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The Coronavirus

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*note* we do not know the underreporting of either of these stats, thou we do know that asymptomatic people are far less likely to infect others if they have been vaccinated.

I have been following all of this... daily... since it began, and everything they do is designed to keep it going.


It started with "2 weeks to flatten the curve", and nearly two years later they still want it to keep going. All year long it's been all about vaccines... and they counted it on a chart, pushing it every day, bitching about who won't bend to their will, and then suddenly on November 18th... they stopped counting. All of a sudden, no one cares about how many people have been vaccinated.


Now it's all about the deadly Omicron, and everyone must get their boosters. I don't believe a word they say.

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What did I miss since last coming here? Binary logic at full dispaly as always, so nothing then.

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*note* we do not know the underreporting of either of these stats, thou we do know that asymptomatic people are far less likely to infect others if they have been vaccinated.

I have been following all of this... daily... since it began, and everything they do is designed to keep it going.


It started with "2 weeks to flatten the curve", and nearly two years later they still want it to keep going. All year long it's been all about vaccines... and they counted it on a chart, pushing it every day, bitching about who won't bend to their will, and then suddenly on November 18th... they stopped counting. All of a sudden, no one cares about how many people have been vaccinated.


Now it's all about the deadly Omicron, and everyone must get their boosters. I don't believe a word they say.


Yeah this thing will keep going for years, its what happens with virusses. You think because we got lucky with SARS and MERS that it will always be like that? We still got all kinds of virusses floating around for decades.


You know why we were "flattening the curve"? It was to stop our healthcare services from croaking under the pressure of sick people. In some nations they had to move patients 100s of miles to a open hospital bed just to get treatment, regardless of it being COVID or not. Society was trying to come together and keep society going, it is what it does.


Yeah vaccination now gets put on the backfoot, mostly cause they already got whoever wants or needs it. At some point, shouting at the wall just ends up being moronic even for beaurocrats :D


So far Omicron hasn't been marked as "deadly" by science, it has however been marked as "highly contagious" and "likely less protected by current vaccines". It seems it has incorporated some "true" flu type mutations that further diminish our bodies immuno responce from activating after X months of your last vaccine, likewise the same for true post-infection immunity.

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Yeah this thing will keep going for years, its what happens with "Socialist, Communist, Globalists".

There... had to fix that for you.

You know why we were "flattening the curve"? It was to stop our healthcare services from croaking under the pressure of sick people.

That worked really well, didn't it? I never saw an overcrowded hospital. They locked them up, let no one inside, and not even a picture came out to show it. Unusually intelligent to admit contagious people into a hospital, when they don't even know how to treat them. Plus, any and all doctors that had any success with a treatment, were vilified and discredited. It's like they didn't want it to end.

Yeah vaccination now gets put on the backfoot, mostly cause they already got whoever wants or needs it.

No... they just keep changing things up, and lying the entire time. Anything to keep people too scared to live.

So far Omicron hasn't been marked as "deadly" by science, it has however been marked as "highly contagious" and "likely less protected by current vaccines".

Totally blown up as a big nothing. They haven't figured out a way to make it "dangerous" yet, but they got some headlines out of it.

 WHO: Still no known deaths globally from Omicron so far – HotAir

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Democrat Governor of Colorado declares the Covid pandemic is over... this is a great day.

Not often am I in such agreement with a Democrat, and it's a sign that things are changing.

Dem governor declares COVID-19 emergency ‘over,’ says it’s ‘their own darn fault’ if unvaccinated get sick | Fox News

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Yeah this thing will keep going for years, its what happens with "Socialist, Communist, Globalists".

There... had to fix that for you.

People of the Earth, Capitalism has mandated that the flu-season is stopping next year. Such things only happen annual in dirty Commie nations like China.


You know why we were "flattening the curve"? It was to stop our healthcare services from croaking under the pressure of sick people.

That worked really well, didn't it? I never saw an overcrowded hospital. They locked them up, let no one inside, and not even a picture came out to show it. Unusually intelligent to admit contagious people into a hospital, when they don't even know how to treat them. Plus, any and all doctors that had any success with a treatment, were vilified and discredited. It's like they didn't want it to end.

Quotations needed for all these claims.


Hospitals were overcrowded, but most of all it were their Intensive Care Units that got the brunt of it. Again why would you need to go 100s of miles for a hospital otherwise? They had to stop admitting people cause they were overworked and likely understaffed due to ill caregivers. Isolation wards and special precautions in-between patients take time and resources. Or do you want to put everyone in the same ward while being ill regardless if from COVID or a carcrash?


