People of the Earth, Capitalism has mandated that the flu-season is stopping next year.
Capitalism wants people that get the flu to take some Nyquil and rest until you feel better... like we have always done.
Guess their bottomline on that one is bad these last 2 years. Strange what happens to infections when people take precautionary measures against virusses.
Hospitals were overcrowded, but most of all it were their Intensive Care Units that got the brunt of it.
That's what they told us. I can only imagine rooms full of occupied beds, people in hazmat suits running around taking temps and dishing out cups of Nyquil. They charge thousands of dollars every day for that. It's good business when no one has a choice.
I dunno, that rush for ventilators on the first wave seemed very real, Trump even getting General Motors on it. Then again there is talk off massive overcharging and backhanded deals in those governmental orders, grifters gotta grift right.
Anyway, 3/4th of a million people extra keeling over in 2 years doesn't strain your hospitals one bit? Didn't knew you guys ran charity hospitals with 1k beds to spare...
Now if you want to nag about your healthcare systems costs, "I'd be right by your side". 
*Looks up Nyguil* Wouldn't even help much against COVID-19 it seems, mostly a mild cough-suppresant.
I know Republicans have an issue with "evolution"
Here we go again... we're just too stupid to take care of ourselves. Must I send a quick donation to the DNC for re-education?
You keep complaining about politcians misrepresenting facts or grossly overstating opinions to drum up support. But when i ask you about actual science, you speak of hogwash and claim they are all frauds, all under the approving eye of Republican leadership casting those lines to you via Fox & all. The DNC isn't any better in it, but atleast they usually understand sarcasm...
You angry at being cautious? The current mutation is infecting people at an alarming rate
There is no reason for this...
California to reimpose universal indoor mask mandate | Fox News
Mask mandates both keep risk low and society open. Whats next, asking people to stop defecating in the streets so we don't get cholera? The humanity!
You also agreeing that the non-vaxxed have it coming then?
The people that "have it coming" are those that force vaccinations on people that don't want it.
You are still as free to ignore vaccination as you are to not wearing pants. Sadly both tend to make you have societal reprocautions when enacting these in public.
Disuccions about vaccine mandates have to be split into 2 parts, limited to specific jobs/vocations vs total society. I personally am inclined to consider #1, while #2 is a much harder line to cross. Both parts usually invoke pro's and cons about a person's freedom vs how that person's actions in either his/her job or society can be detremental to others.