

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