What miracle treatments? You mean the usual ones every doctor knows about or do you mean the bleach injections?


Yeah vaccination now gets put on the backfoot, mostly cause they already got whoever wants or needs it.

No... they just keep changing things up, and lying the entire time. Anything to keep people too scared to live.



I know Republicans have an issue with "evolution", kinda like they are mystified about how the tides work or how it comes that the Sun comes up every morning. You clearly were a hoot on the playground around the seesaw, not understanding that if 1 side changes, the other should to. What lies are you going to not mention this time?


Again, stop making this into a boogeyman just cause you need something to rile up against as a scapegoat. The world is continuing to rotate and so is society.


So far Omicron hasn't been marked as "deadly" by science, it has however been marked as "highly contagious" and "likely less protected by current vaccines".

Totally blown up as a big nothing. They haven't figured out a way to make it "dangerous" yet, but they got some headlines out of it.
WHO: Still no known deaths globally from Omicron so far – HotAir

You angry at being cautious? The current mutation is infecting people at an alarming rate, but thusfar actual increased hospitalisations aren't being linked to it. This is a good thing. If you like to blow steam about sensational reporting, I'd be right by your side.

Democrat Governor of Colorado declares the Covid pandemic is over... this is a great day.
Not often am I in such agreement with a Democrat, and it's a sign that things are changing.
Dem governor declares COVID-19 emergency ‘over,’ says it’s ‘their own darn fault’ if unvaccinated get sick | Fox News

Doing it more regional and on a need-to-do situation is good. You also agreeing that the non-vaxxed have it coming then?

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People of the Earth, Capitalism has mandated that the flu-season is stopping next year.

Capitalism wants people that get the flu to take some Nyquil and rest until you feel better... like we have always done.

Hospitals were overcrowded, but most of all it were their Intensive Care Units that got the brunt of it.

That's what they told us. I can only imagine rooms full of occupied beds, people in hazmat suits running around taking temps and dishing out cups of Nyquil. They charge thousands of dollars every day for that. It's good business when no one has a choice.

I know Republicans have an issue with "evolution"

Here we go again... we're just too stupid to take care of ourselves. Must I send a quick donation to the DNC for re-education?

You angry at being cautious? The current mutation is infecting people at an alarming rate

There is no reason for this...

 California to reimpose universal indoor mask mandate | Fox News

You also agreeing that the non-vaxxed have it coming then?

The people that "have it coming" are those that force vaccinations on people that don't want it.

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to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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People of the Earth, Capitalism has mandated that the flu-season is stopping next year.

Capitalism wants people that get the flu to take some Nyquil and rest until you feel better... like we have always done.

Guess their bottomline on that one is bad these last 2 years. Strange what happens to infections when people take precautionary measures against virusses.


Hospitals were overcrowded, but most of all it were their Intensive Care Units that got the brunt of it.

That's what they told us. I can only imagine rooms full of occupied beds, people in hazmat suits running around taking temps and dishing out cups of Nyquil. They charge thousands of dollars every day for that. It's good business when no one has a choice.


I dunno, that rush for ventilators on the first wave seemed very real, Trump even getting General Motors on it. Then again there is talk off massive overcharging and backhanded deals in those governmental orders, grifters gotta grift right.

Anyway, 3/4th of a million people extra keeling over in 2 years doesn't strain your hospitals one bit? Didn't knew you guys ran charity hospitals with 1k beds to spare...


Now if you want to nag about your healthcare systems costs, "I'd be right by your side". :D


*Looks up Nyguil* Wouldn't even help much against COVID-19 it seems, mostly a mild cough-suppresant.


I know Republicans have an issue with "evolution"

Here we go again... we're just too stupid to take care of ourselves. Must I send a quick donation to the DNC for re-education?

You keep complaining about politcians misrepresenting facts or grossly overstating opinions to drum up support. But when i ask you about actual science, you speak of hogwash and claim they are all frauds, all under the approving eye of Republican leadership casting those lines to you via Fox & all. The DNC isn't any better in it, but atleast they usually understand sarcasm...


You angry at being cautious? The current mutation is infecting people at an alarming rate

There is no reason for this...
California to reimpose universal indoor mask mandate | Fox News

Mask mandates both keep risk low and society open. Whats next, asking people to stop defecating in the streets so we don't get cholera? The humanity!


You also agreeing that the non-vaxxed have it coming then?

The people that "have it coming" are those that force vaccinations on people that don't want it.


You are still as free to ignore vaccination as you are to not wearing pants. Sadly both tend to make you have societal reprocautions when enacting these in public.


Disuccions about vaccine mandates have to be split into 2 parts, limited to specific jobs/vocations vs total society. I personally am inclined to consider #1, while #2 is a much harder line to cross. Both parts usually invoke pro's and cons about a person's freedom vs how that person's actions in either his/her job or society can be detremental to others.

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Mask mandates both keep risk low and society open.

The mask mandate is useless. Nevada is one of 8 states that currently have a mask mandate, and it's not enforced. The only people wearing the damn things are the poor employees. It makes absolutely no sense to wear a mask when 70% are vaccinated, everyone has already had it, and no one is dying. It's an authoritarian power obsession, and designed to keep the "pandemic" around so we can all continue fighting over it. Too many people don't want to care about this anymore, and they're done with the lies.

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People not caring does not stop it from being valid. Enforcement is always an issue for anything, usually societal pressure helps thou. And nobody dying? Nevada is hovering about 15-20 deaths a day from August now, you guys plateau'd on the wrong side of the Y-axis...


Again, what lies?

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Nevada is hovering about 15-20 deaths a day
Again, what lies?

Funny... you repeat the lies and then ask a question that you just answered.

People not caring does not stop it from being valid.

People not caring does stop it. It's only valid when people keep believing the lies... and they are lying.


More lies...

Biden warns of 'winter of severe illness and death' for the unvaccinated | Fox News


My entire family, and many of our friends, are unvaccinated... no one has died, or even been sick.

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I have not read back in this thread.  IDK who has said what.  I just want to say that my high school friend was infected and hospitalized with COVID in March 2020.  He is a long hauler, who has had organ after organ start to fail or completely fail. My best friend's entire household had it in Feb. 2021. Her 16 year old son was sick for months after being infected.  For her, it was like the flu.  My nephew (23 y/o) had COVID toes in 2020, thank goodness it was his only symptom!  I know at least 6 people who lost  one or more family members to COVID.  The point is that its real and there's no way to know how any individual will react to having it. 


Getting vaccinated lowers the risk of getting infected and those who are vaccinated have a much lower risk of serious illness if they do get infected. I know a lot of people who have been infected.  Most of the time they recovered.  But that's consistant with the information that's been disseminated.  The majority fo those infected survive.  Will you be one of the unlucky ones if you're infected? I'd rather not play the odds when my health is at stake.  


Some people react badly to the vaccine. Proportionatly, fewer people get serious side effects than people get seriously ill from covid infections. You know why no one gets small pox vaccines anymore? Because the vaccine wiped out the disease. Small pox does not exist outside laboratories. Just saying.  BTW, after 9/11 I was recruited to be a first responder and I learned more than I ever want to know about Small Pox, anthrax, and other scary diseases.  The vaccines are all a lot more dangerous, painful, and deadly than COVID vaccines.


You can decide that there is a massive world wide hoax and all the natations' leaders are in on spreading misinformation, but why?  

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My nephew (23 y/o) had COVID toes in 2020

Organ failure, Covid toes, and I know people who know people that died of Covid.


I've heard all the stories, but I have never seen it. I've been waiting two years for the horse drawn carts, rolling down the street, with a cloaked dude ringing a bell, yelling "Bring out your dead!" But it's never happened. All I have seen is people making money from Covid, people losing money from Covid, and another reason to keep people fighting over Covid. It's time to call it over.

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Nevada is hovering about 15-20 deaths a day

Again, what lies?

Funny... you repeat the lies and then ask a question that you just answered.


What lies? That over 800k americans have died from this? Those are all lies? Guess you folks have a very nasty serial killer on the loose then...


People not caring does not stop it from being valid.

People not caring does stop it. It's only valid when people keep believing the lies... and they are lying.
More lies...
Biden warns of 'winter of severe illness and death' for the unvaccinated | Fox News
My entire family, and many of our friends, are unvaccinated... no one has died, or even been sick.


Last page I calced out that you have a 7x higher chance of infection when not vaccinated with the numbers from Oregon.
Now is that a scary headline? Yes it is. For it being dropped by polticians, you once again have my sympathy for disliking their drama-esque method of plugging their story. Does it stop it from being a lie, nope it doesn't.
Neither has me or my family, anecdotal stories don't stop a disease from excisting, nor the deaths from happening.

You can decide that there is a massive world wide hoax and all the natations' leaders are in on spreading misinformation, but why?

Makes for an easier bedtime? Thou I think for some it just feeds on the "gov is bad" philosophy.

Also, hi SM!


My nephew (23 y/o) had COVID toes in 2020

Organ failure, Covid toes, and I know people who know people that died of Covid.

I've heard all the stories, but I have never seen it. I've been waiting two years for the horse drawn carts, rolling down the street, with a cloaked dude ringing a bell, yelling "Bring out your dead!" But it's never happened. All I have seen is people making money from Covid, people losing money from Covid, and another reason to keep people fighting over Covid. It's time to call it over.


Excellent, lets all these "War on X" you guys are so fond off. Clearly you haven't been prsonally affected by any of those, as has te majority of the population, nor has anything major happen surrounding them in the last decade or so. Clearly it is all old wives tales and should be swiftly thrown out and forgotten!

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What lies? That over 800k americans have died from this?

Lots of people die every day. I don't believe Covid killed all these people. Sorry... I don't believe them.

I calced out that you have a 7x higher chance of infection when not vaccinated with the numbers from Oregon.

Oregon? Don't make me laugh. Have you been to Oregon? I've been to Oregon. 80% of Oregon doesn't want to be Oregon.


I calced out that you have a 7x higher chance of a mental disorder.

I've never been to Belgium, but my guess it's the same as Oregon.

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Also, hi SM!

Hi Betsy!



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It doesn't matter how large you make the lies... they are still lies. 

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It doesn't matter how large you make the lies... they are still lies. 

Lmao! You think trump never had Covid? Or you think he won the election? Or both?

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"This award was custom made for a special person. Its gleam reflects the endearment of the people that she leads. Awarded to the IRON Maiden, Sister Midnight."

[center]~~A partner in Blade's crimes~~[center]Nukes taken for IRON since restarting on 6/10/2016: I stopped counting after 69.

Sister Midnight has been Baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!

The people of Antropomorphica join their leaders in welcoming the discovery of this previously unknown colony of Secor in the wilds of South America. They organised an airdrop of money and soldiers to protect this fledgling state as it undergoes construction (I mean... 1k infra at day 1 guys... come on!).

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Lmao! You think trump never had Covid? Or you think he won the election? Or both?

Trump got a cold, and they made a big deal out of it. You can believe that Joe Biden really got that many votes, and I can believe it was rigged. I can believe that Climate Change is an engineered crisis that Progressives want to use to benefit their agenda for a one world government. You can believe if we quit eating hamburgers and driving cars, we can change the way the planet evolves. We can only speak our minds and try to make sense out of it all. The beautiful thing about being a human is our amazing ability to believe whatever we want. The hard part is respecting the beliefs of others. My problem is I have no tolerance for stupidity.

Woke (adj.)

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Lmao! You think trump never had Covid? Or you think he won the election? Or both?

Trump got a cold, and they made a big deal out of it. You can believe that Joe Biden really got that many votes, and I can believe it was rigged. I can believe that Climate Change is an engineered crisis that Progressives want to use to benefit their agenda for a one world government. You can believe if we quit eating hamburgers and driving cars, we can change the way the planet evolves. We can only speak our minds and try to make sense out of it all. The beautiful thing about being a human is our amazing ability to believe whatever we want. The hard part is respecting the beliefs of others. My problem is I have no tolerance for stupidity.

Are there facts in your universe? Is all perception reality? When you feel intolerant of stupidity is it possible you’re the fool? If you don’t believe in something, does that mean it doesn’t exist? Are almost all medical professionals lying to their patients? Why would trump announce he had Covid when it was a little cold?

Most important is the question raised earlier, why are most world leaders pretending there’s a disease killing us when it doesn’t even exist? Why are they ALL lying?

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( @ )( @ ) The official salute from women in the great, nudist nation of Secor. I'm naked and very excited to be here.

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The Supercalifragalisticexpealadocious Award

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[center]~~A partner in Blade's crimes~~[center]Nukes taken for IRON since restarting on 6/10/2016: I stopped counting after 69.

Sister Midnight has been Baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!

The people of Antropomorphica join their leaders in welcoming the discovery of this previously unknown colony of Secor in the wilds of South America. They organised an airdrop of money and soldiers to protect this fledgling state as it undergoes construction (I mean... 1k infra at day 1 guys... come on!).

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